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Earnings - Marketplace report in Partner Center

Appropriate roles: Marketplace/Store: Financial contributor

The Marketplace report shows earnings from the commercial marketplace.

To get this report:

  1. Sign in to Partner Center and select Earnings.
  2. Select Download report > Earnings | Marketplace, and follow the instructions to get the report. To learn more, see Get detailed earnings reports. The report contains the following attributes:


Attribute name Description
assetId Asset identifier
calculationDate Date the earning was calculated in the system
customerCountry Customer country/region
customerEmail End customer email ID
customerName May be blank
customerId Tenant ID of the end customer
earningAmount Earning Amount in the original transaction currency
earningAmountInLastPaymentCurrency Earning amount in the last payment currency (This field is empty when no prior payments have been paid)
earningAmountUSD Earning amount in USD
earningDate Date of the earning
earningExchangeRate Exchange rate used to show the corresponding USD amount
earningId Unique identifier for each earning
earningParticipantId, earningParticipantName, and earningParticipantIdType Partner identity in the transact relationship
earningRate Incentives rate applied on transaction amount to generate an earning
earningType Indicates whether it's fee, rebate, co-op, sell, and so on
estimatedPaymentMonth Month in which the earning is likely to be paid. Determined based on transaction date.
exchangeRateDate Exchange rate date used to calculate EarningAmount USD
externalReferenceId Unique identifier for the program
externalReferenceIdLabel Unique identifier label
invoiceNumber Invoice number (applicable for enterprise only)
isPrivateOffer Indicates if offer is private or public. True indicates Private and false indicates Public offer
lastPaymentCurrency Last payment currency (Blank if no prior payment paid)
lever Indicates business rule for the earning
LineItemId Individual line in a customer's invoice
localProviderSeller Local provider/seller of record
Maturity month The estimated payment month
OrderId Relates to a customer's invoice
parentProductId Unique parent product identifier. If there isn't a parent product for the transaction, then Parent Product ID = Product ID.
parentProductName Name of the parent product. If there isn't a parent product for the transaction, then parentProductName = productName.
participantId The primary identity of the partner earning under the program
participantIdType Mostly program ID for incentive programs and Seller IF for Marketplaces
participantName Name of the earning partner
partnerAssociation Type of relationship partner has to a customer. Examples: reseller, PAL.Owner
partnerCountryCode Location/country/region of the earning partner
partNumber Always blank
paymentId Unique identifier correlates all transactions in the transaction report with a payment in the payment report
paymentStatus Payment status
paymentStatusDescription Friendly description of payment status
productId Unique product identifier
productName Product name linked to the transaction
productType Type of product, such as App, Add-on, or Game
Program Code String to map with the program name
programName Incentive/store program name
quantity Varies based on program. Indicates billed quantity for transactional programs
quantityType Indicates the type of quantity, for example, MAU (monthly active users), Seats.
reasonCode Reason for adjustments
resellerId Reseller identifier
resellerName Reseller name
SkuId SKU ID as defined during publishing. An offer can have many SKUs, but a SKU can only be associated with a single offer.
storeFee The amount retained by Microsoft as a fee for making the app or add-on available in the Store
subscriptionId Subscription identifier associated with customer
taxRemitModel Party responsible for remitting taxes (sales, use, or VAT/GST taxes)
taxRemitted Amount of tax remitted (sales, use, or VAT/GST taxes)
taxState Customer's state
taxZipCode Customer's ZIP/postal code
tpan Indicates the third-party ad network
transactionAmount Transaction amount in the original transaction currency based on which earning is generated
transactionAmountUSD Transaction amount in USD
transactionCountryCode Country/region code in which the transaction happened
transactionCurrency Currency in which the original customer transaction occurred (which isn't partner location currency)
transactionDate Date when the payment has been received for the purchase record by the customer. Useful for programs where many transactions contribute to one earning
transactionExchangeRate Exchange rate data used to show the corresponding transaction USD amount
transactionId Unique identifier for the transaction
transactionPaymentMethod Customer payment instrument used for the transaction, such as Card, Mobile Carrier Billing, or PayPal
transactionType Type of transaction, such as purchase, refund, reversal, or chargeback
workload Name of the workload, service name, for example, spo (for Sharepoint), powerbistandalone (Power BI Standalone), Virtual Machines