
Κοινή χρήση μέσω

Charts in Adaptive Cards

You can visually represent data through charts in Adaptive Cards. You can use charts for performance dashboards, budget allocations, project management, customer insights, and more.

Donut chart

You can use the Chart.Donut element to add a donut chart in an Adaptive Card.

Screenshot shows a donut chart in an Adaptive Card.

Here are the properties of the Chart.Donut element:

Property Required Type Description
type ✔️ String Must be Chart.Donut.
colorSet String The name of the set of colors to use to render the chart.
data ✔️ Array of objects The data to display in the chart.
fallback Object or String An alternate element to render if this type of element is unsupported or if the host application doesn't support all the capabilities specified in the requires property.
Allowed values: Container, ActionSet, ColumnSet, Media, RichTextBlock, Table, TextBlock, FactSet, ImageSet, Image, Input.Text, Input.Date, Input.Time, Input.Number, Input.Toggle, Input.ChoiceSet, Input.Rating, Rating, CompoundButton, Icon, Chart.Donut, Chart.Pie, Chart.VerticalBar.Grouped, Chart.VerticalBar, Chart.HorizontalBar, Chart.HorizontalBar.Stacked, Chart.Line, Chart.Gauge, CodeBlock, drop
grid.area String The area of a Layout.AreaGrid layout in which an element must be displayed.
height String The height of the element. When set to stretch, the element uses the remaining vertical space in its container.
Allowed values: auto, stretch
Default value: auto
horizontalAlignment String Controls how the element must be horizontally aligned.
Allowed values: Left, Center, Right
id String A unique identifier for the element or action.
isVisible Boolean Controls the visibility of the element.
Default value: true
lang String The locale associated with the input element.
requires Object A list of capabilities the element requires the host application to support. If the host application doesn't support at least one of the listed capabilities, the element isn't rendered or its fallback is rendered, if provided.
Allowed values: HostCapabilities
separator Boolean Controls whether a separator line must be displayed above the element to visually separate it from the previous element. No separator is displayed for the first element in a container, even if this property is set to true.
Default value: false
spacing String Controls the amount of space between this element and the previous one. No space is added for the first element in a container.
Allowed values: None, Small, Default, Medium, Large, ExtraLarge, Padding
Default value: Default
targetWidth String Controls the card width for which the element must be displayed. If targetWidth isn't specified, the element is rendered at all card widths. Using targetWidth makes it possible to author responsive cards that adapt their layout to the available horizontal space.
For more information, see Adaptive Card responsive layout.
Allowed values: VeryNarrow, Narrow, Standard, Wide, atLeast:VeryNarrow, atMost:VeryNarrow, atLeast:Narrow, atMost:Narrow, atLeast:Standard, atMost:Standard, atLeast:Wide, atMost:Wide
title String The title of the chart.

Here are the properties of the data array:

Property Required Type Description
color String The color to use for the data point.
Allowed values: good, warning, attention, neutral, categoricalRed, categoricalPurple, categoricalLavender, categoricalBlue, categoricalLightBlue, categoricalTeal, categoricalGreen, categoricalLime, categoricalMarigold, sequential1, sequential2, sequential3, sequential4, sequential5, sequential6, sequential7, sequential8, divergingBlue, divergingLightBlue, divergingCyan, divergingTeal, divergingYellow, divergingPeach, divergingLightRed, divergingRed, divergingMaroon, divergingGray
legend String The legend of the chart.
value Number The value associated with the data point.

Gauge chart

You can use the Chart.Gauge element to add a gauge chart in an Adaptive Card.

Screenshot shows a gauge chart in an Adaptive Card.

Here are the properties of the Chart.Gauge element:

Property Required Type Description
type ✔️ String Must be Chart.Gauge.
colorSet String The name of the set of colors to use to render the chart.
fallback Object or String An alternate element to render if this type of element is unsupported or if the host application doesn't support all the capabilities specified in the requires property.
Allowed values: Container, ActionSet, ColumnSet, Media, RichTextBlock, Table, TextBlock, FactSet, ImageSet, Image, Input.Text, Input.Date, Input.Time, Input.Number, Input.Toggle, Input.ChoiceSet, Input.Rating, Rating, CompoundButton, Icon, Chart.Donut, Chart.Pie, Chart.VerticalBar.Grouped, Chart.VerticalBar, Chart.HorizontalBar, Chart.HorizontalBar.Stacked, Chart.Line, Chart.Gauge, CodeBlock, drop
grid.area String The area of a Layout.AreaGrid layout in which an element must be displayed.
height String The height of the element. When set to stretch, the element uses the remaining vertical space in its container.
Allowed values: auto, stretch
Default value: auto
horizontalAlignment String Controls how the element must be horizontally aligned.
Allowed values: Left, Center, Right
id String A unique identifier for the input element.
isVisible Boolean Controls if the element is visible.
Default value: true
lang String The locale associated with the input element.
max Number The maximum value of the gauge.
min Number The minimum value of the gauge.
requires Object A list of capabilities the element requires the host application to support. If the host application doesn't support at least one of the listed capabilities, the element isn't rendered or its fallback is rendered, if provided.
Allowed values: HostCapabilities
segments Array of objects The segments to display in the gauge.
separator Boolean Controls whether a separator line must be displayed above the element to visually separate it from the previous element. No separator is displayed for the first element in a container, even if this property is set to true.
Default value: false
showLegend Boolean Controls if the legend must be displayed.
Default value: true
showMinMax Boolean Controls if the min or max values must be displayed.
Default value: true
spacing String Controls the amount of space between this element and the previous one. No space is added for the first element in a container.
Allowed values: None, Small, Default, Medium, Large, ExtraLarge, Padding
Default value: Default
subLabel String The sub-label of the gauge.
targetWidth String Controls the card width for which the element must be displayed. If targetWidth isn't specified, the element is rendered at all card widths. Using targetWidth makes it possible to author responsive cards that adapt their layout to the available horizontal space.
For more information, see Adaptive Card responsive layout.
Allowed values: VeryNarrow, Narrow, Standard, Wide, atLeast:VeryNarrow, atMost:VeryNarrow, atLeast:Narrow, atMost:Narrow, atLeast:Standard, atMost:Standard, atLeast:Wide, atMost:Wide
title String The title of the chart.
value Number The value of the gauge.
Default value: 0
valueFormat String The format used to display the gauge's value.
Allowed values: Percentage, Fraction
Default value: Percentage

Here are the properties of the segments array:

Property Required Type Description
color String The color to use for the segment.
Allowed values: good, warning, attention, neutral, categoricalRed, categoricalPurple, categoricalLavender, categoricalBlue, categoricalLightBlue, categoricalTeal, categoricalGreen, categoricalLime, categoricalMarigold, sequential1, sequential2, sequential3, sequential4, sequential5, sequential6, sequential7, sequential8, divergingBlue, divergingLightBlue, divergingCyan, divergingTeal, divergingYellow, divergingPeach, divergingLightRed, divergingRed, divergingMaroon, divergingGray
legend String The legend text associated with the segment.
value Number The size of the segment.
Default value: 0

Grouped vertical bar chart

You can use the Chart.VerticalBar.Grouped element to add a grouped or a stacked vertical bar chart in an Adaptive Card.

Screenshot shows a grouped vertical bar chart in an Adaptive Card.

Here are the properties of the Chart.VerticalBar.Grouped element:

Property Required Type Description
type ✔️ String Must be Chart.VerticalBar.Grouped.
color String The color to use for all data points.
Allowed values: good, warning, attention, neutral, categoricalRed, categoricalPurple, categoricalLavender, categoricalBlue, categoricalLightBlue, categoricalTeal, categoricalGreen, categoricalLime, categoricalMarigold, sequential1, sequential2, sequential3, sequential4, sequential5, sequential6, sequential7, sequential8, divergingBlue, divergingLightBlue, divergingCyan, divergingTeal, divergingYellow, divergingPeach, divergingLightRed, divergingRed, divergingMaroon, divergingGray
colorSet String The name of the set of colors to use to render the chart.
data Array of objects The data points in the chart.
fallback Object or String An alternate element to render if this element is unsupported or if the host application doesn't support all the capabilities specified in the requires property.
Allowed values: Container, ActionSet, ColumnSet, Media, RichTextBlock, Table, TextBlock, FactSet, ImageSet, Image, Input.Text, Input.Date, Input.Time, Input.Number, Input.Toggle, Input.ChoiceSet, Input.Rating, Rating, CompoundButton, Icon, Chart.Donut, Chart.Pie, Chart.VerticalBar.Grouped, Chart.VerticalBar, Chart.HorizontalBar, Chart.HorizontalBar.Stacked, Chart.Line, Chart.Gauge, CodeBlock, drop
grid.area String The area of a Layout.AreaGrid layout in which an element must be displayed.
height String Controls the height of the element. When set to stretch, the element uses the remaining vertical space in its container.
Allowed values: auto, stretch
Default value: auto
horizontalAlignment String Controls how the element must be horizontally aligned.
Allowed values: Left, Center, Right
id String A unique identifier for the input element or action.
isVisible Boolean Controls if the element is visible.
Default value: true
lang String The locale associated with the input element.
requires Object A list of capabilities the element requires the host application to support. If the host application doesn't support at least one of the listed capabilities, the element isn't rendered or its fallback is rendered, if provided.
Supported value: HostCapabilities
separator Boolean Controls whether a separator line must be displayed above the element to visually separate it from the previous element. No separator is displayed for the first element in a container, even if this property is set to true.
Default value: false
showBarValues Boolean Controls if the bar values must be displayed.
Default value: false
spacing String Controls the amount of space between this element and the previous one. No space is added for the first element in a container.
Allowed values: None, Small, Default, Medium, Large, ExtraLarge, Padding
Default value: Default
targetWidth String Controls the card width for which the element must be displayed. If targetWidth isn't specified, the element is rendered at all card widths. Using targetWidth makes it possible to author responsive cards that adapt their layout to the available horizontal space.
For more information, see Adaptive Card responsive layout.
Allowed values: VeryNarrow, Narrow, Standard, Wide, atLeast:VeryNarrow, atMost:VeryNarrow, atLeast:Narrow, atMost:Narrow, atLeast:Standard, atMost:Standard, atLeast:Wide, atMost:Wide
title String The title of the chart.
xAxisTitle String The title of the x axis.
yAxisTitle String The title of the y axis.

Here are the properties of the data array:

Property Required Type Description
color String The color to use for the data point.
Allowed values: good, warning, attention, neutral, categoricalRed, categoricalPurple, categoricalLavender, categoricalBlue, categoricalLightBlue, categoricalTeal, categoricalGreen, categoricalLime, categoricalMarigold, sequential1, sequential2, sequential3, sequential4, sequential5, sequential6, sequential7, sequential8, divergingBlue, divergingLightBlue, divergingCyan, divergingTeal, divergingYellow, divergingPeach, divergingLightRed, divergingRed, divergingMaroon, divergingGray
legend String The legend of the chart.
values Number The data points in the series.

Here are the properties of values:

Property Required Type Description
x String The x axis value of the data point.
y Number The y axis value of the data point.

Horizontal bar chart

You can use the Chart.HorizontalBar element to add a horizontal bar chart in an Adaptive Card.

Screenshot shows a horizontal bar chart in an Adaptive Card.

Here are the properties of the Chart.HorizontalBar element:

Property Required Type Description
type ✔️ String Must be Chart.HorizontalBar.
color String The color to use for all data points.
Allowed values: good, warning, attention, neutral, categoricalRed, categoricalPurple, categoricalLavender, categoricalBlue, categoricalLightBlue, categoricalTeal, categoricalGreen, categoricalLime, categoricalMarigold, sequential1, sequential2, sequential3, sequential4, sequential5, sequential6, sequential7, sequential8, divergingBlue, divergingLightBlue, divergingCyan, divergingTeal, divergingYellow, divergingPeach, divergingLightRed, divergingRed, divergingMaroon, divergingGray
colorSet String The name of the set of colors to use to render the chart.
data Array of objects The data points in the chart.
displayMode String Controls how the chart must be visually laid out.
Allowed values: AbsoluteWithAxis,AbsoluteNoAxis,PartToWhole
Default value: AbsoluteWithAxis
fallback Object or String An alternate element to render if this element is unsupported or if the host application doesn't support all the capabilities specified in the requires property.
Allowed values: Container, ActionSet, ColumnSet, Media, RichTextBlock, Table, TextBlock, FactSet, ImageSet, Image, Input.Text, Input.Date, Input.Time, Input.Number, Input.Toggle, Input.ChoiceSet, Input.Rating, Rating, CompoundButton, Icon, Chart.Donut, Chart.Pie, Chart.VerticalBar.Grouped, Chart.VerticalBar, Chart.HorizontalBar, Chart.HorizontalBar.Stacked, Chart.Line, Chart.Gauge, CodeBlock, drop
grid.area String The area of a Layout.AreaGrid layout in which an element must be displayed.
height String Controls the height of the element. When set to stretch, the element uses the remaining vertical space in its container.
Allowed values: auto, stretch
Default value: auto
horizontalAlignment String Controls how the element must be horizontally aligned.
Allowed values: Left, Center, Right
id String A unique identifier for the input element or action.
isVisible Boolean Controls if the element is visible.
Default value: true
lang String The locale associated with the input element.
requires Object A list of capabilities the element requires the host application to support. If the host application doesn't support at least one of the listed capabilities, the element isn't rendered or its fallback is rendered, if provided.
Supported value: HostCapabilities
separator Boolean Controls whether a separator line must be displayed above the element to visually separate it from the previous element. No separator is displayed for the first element in a container, even if this property is set to true.
Default value: false
spacing String Controls the amount of space between this element and the previous one. No space is added for the first element in a container.
Allowed values: None, Small, Default, Medium, Large, ExtraLarge, Padding
Default value: Default
targetWidth String Controls the card width for which the element must be displayed. If targetWidth isn't specified, the element is rendered at all card widths. Using targetWidth makes it possible to author responsive cards that adapt their layout to the available horizontal space.
For more information, see Adaptive Card responsive layout.
Allowed values: VeryNarrow, Narrow, Standard, Wide, atLeast:VeryNarrow, atMost:VeryNarrow, atLeast:Narrow, atMost:Narrow, atLeast:Standard, atMost:Standard, atLeast:Wide, atMost:Wide
title String The title of the chart.
xAxisTitle String The title of the x axis.
yAxisTitle String The title of the y axis.

Here are the properties of the data array:

Property Required Type Description
color String The color to use for the data point.
Allowed values: good, warning, attention, neutral, categoricalRed, categoricalPurple, categoricalLavender, categoricalBlue, categoricalLightBlue, categoricalTeal, categoricalGreen, categoricalLime, categoricalMarigold, sequential1, sequential2, sequential3, sequential4, sequential5, sequential6, sequential7, sequential8, divergingBlue, divergingLightBlue, divergingCyan, divergingTeal, divergingYellow, divergingPeach, divergingLightRed, divergingRed, divergingMaroon, divergingGray
x String The x axis value of the data point.
y Number The y axis value of the data point.

Line chart

You can use the Chart.Line element to add a line chart in an Adaptive Card.

Screenshot shows a line chart in an Adaptive Card.

Here are the properties of the Chart.Line element:

Property Required Type Description
type ✔️ String Must be Chart.Line.
color String The color to use for all data points.
Allowed values: good, warning, attention, neutral, categoricalRed, categoricalPurple, categoricalLavender, categoricalBlue, categoricalLightBlue, categoricalTeal, categoricalGreen, categoricalLime, categoricalMarigold, sequential1, sequential2, sequential3, sequential4, sequential5, sequential6, sequential7, sequential8, divergingBlue, divergingLightBlue, divergingCyan, divergingTeal, divergingYellow, divergingPeach, divergingLightRed, divergingRed, divergingMaroon, divergingGray
colorSet String The name of the set of colors to use to render the chart.
data Array of objects The data points in the chart.
fallback Object or String An alternate element to render if this element is unsupported or if the host application doesn't support all the capabilities specified in the requires property.
Allowed values: Container, ActionSet, ColumnSet, Media, RichTextBlock, Table, TextBlock, FactSet, ImageSet, Image, Input.Text, Input.Date, Input.Time, Input.Number, Input.Toggle, Input.ChoiceSet, Input.Rating, Rating, CompoundButton, Icon, Chart.Donut, Chart.Pie, Chart.VerticalBar.Grouped, Chart.VerticalBar, Chart.HorizontalBar, Chart.HorizontalBar.Stacked, Chart.Line, Chart.Gauge, CodeBlock, drop
grid.area String The area of a Layout.AreaGrid layout in which an element must be displayed.
height String Controls the height of the element. When set to stretch, the element uses the remaining vertical space in its container.
Allowed values: auto, stretch
Default value: auto
horizontalAlignment String Controls how the element must be horizontally aligned.
Allowed values: Left, Center, Right
id String A unique identifier for the input element or action.
isVisible Boolean Controls if the element is visible.
Default value: true
lang String The locale associated with the input element.
requires Object A list of capabilities the element requires the host application to support. If the host application doesn't support at least one of the listed capabilities, the element isn't rendered or its fallback is rendered, if provided.
Supported value: HostCapabilities
separator Boolean Controls whether a separator line must be displayed above the element to visually separate it from the previous element. No separator is displayed for the first element in a container, even if this property is set to true.
Default value: false
spacing String Controls the amount of space between this element and the previous one. No space is added for the first element in a container.
Allowed values: None, Small, Default, Medium, Large, ExtraLarge, Padding
Default value: Default
targetWidth String Controls the card width for which the element must be displayed. If targetWidth isn't specified, the element is rendered at all card widths. Using targetWidth makes it possible to author responsive cards that adapt their layout to the available horizontal space.
For more information, see Adaptive Card responsive layout.
Allowed values: VeryNarrow, Narrow, Standard, Wide, atLeast:VeryNarrow, atMost:VeryNarrow, atLeast:Narrow, atMost:Narrow, atLeast:Standard, atMost:Standard, atLeast:Wide, atMost:Wide
title String The title of the chart.
xAxisTitle String The title of the x axis.
yAxisTitle String The title of the y axis.

Here are the properties of the data array:

Property Required Type Description
color String The color to use for the data point.
Allowed values: good, warning, attention, neutral, categoricalRed, categoricalPurple, categoricalLavender, categoricalBlue, categoricalLightBlue, categoricalTeal, categoricalGreen, categoricalLime, categoricalMarigold, sequential1, sequential2, sequential3, sequential4, sequential5, sequential6, sequential7, sequential8, divergingBlue, divergingLightBlue, divergingCyan, divergingTeal, divergingYellow, divergingPeach, divergingLightRed, divergingRed, divergingMaroon, divergingGray
legend String The legend of the chart.
values Array of objects The data points in the series.

Here are the properties of values:

Property Required Type Description
x One of number or string The x axis value of the data point.
y Number The y axis value of the data point.

Pie chart

You can use the Chart.Pie element to add a pie chart in an Adaptive Card.

Screenshot shows a pie chart in an Adaptive Card.

Here are the properties of the Chart.Pie element:

Property Required Type Description
type ✔️ String Must be Chart.Pie.
colorSet String The name of the set of colors to use to render the chart.
data Array of objects The data to display in the chart.
fallback Object or String An alternate element to render if this element is unsupported or if the host application doesn't support all the capabilities specified in the requires property.
Allowed values: Container, ActionSet, ColumnSet, Media, RichTextBlock, Table, TextBlock, FactSet, ImageSet, Image, Input.Text, Input.Date, Input.Time, Input.Number, Input.Toggle, Input.ChoiceSet, Input.Rating, Rating, CompoundButton, Icon, Chart.Donut, Chart.Pie, Chart.VerticalBar.Grouped, Chart.VerticalBar, Chart.HorizontalBar, Chart.HorizontalBar.Stacked, Chart.Line, Chart.Gauge, CodeBlock, drop
grid.area String The area of a Layout.AreaGrid layout in which an element must be displayed.
height String Controls the height of the element. When set to stretch, the element uses the remaining vertical space in its container.
Allowed values: auto, stretch
Default value: auto
horizontalAlignment String Controls how the element must be horizontally aligned.
Allowed values: Left, Center, Right
id String A unique identifier for the input element or action.
isVisible Boolean Controls if the element is visible.
Default value: true
lang String The locale associated with the input element.
requires Object A list of capabilities the element requires the host application to support. If the host application doesn't support at least one of the listed capabilities, the element isn't rendered or its fallback is rendered, if provided.
Supported value: HostCapabilities
separator Boolean Controls whether a separator line must be displayed above the element to visually separate it from the previous element. No separator is displayed for the first element in a container, even if this property is set to true.
Default value: false
spacing String Controls the amount of space between this element and the previous one. No space is added for the first element in a container.
Allowed values: None, Small, Default, Medium, Large, ExtraLarge, Padding
Default value: Default
targetWidth String Controls the card width for which the element must be displayed. If targetWidth isn't specified, the element is rendered at all card widths. Using targetWidth makes it possible to author responsive cards that adapt their layout to the available horizontal space.
For more information, see Adaptive Card responsive layout.
Allowed values: VeryNarrow, Narrow, Standard, Wide, atLeast:VeryNarrow, atMost:VeryNarrow, atLeast:Narrow, atMost:Narrow, atLeast:Standard, atMost:Standard, atLeast:Wide, atMost:Wide
title String The title of the chart.

Here are the properties of the data array:

Property Required Type Description
color String The color to use for the data point.
Allowed values: good, warning, attention, neutral, categoricalRed, categoricalPurple, categoricalLavender, categoricalBlue, categoricalLightBlue, categoricalTeal, categoricalGreen, categoricalLime, categoricalMarigold, sequential1, sequential2, sequential3, sequential4, sequential5, sequential6, sequential7, sequential8, divergingBlue, divergingLightBlue, divergingCyan, divergingTeal, divergingYellow, divergingPeach, divergingLightRed, divergingRed, divergingMaroon, divergingGray
legend String The legend of the chart.
value Number The value associated with the data point.

Stacked horizontal bar chart

You can use the Chart.HorizontalBar.Stacked element to add a stacked horizontal bar chart in an Adaptive Card.

Screenshot shows a stacked horizontal bar chart in an Adaptive Card.

Here are the properties of the Chart.HorizontalBar.Stacked element:

Property Required Type Description
type ✔️ String Must be Chart.HorizontalBar.Stacked.
color String The color to use for all data points.
Allowed values: good, warning, attention, neutral, categoricalRed, categoricalPurple, categoricalLavender, categoricalBlue, categoricalLightBlue, categoricalTeal, categoricalGreen, categoricalLime, categoricalMarigold, sequential1, sequential2, sequential3, sequential4, sequential5, sequential6, sequential7, sequential8, divergingBlue, divergingLightBlue, divergingCyan, divergingTeal, divergingYellow, divergingPeach, divergingLightRed, divergingRed, divergingMaroon, divergingGray
colorSet String The name of the set of colors to use to render the chart.
data Array of objects The data points in the chart.
fallback Object or String An alternate element to render if this element is unsupported or if the host application doesn't support all the capabilities specified in the requires property.
Allowed values: Container, ActionSet, ColumnSet, Media, RichTextBlock, Table, TextBlock, FactSet, ImageSet, Image, Input.Text, Input.Date, Input.Time, Input.Number, Input.Toggle, Input.ChoiceSet, Input.Rating, Rating, CompoundButton, Icon, Chart.Donut, Chart.Pie, Chart.VerticalBar.Grouped, Chart.VerticalBar, Chart.HorizontalBar, Chart.HorizontalBar.Stacked, Chart.Line, Chart.Gauge, CodeBlock, drop
grid.area String The area of a Layout.AreaGrid layout in which an element must be displayed.
height String Controls the height of the element. When set to stretch, the element uses the remaining vertical space in its container.
Allowed values: auto, stretch
Default value: auto
horizontalAlignment String Controls how the element must be horizontally aligned.
Allowed values: Left, Center, Right
id String A unique identifier for the input element or action.
isVisible Boolean Controls if the element is visible.
Default value: true
lang String The locale associated with the input element.
requires Object A list of capabilities the element requires the host application to support. If the host application doesn't support at least one of the listed capabilities, the element isn't rendered or its fallback is rendered, if provided.
Supported value: HostCapabilities
separator Boolean Controls whether a separator line must be displayed above the element to visually separate it from the previous element. No separator is displayed for the first element in a container, even if this property is set to true.
Default value: false
spacing String Controls the amount of space between this element and the previous one. No space is added for the first element in a container.
Allowed values: None, Small, Default, Medium, Large, ExtraLarge, Padding
Default value: Default
targetWidth String Controls the card width for which the element must be displayed. If targetWidth isn't specified, the element is rendered at all card widths. Using targetWidth makes it possible to author responsive cards that adapt their layout to the available horizontal space.
For more information, see Adaptive Card responsive layout.
Allowed values: VeryNarrow, Narrow, Standard, Wide, atLeast:VeryNarrow, atMost:VeryNarrow, atLeast:Narrow, atMost:Narrow, atLeast:Standard, atMost:Standard, atLeast:Wide, atMost:Wide
title String The title of the chart.
xAxisTitle String The title of the x axis.
yAxisTitle String The title of the y axis.

Here are the properties of the data array:

Property Required Type Description
data Array of objects The data points in the series.
title String The title of the series.

Here are the properties of the nested data array:

Property Required Type Description
color String The color to use for the data point.
Allowed values: good, warning, attention, neutral, categoricalRed, categoricalPurple, categoricalLavender, categoricalBlue, categoricalLightBlue, categoricalTeal, categoricalGreen, categoricalLime, categoricalMarigold, sequential1, sequential2, sequential3, sequential4, sequential5, sequential6, sequential7, sequential8, divergingBlue, divergingLightBlue, divergingCyan, divergingTeal, divergingYellow, divergingPeach, divergingLightRed, divergingRed, divergingMaroon, divergingGray
legend String The legend associated with the data point.
value Number The value of the data point.

Vertical bar chart

You can use the Chart.VerticalBar element to add a vertical bar chart in an Adaptive Card.

Screenshot shows a vertical bar chart in an Adaptive Card.

Here are the properties of the Chart.VerticalBar element:

Property Required Type Description
type ✔️ String Must be Chart.VerticalBar.
color String The color to use for all data points.
Allowed values: good, warning, attention, neutral, categoricalRed, categoricalPurple, categoricalLavender, categoricalBlue, categoricalLightBlue, categoricalTeal, categoricalGreen, categoricalLime, categoricalMarigold, sequential1, sequential2, sequential3, sequential4, sequential5, sequential6, sequential7, sequential8, divergingBlue, divergingLightBlue, divergingCyan, divergingTeal, divergingYellow, divergingPeach, divergingLightRed, divergingRed, divergingMaroon, divergingGray
colorSet String The name of the set of colors to use to render the chart.
data Array of objects The data points in the chart.
fallback Object or String An alternate element to render if this element is unsupported or if the host application doesn't support all the capabilities specified in the requires property.
Allowed values: Container, ActionSet, ColumnSet, Media, RichTextBlock, Table, TextBlock, FactSet, ImageSet, Image, Input.Text, Input.Date, Input.Time, Input.Number, Input.Toggle, Input.ChoiceSet, Input.Rating, Rating, CompoundButton, Icon, Chart.Donut, Chart.Pie, Chart.VerticalBar.Grouped, Chart.VerticalBar, Chart.HorizontalBar, Chart.HorizontalBar.Stacked, Chart.Line, Chart.Gauge, CodeBlock, drop
grid.area String The area of a Layout.AreaGrid layout in which an element must be displayed.
height String Controls the height of the element. When set to stretch, the element uses the remaining vertical space in its container.
Allowed values: auto, stretch
Default value: auto
horizontalAlignment String Controls how the element must be horizontally aligned.
Allowed values: Left, Center, Right
id String A unique identifier for the input element or action.
isVisible Boolean Controls if the element is visible.
Default value: true
lang String The locale associated with the input element.
requires Object A list of capabilities the element requires the host application to support. If the host application doesn't support at least one of the listed capabilities, the element isn't rendered or its fallback is rendered, if provided.
Supported value: HostCapabilities
separator Boolean Controls whether a separator line must be displayed above the element to visually separate it from the previous element. No separator is displayed for the first element in a container, even if this property is set to true.
Default value: false
showBarValues Boolean Controls if the bar values must be displayed.
Default value: false
spacing String Controls the amount of space between this element and the previous one. No space is added for the first element in a container.
Allowed values: None, Small, Default, Medium, Large, ExtraLarge, Padding
Default value: Default
targetWidth String Controls the card width for which the element must be displayed. If targetWidth isn't specified, the element is rendered at all card widths. Using targetWidth makes it possible to author responsive cards that adapt their layout to the available horizontal space.
For more information, see Adaptive Card responsive layout.
Allowed values: VeryNarrow, Narrow, Standard, Wide, atLeast:VeryNarrow, atMost:VeryNarrow, atLeast:Narrow, atMost:Narrow, atLeast:Standard, atMost:Standard, atLeast:Wide, atMost:Wide
title String The title of the chart.
xAxisTitle String The title of the x axis.
yAxisTitle String The title of the y axis.

Here are the properties of the data array:

Property Required Type Description
color String The color to use for the data point.
Allowed values: good, warning, attention, neutral, categoricalRed, categoricalPurple, categoricalLavender, categoricalBlue, categoricalLightBlue, categoricalTeal, categoricalGreen, categoricalLime, categoricalMarigold, sequential1, sequential2, sequential3, sequential4, sequential5, sequential6, sequential7, sequential8, divergingBlue, divergingLightBlue, divergingCyan, divergingTeal, divergingYellow, divergingPeach, divergingLightRed, divergingRed, divergingMaroon, divergingGray
x One of number or string The x axis value of the data point.
y Number The y axis value of the data point.

Code sample

Name Description .Node.js .NET
Cards Formatting This sample app demonstrates the various charts in Adaptive Cards. View View

See also