Κοινή χρήση μέσω

Update the partner legal business profile

Applies to: Partner Center | Partner Center operated by 21Vianet | Partner Center for Microsoft Cloud for US Government

How to update the partner legal business profile.



To update the partner legal business profile, first instantiate a LegalBusinessProfile object and populate it with the existing profile. For more information, see Get the partner legal business profile. Then, update the properties that you need to change. The following code example illustrates changing the address and primary contact phone numbers.

Next, get an interface to the partner profile operations collection from the IAggregatePartner.Profiles property. Then, retrieve the value of the LegalBusinessProfile property to get an interface to legal business profile operations. Finally, call the Update or UpdateAsync method with the changed object to update the profile.

// IAggregatePartner partnerOperations;

var legalBusinessProfile = partnerOperations.Profiles.LegalBusinessProfile.Get();

// Change the address and primary contact phone number.
legalBusinessProfile.Address.PhoneNumber = "4255550110";
legalBusinessProfile.PrimaryContact.PhoneNumber = "4255550110";

// Apply changes to the profile.
var updatedLegalBusinessProfile = partnerOperations.Profiles.LegalBusinessProfile.Update(legalBusinessProfile);

REST request

Request syntax

Method Request URI
PUT {baseURL}/v1/profiles/legalbusiness HTTP/1.1

Request headers

For more information, see Partner Center REST headers.

Request body

The legal business profile resource.

Request example

PUT https://api.partnercenter.microsoft.com/v1/profiles/legalbusiness HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <token>
Accept: application/json
MS-RequestId: 4549ac0c-0f1d-4d8f-b02f-6d36fadcccee
MS-CorrelationId: aaaa0000-bb11-2222-33cc-444444dddddd
X-Locale: en-US
Content-Type: application/json
Host: api.partnercenter.microsoft.com
Content-Length: 806
Expect: 100-continue

    "CompanyName": "Lucerne Publishing",
    "Address": {
        "Country": "US",
        "Region": null,
        "City": "Redmond",
        "State": "WA",
        "AddressLine1": "123 Main Street",
        "AddressLine2": "",
        "PostalCode": "98052",
        "FirstName": "Gena",
        "LastName": "Soto",
        "PhoneNumber": "4255550110"
    "PrimaryContact": {
        "FirstName": "Gena",
        "LastName": "Soto",
        "Email": "gena@lucernepublishing.com",
        "PhoneNumber": "4255550110"
    "CompanyApproverAddress": {
        "Country": "US",
        "Region": null,
        "City": "Redmond",
        "State": "WA",
        "AddressLine1": "123 Main Street",
        "AddressLine2": "",
        "PostalCode": "98052",
        "FirstName": null,
        "LastName": null,
        "PhoneNumber": null
    "CompanyApproverEmail": "gena@lucernepublishing.com",
    "VettingStatus": "authorized",
    "VettingSubStatus": "none",
    "Links": {
        "Self": {
            "Uri": "/profiles/legalbusiness",
            "Method": "GET",
            "Headers": []
    "Attributes": {
        "ObjectType": "LegalBusinessProfile"

REST response

If successful, the response body contains the updated LegalBusinessProfile

Response success and error codes

Each response comes with an HTTP status code that indicates success or failure and additional debugging information. Use a network trace tool to read this code, error type, and additional parameters. For the full list, see Partner Center error codes.

Response example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 1157
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
MS-CorrelationId: aaaa0000-bb11-2222-33cc-444444dddddd
MS-RequestId: 4549ac0c-0f1d-4d8f-b02f-6d36fadcccee
MS-CV: KZLU42qJ4EObO75q.0
MS-ServerId: 030020643
Date: Tue, 21 Mar 2017 22:03:15 GMT

    "companyName": "Lucerne Publishing",
    "address": {
        "country": "US",
        "city": "Redmond",
        "state": "WA",
        "addressLine1": "123 Main Street",
        "addressLine2": "",
        "postalCode": "98052",
        "firstName": "Gena",
        "lastName": "Soto",
        "phoneNumber": "4255550110"
    "primaryContact": {
        "firstName": "Gena",
        "lastName": "Soto",
        "email": "gena@lucernepublishing.com",
        "phoneNumber": "4255550110"
    "companyApproverAddress": {
        "country": "US",
        "city": "Redmond",
        "state": "WA",
        "addressLine1": "123 Main Street",
        "addressLine2": "",
        "postalCode": "98052"
    "companyApproverEmail": "gena@lucernepublishing.com",
    "vettingStatus": "authorized",
    "vettingSubStatus": "none",
    "profileType": "LegalBusinessProfile",
    "links": {
        "self": {
            "uri": "/profiles/legalbusiness",
            "method": "GET",
            "headers": []
    "attributes": {
        "objectType": "LegalBusinessProfile"