Configure server-based authentication with Dynamics 365 Online and SharePoint on-premises
Applies To: Dynamics 365 (online), Dynamics 365 (on-premises), Dynamics CRM 2016, Dynamics CRM Online
Introduced with Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online 2015 Update 1, server-based Microsoft SharePoint integration for document management can be used to connect Microsoft Dynamics 365 (online) with SharePoint on-premises. When using server-based authentication, Azure AD Domain Services is used as the trust broker and users do not need to sign in to SharePoint.
In This Topic
Permissions required
Set up server-to-server authentication with Dynamics 365 (online) and SharePoint on-premises
Add OneDrive for Business integration
Selecting a claims-based authentication mapping type
Permissions required
Office 365
- Office 365 Global Administrators membership - this is required for administrative-level access to the Microsoft Office 365 subscription and to run the Microsoft AzurePowerShell cmdlets.
Microsoft Dynamics 365 (online)
Run SharePoint Integration Wizard privilege. This is required to run the Enable Server-based Authentication wizard in Microsoft Dynamics 365.
By default, the System Administrator security role has this permission.
SharePoint on-premises
- Farm Administrators group membership - this is required to run most of the PowerShell commands on the SharePoint server.
Set up server-to-server authentication with Dynamics 365 (online) and SharePoint on-premises
Follow the steps in the order provided to set up Dynamics 365 (online) with SharePoint 2013 on-premises.
The steps described here must be completed in the order provided. If a task is not completed, such as a PowerShell command that returns an error message, the issue must be resolved before you continue to the next command, task, or step.
Once you enable server-based SharePoint integration, you won't be able to revert to the previous client-based authentication method. Therefore, you can’t use the Microsoft Dynamics CRM List Component after you have configured your Dynamics 365 organization for server-based SharePoint integration.
Verify prerequisites
Before you configure Microsoft Dynamics 365 (online) and SharePoint on-premises for server-based authentication, the following prerequisites must be met:
SharePoint prerequisites
Microsoft SharePoint 2013 (on-premises) with Service Pack 1 (SP1) or later version
Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2013 versions aren’t supported for use with Microsoft Dynamics 365 document management.
Hotfix KB2883081 for SharePoint Foundation 2013 August 12, 2014 (Sts-x-none.msp)
The following updates are prerequisites to KB2883081 and may also be required.
SharePoint configuration
SharePoint must be configured for a single farm deployment only.
SharePoint website must be accessible via the Internet. A reverse proxy may also be required for SharePoint authentication. More information: Configure a reverse proxy device for SharePoint Server 2013 hybrid
SharePoint website must be configured to use SSL (HTTPS) and the certificate must be issued by a public root Certificate Authority. More information: SharePoint: About Secure Channel SSL certificates
A reliable user property to use for claims-based authentication mapping between SharePoint and Microsoft Dynamics 365. More information: Selecting a claims-based authentication mapping type
For document sharing, the SharePoint search service must be enabled. More information: Create and configure a Search service application in SharePoint Server
For document management functionality when using the Microsoft Dynamics 365 mobile apps, the on-premises SharePoint server must be available through the Internet.
If you use Microsoft SharePoint 2013, for each SharePoint farm, only one Microsoft Dynamics 365 organization can be configured for server-based integration.
Other prerequisites
SharePoint Online license. Microsoft Dynamics 365 (online) to SharePoint on-premises server-based authentication must have the SharePoint service principal name (SPN) registered in Azure Active Directory. To achieve this, at least one SharePoint Online user license is required. The SharePoint Online license can derive from a single user license and typically comes from one of the following:
A SharePoint Online subscription. Any SharePoint Online plan is sufficient even if the license isn’t assigned to a user.
An Office 365 subscription that includes SharePoint Online. For example, if you have Office 365 E3, you have the appropriate licensing even if the license isn’t assigned to a user.
For more information about these plans, see Office 365: Select a plan and Compare SharePoint options
The following software features are required to run the PowerShell cmdlets described in this topic.
Microsoft Online Services Sign-In Assistant for IT Professionals Beta
Azure Active Directory Module for Windows PowerShell (64-bit version)
At the time of this writing, there is an issue with the RTW version of Microsoft Online Services Sign-In Assistant for IT Professionals. Until the issue is resolved, we recommend that you use the Beta version. More information: Microsoft Azure Forums: Cannot install Azure Active Directory Module for Windows PowerShell. MOSSIA is not installed.
A suitable claims-based authentication mapping type to use for mapping identities between Microsoft Dynamics 365 (online) and SharePoint on-premises. By default, email address is used. More information: Grant Microsoft Dynamics 365 permission to access SharePoint and configure the claims-based authentication mapping
Update the SharePoint Server SPN in Azure Active Directory Domain Services
On the SharePoint on-premises server, in the SharePoint 2013 Management Shell, run these PowerShell commands in the order given.
Prepare the PowerShell session.
The following cmdlets enable the computer to receive remote commands and add Office 365 modules to the PowerShell session. For more information about these cmdlets see Windows PowerShell Core Cmdlets.
Enable-PSRemoting -force New-PSSession Import-Module MSOnline -force Import-Module MSOnlineExtended -force
Connect to Office 365.
When you run the Connect-MsolService command, you must provide a valid Microsoft account that has Office 365 Global Administrator membership for the SharePoint Online license that is required.
For detailed information about each of the Azure Active DirectoryPowerShell commands listed here, see MSDN: Manage Azure AD using Windows PowerShell
$msolcred = get-credential connect-msolservice -credential $msolcred
Set the SharePoint host name.
The value that you set for the variable HostName must be the complete host name of the SharePoint site collection. The hostname must be derived from the site collection URL and is case sensitive. In this example, the site collection URL is, so the hostname is
$HostName = ""
Get the Office 365 object (tenant) id and SharePoint Server Service Principal Name (SPN).
$SPOAppId = "00000003-0000-0ff1-ce00-000000000000" $SPOContextId = (Get-MsolCompanyInformation).ObjectID $SharePoint = Get-MsolServicePrincipal -AppPrincipalId $SPOAppId $ServicePrincipalName = $SharePoint.ServicePrincipalNames
Set the SharePoint Server Service Principal Name (SPN) in Azure Active Directory.
$ServicePrincipalName.Add("$SPOAppId/$HostName") Set-MsolServicePrincipal -AppPrincipalId $SPOAppId -ServicePrincipalNames $ServicePrincipalName
After these commands complete do not close the SharePoint 2013 Management Shell, and continue to the next step.
Update the SharePoint realm to match that of SharePoint Online
On the SharePoint on-premises server, in the SharePoint 2013 Management Shell, run this Windows PowerShell command.
The following command requires SharePoint farm administrator membership and sets the authentication realm of the SharePoint on-premises farm.
Running this command changes the authentication realm of the SharePoint on-premises farm. For applications that use an existing security token service (STS), this may cause unexpected behavior with other applications that use access tokens. More information: Set-SPAuthenticationRealm.
Set-SPAuthenticationRealm -Realm $SPOContextId
Create a trusted security token issuer for Azure Active Directory on SharePoint
On the SharePoint on-premises server, in the SharePoint 2013 Management Shell, run these PowerShell commands in the order given.
The following commands require SharePoint farm administrator membership.
For detailed information about these PowerShell commands, see Use Windows PowerShell cmdlets to administer security in SharePoint 2013.
Enable the PowerShell session to make changes to the security token service for the SharePoint farm.
$c = Get-SPSecurityTokenServiceConfig $c.AllowMetadataOverHttp = $true $c.AllowOAuthOverHttp= $true $c.Update()
Set the metadata endpoint.
$metadataEndpoint = "" + $SPOContextId + "/metadata/json/1" $acsissuer = "00000001-0000-0000-c000-000000000000@" + $SPOContextId $issuer = "00000007-0000-0000-c000-000000000000@" + $SPOContextId
Create the new token control service application proxy in Azure Active Directory.
New-SPAzureAccessControlServiceApplicationProxy -Name "Internal" -MetadataServiceEndpointUri $metadataEndpoint -DefaultProxyGroup
The New- SPAzureAccessControlServiceApplicationProxy command may return an error message indicating that an application proxy with the same name already exists. If the named application proxy already exists, you can ignore the error.
Create the new token control service issuer in SharePoint on-premises for Azure Active Directory.
$ = New-SPTrustedSecurityTokenIssuer –Name "ACSInternal" –IsTrustBroker:$true –MetadataEndpoint $metadataEndpoint -RegisteredIssuerName $acsissuer
Grant Microsoft Dynamics 365 permission to access SharePoint and configure the claims-based authentication mapping
On the SharePoint on-premises server, in the SharePoint 2013 Management Shell, run these PowerShell commands in the order given.
The following commands require SharePoint site collection administration membership.
Register Microsoft Dynamics 365 with the SharePoint site collection.
Enter the SharePoint on-premises site collection URL. In this example, is used.
To complete this command, the SharePoint App Management Service Application Proxy must exist and be running. For more information about how to start and configure the service, see the Configure the Subscription Settings and App Management service applications subtopic in Configure an environment for apps for SharePoint (SharePoint 2013).
$site = Get-SPSite "" Register-SPAppPrincipal -site $site.RootWeb -NameIdentifier $issuer -DisplayName "crm"
Grant Microsoft Dynamics 365 application access to the SharePoint site. Replace with your SharePoint site URL.
In the following example, the Dynamics 365 application is granted permission to the specified SharePoint site collection by using the –Scope site collection parameter. The Scope parameter accepts the following options. Choose the scope that is most appropriate for your SharePoint configuration.
site. Grants the Dynamics 365 application permission to the specified SharePoint website only. It doesn’t grant permission to any subsites under the named site.
sitecollection. Grants the Dynamics 365 application permission to all websites and subsites within the specified SharePoint site collection.
sitesubscription. Grants the Dynamics 365 application permission to all websites in the SharePoint farm, including all site collections, websites, and subsites.
$app = Get-SPAppPrincipal -NameIdentifier $issuer -Site "" Set-SPAppPrincipalPermission -AppPrincipal $app -Site $site.Rootweb -Scope "sitecollection" -Right "FullControl"
Set the claims-based authentication mapping type.
By default, the claims-based authentication mapping will use the user’s Microsoft account email address and the user’s SharePoint on-premises work email address for mapping. When you use this, the user’s email addresses must match between the two systems. For more information, see Selecting a claims-based authentication mapping type.
$map1 = New-SPClaimTypeMapping -IncomingClaimType "" -IncomingClaimTypeDisplayName "EmailAddress" -SameAsIncoming
Run the Enable server-based SharePoint integration wizard
In the Microsoft Dynamics 365 app, follow these steps:
Go to Settings > Document Management.
In the Document Management area, click Enable server-based SharePoint integration.
Review the information and then click Next.
For the SharePoint sites, click On-premises, and then Next.
Enter the SharePoint on-premises site collection URL, such as The site must be configured for SSL.
Click Next.
The validate sites section appears. If all sites are determined valid, click Enable. If one or more sites are determined invalid, see Troubleshooting server-based authentication.
Select the entities that you want to include in document management
By default, Account, Article, Lead, Product, Quote, and Sales Literature entities are included. You can add or remove the entities that will be used for document management with SharePoint in Document Management Settings in Microsoft Dynamics 365. Go to Settings > Document Management. More information: Customer Center: Enable document management on entities
Add OneDrive for Business integration
After you complete Microsoft Dynamics 365 and SharePoint on-premises server-based authentication configuration, you can also integrate OneDrive for Business. With Microsoft Dynamics 365 and OneDrive for Business integration, Dynamics 365 users can create and manage private documents using OneDrive for Business. Those documents can be accessed in Dynamics 365 once the system administrator has enabled OneDrive for Business.
Enable OneDrive for Business
On the Windows Server where SharePoint Server on-premises is running, open the SharePoint Management Shell and run the following commands:
Add-Pssnapin *
# Access WellKnown App principal
# Create WellKnown App principal
$ClientId = "00000007-0000-0000-c000-000000000000"
$PermissionXml = "<AppPermissionRequests AllowAppOnlyPolicy=""true""><AppPermissionRequest Scope=""https://sharepoint/content/tenant"" Right=""FullControl"" /><AppPermissionRequest Scope=""https://sharepoint/social/tenant"" Right=""Read"" /><AppPermissionRequest Scope=""https://sharepoint/search"" Right=""QueryAsUserIgnoreAppPrincipal"" /></AppPermissionRequests>"
$wellKnownApp= New-Object -TypeName "Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPWellKnownAppPrincipal" -ArgumentList ($ClientId, $PermissionXml)
Selecting a claims-based authentication mapping type
By default, the claims-based authentication mapping will use the user’s Microsoft account email address and the user’s SharePoint on-premises work email address for mapping. Note that whatever claims-based authentication type you use, the values, such as email addresses, must match between Microsoft Dynamics 365 (online) and SharePoint. Office 365 directory synchronization can help with this. More information: Deploy Office 365 Directory Synchronization (DirSync) in Microsoft Azure To use a different type of claims-based authentication mapping, see Define custom claim mapping for SharePoint server-based integration.
To enable the Work email property, SharePoint on-premises must have a User Profile Service Application configured and started. To enable a User Profile Service Application in SharePoint, see Create, edit, or delete User Profile service applications in SharePoint Server 2013. To make changes to a user property, such as Work email, see Edit a user profile property. For more information about the User Profile Service Application, see Overview of the User Profile service application in SharePoint Server 2013.
See Also
Troubleshooting server-based authentication
Set up SharePoint integration with Microsoft Dynamics 365
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