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Setting Up Windows Server AppFabric Hosting Services in a Workgroup Environment

This topic describes the steps you should take to install and configure the Windows Server AppFabric Hosting Services feature on computers in a workgroup test environment.

To install and configure the AppFabric Hosting Services feature on the first computer in the workgroup

  1. Go to the Microsoft Download Center (https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=183123). Download the appropriate setup download package: WindowsServerAppFabricSetup_amd64_6.1.exe for 64-bit Windows 7 or WindowsServerAppFabricSetup_x86_6.1.exe for 32-bit Windows 7.

  2. On the Accept License Terms page, read the license terms, and then accept the terms and click Next to continue, or do not accept the terms and then exit the setup wizard.

  3. On the Customer Experience Improvement Program page, select Yes to participate in the Customer Experience Improvement program, or No not to participate, and then click Next.

  4. On the Feature Selection page, select Hosting Services.


    Hosting Administration is automatically selected when Hosting Services is selected.

  5. The Confirm Installation Selections page will display a list of the AppFabric features that were selected on the Feature Selection page, and a list of the required Windows components that will be installed. Verify that the lists are correct, and then click Install to begin installation.

  6. On the Installation Results page, verify that the installation has succeeded. Click Finish to complete the installation wizard.

  7. Go to the Microsoft Support site (https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=187209), and download the update for the Windows 7 package, either 32-bit or 64-bit, as appropriate. This will require a restart.

  8. Open the configuration wizard by clicking Start, clicking All Programs, clicking Windows Server AppFabric, and then clicking Configure AppFabric.

  9. On the Before You Begin page of the configuration wizard, select Yes to participate in the Customer Experience Improvement program, or No not to participate, and then click Next.

  10. On the Configure Hosting Services page, select Set monitoring configuration.


    Leave the AppFabric Event Collection service account as NT AUTHORITY\LOCAL SERVICE.

  11. In Monitoring provider, select System.Data.SqlClient, and then click Configure.

  12. In the Windows Server AppFabric Monitoring Store Configuration dialog box, select Register AppFabric monitoring store in root web.config and Initialize monitoring store. In the Server box, ensure that <computer name>\SQLEXPRESS is entered. In Database, enter MyMonitoringDB.

  13. For Administrators, click Browse. In Select User or Group, enter <computer name>\MyHostingAdmin, check the name, and then click OK. Do the same for <computer name>\MyHostingObserver in Readers and <computer name>\MyHostingUser in Writers.

  14. Click OK, and then click Yes.

  15. In the pop-up message indicating successful initialization and registration, click OK.

  16. On the Configure Hosting Services page, select Set persistence configuration.


    Leave the AppFabric Workflow Management service account as NT AUTHORITY\LOCAL SERVICE.

  17. In Persistence provider, select sqlStoreProvider, and then click Configure.

  18. In the Windows Server AppFabric Persistence Store Configuration dialog box, select Register AppFabric persistence store in root web.config and Initialize persistence store. In the Server box, ensure that <computer name>\SQLEXPRESS is entered. In Database, enter MyPersistenceDB.

  19. For Administrators, click Browse. In Select User or Group, enter <computer name>\MyHostingAdmin, check the name, and then click OK. Do the same for <computer name>\MyHostingObserver in Readers and <computer name>\MyHostingUser in Users.

  20. In the pop-up message indicating successful initialization and registration, click OK.

  21. Click Next. On the Configure Caching Service page, click Next, and then on the Configure AppFabric Cache Node page, click Next.

  22. On the Configure Application page, click Finish.

  23. Open IIS Manager. In the Connections pane, expand the server node, and select Application Pools. Right-click DefaultAppPool, and then click Set Application Pool Defaults. Click Identity and then click the ellipsis (…) button. Select Custom account, and then click Set. Enter MyHostingUser, and then enter the password twice. Click OK, and then OK, and then OK again.

To install and configure the AppFabric Hosting Services feature on subsequent computers in the workgroup

  1. Go to the Microsoft Download Center (https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=183123). Download the appropriate setup download package: WindowsServerAppFabricSetup_amd64_6.1.exe for 64-bit Windows 7 or WindowsServerAppFabricSetup_x86_6.1.exe for 32-bit Windows 7.

  2. On the Accept License Terms page, read the license terms, and then accept the terms and click Next to continue, or do not accept the terms and then exit the setup wizard.

  3. On the Customer Experience Improvement Program page, select Yes to participate in the Customer Experience Improvement program, or No not to participate, and then click Next.

  4. On the Feature Selection page, select Hosting Services.


    Hosting Administration is automatically selected when Hosting Services is selected.

  5. The Confirm Installation Selections page will display a list of the AppFabric features that were selected on the Feature Selection page, and a list of the required Windows components that will be installed. Verify that the lists are correct, and then click Install to begin installation.

  6. On the Installation Results page, verify that the installation has succeeded. Click Finish to complete the installation wizard.

  7. Go to the Microsoft Support site (https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=187209), and download the update for the Windows 7 package, either 32-bit or 64-bit, as appropriate. This will require a restart.

  8. Open the configuration wizard by clicking Start, clicking All Programs, clicking Windows Server AppFabric, and then clicking Configure AppFabric.

  9. On the Before You Begin page of the configuration wizard, select Yes to participate in the Customer Experience Improvement program, or No not to participate, and then click Next.

  10. On the Configure Hosting Services page, select Set monitoring configuration.


    Leave the AppFabric Event Collection service account as NT AUTHORITY\LOCAL SERVICE.

  11. In Monitoring provider, select System.Data.SqlClient, and then click Configure.

  12. In the Windows Server AppFabric Monitoring Store Configuration dialog box, select Register AppFabric monitoring store in root web.config. In the Server box, enter <computer name>\SQLEXPRESS, with <computer name> being the name of the first computer joined to the workgroup. In Database, select MyMonitoringDB from the drop-down list.


    Do not select Initialize monitoring store for this computer.

  13. Click OK, and then click Yes.

  14. In the pop-up message indicating successful registration, click OK.

  15. On the Configure Hosting Services page, select Set persistence configuration.


    Leave the AppFabric Workflow Management service account as NT AUTHORITY\LOCAL SERVICE.

  16. In Persistence provider, select sqlStoreProvider, and then click Configure.

  17. In the Windows Server AppFabric Persistence Store Configuration dialog box, select Register AppFabric persistence store in root web.config. In the Server box, enter <computer name>\SQLEXPRESS, with <computer name> being the name of the first computer joined to the workgroup. In Database, select MyPersistenceDB from the drop-down list.


    Do not select Initialize persistence store for this computer.

  18. In the pop-up message indicating successful registration, click OK.

  19. Click Next.

  20. On the Configure Application page, click Finish.

  21. Open IIS Manager. In the Connections pane, expand the server node, and select Application Pools. Right-click DefaultAppPool, and then click Set Application Pool Defaults. Click Identity and then click Browse. Select Custom account, and then click Set. Enter MyHostingUser, and then enter the password twice. Click OK, and then OK again.

  22. Deploy and test your applications.