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Step 2: Invoke the Server Program (RDS Tutorial)

When you invoke a method on the client proxy, the actual program on the server executes the method. In this step, you'll execute a query on the server.


Beginning with Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012, RDS server components are no longer included in the Windows operating system (see Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012 Compatibility Cookbook for more detail). RDS client components will be removed in a future version of Windows. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. Applications that use RDS should migrate to WCF Data Service.

Part A If you weren't using RDSServer.DataFactory in this tutorial, the most convenient way to perform this step would be to use the RDS.DataControl object. The RDS.DataControl combines the previous step of creating a proxy, with this step, issuing the query.

Set the RDS.DataControl object Server property to identify where the server program should be instantiated; the Connect property to specify the connect string to access the data source; and the SQL property to specify the query command text. Then issue the Refresh method to cause the server program to connect to the data source, retrieve rows specified by the query, and return a Recordset object to the client.

This tutorial does not use the RDS.DataControl, but this is how it would look if it did:

Sub RDSTutorial2A()  
   Dim DC as New RDS.DataControl  
   DC.Server = "https://yourServer"  
   DC.Connect = "DSN=Pubs"  
   DC.SQL = "SELECT * FROM Authors"  

Nor does the tutorial invoke RDS with ADO objects, but this is how it would look if it did:

Dim rs as New ADODB.Recordset  
rs.Open "SELECT * FROM Authors","Provider=MS Remote;Data Source=Pubs;" & _  
        "Remote Server=https://yourServer;Remote Provider=SQLOLEDB;"  

Part B The general method of performing this step is to invoke the RDSServer.DataFactory object Query method. That method takes a connect string, which is used to connect to a data source, and a command text, which is used to specify the rows to be returned from the data source.

This tutorial uses the DataFactory object Query method:

Sub RDSTutorial2B()  
   Dim DS as New RDS.DataSpace  
   Dim DF  
   Dim RS as ADODB.Recordset  
   Set DF = DS.CreateObject("RDSServer.DataFactory", "https://yourServer")  
   Set RS = DF.Query ("DSN=Pubs", "SELECT * FROM Authors")  

See Also

Step 3: Server Obtains a Recordset (RDS Tutorial)
RDS Tutorial (VBScript)