Κοινή χρήση μέσω

Provision a Second Web Sites Controller


Applies To: Windows Azure Pack

Windows Azure Pack: Web Sites can have a maximum of two Web Sites Controllers. For High Availability, it is strongly recommended that you exercise this maximum and provision a second Web Sites Controller. You can do this in either of two ways:

  • When you create a new farm
  • Add a controller to an existing farm

Add a second Web Sites controller to a new farm (with Update Release 6 and later)

Using the Windows Azure Pack Web Sites management console, you can add a second Web Sites controller when you configure a new farm.

  1. When selecting the controller type, select Join server to an existing Websites cloud as secondary controller.
  2. In the list of System Keys and Database ConnectionStrings, click Configure
  3. In the popup window, enter values for these fields:
    • Primary Controller
    • User name
    • Password
  4. Click OK to configure the second controller.

Add a second Web Sites controller to an existing farm

Use the following scripts to add a controller to an existing farm:

  • OnStartSecondaryController.cmd - Installs the WebPlatform Installer (Web PI) on the Windows 2012 server or Virtual Machine that you have prepared. It then calls the HostingBootstrapperBootstrapper and OnStartSecondaryController scripts in succession to complete the provisioning of the secondary controller. Required parameters include the SQL Server and Controller administrative credentials that will be used in your setup.

  • HostingBootstrapperBootstrapper.ps1 - Calls Program Files\Microsoft\Web Platform Installer\WebpiCmd.exe to install the second Web Sites Controller. It uses the same procedure as when installing the primary controller, but discards the configuration portal by specifying the command line switch /SuppressPostFinish.

  • OnStartSecondaryController.ps1 - Copies configuration data from the primary controller to the secondary controller, including the SystemCore and SiteRuntime keys and the hosting and resource metering connection strings. When finished, it starts the WebFarmService.

  • Common.ps1 - Provides supporting functions for the OnStartSecondaryController.ps1 script.


These scripts require that Windows Remote Management (WinRM) be enabled on the primary controller.

Steps to run the scripts

  1. Copy the script files to a folder on the server that will be the Secondary Controller.

  2. Copy the WebPlatformInstaller.msi file to the same folder as the scripts. This is necessary because the OnStartSecondaryController.cmd script automates the installation of Web PI.

  3. Run OnStartSecondaryController.cmd with administrator rights, supplying the parameters described in the table below. Administrative privileges are required so that the appropriate products can be installed through Web PI automation and the primary controller can be accessed through WinRM.


    In a WORKGROUP scenario, you might need to enable WinRM on the primary controller, or run the commands in the OnStartSecondaryController.cmd script manually.



OnStartSecondaryController.cmd -feed %Feed% -webSitesInstanceName %WebSitesInstanceName% -sqlservername %DatabaseServerName% -sqlsysadmin %DatabaseSysAdminAccount% -sqlsysadminpwd %DatabaseSysAdminPassword% -controllerAdminUserName %ControllerAdminUserName% -controllerAdminPassword %ControllerAdminPassword%  


Parameter Name Description Notes
feed Optionally specifies the Web PI feed that will be used to install the controller. If this parameter is not specified, the default Web PI primary feed is used.
webSitesInstanceName Used as prefix for database objects Must match the prefix name of the database in the installation.
sqlservername Name of the instance of SQL server
sqlsysadmin SQL Server sys admin user account name Needs to be member of sysadmin server roles.
sqlsysadminpwd SQL Server sys admin user account password
controllerAdminUserName Web Farm Framework (WFF) Administrator account name to provision If this is a domain account, it will be added to the local administrators group.

If the server is in WORKGROUP, it will try to create the user if the user doesn’t exist and then add it to the local administrators group.
controllerAdminPassword WFF Administrator account password to provision

OnStartSecondaryController.cmd Script

@echo off  
echo Starting OnStartSecondaryController.cmd  
rem ---------------------------------------------  
rem Initialize Variables  
rem ---------------------------------------------  
    set POWERSHELL=%windir%\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe  
    set FEED=  
    set INSTANCE_NAME=  
    set SQL_SYSADMIN=  
rem ---------------------------------------------  
rem Parse command line parameters  
rem ---------------------------------------------  
    set PARAM_MATCHED=0  
    if "%1"=="" (  
        goto :parse_param_completed  
    if /I "%1"=="-feed" (  
        set FEED=%2  
        set PARAM_MATCHED=1  
    if /I "%1"=="-webSitesInstanceName" (  
        set INSTANCE_NAME=%2  
        set PARAM_MATCHED=1  
    if /I "%1"=="-sqlservername" (  
        set SQL_SERVERNAME=%2  
        set PARAM_MATCHED=1  
    if /I "%1"=="-sqlsysadmin" (  
        set SQL_SYSADMIN=%2  
        set PARAM_MATCHED=1  
    if /I "%1"=="-sqlsysadminpwd" (  
        set SQL_SYSADMINPWD=%2  
        set PARAM_MATCHED=1  
    if /I "%1"=="-controllerAdminUserName" (  
        set PARAM_MATCHED=1  
    if /I "%1"=="-controllerAdminPassword" (  
        set PARAM_MATCHED=1  
    if "%PARAM_MATCHED%"=="0" (  
       echo Parameter %1 was not matched  
       exit 1  
    goto :parse_param  
rem -----------------------------------------------------------------------  
rem Provision Controller  
rem ------------------------------------------------------------------------  
    echo Installing WebPlatformInstaller.  
    start /wait %windir%\system32\msiexec.exe /qn /i WebPlatformInstaller.msi /l %SystemDrive%\WebPlatformInstaller.log  
    if errorlevel 1 (  
        echo WebPlatform Installer installation failed. See log at %SystemDrive%\WebPlatformInstaller.log for more details.  
        exit 1  
    echo WebPlatformInstaller setup completed successfully.  
    echo Enabling remote desktop access.  
    start /wait cscript %windir%\system32\scregedit.wsf /ar 0  
    if errorlevel 1 (  
        echo Enabling remote desktop failed.  
        exit 1  
    echo Remote desktop access has been enabled successfully.  
    if exist StrongNameHijack.msi (  
        echo Installing StrongNameHijack...  
        start /wait %windir%\system32\msiexec.exe /qn /i StrongNameHijack.msi /l %SystemDrive%\StrongNameHijack.log  
        if errorlevel 1 (  
            echo "StrongNameHijack installation failed. See log at %SystemDrive%\StrongNameHijack.log for more details."  
            exit 1  
        echo StrongNameHijack setup completed successfully.  
        net stop msiserver & net start msiserver  
    echo Starting HostingBootstrapperBootstrapper.ps1  
    if "%FEED%"=="" (  
        %POWERSHELL% -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -File HostingBootstrapperBootstrapper.ps1  
    ) else (  
        %POWERSHELL% -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -File HostingBootstrapperBootstrapper.ps1 -mainFeed "%FEED%"  
    if errorlevel 1 (  
        echo HostingBootstrapperBootstrapper.ps1 failed.  
        exit 1  
    echo HostingBootstrapperBootstrapper.ps1 completed successfully.  
    echo Starting OnStartSecondaryController.ps1  
    %POWERSHELL% -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -File OnStartSecondaryController.ps1 -webSitesInstanceName "%INSTANCE_NAME%" -sqlservername "%SQL_SERVERNAME%" -sqlsysadmin "%SQL_SYSADMIN%" -sqlsysadminpwd "%SQL_SYSADMINPWD%" -controllerAdminUserName "%CONTROLLER_ADMIN_USERNAME%" -controllerAdminPassword "%CONTROLLER_ADMIN_PASSWORD%"  
    if errorlevel 1 (  
        echo OnStartSecondaryController.ps1 failed.  
        exit 1  
    echo OnStartSecondaryController.ps1 completed successfully.  
echo OnStartSecondaryController.cmd completed successfully.  
exit 0  


# PowerShell script to setup Web Sites Controller using WebPI.  
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.  
    [string] $boostrapperProductId = "HostingPrimaryControllerBootstrapper_v2",  
    [string] $mainFeed = "",  
    [string] $customFeed = ""  
# Change Error Action to Stop  
Function BootstrapBootstrapper ()  
    $WebPiCmd = [System.Environment]::ExpandEnvironmentVariables("%ProgramW6432%\Microsoft\Web Platform Installer\WebpiCmd.exe")  
    $WebPiLog = [System.Environment]::ExpandEnvironmentVariables("%SystemDrive%\HostingPrimaryControllerBootstrapper.log")  
    If ($mainFeed -eq "")  
        Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock { & $WebPiCmd /Install /Products:$boostrapperProductId /AcceptEula /SuppressReboot /SuppressPostFinish /Log:$WebPiLog }  
        If ($customFeed -eq "")  
            Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock { & $WebPiCmd /Install /Products:$boostrapperProductId /AcceptEula /SuppressReboot /SuppressPostFinish /XML:$mainFeed /Log:$WebPiLog }  
            Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock { & $WebPiCmd /Install /Products:$boostrapperProductId /AcceptEula /SuppressReboot /SuppressPostFinish /XML:$mainFeed /Feeds:$customFeed /Log:$WebPiLog }  
    If ($lastexitcode -ne $Null -And $lastexitcode -ne 0)  
        Exit $lastexitcode  
# Entry Point  


# PowerShell script to setup a Web Sites secondary controller.  
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.  
    [string] $webSitesInstanceName,  
    [string] $sqlservername,  
    [string] $sqlsysadmin,  
    [string] $sqlsysadminpwd,  
    [string] $controllerAdminUserName,  
    [string] $controllerAdminPassword  
# Init Global Variables  
$cnstr = "server=$($sqlservername);database=Hosting;uid=$($sqlsysadmin);pwd=$($sqlsysadminpwd);"  
# Load common script file  
$startDir = "."  
$common = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($startDir, "Common.ps1")  
. $common  
Function Get-PrimaryController()  
        $siteManager = New-Object Microsoft.Web.Hosting.SiteManager $cnstr  
        $primaryController = $siteManager.Controllers.GetPrimaryController([Microsoft.Web.Hosting.PlatformOptions]::VirtualMachineManager)  
        Return $primaryController.MachineName;  
        If($siteManager -ne $Null)  
Function Test-PrimaryController()  
        $PrimaryController = Get-PrimaryController  
        Return $PrimaryController -ne $Null  
    Catch [Microsoft.Web.Hosting.WebHostingObjectNotFoundException]  
        Write-Host "$(Get-Date): Primary Controller NOT Ready"  
        Return $False;  
Function WaitForPrimaryControllerToBeReady()  
    Write-Host "$(Get-Date): Waiting for Primary Controller to be ready"  
    $valid = Test-PrimaryController  
    If ($valid -eq $False)  
        While ($WaitIndex -lt $MaxWait -and $valid -eq $False)  
            $WaitIndex = $WaitIndex + 1  
            $valid = Test-PrimaryController  
    If ($valid -eq $False)  
        Throw New-Object [System.Exception] "Primary Controller NOT ready. Timed out waiting."  
    Write-Host "$(Get-Date): Primary Controller is Ready"  
Function Copy-SystemCoreKeyFromPrimaryController([string] $PrimaryController)  
    Write-Host "$(Get-Date): Copy SystemCore key"  
    $remoteCommand = {  
        Add-PSSnapIn WebHostingSnapIn  
        Get-WebSitesConfig -Type SecurityKey -SymmetricKeyName SystemCore  
    $SystemCoreKey = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $PrimaryController -ScriptBlock $remoteCommand  
    Set-WebSitesConfig -Type SecurityKey -SymmetricKeyName SystemCore -SymmetricKey $SystemCoreKey -Force  
Function Copy-SiteRuntimeKeyFromPrimaryController([string] $PrimaryController)  
    Write-Host "$(Get-Date): Copy SiteRuntime key"  
    $remoteCommand = {  
        Add-PSSnapIn WebHostingSnapIn  
        Get-WebSitesConfig -Type SecurityKey -SymmetricKeyName SiteRuntime  
    $SiteRuntimeKey  = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $PrimaryController -ScriptBlock $remoteCommand  
    Set-WebSitesConfig -Type SecurityKey -SymmetricKeyName SiteRuntime -SymmetricKey $SiteRuntimeKey -Force  
Function Copy-HostingConnectionStringFromPrimaryController([string] $PrimaryController)  
    Write-Host "$(Get-Date): Copy hosting connection string"  
    $remoteCommand = {  
        Add-PSSnapIn WebHostingSnapIn  
    $HostingCnStr  = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $PrimaryController -ScriptBlock $remoteCommand  
    Set-WebSitesConnectionString -Type Hosting -ConnectionString $HostingCnStr  
Function Copy-MeteringConnectionStringFromPrimaryController([string] $PrimaryController)  
    Write-Host "$(Get-Date): Copy metering connection string"  
    $remoteCommand = {  
        Add-PSSnapIn WebHostingSnapIn  
    $computerName = [Microsoft.Web.Hosting.Common.NetworkHelper]::GetComputerName([Microsoft.Web.Hosting.Common.ComputerNameFormat]::DnsFullyQualified)  
    $MeteringCnStr  = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $PrimaryController -ScriptBlock $remoteCommand      
    Set-WebSitesConnectionString -Type Metering -ConnectionString $MeteringCnStr -ServerName $computerName  
Function OnStartSecondaryController()  
        Write-Host "$(Get-Date): Starting OnStartSecondaryController()" -ForegroundColor Green  
        Add-PSSnapin WebHostingSnapin  
        ConfigureRoleAdministrator $controllerAdminUserName $controllerAdminPassword  
        WaitForHostingDatabaseToBeReady $cnstr  
        $PrimaryController = Get-PrimaryController  
        Copy-SystemCoreKeyFromPrimaryController $PrimaryController  
        Copy-SiteRuntimeKeyFromPrimaryController $PrimaryController  
        Copy-HostingConnectionStringFromPrimaryController $PrimaryController  
        Copy-MeteringConnectionStringFromPrimaryController $PrimaryController  
        Start-Service WebFarmService  
        Write-Host "$(Get-Date): OnStartSecondaryController completed successfully" -ForegroundColor Green  
    Catch [System.Exception]  
        Write-Host "$(Get-Date): Exception encountered while executing OnStartSecondaryController:" -ForegroundColor Red  
        Write-Host $_ -ForegroundColor Red  
        Write-Host "$(Get-Date): Exiting OnStartSecondaryController.ps1" -ForegroundColor Red  
        Exit -1  
# Entry Point  


# PowerShell Web Sites common script.  
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.  
Function LoadHostingFramework()  
    $mwhc = Get-Item ".\Microsoft.Web.Hosting.Common.dll"  
    [void] [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFrom($mwhc.FullName)  
    Write-Host "$(Get-Date): Microsoft.Web.Hosting.Common assembly was successfully loaded from: $mwhc"  
    $mwh  = Get-Item ".\Microsoft.Web.Hosting.dll"  
    [void] [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFrom($mwh.FullName)  
    Write-Host "$(Get-Date): Microsoft.Web.Hosting assembly was successfully loaded from: $mwh"  
Function IsHostingDatabaseReady([string] $cnstr)  
        $siteManager = New-Object Microsoft.Web.Hosting.SiteManager $cnstr  
        Return $true;  
    Catch [Exception]  
        Write-Host "$(Get-Date): Hosting Database NOT Ready"  
        Return $false;  
        If($siteManager -ne $Null)  
Function WaitForHostingDatabaseToBeReady ([string] $cnstr)  
    Write-Host "$(Get-Date): Waiting for Hosting Database to be ready"  
    $ready = IsHostingDatabaseReady $cnstr  
    If($ready -ne $true)  
    While ($WaitIndex -lt $MaxWait -and $ready -ne $true)  
            $WaitIndex = $WaitIndex + 1  
            $ready = IsHostingDatabaseReady $cnstr  
    If ($ready -ne $true)  
        Throw New-Object [System.Exception] "Hosting Database NOT ready. Timed out waiting."  
    Write-Host "$(Get-Date): Hosting Database is Ready"  
Function ConfigureRoleAdministrator([string] $roleadminusr, [string] $roleadminpwd)  
    $isDomain = $false  
    # Identify if user is a domain user account  
    $values = $roleadminusr.Split('\');  
    If ($values.Length -eq 1)  
        $domain = $env:COMPUTERNAME  
        $username = $values[0]  
    ElseIf ($values.Length -eq 2)  
        If ([String]::Equals($values[0], ".") -Or  
            [String]::Equals($values[0], [Environment]::MachineName, [StringComparison]::OrdinalIgnoreCase))  
            $isDomain = $false  
            $domain = $env:COMPUTERNAME  
            $username = $values[1]  
            $isDomain = $true  
            $domain = $values[0]  
            $username = $values[1]  
        Throw New-Object ArgumentException "Invalid user name" "roleadminusr"  
    # Create user if specified user is not a domain account  
    if ($isDomain -eq $false)  
            $computer = [ADSI]"WinNT://$env:COMPUTERNAME"  
            $user = $computer.Create("User", $username)  
        Catch [System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException]  
            # User already exists  
            If ($_.Exception.ErrorCode -eq -2147022672)  
                Write-Host "$(Get-Date): User $domain\$username already exits."  
                Write-Host "$(Get-Date): Updating password for User $domain\$username."  
                $user = [ADSI]("WinNT://$env:COMPUTERNAME/$username,user")  
                Write-Host "$(Get-Date): Error creating user $domain\$username." -ForegroundColor Red  
    # Add user to local administrators group  
    #first translate the "Administrators" name to the name based on locale (make well known SID -> Name translation)  
    $administratorsSID = New-Object System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier("S-1-5-32-544")  
    $administratorsGroupName = $administratorsSID.Translate([System.Security.Principal.NTAccount]).Value  
    # retrieve the short name eg in german translate VORDEFINIERT\Administratoren ->Administratoren  
    # the translation should always return fully qualified name equivalent to BUILTIN\Administrators  
    $adminGroup = [ADSI]("WinNT://$env:COMPUTERNAME/$localizedAdministratorsGroupName,group")  
        If ($isDomain -eq $true)  
    Catch [System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException]  
        If ($_.Exception.ErrorCode -eq -2147023518) # ERROR_MEMBER_IN_ALIAS 1378 (0x562)  
            Write-Host "$(Get-Date): User $domain\$username is already member of Administrators group."  
            Write-Host "$(Get-Date): Error adding user $domain\$username to Administrators group." -ForegroundColor Red  

See Also

Deploy Windows Azure Pack: Web Sites