Κοινή χρήση μέσω

Simulation Object Configuration Files

Simulation Object Configuration Files


Simulation objects include all the physical objects that can be added to ESP, except fixed wing aircraft and helicopters. The list includes blimps, animals, ground vehicles, boats, and a range of miscellaneous objects such as flour bombs and food pallets. The presence of many particular objects is because they appear in one or more of the missions.

See Also

Table of Contents

Sections of the Configuration File

  • cameradefinition
  • contact_points
  • designspecs
  • effects
  • fltsim
  • general
  • geometry
  • hoistpoint
  • lights
  • mass properties
  • radios
  • stability coefficients
  • views

Sections of the Configuration File


title The title of the object. HumpbackWhale( title=HumpbackWhale )
cargoA( title=cargoA )
cargoA_hoop( title=cargoA_hoop )
cargoB( title=cargoB )
CaspianSeaMonster( title=CaspianSeaMonster )
model Specifies which model folder to reference. HumpbackWhale( model= )
Tower Controller( model=NoCab )
texture Specifies which texture folder to reference. HumpbackWhale( texture= )
Goodyear Blimp( texture=eagle )
sim Specifies which .air (flight model) file to use. Goodyear Blimp( sim= )
panel Specifies which panel folder to reference. Goodyear Blimp( panel= )
sound Specifies which sound folder to reference. Goodyear Blimp( sound= )
kb_checklists Specifies which _check.txt file to use on the Checklists tab of the kneeboard. Goodyear Blimp( kb_checklists= )
kb_reference Specifies which _ref.txt file to use on the Reference tab of the kneeboard. Goodyear Blimp( kb_reference= )
atc_id_color Specifies, in RGB hexadecimal, the color of the tail number. The first two characters following the 0x specify the red value in hex, the second two characters the green, and the third set the blue. The final two characters are unused. Each value can be between 0 ff hex, which is 0 to 255 decimal. (Note: custom tail numbers burned into textures will not be modified by this). Goodyear Blimp( atc_id_color= )
atc_id The tail number displayed on the exterior of the aircraft. This parameter can also be edited from the Select Aircraft dialog (if the atc_id_enable parameter is set to 1). Note that custom tail numbers burned into textures will not be modified by this. Goodyear Blimp( atc_id=N68PW )
Bucket( atc_id= )
ui_manufacturer This value identifies the manufacturer sub-category. Goodyear Blimp( ui_manufacturer="Goodyear" )
Bucket( ui_manufacturer="TestContainer" )
Tower Controller( ui_manufacturer="ATC Controller" )
Water Drop( ui_manufacturer="Liquid" )
ui_type This value identifies the type sub-category. Goodyear Blimp( ui_type="Blimp" )
Bucket( ui_type="Buckets" )
Tower Controller( ui_type="Tower Controller" )
Water Drop( ui_type="Water Drop" )
ui_variation This value identifies the variation sub-category used to group aircraft in the Select Aircraft dialog. Goodyear Blimp( ui_variation=Eagle )
Bucket( ui_variation=Variation A )
Tower Controller( ui_variation=Variation1 )
description The object description can be modified to say whatever you like about the object. Goodyear Blimp( description="Blimp" )
Bucket( description="Test Container" )
Tower Controller( description="Tower Controller with Virtual Cockpit Cab Model" )
Water Drop( description="Test Water Drop" )


category The basic category of the object. HumpbackWhale( category=Boat )
GEN_flour_bomb( category=SimpleObject )
Automobile( category = GroundVehicle )
VEH_air_bagcart1( category=GroundVehicle )
Goodyear Blimp( Category = Blimp )
Bucket( category = Container )
atc_type This is the specific aircraft type that the ATC system recognizes for this type of aircraft. Goodyear Blimp( atc_type= )
atc_model This is the specific aircraft model that the ATC system recognizes for this type of aircraft. Goodyear Blimp( atc_model= )
editable Legacy. Does not do anything.  
performance The performance description for the aircraft can be edited. The \t is a tab character, and the \n is a new-line character. As the flight model for all variations is the same, the performance of each variation should also be identical. Goodyear Blimp( performance= )


static_compression Static compression of ground reaction spring. AC_Unit_sm( static_compression = 0.5 )
damping_ratio Damping ratio of ground reaction. AC_Unit_sm( damping_ratio = 0.8 )
destroy_on_impact_threshold Velocty (feet/sec) above which the object will destroy on impact. Bucket( destroy_on_impact_threshold = 15 )
static_pitch The static pitch of the object when at rest on the ground (degrees). The program uses this value to position the object at startup, in slew, and at any other time when the simulation is not actively running. HumpbackWhale( static_pitch=0.0 )
CaspianSeaMonster( static_pitch=1.0 )
static_cg_height The static height of the object when at rest on the ground (feet). The program uses this value to position the object at startup, in slew, and at any other time when the simulation is not actively running. HumpbackWhale( static_cg_height=0.0 )
CaspianSeaMonster( static_cg_height=12.0 )
cruise_linerA_sm( static_cg_height=40.0 )
cruise_linerB_sm( static_cg_height=20.0 )
ferry2( static_cg_height=10.0 )
Flour_bomb_floating_dock( static_cg_height=3.0 )
wheel_radius The radius of the wheels in feet when used to calculate the rpm for graphics purposes. Need not exactly match the true radius. Automobile( wheel_radius=3.0 )
VEH_jetTruck( wheel_radius=4.0 )
destroy_on_impact Set to 1 if the objet is to be removed after an impact. Flour_bomb( destroy_on_impact=1 )


max_speed_mph The maximum speed of the object. HumpbackWhale( max_speed_mph = 30 )
CaspianSeaMonster( max_speed_mph = 350 )
Flour_bomb_floating_dock( max_speed_mph = 0 )
VEH_water_sailboat1_sm( max_speed_mph = 10 )
Automobile( max_speed_mph = 115 )
acceleration_constants Time constant (effects responsiveness), and max acceleration (Gs). HumpbackWhale( acceleration_constants = 0.5, 0.4 )
CaspianSeaMonster( acceleration_constants = 2.5, 1.4 )
Automobile( acceleration_constants = 0.3, 0.4 )
VEH_flatbed( acceleration_constants = 0.4, 0.2 )
VEH_jetTruck( acceleration_constants = 7.0, 1.9 )
VEH_safari_truck( acceleration_constants = 0.6, 0.4 )
deceleration_constants Time constant (effects responsiveness), and max acceleration (Gs). HumpbackWhale( deceleration_constants = 2.0, 0.5 )
CaspianSeaMonster( deceleration_constants = 4.0, 1.5 )
Automobile( deceleration_constants = 0.2, 0.4 )
VEH_flatbed( deceleration_constants = 2.0, 1.0 )
VEH_jetTruck( deceleration_constants = 5.0, 3.0 )
VEH_safari_truck( deceleration_constants = 2.0, 1.5 )
sternposition The distance in feet relative to the datum reference position, where a wake effect should start. HumpbackWhale ( SternPosition = 0 )
cargoA (SternPosition = 50)
cargoB ( SternPosition = 42)
wdeceleration_constants Time constant (effects responsiveness), and max acceleration (Gs). PBoat_57ft_Goldhull_sm( wdeceleration_constants = 2.0, 0.5 )


eyepoint (feet) longitudinal, lateral, vertical distance from reference datum. Tower Controller( eyepoint= 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 )


wake The wake effect name, followed by an optional 1 if the effect is to be run for a single iteration. Set this number to zero or leave blank (the default), for the effect to continue as long as the respective action is active. This optional 1 applies to all effects in this table. HumpbackWhale( wake = fx_wake_ss )
cargoA( wake = fx_wake_l )
CaspianSeaMonster( wake=fx_wakeCSM )
cruise_linerA_sm( wake = fx_wake_xl )
PBoat_57ft_Bluehull_sm( wake = fx_wake_s )
impactland The effect to display if the object impacts with land. Flour_bomb( ImpactLand = fx_FlourBombLand )
impactwater The effect to display if the object impacts with water. Flour_bomb( ImpactWater = fx_FlourBombWater )
impactdestroyland An additional effect to display if the object is destroyed on impact with land. For example, after being dropped at too great a height or speed from a sling or hoist. Bucket( ImpactDestroyLand = fx_dirtcrash )
impactdestroywater An additional effect to display if the object is destroyed on impact with water. Bucket( ImpactDestroyWater = fx_spray )


Each light that requires a special effect should be entered in this section. The following table gives the codes for the switches that will turn on the lights.

Code Switch
1 Beacon
2 Strobe
3 Navigation or Position
4 Cockpit
5 Landing
6 Taxi
7 Recognition
8 Wing
9 Logo
10 Cabin
The first entry of the line defines which circuit, or switch, the light is connected to (see the code table above). Multiple lights may be connected to a single switch. The next three entries are the longitudinal, lateral, and vertical positions of the light in feet. The final entry is the special effect file name that is triggered (for example, fx_navred). These files have .fx extensions and should be placed in the ESP/effects folder. Automobile( light.0 = 1, 9.5, 3.1, 3.0, fx_navred )
VEH_air_FuelTruck100LL( light.0 = 1 )
Tower Controller( light.0 = 1, 0.00, 0.00, 10.00, fx_vclight )
Automobile( light.1 = 1, 9.5, -3.1, 3.0, fx_navred )
VEH_air_FuelTruck100LL( light.1 = 1 )
Automobile( light.2 = 2, -9.3, 3.2, 3.2, fx_navred )
VEH_air_FuelTruck100LL( light.2 = 2 )


audio.1 Set to 1 if there is an audio 1 panel. Tower Controller( Audio.1 = 1 )
audio.2 Set to 1 if there is an audio 2 panel. There cannot be audio 2 without audio 1 Tower Controller( Audio.2 = 1 )
com.1 Set to 1 if there is a Com 1 radio, and a second 1 if it supports a standby frequency. Tower Controller( Com.1 = 1, 0 )
com.2 Set to 1 if there is a Com 2 radio, and a second 1 if it supports a standby frequency. There cannot be Com 2 without Com 1. Tower Controller( Com.2 = 1, 0 )
nav.1 Set to 1 if there is a Nav 1 receiver, a second 1 if it supports a standby frequency, and a third 1 if it supports a glideslope indication. Tower Controller( Nav.1 = 0, 0, 0 )
adf.1 Set to 1 if there is an ADF panel. Tower Controller( Adf.1 = 0 )
transponder.1 Set to 1 if there is a transponder. Tower Controller( Transponder.1 = 0 )
marker.1 Set to 1 if there is a marker beacon receiver. Tower Controller( Marker.1 = 0 )


This section shows the camera properties used by the Tower Controller. A simulation object can have multiple cameradefinition sections, which should be numbered from 0 to n. For a full definition of all the properties that can be set for a camera definition, refer to the Camera Configuration document. All of the properties described in that document can be used in a camera definition in a simulation object configuration file.

title Tower Controller( Title = Station 1 )
guid Tower Controller( Guid = {13605371-4065-417d-8DB8-3FC66A3DBE7B} )
description Tower Controller( Description = Tower Cab Position 1 )
origin Tower Controller( Origin = Virtual Cockpit )
snappbhadjust Tower Controller( SnapPbhAdjust = Swivel )
snappbhreturn Tower Controller( SnapPbhReturn = FALSE )
panpbhadjust Tower Controller( PanPbhAdjust = Swivel )
panpbhreturn Tower Controller( PanPbhReturn = FALSE )
track Tower Controller( Track = None )
showaxis Tower Controller( ShowAxis = FALSE )
allowzoom Tower Controller( AllowZoom = TRUE )
initialzoom Tower Controller( InitialZoom = 1.0 )
showweather Tower Controller( ShowWeather = Yes )
initialxyz Tower Controller( InitialXyz = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 )
initialpbh Tower Controller( InitialPbh = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 )
xyzadjust Tower Controller( XyzAdjust = TRUE )
category Tower Controller( Category=VC )
zoompanscalar Tower Controller( ZoomPanScalar = 1.0 )
showlensflare Tower Controller( ShowLensFlare=FALSE )


length The length, width and height of a simple object that can be used to estimate moments of inertia, along with the [mass properties] settings. In particular this applies to objects being carried by a sling or hoist. Units are in feet. AC_Unit_sm( Length = 8 )
Bucket( Length = 2 )
CableCar_Wheel_sm( Length = 5 )
Climber_sm( Length = 6 )
Fisherman_sm( Length = 1 )
Generator_sm( Length = 12 )
Humvee_sm( Length = 10 )
shipping_container_sm( Length = 20 )
width In feet. AC_Unit_sm( Width = 6 )
Bucket( Width = 2 )
CableCar_Wheel_sm( Width = 5 )
Generator_sm( Width = 4 )
Humvee_sm( Width = 7 )
pallet_of_Boxes_sm( Width = 10 )
Propane_Tank_sm( Width = 3 )
shipping_container_sm( Width = 8 )
height In feet. AC_Unit_sm( Height = 6 )
Bucket( Height = 3 )
CableCar_Wheel_sm( Height = 2 )
Climber_sm( Height = 1 )
Generator_sm( Height = 5 )
pallet_of_Boxes_sm( Height = 4 )
shipping_container_sm( Height = 10 )


If a HoistPoint entry is not present in the configuration file, a default connection position of just above the center of the object will be used.

position Offset in feet of the connection position for a sling or hoist, from the datum reference point. The default datum reference point of an object that is not an aircraft is its center point on all three axes. Bucket( position = 0, 0, 1.0 )

[mass properties]

empty weight In lbs, used with the [geometry] settings to estimate moments of inertia. AC_Unit_sm( Empty Weight = 4500 )
Bucket( Empty Weight = 300 )
CableCar_Wheel_sm( Empty Weight = 500 )
Climber_sm( Empty Weight = 200 )
Generator_sm( Empty Weight = 2000 )
Humvee_sm( Empty Weight = 1500 )
pallet_of_Boxes_sm( Empty Weight = 800 )
Propane_Tank_sm( Empty Weight = 1800 )

[stability coefficients]

ground translational damping Damping and stability co-efficients are used to estimate the behavior of an object when it is being transported on a sling or hoist. AC_Unit_sm( ground translational damping = -4.0, -4.0, -0.2 )
ground rotational damping AC_Unit_sm( ground rotational damping = -200.0, -200.0, -200.0 )
ground rotational stability AC_Unit_sm( ground rotational stability = -150.0, -40.0, -0.0 )
air translational damping AC_Unit_sm( air translational damping = -0.2, -0.2, -0.1 )
air rotational damping AC_Unit_sm( air rotational damping = -100.0, -100.0, -100.0 )
air rotational stability AC_Unit_sm( air rotational stability = -75.0, -20.0, -0.0 )