Short description
PowerShell provides completions on input to provide hints, enable discovery, and speed up input entry. Command names, parameter names, argument values and file paths can all be completed by pressing the Tab key.
Long description
Tab expansion is controlled by the internal function TabExpansion2. Since this function can be modified or overridden, this discussion is a guide to the behavior of the default PowerShell configuration.
Tab expansion behavior can also be modified by the Predictive IntelliSense feature of the PSReadLine module. For more information, see Predictive IntelliSense.
The Tab key is the default key binding on Windows. You can change the keybinding using the PSReadLine module or the application that's hosting PowerShell. The keybinding is different on non-Windows platforms. For more information, see about_PSReadLine.
One limitation of the tab expansion process is that tabs are always interpreted as attempts to complete a word. If you copy and paste command examples into a PowerShell console, make sure that the sample doesn't contain tabs. If it does, the results will be unpredictable and will almost certainly not be what you intended.
File and cmdlet name completion
To fill in a filename or path from the available choices automatically, type part of the name and press the Tab key. PowerShell automatically expands the name to the first match that it finds. Pressing the Tab key repeatedly cycles through all the available choices.
Cmdlet name completion
The tab expansion of cmdlet names is slightly different. To use tab expansion
on a cmdlet name, type the entire first part of the name (the verb) and the
hyphen that follows it. You can fill in more of the name for a partial match.
For example, if you type get-co
and then press the Tab key,
PowerShell automatically expands this to the Get-Command
cmdlet. Notice that
it also changes the case of letters to their standard form. If you press
Tab key again, PowerShell replaces this with the only other matching
cmdlet name, Get-Content
As of PowerShell 7.0, Tab also expands abbreviated cmdlets and
functions. For example, i-psdf<tab>
returns Import-PowerShellDataFile
Tab completion also works to resolve PowerShell alias and native executables.
You can use tab expansion repeatedly on the same line. For example, you can use
tab expansion on the name of the Get-Content
cmdlet by entering:
PS> Get-Con<Tab>
When you press the Tab key, the command expands to:
PS> Get-Content
You can then partially specify the path to the Active Setup log file and use tab expansion again:
PS> Get-Content C:\windows\acts<Tab>
When you press the Tab key, the command expands to:
PS> Get-Content C:\windows\actsetup.log
PSReadLine also has a menu completion feature. The default key binding on Windows is Ctrl+Space.
PS> fore<Ctrl-Space>
When you press Ctrl+Space, PowerShell presents the full list of matching values as a menu:
PS> foreach
foreach ForEach-Object foreach.cmd
In this example the string 'fore' is matched to foreach
(PowerShell alias),
(cmdlet), and foreach.cmd
(native command). Use the arrow
keys to select the value you want.
Parameter argument completion
Tab completion can also work to complete parameter arguments. You can use the Tab key to cycle through a list of possible values that are valid for some parameter.
For more information, see about_Functions_Argument_Completion.
Enumerated value completion
PowerShell 7.0 added support for tab completion of enums. You can use tab completion to select the value you want anywhere you use an enum. For example:
enum Suits {
Clubs = 0
Diamonds = 1
Hearts = 2
Spades = 3
[Suits]$suit = 'c<Tab>
Enumerated values are strings, so the value to be completed must start with a single or double-quote character.
When you hit the Tab key, you get the following results:
[Suits]$suit = 'Clubs'
Tab completion also works with .NET enumerations.
[System.IO.FileAttributes]$attr = 'S<Tab><Tab>
Hitting the Tab key twice cycles through the two values that start
with the letter S
. The end result is:
[System.IO.FileAttributes]$attr = 'System'
Beginning in PowerShell 7.0, tab expansion was added for the values of
when assigning to a variable. For example, if you were typing the
following variable definition:
[ValidateSet('Chocolate', 'Strawberry', 'Vanilla')]
[string]$flavor = 'Strawberry'
$flavor = <tab>
When you hit the Tab key, you would get the following result:
$flavor = 'Chocolate'
Tab completions for comment-based keywords
Beginning in PowerShell 7.2, support was added for tab completion of the
parameters and the keywords for comment-based help.
Example for #Requires
#Requires -<Ctrl-Space>
Menu expansion shows the following parameter options:
#Requires -<Ctrl-Space>
Modules PSEdition RunAsAdministrator Version
Example for comment-based help
Menu expansion shows the following keyword options: