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NuGet Error NU1302

You are running the 'restore' operation with an 'HTTP' source: myHttpSource. NuGet requires HTTPS sources. To use an HTTP source, you must explicitly set 'allowInsecureConnections' to true in your NuGet.Config file. Please refer to https://aka.ms/nuget-https-everywhere for more information.


myHttpSource is an insecure HTTP source. We recommend using an HTTPS source instead.


Option 1: Update the Source to Use HTTPS

If possible, update the package source to use https:// instead of http://:

    <add key="SecureSource" value="https://example.com/nuget/" />

Option 2: Allow Insecure Connections (If Necessary)

If the source must remain HTTP, explicitly allow insecure connections by adding the AllowInsecureConnections flag in the NuGet.Config:

    <add key="InsecureSource" value="http://example.com/nuget/" allowInsecureConnections="true" />

Option 3: Consult SDK Analysis Level

The SdkAnalysisLevel property in your project can serve as a temporary workaround for managing HTTP sources. If additional time is needed to resolve the HTTP error, you can lower the SdkAnalysisLevel to suppress errors temporarily. Here's how it functions:

  • For SDK Analysis Level value below 9.0.100, using HTTP sources triggers a warning (NU1803).
  • Starting with SDK Analysis Level 9.0.100 or higher, HTTP sources result in an error (NU1302) unless AllowInsecureConnections is explicitly enabled.