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Troubleshooting Database Mail: Send mail from remote server when troubleshooting local server

New: 12 December 2006

This topic describes how you can use a remote server to temporarily send e-mail that is generated on a local server. This procedure is helpful when you are troubleshooting and repairing the configuration of Database Mail on the local server. This topic only applies to e-mail sent by Database Mail. E-mail sent by using xp_sendmail or third party utilities is unaffected.


In this topic, local server refers to the server that is being troubleshot, and remote server refers to another server that is sending that local server's e-mail when it is being troubleshot.

E-mail can be sent from only one server at a time. When Database Mail on the remote server is configured to send e-mail from the local server, the remote server can no longer send its own e-mail.

When the remote server is sending e-mail that is generated on the local server, all insertions into msdb tables for that e-mail and any Database Mail Log error entries for that e-mail occur on the local server. If the local server resumes sending e-mail when the remote server is configured to send the local server's e-mail, either server can send any e-mail message. If you want to know which server sent an e-mail message, you must examine the header of the message.


To run the following procedures, both the local and remote servers must be running SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2 or later version.


To configure the remote server to send the local server's e-mail messages

  1. Make sure that Database Mail is set up on the remote server. For information about how to set up Database Mail, see Database Mail How-to Topics.

  2. Create a profile on the remote server that is identical to each profile on the local server that will be used by the e-mail that is generated during the troubleshooting. Each profile must have one valid account, but the account does not have to be identical to the account associated with the same profile on the local server.

  3. Make sure that any Windows authenticated login account that is a member of the DatabaseMailUserRole on the local server is also a member of same role on the remote server, if that membership is required to send e-mail generated on the local server

  4. Create a text file that is named DatabaseMail90.exe.config with the following content. Replace LocalServerName with the name of the local server and keep msdb for DatabaseName.

            <add key="DatabaseServerName" value ="LocalServerName" />
            <add key="DatabaseName" value ="msdb" />
  5. Save the file on the remote server in the same folder, \MSSQL\Binn, as DatabaseMail90.exe. The default path is < drive >\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Binn.

  6. To configure Database Mail to send e-mail from another server, run the following code on the remote server.


    This code inserts a record into a system table. Do not modify the code. A constraint will prevent the record from being inserted more than one time. Do not otherwise directly modify the data in this system table.

    USE msdb;
    INSERT INTO [msdb].[dbo].[sysmail_configuration]
        ,N'Send mail from mail server in configuration file'
  7. Restart Database Mail by executing dbo.sysmail_start_sp on the remote server. You must run this stored procedure every time that the paramvalue for the ReadFromConfigurationFile record in dbo.sysmail_configuration or the value of the DatabaseServerName key in the DatabaseMail90.exe.config configuration file is changed for the change to take effect.

    USE msdb;
    EXEC dbo.sysmail_start_sp;

To reconfigure the remote server to stop sending the local server's e-mail messages

  1. To resume sending e-mail from the local server, run the following code on the remote server. This code configures the remote server to stop sending e-mail that is generated on the local server and return to sending e-mail that is generated on the remote server.

    USE msdb;
    EXEC sysmail_configure_sp 
        @parameter_name = N'ReadFromConfigurationFile'
        ,@parameter_value = N'0';
  2. Restart Database Mail by executing dbo.sysmail_start_sp on the remote server. You must run this stored procedure every time that the paramvalue for the ReadFromConfigurationFile record in dbo.sysmail_configuration or the value of the DatabaseServerName key in the DatabaseMail90.exe.config configuration file is changed for the change to take effect.

    USE msdb;
    EXEC dbo.sysmail_start_sp;

To switch the configuration of Database Mail on the remote server

  • To switch the remote server to send e-mail messages that are generated on another server, in msdb.dbo.sysmail_configuration, set the parameter_value for the ReadFromConfigurationFile record to 1, and then execute msdb.dbo.sysmail_start_sp. To switch the remote server to send e-mail that is generated on the remote server, set the parameter_value to 0, and then execute msdb.dbo.sysmail_start_sp.

    USE msdb;
    EXEC sysmail_configure_sp 
        @parameter_name = N'ReadFromConfigurationFile'
        ,@parameter_value = N'0|1';
  • To configure the remote server to send e-mail that is generated on a different local server, change the value of the DatabaseServerName key in the DatabaseMail90.exe.config configuration file to the name of that local server, and then execute msdb.dbo.sysmail_start_sp.


EXECUTE permission for dbo.sysmail_start_sp and sysmail_configure_sp and INSERT permission for dbo.sysmail_configuration are granted to members of the sysadmin fixed server role by default.

NTFS permission is required to create the configuration file in \MSSQL\Binn.

We recommend that the login account that is executing these troubleshooting procedures be a member of the sysadmin fixed server role on both the local and remote servers.

See Also


Troubleshooting Database Mail

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