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NSEventEnum Enumeration

Contains all events that can be raised by Notification Services.

Namespace: Microsoft.SqlServer.NotificationServices
Assembly: Microsoft.SqlServer.NotificationServices (in microsoft.sqlserver.notificationservices.dll)


Public Enumeration NSEventEnum
public enum NSEventEnum
public enum class NSEventEnum
public enum NSEventEnum
public enum NSEventEnum


Member name Description
ActionAndConditionActionDefined Define either an Action or a ConditionAction for an EventRule or ScheduledRule, not both.
AddSubscriberDeviceSubscriberIdInvalid Notification Services failed to add a new subscriber device to the NSSubscriberDevices table because the subscriber ID is not valid.
AddSubscriberIdInvalid Notification Services failed to add a new subscriber to the NSSubscribers table because the subscriber ID is not valid.
AdminStartError Not used.
AdminStartInfo Not used.
AdminStartVerbose Not used.
AdminStartWarning Not used.
ApplicationDatabaseFileGroupContainsNoFiles An ApplicationDatabaseFileGroup object contains no ApplicationDatabaseFile objects in its ApplicationDatabaseFiles collection.
ApplicationDBNotFound The application database was not found. Verify that all databases associated with the instance are available.
ApplicationDisabled This application is disabled.
ApplicationDisabledAtStartup The application is disabled. It must be enabled before any processing will occur.
ApplicationDoesNotExist The specified application does not exist. Verify the application name.
ApplicationMustBeDisabledToUpdate The instance must be disabled before it can be updated or upgraded.
ApplicationNotFound The specified application is not registered with this instance.
ApplicationSchemaNotFound The application schema was not found. Verify that all the databases associated with the instance are available.
AppSchemaAlreadyInUse A Notification Services application is already using the specified schema in the database. Please use a different schema.
ArgumentKeyCannotBeSpecified The EncryptArguments value is false. Do not specify an argument key when creating or updating the instance.
ArgumentKeyRequired The EncryptArguments value is true; you must provide an argument key when you create or update the instance.
ASProvider2DResultRequired The AnalysisServicesProvider event provider requires an MDX query that returns a two-dimensional result. The MDX query given returned a result with more than two dimensions.
ASProviderEventsWritten The AnalysisServicesProvider event provider submitted events.
ASProviderFailedToCast The AnalysisServicesProvider event provider encountered a type mismatch between an event field and its value returned by the MDX query.
ASProviderFailedToRun The AnalysisServicesProvider event provider failed while running an MDX query. The provider will be terminated.
ASProviderFieldCountMismatch The number of columns returned by the MDX query is different from the number of fields in the event class. Modify the application definition and then update the instance.
ASProviderIncompatibleArgs The following arguments cannot be used with an MDX query. Modify the application definition and then update the instance.
ASProviderInvalidXslt The XSL transform is not valid.
ASProviderMdxQuery The AnalysisServicesProvider event provider ran an MDX query.
ASProviderQueryArgRequired An MDX query requires one of the following sets of arguments. Modify the application definition and then update the instance.
ASProviderQueryNoRows The AnalysisServicesProvider event provider ran an MDX query.
ASProviderRequiredArgsMissing The AnalysisServicesProvider event provider is missing one or more required arguments.
ASProviderRunTimedOut The AnalysisServicesProvider event provider failed to submit events within the specified timeout period.
ASProviderSubmitBatchFailed The AnalysisServicesProvider event provider failed to submit an event batch.
ASProviderUnknownArgs The AnalysisServicesProvider event provider definition contains unknown arguments. Modify the application definition and then update the instance.
ASProviderXsltFileNotFound The XSL transform file was not found.
AssemblyNameGivenForBuiltInEventProvider The event provider definition includes the class name of a built-in event provider and an assembly name. Do not specify an assembly name when using a built-in event provider.
BadApplicationNameSupplied The application name supplied to Notification Services report is not valid.
BadEventChronicleSchema The Transact-SQL statement for the event chronicle failed.
BadLocaleStringInNotification The locale string in the notification is not valid.
BadSubscriptionChronicleSchema The Transact-SQL statement for the subscription chronicle failed.
BothFieldReferenceAndSqlExpressionSet Both the SqlExpression and the FieldReference properties on a ProtocolField object were set. Only one of these properties can be set on the same ProtocolField object.
BuildRestrictedEventView Notification Services is building a restricted event view.
BuildRestrictedSubscriptionView Notification Services is building a restricted subscription view.
BuiltInProtocolRedefinition The protocol cannot have the same name as a built-in protocol.
BuiltRuleFiringBuckets Notification Services has built rule firing buckets.
CannotDigestAndMulticast Both DigestDelivery and MulticastDelivery cannot be specified in the same notification class.
CannotUpdateEncryptArguments The value of the EncryptArguments element cannot be updated. To change the value of the EncryptArguments element, you must re-create the instance.
CompilerDynamicSqlConsistencyCheckFailure Notification Services could not obtain an identifier needed to construct a Transact-SQL statement.
CompletedQuantumAlreadyExists There is a completed quantum which includes the current real time.
ConditionWithNoConditionAction The Subscription.Condition property can only be set for a ConditionAction rule.
ConditionWithNoRuleName When using the Subscription.Condition property, the Subscription.RuleName property must also be set.
ConflictingParameters The following parameters cannot be specified at the same time.
ContentFormatterClassNotInAssembly The assembly does not contain the required content formatter class.
ContentFormatterNotBuiltInFormatter The content formatter cannot be found. If the formatter is not provided by Notification Services, an assembly and class name must be provided.
CouldNotConnectToInstanceDatabase The instance database could not be reached.
CouldNotCreateDatabase The database could not be created.
CouldNotFindEventClassNameForRuleFiring Failed to find an event class name corresponding to the event class identifier specified for prepared rule firing.
CouldNotFindSubscriptionClassNameForRuleFiring Failed to find a subscription class name corresponding to the subscription class identifier specified for prepared rule firing.
CouldNotLoadSqlXmlBulkLoader The SQL XML Bulk Loader could not be initialized. Ensure that it is installed or repair its installation.
CouldNotRetrieveVacuumSystemName Notification Services could not retrieve the system name from the NSVacuumState table. The data removal process will not run on the local system.
CouldNotSyncApplicationListWithDatabase The service application list could not be synchronized with the instance's application list in the database. The instance database may be unavailable.
CreatedDistributors The Notification Services distributor component has finished creating distributors.
CreateFunction An attempt to run a Transact-SQL CREATE FUNCTION statement failed.
CreateIndex An attempt to run a Transact-SQL CREATE INDEX statement failed.
CreateMaterializedEventView Notification Services is creating a materialized view of the events.
CreateMaterializedScheduledSubscriptionView Notification Services is creating a materialized view of the subscriptions for scheduled rule firings.
CreateServiceFailed The Notification Services Microsoft Windows service could not be registered with the Service Control Manager (SCM).
CreateStoredProc An attempt to run a Transact-SQL CREATE PROCEDURE statement failed.
CreateTable An attempt to run a Transact-SQL CREATE TABLE statement failed.
CreateTrigger An attempt to run a Transact-SQL CREATE TRIGGER statement failed.
CreateView An attempt to run a Transact-SQL CREATE VIEW statement failed.
CreateXmlSchemaCollection An attempt to run a Transact-SQL CREATE XML SCHEMA COLLECTION statement failed.
CreatingDistributors The Notification Services distributor component is creating distributors.
DatabaseDoesNotExist The specified database was not found.
DatabaseVersionMismatch The version number of the application database does not match the version number of the instance database. All databases must be at the same version to perform this operation.
DBExecutionError An error occurred while running a query against the database.
DefaultFileGroupNotSet The default file group for this database could not be set. The file group name might not be valid.
DeleteServiceFailed The Service Control Manager (SCM) could not delete the Notification Services process.
DeliveryChannelNotDefined The delivery channel specified for this notification class was not defined in the application's configuration.
DeliveryChannelProtocolNotSupported The notification class does not support the delivery channel.
DeliveryChannelProtocolUnknown The protocol has not been defined and is not a built-in protocol.
DeliveryFailureOnChannel A delivery failure was reported.
DeliveryProtocolImplementationError The number of notification status callbacks made is larger than the number of notifications. This is due to an error in the delivery protocol implementation. The notification status callback should be called exactly once for each notification.
DistributorFinishedProcessingWorkItem The distributor has finished processing a distributor work item.
DistributorProcessingNotification The distributor is processing a notification.
DistributorQuantumExecutionEnd The distributor quantum execution is ending.
DistributorQuantumExecutionStart The distributor quantum execution is starting.
DistributorScheduledWorkItem The distributor has scheduled a work item.
DistributorStarted The distributor has started.
DistributorStartError Not used.
DistributorStartInfo Not used.
DistributorStartProcessingWorkItem The distributor is starting to process a distributor work item.
DistributorStartVerbose Not used.
DistributorStartWarning Not used.
DistributorStopped The distributor has stopped.
DistributorThreadPoolSizeNotValidForEdition The distributor ThreadPoolSize value must be at most 3 for the Standard Edition of Notification Services.
DropFunction An attempt to run a Transact-SQL DROP FUNCTION statement failed.
DropIndex An attempt to run a Transact-SQL DROP INDEX statement failed.
DropStoredProc An attempt to run a Transact-SQL DROP PROCEDURE statement failed.
DropTable An attempt to run a Transact-SQL DROP TABLE statement failed.
DropUser An attempt to run a Transact-SQL DROP USER statement failed.
DropView An attempt to run a Transact-SQL DROP VIEW statement failed.
DropXmlSchemaCollection An attempt to run a Transact-SQL DROP XML SCHEMA COLLECTION statement failed.
DuplicateApplication The application name already exists. Application names must be unique within an instance.
DuplicateClassName The specified class name is already in use. Class names must be unique across all event, subscription, and notification classes within an application. Update the application definition, providing unique names for all classes.
DuplicateCommandLineParameter The command line parameter cannot be specified more than once.
DuplicateFieldNameInNotificationClass The specified field name is already in use by this notification class. Field names must be unique across all notification fields, computed fields, and protocol fields.
DuplicateInstanceName The specified name is used by another Notification Services instance on the server. Specify a different instance name.
DuplicateParameterOrArgument The following parameter or argument cannot be specified more than once.
DuplicateProviderName The specified event provider name is already in use. Provider names must be unique across all hosted and non-hosted event providers within an application. Update the application definition, providing unique names for all providers.
DuplicateSubscriber Notification Services failed to add a new subscriber to the NSSubscribers table because the subscriber already exists.
EditionMismatch The database was created with or upgraded to a different edition of Notification Services. Use the Notification Services edition that the database expects.
ErrorCreatingLowPrivilegeEvaluatorUser Failed to create SqlUser for ConditionAction. Ensure the SqlLogin exists on the server.
ErrorDeletingApplication The application could not be deleted.
ErrorDeletingApplicationName The specified application name could not be deleted from the main instance database.
ErrorDeletingDatabase The database could not be deleted.
ErrorDeletingInstance The instance could not be deleted.
ErrorDuringDistributorExecutionLoop An error occurred during the distributor execution loop.
ErrorDuringEventProviderHostExecutionLoop An error occurred during the event provider host execution loop.
ErrorDuringGeneratorExecutionLoop An error occurred during the generator execution loop.
ErrorDuringVacuumerExecutionLoop An error occurred during the data removal (Vacuumer) execution loop.
ErrorDuringVacuuming An error occurred while the data removal process (Vacuumer) was running. Wait for the next data removal interval or run the stored procedure to complete the data removal process.
ErrorExecutingSetupSP An error occurred when creating the instance stored procedures.
ErrorExportingApplication The application could not be exported.
ErrorExportingInstance The instance could not be exported.
ErrorGettingProcessIdentifiers An error occurred when getting information about connections to the database.
ErrorIdentifyingSqlServerInstance Notification Services is unable to determine if the Microsoft SQL Server instance specified in the instance configuration file (ICF) is the same as the current instance of SQL Server. Verify that the instance you are connected to is the same as the instance specified in the ICF.
ErrorParsingXml An error occurred when parsing the XML file.
ErrorProcessingWorkItem An error occurred while processing the work item.
ErrorReadingRegistryParameters Required information could not be retrieved from the registry. This usually indicates a problem with setup, configuration, or security.
ErrorReadingVacuumConfiguration The data removal process (Vacuumer) failed to read its configuration information from the database.
ErrorRetrievingApplicationNames An error occurred when retrieving the application names from the instance database.
ErrorRetrievingApplicationStatus The status of the application could not be retrieved from the database.
ErrorRetrievingInstanceStatus The status of the instance could not be retrieved from the database.
ErrorTryingToCancelAllWorkItems Some work items could not be canceled.
ErrorUpgradingApplicationNamesData The data in the NSApplicationNames table in the instance database could not be upgraded.
ErrorUpgradingInstance The instance could not be upgraded.
ErrorWritingRegistryParameters Configuration information could not be written to the registry. This usually indicates a problem with setup, configuration, or security.
EvaluationPeriodExpired The Notification Services evaluation period has expired.
EventBatchAlreadyFlushed The specified event batch has already been submitted. You cannot submit additional events in this batch.
EventChronicleHasNoSqlStatements The event chronicle definition has no Transact-SQL statements. Event chronicle definitions must contain at least one Transact-SQL statement.
EventClassChronicleRuleFailed The subscription rule was canceled because an event chronicle rule that it depends on failed.
EventCollectorStartError Not used.
EventCollectorStartInfo Not used.
EventCollectorStartVerbose Not used.
EventCollectorStartWarning Not used.
EventLoaderFoundNoEvents The EventLoader object found no events in the given file or stream.
EventLoaderSchemaMissingSqlRelation The event schema specified for the EventLoader object is not valid. The event schema needs to contain a single urn:schemas-microsoft-com:mapping-schema:relation node.
EventProviderInitialized The event provider is initialized.
EventProviderRunning The event provider is running.
EventProviderStopped The event provider is stopped.
EventsDisabledForApplication Event submission is disabled for this application.
EventThrottleExceeded The number of events in this quantum is greater than the throttle specified for events.
FailedGlobalDBCreation An error occurred when creating the instance database.
FailedRuleFiringExecution The running of a scheduled subscription rule failed.
FailedToAbandonWorkItem The work item could not be abandoned. The work item was assigned to a distributor but an error prevented it from being processed.
FailedToAccessPerformanceCounter The specified performance counter could not be accessed.
FailedToAddApplicationConfig Notification Services failed to insert application data into the NSApplicationConfig table.
FailedToAddApplicationName Notification Services failed to insert application data into the NSApplicationNames table.
FailedToAddComputedField The computed field could not be added.
FailedToAddContentFormatter The content formatter could not be added.
FailedToAddContentFormatterArgument Notification Services failed to insert a ContentFormatterArgument into the NSContentFormatterArguments table.
FailedToAddDatabaseFile Notification Services failed to insert application data into the NSDatabaseFiles table.
FailedToAddDatabaseOptions Notification Services failed to insert application data into the NSDatabaseOptions table.
FailedToAddDatabaseRole Notification Services failed to create a database role.
FailedToAddDeliveryChannel The delivery channel could not be added.
FailedToAddDeliveryChannelArgument An argument for the delivery channel could not be added.
FailedToAddDistributor The distributor could not be added.
FailedToAddEventChronicle The event chronicle (or event chronicle Transact-SQL statement) could not be added to the table of event chronicles in the application database.
FailedToAddEventClass Notification Services failed to insert event class information into the NSEventClasses table.
FailedToAddEventClassIndexSqlSchema Notification Services could not create an index for the specified event class. Verify that the table name in the index statement uses the format schemaName.eventClassName.
FailedToAddEventField Notification Services failed to insert field information into the NSEventFields table.
FailedToAddGenerator The generator could not be added to the generators table in the application database.
FailedToAddInstanceConfig Notification Services failed to insert instance configuration data into the NSInstanceConfig table.
FailedToAddNotificationClass The notification class could not be added.
FailedToAddNotificationClassProtocol The protocol for the notification class could not be added.
FailedToAddNotificationField Notification Services failed to insert application data into the NSNotificationFields table.
FailedToAddProtocol Notification Services failed to insert application data into the NSProtocols table.
FailedToAddProtocolField A protocol field could not be added.
FailedToAddProtocolRetrySchedule Notification Services failed to insert application data into the NSProtocolRetrySchedules table.
FailedToAddProvider Notification Services failed to insert application data into the NSProviders table.
FailedToAddProviderArgument Notification Services failed to insert application data into the NSProviderArguments table.
FailedToAddRoleMember Notification Services failed to add a role member.
FailedToAddRule The rule could not be added to or updated in the application database. The rule might contain a syntax error or a misspelled object name.
FailedToAddSubscriber Notification Services failed to add a new subscriber to the NSSubscribers table.
FailedToAddSubscriberDevice The subscriber device could not be added.
FailedToAddSubscription Notification Services failed to insert the new subscription.
FailedToAddSubscriptionChronicle The subscription chronicle could not be added.
FailedToAddSubscriptionClass The subscription class could not be added.
FailedToAddSubscriptionClassSqlStatement Notification Services failed to insert application data into the NSSubscriptionClassSqlStatements table.
FailedToAddSubscriptionField Notification Services failed to insert fields into the NSSubscriptionFields table.
FailedToAddVacuum An error occurred while inserting a record into the NSVacuumState table.
FailedToAddVacuumSchedule An error occurred while inserting a record into the NSVacuumSchedule table.
FailedToAddVersionInfo Notification Services failed to insert application data into the NSVersionInfo table.
FailedToAlterTable An attempt to run a Transact-SQL ALTER TABLE statement failed.
FailedToAssignNextWorkItemToDistributor A work item could not be assigned to the distributor.
FailedToBackupSubscriptionTable An error occurred while trying to rename the subscription table for backup. You may need to manually delete the previous backup table.
FailedToCancelTimedOutWorkItem The work item could not be canceled after a time-out.
FailedToCheckIfArgumentEncryptionUsed Notification Services could not determine if the instance encrypts arguments.
FailedToCheckWorkItemExpiry The expired notifications could not be updated.
FailedToCleanUpOrphanedWorkItems The orphaned work items from a previous run of the service could not be cleaned up.
FailedToCloseContentFormatter The content formatter could not be closed.
FailedToCloseProtocol The delivery protocol could not be closed.
FailedToCommitEventBatch The event collector failed to commit an event batch.
FailedToCompileNotificationClassProtocol Some procedures for the protocol used by the notification class could not be created.
FailedToCreateEventStoredProcedures Notification Services failed to create the event collection stored procedures.
FailedToCreateEventsView The restricted view of the event class could not be created.
FailedToCreateMetadataStore Notification Services failed to create the instance metadata store.
FailedToCreatePerformanceCounterInstances Notification Services failed to create performance counters.
FailedToCreateSubscriptionScheduleIdIndex An error occurred while trying to create an index on the ScheduleId system column within the subscription table.
FailedToCreateSubscriptionsView The restricted view of the subscription class could not be created.
FailedToCreateVacuumingProcedures The data removal (Vacuumer) stored procedures could not be created.
FailedToCreateWorkItemsFromBatches The distributor could not create work items.
FailedToDeleteApplicationProcedures The application-specific stored procedures could not be deleted from the instance database.
FailedToDeleteContentFormatterArguments Notification Services failed to delete the arguments for a specified ContentFormatter.
FailedToDeleteDatabaseRole Notification Services failed to delete a database role.
FailedToDeleteDeliveryChannel The delivery channel could not be deleted.
FailedToDeleteDeliveryChannelArguments The arguments for the delivery channel could not be deleted.
FailedToDeleteDistributor The distributor could not be deleted.
FailedToDeleteEventClass The event class could not be deleted.
FailedToDeleteNotificationClass The notification class could not be deleted.
FailedToDeleteNotificationClassProtocol The notification class protocol could not be deleted.
FailedToDeleteProtocol Notification Services failed to delete a protocol.
FailedToDeleteProvider Notification Services failed to delete an event provider.
FailedToDeleteProviderArguments Notification Services failed to delete the arguments for the specified event provider.
FailedToDeleteRule The rule could not be deleted.
FailedToDeleteSubscriber Notification Services failed to delete a subscriber from the NSSubscribers table.
FailedToDeleteSubscriberDevice The subscriber device could not be deleted.
FailedToDeleteSubscriptionClass The subscription class could not be deleted.
FailedToDeleteSubscriptions Notification Services failed to delete the subscription(s).
FailedToDeleteSubscriptionsMissingSubscriberId Notification Services failed to delete subscriptions due to a subscriber Id that is not valid.
FailedToDeleteVacuumSchedule An error occurred while deleting from the NSVacuumSchedule table.
FailedToDeliverNotificationToProtocol The delivery protocol threw an exception in its IDeliveryProtocol.DeliverNotification() method.
FailedToDisableApplication The application could not be disabled.
FailedToDisableDistributor The distributor could not be disabled.
FailedToDisableEventCollectionComponent Notification Services failed to disable the event collection component.
FailedToDisableGeneratorComponent The generator could not be disabled.
FailedToDisablePerformanceMonitorComponent The performance monitoring component could not be disabled. Restart the instance.
FailedToDisableVacuumerComponent The data removal component (Vacuumer) could not be disabled. Restart the instance.
FailedToDropConstraint Notification Services failed to drop a constraint.
FailedToDropTrigger Notification Services failed to drop a trigger.
FailedToEnableApplication The application could not be enabled.
FailedToEnableDistributor The distributor could not be enabled.
FailedToEnableGeneratorComponent The generator could not be enabled.
FailedToEnumerateQuantumRuleFirings The generator could not get the list of rules to be run in this quantum.
FailedToExecMaterializeEventViewProc The view of the event class could not be materialized.
FailedToExecuteIndexSqlSchema The Transact-SQL statement for the subscription class failed.
FailedToFailRuleFiring The status of the rule firing could not be updated. The rule firing failed.
FailedToFindContentFormatterForNotificationClass The notification class does not have a content formatter.
FailedToFlushProtocol The delivery protocol could not be flushed.
FailedToFormatContent The notification could not be formatted.
FailedToGetApplicationConfig Notification Services failed to read the NSApplicationConfig table.
FailedToGetColumnLocale Notification Services failed to get column locale information.
FailedToGetComputedFields The list of computed fields for the notification class could not be obtained.
FailedToGetContentFormatterArguments Notification Services failed to read the NSContentFormatterArguments table.
FailedToGetContentFormatters The information about the content formatter could not be obtained.
FailedToGetDatabaseFiles Notification Services failed to read the NSDatabaseFiles table.
FailedToGetDatabaseOptions Notification Services failed to read the NSDatabaseOptions table.
FailedToGetDeliveryChannelArguments The list of arguments for the delivery channel could not be obtained.
FailedToGetDeliveryChannels The list of delivery channels could not be obtained.
FailedToGetDistributors The list of distributors could not be obtained.
FailedToGetEventChronicles The set of event chronicles for the event class could not be obtained.
FailedToGetEventClasses Notification Services failed to read the NSEventClasses table.
FailedToGetEventFields Notification Services failed to read the NSEventFields table.
FailedToGetGenerators The set of generators for the application could not be obtained.
FailedToGetGeneratorSleepTime The generator failed while calculating the amount of time to sleep until the next quantum ends.
FailedToGetInstanceConfig Notification Services failed to read the NSInstanceConfig table.
FailedToGetMetadata Notification Services failed to get the metadata for the specified instance.
FailedToGetNotificationClassProtocols The list of protocols and the notification classes using them could not be obtained.
FailedToGetNotificationFields Notification Services failed to read the NSNotificationFields table.
FailedToGetNotificationsForWorkItem The set of notifications for the work item could not be obtained.
FailedToGetProtocolFields The list of protocol fields for the notification class could not be obtained.
FailedToGetProtocolRetrySchedules Notification Services failed to read the NSProtocolRetrySchedules table.
FailedToGetProtocols Notification Services failed to read the NSProtocols table.
FailedToGetProviderArguments Notification Services failed to read the NSProviderArguments table.
FailedToGetProviders Notification Services failed to read the NSProviders table.
FailedToGetSqlServerEdition Notification Services failed to retrieve the Microsoft SQL Server edition.
FailedToGetSubscriberDevices Notification Services failed to read the NSSubscriberDevices table.
FailedToGetSubscriberLocales Notification Services failed to read the NSSubscriberLocales table.
FailedToGetSubscribers Notification Services failed to read rows from the NSSubscribers table.
FailedToGetSubscriptionChronicles The set of subscription chronicles for the subscription class could not be obtained from the application database.
FailedToGetSubscriptionClasses The set of subscription classes in the application could not be obtained.
FailedToGetSubscriptionClassSqlStatement Notification Services failed to read the NSSubscriptionClassSqlStatements table.
FailedToGetSubscriptionFields Notification Services failed to read the NSSubscriptionFields table.
FailedToGetSubscriptions Notification Services failed to read the subscription table.
FailedToGetTimeZones Notification Services failed to read the NSTimeZones table.
FailedToGetVersionInfo Notification Services failed to read the NSVersionInfo table.
FailedToGrantExecute Notification Services could not grant EXECUTE permission to a stored procedure or function.
FailedToGrantPermissionOnDatabaseObject Notification Services failed to grant permissions on a database object.
FailedToGrantSelectOnView Notification Services failed to grant SELECT permissions on a view.
FailedToInitializeContentFormatter The content formatter could not be initialized.
FailedToInitializeProtocol The delivery protocol could not be initialized.
FailedToInsertStatusCode Notification Services failed to insert a status code.
FailedToInstallPerformanceCategory The performance counter category could not be installed.
FailedToInstantiateContentFormatterClass An instance of the content formatter could not be created.
FailedToInstantiateProtocolClass An instance of the delivery protocol could not be created.
FailedToLoadContentFormatterAssembly The assembly containing the content formatter could not be loaded.
FailedToLoadProtocolAssembly The assembly containing the delivery protocol could not be loaded.
FailedToLoadProviderAssembly Notification Services failed to load the event provider assembly.
FailedToLocateDependency Notification Services failed to locate one or more dependencies of the specified event provider. Ensure that the event provider is installed properly.
FailedToLocateProviderAssembly Notification Services was unable to locate the event provider assembly. Ensure that the event provider path is correct in the application definition.
FailedToLogNotificationDeliveryAttempt An error occurred while logging the delivery attempt for this notification.
FailedToMarkWorkItemEnd The distributor could not mark the work item as ended.
FailedToMarkWorkItemFatalConfigError The distributor could not mark the work item as failed.
FailedToMarkWorkItemStart The distributor could not mark the work item as started.
FailedToMaterializeSubscriptionView The subscription view could not be materialized.
FailedToObtainApplicationLockForAssigningWorkItems An application lock used for assigning work items could not be obtained.
FailedToObtainApplicationLockForGettingActivationState The application lock necessary for getting activation state could not be obtained.
FailedToObtainApplicationLockForMaterializingViews An application lock could not be acquired for materializing views.
FailedToObtainTrueNSVersion Notification Services could not determine the version number of the instance.
FailedToReleaseApplicationLockForAssigningWorkItems An application lock used for assigning work items could not be released.
FailedToReleaseApplicationLockForGettingActivationState The application lock necessary for getting activation state could not be released.
FailedToReleaseApplicationLockForMaterializingViews The application lock used for materializing views could not be released.
FailedToRemoveNSRoleFromDBOwner A Notification Services database role could not be removed from the db_owner database role.
FailedToRenameDatabaseObject Notification Services failed to rename a database object.
FailedToRenameSubscriptionTable The table for the subscription class could not be renamed.
FailedToRenameTable Notification Services failed to rename a table.
FailedToScheduleGeneratorQuantum The generator failed to schedule a quantum.
FailedToScheduleRuleFirings The generator could not schedule the rules to be fired in this quantum.
FailedToScheduleWorkerThread The distributor could not schedule a worker thread to process a work item.
FailedToSetDatabaseCompatibilityMode The database compatibility mode could not be set.
FailedToSetLinkNotificationIds The link notification IDs could not be set.
FailedToTranslateXmlInstanceDefinition Failed to translate the XML instance definition into an NMO object graph.
FailedToUninstallPerformanceCategory The performance counter category could not be removed.
FailedToUpdateActivationStateCache The activation state cache could not be updated.
FailedToUpdateActivationStateOfOneOrMoreAppComponents The activation states of one or more of the application's components could not be updated.
FailedToUpdateApplicationConfig Notification Services failed to update the application configuration settings.
FailedToUpdateContentFormatter The content formatter could not be updated.
FailedToUpdateDeliveryChannel The delivery channel could not be updated.
FailedToUpdateDistributor The distributor could not be updated.
FailedToUpdateDistributors The activation state of the distributor could not be changed.
FailedToUpdateDistributorsActivationStates The activation states of one or more distributors could not be updated.
FailedToUpdateEventProvidersActivationStates The activation states of one or more event providers could not be updated.
FailedToUpdateGeneratorActivationState The activation state of the generator could not be updated.
FailedToUpdateGenerators The generator could not be updated in the application database.
FailedToUpdateGeneratorState The activation state of the generator could not be updated.
FailedToUpdateInstanceConfig Notification Services failed to update the instance configuration settings.
FailedToUpdateNotificationClassProtocol The notification class protocol could not be updated.
FailedToUpdateNSMainEnableDisable Notification Services failed to update the enable/disable flag for one or more applications in the NSMain database.
FailedToUpdatePerformanceMonitorActivationState The activation state of the performance monitor could not be updated.
FailedToUpdateProvider Notification Services failed to update the NSProviders table.
FailedToUpdateProviderState Notification Services failed to update the state for the specified event provider.
FailedToUpdateQuantumFailurePerformanceCounter The generator quantum failure performance counter could not be updated.
FailedToUpdateQuantumPerformanceCounters The generator quantum performance counters could not be updated.
FailedToUpdateQuantumProcessedPerformanceCounter The generator quantum processed performance counter could not be updated.
FailedToUpdateQuantumStatus The status of this quantum could not be updated.
FailedToUpdateRuleFiringFailedPerformanceCounter The rule firing failed performance counter could not be updated.
FailedToUpdateRuleFiringNotificationPerformanceCounter The rule firing notification performance counters could not be updated.
FailedToUpdateRuleFiringPerformanceCounter The rule firing count performance counter could not be updated.
FailedToUpdateSubscriber Notification Services failed to update the NSSubscribers table.
FailedToUpdateSubscriberDevice The subscriber device could not be updated.
FailedToUpdateSubscription Notification Services failed to update the subscription.
FailedToUpdateVacuumerActivationState The activation state of the data removal process (Vacuumer) could not be updated.
FailedToUpdateVersionInfo Notification Services failed to update the NSVersionInfo table.
FailedToVerifyUndeliverableNotifications An error occurred while checking for undeliverable notifications. Use the NSDiagnosticFailedNotifications stored procedure to manually identify undeliverable notifications.
FailedToWriteNotificationStatus The status of the notification could not be updated.
FailToDisableApplicationWithEnableComponents The application could not be disabled because some of its components were requested to be enabled.
FailToGetNotificationClasses Notification Services failed to get a list of the notification classes.
FailToGetRuleList Notification Services failed to get a list of the match rules.
FailToStartNewEventBatch The event collector failed to start a new event batch.
FailToWriteEvent The event collector failed to write an event.
FailureInApplicationDriverExecutionLoop An unhandled exception was caught in the application driver execution loop. The service should be restarted.
FieldReferencedByProtocolNotFound A field referenced in the protocol's Fields element cannot be found in the notification class.
FileDeliveryCacheFileNotAdded The file has not been added to the internal file cache.
FileDeliveryCacheOverflowError This application is using too many files.
FileDeliveryCannotOpen The file could not be opened.
FileDeliveryCloseError The file could not be closed.
FileDeliveryDeliverNotificationFailed The notification could not be written to the file.
FileDeliveryUnknownArgs A delivery channel using the File delivery protocol has unrecognized arguments. Modify the delivery channel arguments in the instance configuration and then update the instance.
FileIsDirectory The specified path is a directory. You must include the file name.
FileNotFound The file was not found.
FSProviderDiscardingEventFile The FileSystemWatcher event provider failed to submit events.
FSProviderEventsWritten The FileSystemWatcherProvider event provider submitted events from the XML file.
FSProviderInvalidRetryArgument The retry argument values for the FileSystemWatcher event provider are not valid. Modify the ADF and then update the instance.
FSProviderLoadingEvents The FileSystemWatcherProvider event provider is loading events from the XML file.
FSProviderRenameFailed The FileSystemWatcher event provider failed to rename the event file.
FSProviderRequiredArgsMissing A FileSystemWatcher event provider declaration is missing required arguments. Modify the application definition and then update the instance.
FSProviderRetryMechanismStarved The FileSystemWatcher event provider has insufficient resources for tracking unprocessed and locked files.
FSProviderTooManyArgs Too many arguments are specified for a FileSystemWatcher event provider. Modify the application definition and then update the instance.
FSProviderUnknownArgs A FileSystemWatcher event provider declaration contains unknown arguments. Modify the application definition and then update the instance.
FSProviderWatchDirectoryDoesNotExist The WatchDirectory specified for a FileSystemWatcher event provider does not exist. Create the directory and then restart the instance.
GeneralStartError Not used.
GeneralStartInfo Not used.
GeneralStartVerbose Not used.
GeneralStartWarning Not used.
GeneratorBuildMaterializedViewsEnd The generator has completed building materialized event and subscription views for this quantum.
GeneratorBuildMaterializedViewsStart The generator has started building materialized event and subscription views for this quantum.
GeneratorBuildRestrictedSubscriptionViewsEnd The generator has completed building restricted event and subscription views for the rule firings.
GeneratorBuildRestrictedSubscriptionViewsStart The generator has started building restricted event and subscription views for the rule firings.
GeneratorEventMaterializationCallbackError The event view could not be materialized.
GeneratorExecuteRuleFiringBucketEnd The generator has completed running a set of rule firings.
GeneratorExecuteRuleFiringBucketStart The generator has started running a set of rule firings.
GeneratorMaterializeBucketError Some of the event and subscription views could not be materialized.
GeneratorParallelFiringCleanupError An error occurred while freeing up resources in the rule firing.
GeneratorParallelFiringError An error occurred while firing a rule.
GeneratorQuantumExecutionEnd The generator has completed processing a quantum.
GeneratorQuantumExecutionStart The generator has started processing a quantum.
GeneratorQuantumScheduleEnd The generator has completed scheduling the quantum.
GeneratorQuantumScheduleStart The generator has started scheduling the quantum.
GeneratorRuleFiringCallbackError The running of the rule failed.
GeneratorRuleFiringEnd The generator has completed firing a rule.
GeneratorRuleFiringStart The generator has started firing a rule.
GeneratorScheduleRuleFiringsEnd The generator has completed scheduling of rule firings for this quantum.
GeneratorScheduleRuleFiringsStart The generator has started scheduling of rule firings for this quantum.
GeneratorStarted The generator has started.
GeneratorStartError Not used.
GeneratorStartInfo Not used.
GeneratorStartVerbose Not used.
GeneratorStartWarning Not used.
GeneratorStopped The generator has stopped.
GeneratorSubscriptionMaterializationCallbackError The subscription view could not be materialized.
GeneratorThreadPoolSizeNotValidForEdition The generator ThreadPoolSize value must be 1 for the Standard Edition of Notification Services.
HttpExtensionDeliveryFailed The notification could not be formatted by the delivery protocol.
HttpExtensionFailedToInitialize The delivery protocol could not be initialized.
HttpExtensionFailedToLoadProvider The protocol provider could not be loaded because the assembly or class name is not valid.
HttpExtensionProcessResponseError The delivery protocol failed while processing the response.
HttpExtensionRequiredArgsMissing Some required arguments are missing.
HttpExtensionSendStatusError The status of the notification could not be updated.
HttpPostAsyncGetResponseCallbackError An error occurred while getting the response from the server.
HttpPostAsyncReadCallbackError An error occurred while reading the response from the server.
HttpPostAsyncRequestCallbackError An error occurred while getting the request stream.
HttpPostAsyncWriteCallbackError An error occurred while sending the request data to the server.
HttpPostCacheOverflow This application posts to too many URLs.
HttpPostCanceled The post was canceled because the response was not received in the allotted time.
HttpPostCleanupError The delivery of the notification could not be cleaned up.
HttpPostDeliverAsyncError An error occurred before posting.
HttpPostFailureResponse The post failed because the server returned an error status.
HttpPostInitInvalidUrl The PostURL or ProxyServer argument is not a valid URL.
HttpPostInitUnknownError The HTTP delivery protocol could not be initialized.
HttpPostResponseEncodingUnknown The server responded with an unknown encoding.
HttpPostResponseIsNull A response was not received for this post.
HttpPostSyncUnknownError An error occurred while posting.
HttpPostSyncWebError A network error occurred while posting.
HttpPostSyncWebProtocolError An HTTP protocol error occurred while posting.
ImproperParametersToNSGetRules The set of event and subscription rules could not be obtained because the rule type, event class id, or subscription class id was incorrect. This is an internal error.
IncompleteAdf A required element in the application definition is missing.
IncompleteConfigFile A required element in the instance configuration is missing.
IncompleteDatabaseDefinition A required element is missing from the database definition.
IncompleteInstanceObjectGraph A required property on the instance object or one of its children was not set.
IncompleteQuantumNotLastScheduled There are quanta scheduled after an incomplete quantum.
InputTypeDoesNotExist The ConditionAction input type table or view does not exist in the application database.
InstanceAlreadyHosted The instance is already hosted by another process or thread.
InstanceAlreadyRegistered The Notification Services instance is already registered. Unregister the instance and then register it again.
InstanceDatabaseFileGroupContainsNoFiles An InstanceDatabaseFileGroup object contains no InstanceDatabaseFile objects in its InstanceDatabaseFiles collection.
InstanceDatabaseNotFound The instance database could not be found.
InstanceDBNotFound The instance database was not found. Notification Services is deleting the instance metadata from msdb. Use the nscontrol repair command if you need to repair the metadata.
InstanceHasNoApplications The Notification Services instance definition does not have any applications. Instance definitions must contain at least one application.
InstanceHasNoDeliveryChannels The Notification Services instance definition does not have any delivery channels. Instance definitions must contain at least one delivery channel.
InstanceMetadataAddFailed Notification Services failed to add the instance metadata.
InstanceMetadataDeleteFailed Notification Services failed to delete the instance metadata.
InstanceMetadataNotFound The metadata for the instance was not found. Verify that the instance name is correct.
InstanceNotCreatedOnSqlServer The Notification Services instance does not exist on the specified Database Engine instance.
InstanceNotRegistered The registry entries for the specified instance of Notification Services could not be found.
InstanceSchemaNotFoundInDB The schema for the instance was not found in the specified database. Notification Services is deleting the instance metadata from msdb. Use the nscontrol repair command if you need to repair the metadata.
InstanceVersionGreaterThanBinaries The Notification Services database has a higher version number than Notification Services binaries that you are using. Use the correct version of Notification Services or restore database backups for the older version.
InstSchemaAlreadyInUse A Notification Services instance is already using the specified schema in the database. Use a different schema.
InsufficientAccessRights The service account does not have sufficient privileges to run some extended stored procedures. Run the command GrantXpExec.cmd to grant the required rights.
IntervalDoesNotEvenlyDivide24Hrs If you specify a StartTime value, the Interval value must divide evenly into a 24-hour period.
InvalidApplicationName The application name is not valid. Application names cannot contain the following characters: open bracket ([), close bracket (]), quotation mark ("), single quote ('), backslash (\\), forward slash (/).
InvalidArguments Some arguments were not valid.
InvalidArgumentValue The value of the argument is not valid.
InvalidCallToStopInstance The call to the StopInstance method was not valid. You can call StopInstance only if you have previously called StartInstance on the object.
InvalidChronicleName The chronicle name is not valid. Chronicle names cannot contain the following characters: open bracket ([), close bracket (]), quotation mark ("), single quote ('), backslash (\\), forward slash (/). Change the chronicle name in the application definition.
InvalidChronicleQuantumLimit The specified chronicle quantum limit is not valid. The quantum limit must be a non-negative integer.
InvalidClassName The class name is not valid. Class names cannot contain the following characters: open bracket ([), close bracket (]), quotation mark ("), single quote ('), backslash (\\), forward slash (/).
InvalidCollationName The specified database collation name is not valid.
InvalidCreateDatabaseSyntax The database could not be created due to incorrect syntax in the CREATE DATABASE statement.
InvalidCreateOperation The specified component cannot be added during an update.
InvalidDatabaseCompatibilityLevel The database compatibility level must be set to 90.
InvalidDeleteOperation The specified component cannot be deleted during an update.
InvalidDeliveryChannelName The specified delivery channel name is not valid. Delivery channel names cannot contain the following characters: open bracket ([), close bracket (]), quotation mark ("), single quote ('), backslash (\\), forward slash (/).
InvalidEventBatchId The specified event batch ID is not valid.
InvalidEventChronicleRuleActionTimeout The action timeout for the specified event chronicle rule is not valid. The action timeout must be a non-negative value conforming to the XML duration data type.
InvalidEventClassDefinition The event class definition is not valid.
InvalidEventProviderTimeout The event provider timeout for the specified event provider is not valid. The event provider timeout must be a non-negative value conforming to the XML duration data type.
InvalidEventsQuery The EventsQuery argument cannot be NULL.
InvalidEventThrottle The specified event throttle value is not valid. The value must be a non-negative integer.
InvalidFailuresBeforeAbort The FailuresBeforeAbort entry is not valid. It must be a non-negative integer.
InvalidFailuresBeforeLoggingEvent The FailuresBeforeLoggingEvent entry is not valid. It must be a non-negative integer.
InvalidFieldName The field name is not valid. Field names can only contain letters, numbers, and the following characters: at symbol (@), dollar sign ($), number sign (#), underscore (_).
InvalidFieldType The field type is not valid. Field types must conform to Microsoft SQL Server data types, but cannot be text, ntext, image, or timestamp.
InvalidFileName The file name is not valid.
InvalidInstanceName The instance name is not valid. Instance names cannot contain the following characters: open bracket ([), close bracket (]), quotation mark ("), single quote ('), backslash (\\), forward slash (/).
InvalidInterval The Interval parameter is not valid. Interval must be a duration value conforming to the XML duration data type. For example, "PT5M".
InvalidLengthOnProperty The string value for a property is too long or too short.
InvalidMulticastRecipientLimit The MulticastRecipientLimit entry is not valid. It must be a non-negative integer.
InvalidNotificationClassBatchSize The NotificationBatchSize value is not valid. It must be a non-negative integer.
InvalidNotificationClassExpirationAge The notification class ExpirationAge value is not valid. The expiration age value must be non-negative and must conform to the XSD duration data type.
InvalidNotificationThrottle The specified notification throttle value is not valid. The value must be a non-negative integer.
InvalidProtocolName The specified protocol name is not valid. Protocol names can not contain the following characters: at symbol (@), dollar sign ($), number sign (#), underscore (_).
InvalidProtocolRetrySchedule The protocol retry schedule is not valid. Each retry schedule entry must be a duration value conforming to the XML duration data type.
InvalidProviderName The specified provider name is not valid. Provider names cannot contain the following characters: open bracket ([), close bracket (]), quotation mark ("), single quote ('), backslash (\\), forward slash (/).
InvalidQuantumDuration The quantum duration specified is not valid. The value must be at least 1 second.
InvalidQuantumId The quantum id supplied to the report is not valid.
InvalidReportingInterval The reporting interval should be greater than zero seconds.
InvalidRetentionAge The RetentionAge value is not valid. The retention age duration must be at least one second.
InvalidRuleName The rule name is not valid. Rule names must not contain any of the following characters: open bracket ([), close bracket (]), quotation mark ("), single quote ('), backslash (\\), forward slash (/).
InvalidScheduleInterval The Interval specified is invalid.
InvalidServiceAccount The account name or password of the service is not valid.
InvalidStartTime The StartTime parameter is not valid. StartTime must be a datetime value conforming to the XML standard.
InvalidSubscriptionData The subscription object has not been initialized.
InvalidSubscriptionEventRuleActionTimeout The action time-out for the subscription class event rule is not valid. The action timeout must be a non-negative value conforming to the XML duration data type.
InvalidSubscriptionId A subscription with the specified identifier was not found.
InvalidSubscriptionQuantumLimit The specified subscription quantum limit is not valid. The quantum limit value must be a non-negative integer.
InvalidSubscriptionScheduledRuleActionTimeout The action timeout for the subscription class scheduled rule is not valid. The action timeout must be a non-negative value conforming to the XML duration data type.
InvalidSubscriptionThrottle The specified subscription throttle value is not valid. The value must be a non-negative integer.
InvalidSystemName The specified system name is not valid. The following are not allowed: "localhost", ".", an IP address, or any string containing a backslash character.
InvalidThreadPoolSize The ThreadPoolSize entry is not valid. It must be a non-negative integer.
InvalidTimePeriod The start and end times supplied are not valid. The start time should be less than the end time. The end time should be within 24 hours of the start time.
InvalidUpdateOperation The specified component cannot be updated.
InvalidVacuumDuration The VacuumSchedule duration is not valid. The duration must be a non-negative value conforming to the XSD duration data type.
InvalidVacuumStartTime The VacuumSchedule start time is not valid. The StartTime value must use the XSD datetime format.
InvalidVersionElement The Version element is not valid.
InvalidWorkItemTimeout The InvalidWorkItemTimeout value is not valid. It must be a non-negative integer.
MissingCommandLineParameter A required command line parameter was not specified.
MissingCommandLineParameterModifier The command line parameter requires a value to be specified. The format for specifying a value is "-<name> <value>".
MissingDefaultConstructor The specified provider class does not have a default constructor.
MulticastDeliveryNotValidForEdition The notification class MulticastDelivery value must be false for the Standard Edition of Notification Services.
MultipleDistributorsOnSingleMachine An application cannot have multiple distributors on a single server. Remove one or more distributors or make the SystemName values unique.
MultipleSystemsNotValidForEdition The event providers, generator, and distributors must run on a single instance of Microsoft SQL Server when using the Standard Edition of Notification Services.
NeitherFieldReferenceNorSqlExpressionSet Neither the SqlExpression nor the FieldReference property on a ProtocolField object was set. One of these properties must be set on the ProtocolField object.
NoApplicationComponentsHostedLocally No processing will occur on this computer because no components of the application are configured to run here. Make sure the SystemName values are correct in the ADF.
NoArgumentKey The argument key was not provided but an argument key was given when the database was created.
NoInstanceNameSupplied The service could not be started because no instance name was provided.
NotAllApplicationsDeleted Some applications could not be deleted.
NotificationBatchSizeNotValidForEdition The notification class NotificationBatchSize value must be 0 for the Standard Edition of Notification Services.
NotificationServiceInitialization Notification Services is initializing.
NotificationServicesNotInstalled The Notification Services registry tree has not been created. Reinstall Notification Services or repair the installation.
NotificationServiceStarting Notification Services is starting.
NotifyThrottleExceeded The number of notifications in this quantum exceeds the notification throttle value.
NotScheduledSubscription You cannot set a schedule for a subscription class that has no timed subscription rules.
NSEngineComponentsNotInstalled The Notification Services engine components are not installed. To host an execution engine, you must install the engine components.
NullInstanceName The instance name is not valid. The instance name cannot be null.
OpenServiceControlManagerFailed The Service Control Manager could not be opened to configure the Notification Services process.
OpenServiceFailed The Service Control Manager (SCM) could not open the Notification Services process.
PerformanceMonitorDisable The Performance Monitor is disabled.
PerformanceMonitorEnable The Performance Monitor is enabled.
PerformanceMonitorGetEventsCounters The performance monitor failed to get event counter values to update the performance counters.
PerformanceMonitorGetNotificationCounters The performance monitor failed to get notification counter values to update the performance counters.
PerformanceMonitorGetSubscribersCounters The performance monitor failed to get subscriber counter values to update the performance counters.
PerformanceMonitorGetSubscriptionsCounters The performance monitor failed to get subscription counter values to update the performance counters.
PerformanceMonitorSkippedIntervals At least one performance monitoring interval was skipped.
PerformanceMonitorUncaughtException An error occurred updating the performance counters for this application. The counters may currently be out of date, but should be updated on the next performance query interval.
PrepareRuleFiringFailedQuantumNotScheduled Failed to prepare rule firing. The quantum could not be scheduled.
PrimaryFileGroupNotSpecified The specification for the PRIMARY file group could not be found. If any file groups are specified, one must be named "PRIMARY".
ProtocolClassNotFoundInAssembly The assembly does not contain the required delivery protocol class.
ProviderAssemblyInvalid The event provider assembly is not valid. Ensure that the assembly name specified in the application definition is correct.
ProviderClassNotFound The specified event provider class name could not be found in the given assembly. Ensure that the class name and assembly name in the application definition are correct.
ProviderFailedToInitialize Notification Services failed to initialize the event provider.
ProviderFailedToRun The event provider returned an error from its Run method. Notification Services will terminate this event provider.
ProviderFailedToTerminate The event provider returned an error from its Terminate method.
ProviderInitializeTimedOut The event provider did not return from its Initialize method within the specified timeout period.
ProviderReturnedFailureDuringRun Notification Services is terminating the event provider because it returned an error from its Run method.
ProviderRunTimedOut The event provider did not return from its Run method within the specified timeout period.
ProviderTerminateTimedOut The event provider did not return from its Terminate method within the specified timeout period.
QuantumClockReInitialized The rule failed to run because the quantum clock was reinitialized before the running of the rule was completed.
QuantumEndTimeExceededRealTimeClock The quantum end time is later than the current real clock time. Notification Services cannot process events that occur in the future.
QuantumEndTimeLessThanStartTime The quantum end time is less than the quantum start time.
QuantumEntryIsInitializationEntry The quantum details requested are for an initialization quantum entry. These entries are made to reset the generator quantum clock to a particular time.
QuantumIdParameterNotValid Supplied @QuantumId parameter is not a valid quantum identifier.
RedefinitionOfBuiltInField The field name is reserved for internal use.
RequiredChannelArgumentMissing Some arguments required to configure the channel are missing.
RequiredParameterNotFound A required parameter for this event is missing.
RequiredProtocolArgumentMissing Some arguments required to deliver the notification are missing.
ResourceFailureSimulationError An artificial resource failure has been created by the testing code.
RuleExecutionFailure The running of the rule failed. Check the rule.
RuleFiringTimedOut Some of the rules could not be run in this quantum because they did not complete in the allotted time.
RuntimeErrorRetrievingNotificationData An error occurred while obtaining the notifications for this work item.
ScheduledProviderNotFound The specified assembly does not implement a scheduled event provider. Ensure that the assembly name specified in the application definition is correct.
ScheduledVacuumingStarting The data removal process (Vacuumer) has been started because a scheduled data removal time has arrived.
SchemaCreateFailed Notification Services failed to create the specified schema.
SchemaDeleteFailed Notification Services failed to delete the specified schema.
SchemaNotFound The specified schema was not found.
SemaphoreSynchronizationLockError An error occurred in a semaphore while handling a lock.
SemaphoreThreadInterruptedError The thread holding the semaphore was interrupted.
ServerComponentFailure Fatal failure in server component.
ServiceAccountRequired An account name is required for the service to run under.
ServiceCannotBeDeletedWhileRunning The Notification Services Microsoft Windows service cannot be deleted because it is running. Stop the instance before attempting to delete it.
ServiceCannotBeInstalledWhileRunning The Notification Services Microsoft Windows service cannot be created because a service with the same name is running. Stop the instance before attempting to create the service.
ServiceComponentStartError Notification Services encountered an error while starting the service.
ServiceMarkedForDelete The service is locked by the Service Control Manager (SCM) and cannot be deleted or created until all applications using it have been closed. Unlocking the service may require a reboot.
ServiceNotFound The Notification Services service could not be found.
ServiceStartInfo The Notification Services Microsoft Windows service is starting.
ServiceStopInfo The Notification Services Microsoft Windows service is stopping.
SeveralConsecutiveFailuresToUpdateActivationStateCache Several consecutive attempts to update the activation state cache have failed. The application or its components may not respond properly to enable and disable commands.
SkipSubscriptionAndChronicleQuantumScheduling Either subscription rules or event chronicle rules must be enabled in a quantum.
SmtpBodyEncodingInvalid The BodyEncoding argument is not valid.
SmtpDeliverNotificationError The e-mail address or SMTP server value is not valid.
SmtpMailBodyFormatInvalid The body format must have the value 'text' or 'html'.
SmtpMailPriorityInvalid The priority must have the value 'low', 'normal' or 'high'.
SmtpRequiredArgsMissing Some required arguments are missing.
SmtpUnknownArgs A delivery channel using the SMTP delivery protocol has unrecognized arguments. Modify the delivery channel arguments in the instance configuration and then update the instance.
SpecifyArgumentKeyService The Notification Services instance uses argument encryption. Specify an argument key when registering the instance service.
SqlCannotCreateDBAlreadyExists An attempt to create the database failed because the database file already exists.
SqlCannotInsertNullColumn Notification Services failed to insert a NULL value because the column does not accept NULL values.
SqlCannotOpenDatabase An attempt to open the requested database failed.
SqlCollationMismatch There is a collation mismatch between the main instance database and the application database.
SqlCommandTimeout The timeout period elapsed prior to the completion of a Transact-SQL statement.
SqlCreateFile A Transact-SQL CREATE FILE statement failed.
SqlDuplicateKey A Transact-SQL INSERT statement failed because it introduced a duplicate key.
SqlInsertCheckConstraint A Transact-SQL INSERT statement failed due to a check constraint.
SqlInvalidCollationName The specified collation name is not valid. See Microsoft SQL Server Books Online for valid names.
SqlInvalidConnection Notification Services failed to open a connection to Microsoft SQL Server.
SqlInvalidSyntax The specified Transact-SQL statement contains syntax that is not valid.
SqlLoginFailed An attempt to log in to Microsoft SQL Server failed.
SqlParameterMissing A Transact-SQL statement parameter is missing.
SqlProviderEventsQueryNoRows The SQLProvider event provider obtained no events after running the EventsQuery statement.
SqlProviderEventsWritten The SQLProvider event provider submitted events.
SqlProviderRequiredArgsMissing A SQLProvider event provider declaration is missing required arguments. Modify the application definition and then update the instance.
SqlProviderSubmitBatchFailed The SQLProvider event provider failed to submit a batch.
SqlProviderTooManyArgs Too many arguments are specified for a SQLProvider event provider. Modify the application definition and then update the instance.
SqlProviderUnknownArgs A SQLProvider event provider declaration contains unknown arguments. Modify the application definition and then update the instance.
SqlServerEditionNotSupported This edition of Microsoft SQL Server is not supported. Notification Services requires SQL Server Standard, Developer, or Enterprise edition.
StartNotificationServiceMainLoop Notification Services has started the main service loop.
StartTimeLaterThanEndTime The start and end times supplied are not valid. The start time should be less than the end time.
StoppedDistributors The Notification Services distributor component is done stopping the distributors.
StoppedNotificationServiceMainLoop Notification Services has stopped the main service loop.
StoppingDistributors The Notification Services distributor component is stopping the distributors.
StoredProcedureExecFailedDueToEnabledGenerator The generator is enabled. Disable the entire application or the application's generator before running this stored procedure.
StringResourceNotFound Notification Services was unable to locate the string resource.
SubscriberDisabled Failed to add subscription because the Subscriber.Enabled property is false.
SubscriberDisabledOrDoesNotExist Failed to add subscriptions because the subscriber record is disabled or does not exist.
SubscriberNotFound The subscription could not be added because the subscriber was not found in the NSSubscribers table.
SubscribersDisabled Adding, updating, or removing subscribers is disabled for this instance.
SubscriptionChronicleHasNoSqlStatements The subscription chronicle definition has no Transact-SQL statements. Subscription chronicle definitions must contain at least one Transact-SQL statement.
SubscriptionInvalidDTStart The subscription schedule contains a StartTime parameter that is not valid.
SubscriptionInvalidRecurrenceRule The subscription schedule contains a recurrence rule that is not valid.
SubscriptionInvalidTime The subscription schedule contains a time parameter that is not valid.
SubscriptionInvalidTimeZone The subscription schedule contains a time zone parameter that is not valid.
SubscriptionsDisabled Adding, updating, or removing subscriptions is disabled for this instance.
SubscriptionsDisabledError Failed to add subscriptions because subscriptions are disabled for this application.
SubscriptionsDisabledForApplication Adding, updating, or removing subscriptions is disabled for this application.
SubscriptionThrottleExceeded The number of subscriptions in this quantum is greater than the throttle specified for subscriptions.
TooManyIncompleteQuantums There are too many incomplete quanta in the NSQuantum1 table.
UnableToGetListOfWorkItemsAssignedToSystem The list of work items assigned to distributors on this machine could not be obtained.
UnableToInstantiateProvider Notification Services failed to instantiate the event provider.
UndeliverableNotificationsGenerated Notifications reference non-existent subscribers or unknown subscriber device names. Run the NSDiagnosticFailedNotifications stored procedure and check for notifications with undefined delivery channel names. Add new subscribers or subscriber devices so that future notifications are delivered.
UnexpectedArgumentKey An argument key may not be specified because none was given when the database was created.
UnexpectedCommandLineParameterModifier The command line parameter does not accept modifier values. The format for specifying the parameter is "-<name>" without a following value.
UnexpectedErrorDuringWorkItemCleanup An error occurred while cleaning up the work item.
Uninitialized The object has not been initialized.
UnknownDeliveryChannelName The delivery channel does not exist.
UnknownEventClassName The event class name is not recognized.
UnknownEventClassNameInRule The event class name specified in the subscription class event rule is unknown. Make sure the event class is specified in this application.
UnknownNotificationClassName The notification class name is not recognized.
UnknownProtocol The specified protocol is not recognized. If you are using a custom delivery protocol, then an assembly and class name must be included.
UnknownProviderId The provider record was not found in the NSProviders table, so the event batch cannot be created.
UnknownProviderName The specified event provider name is not valid. Verify the name in the application definition.
UnknownSubscriptionClassName The subscription class name is not recognized.
UnrecognizedCommandLineParameter The command line parameter was not recognized.
UnregisteredEventProvider The specified event provider has not been registered. Ensure that it appears in the Providers section of the application definition.
UnscheduledProviderNotFound The specified assembly does not implement a continuous event provider. Ensure that the assembly name specified in the application definition is correct.
UpdateQuantumStatus Notification Services performed a quantum status update.
UpdateSubscriberDeviceSubscriberIdInvalid Notification Services failed to update the NSSubscriberDevices table because the subscriber ID is not valid.
UsersInDatabase There are sessions still connected to the database. The database cannot be dropped.
VacuumDisabledWhileVacuuming Data removal (Vacuuming) has stopped because the data removal process (Vacuumer) is disabled.
VacuumDurationTooLong The VacuumSchedule duration value is too large. The value cannot exceed 24 hours.
VacuumerStartError Not used.
VacuumerStartInfo Not used.
VacuumerStartVerbose Not used.
VacuumerStartWarning Not used.
VacuumingCanceled Data removal (Vacuuming) has been canceled due to service shutdown.
VacuumingCompleted The data removal process (Vacuumer) has been stopped because all expired data has been removed.
VacuumNotConfiguredForThisSystem The data removal process (Vacuumer) is not configured to run on this system.
VacuumStarted The data removal process (Vacuumer) has started.
VacuumStopped The data removal process (Vacuumer) has stopped.
VacuumTimeLimitExceeded Data removal (Vacuuming) has stopped because the duration was exceeded.
VersionMismatch The assembly version does not match the database version.
VersionMustIncrement If specified, version numbers must increase or stay the same.
VersionNotRegistered The specified version is not registered.
WorkerThreadFailedToScheduleNextWorkItem A distributor worker thread could not schedule the next work item.
WorkItemAbortedDueToChannelFailures The processing of a work item was stopped due to too many consecutive failures on the delivery channel.
WrongArgumentKey The argument key specified does not match the argument key used when the database was created.
WrongSqlServerInstance The current connection is to a different instance of Microsoft SQL Server than specified in the instance configuration file (ICF). Update the ICF or connect to the specified instance.
XmlValidationError The XML does not match the XSD schema.
XsltBaseDirectoryPathTagMissing The XsltBaseDirectoryPath argument is missing.
XsltCacheFull This application uses too many XSL transforms.
XsltDisableEscapingValueInvalid The DisableEscaping argument's value must be true or false.
XsltFileNameTagMissing The XsltFileName argument is missing.
XsltFileNotFound A valid XSL transform file was not found.
XsltFormatterUnknownError An error occurred while formatting the notification.
XsltInvalidTransform The XSL transform is not valid.
XsltUnknownArgs The XsltFormatter content formatter declaration contains unknown arguments. Modify the application definition and then update the instance.


Development Platforms

For a list of the supported platforms, see Hardware and Software Requirements for Installing SQL Server 2005.

Target Platforms

For a list of the supported platforms, see Hardware and Software Requirements for Installing SQL Server 2005.

See Also


Microsoft.SqlServer.NotificationServices Namespace