- Άρθρο
This article provides migration details from New-AzureADUser command to Microsoft Graph PowerShell.
Permission type |
Permissions (from least to most privileged) |
Delegated (work or school account) |
User.ReadWrite.All, Directory.ReadWrite.All |
Delegated (personal Microsoft account) |
Not supported. |
Application |
User.ReadWrite.All, Directory.ReadWrite.All |
Property Mapping
Azure AD Name |
Microsoft Graph Name |
AccountEnabled |
AccountEnabled |
AgeGroup |
AgeGroup |
City |
City |
CompanyName |
CompanyName |
ConsentProvidedForMinor |
ConsentProvidedForMinor |
Country |
Country |
CreationType |
CreationType |
Department |
Department |
DisplayName |
DisplayName |
ExtensionProperty |
FacsimileTelephoneNumber |
GivenName |
GivenName |
ImmutableId |
IsCompromised |
JobTitle |
JobTitle |
MailNickName |
MailNickname |
Mobile |
OtherMails |
OtherMails |
PasswordPolicies |
PasswordPolicies |
PasswordProfile |
PasswordProfile |
PhysicalDeliveryOfficeName |
PostalCode |
PostalCode |
PreferredLanguage |
PreferredLanguage |
ShowInAddressList |
ShowInAddressList |
SignInNames |
State |
State |
StreetAddress |
StreetAddress |
Surname |
Surname |
TelephoneNumber |
UsageLocation |
UsageLocation |
UserPrincipalName |
UserPrincipalName |
UserState |
UserStateChangedOn |
UserType |
UserType |