
Κοινή χρήση μέσω

interface IDualEngine20Browser


The DualEngine API is part of a Limited Access Feature (see LimitedAccessFeatures class). For more information or to request an unlock token, contact Microsoft Support.

interface IDualEngine20Browser
  : public IUnknown

Represents an Internet Explorer tab.


Members Descriptions
DualEngineBrowserCommitted Notifies the browser that it has been committed and is no longer speculative.
DualEngineClose Closes the browser instance.
DualEngineDeleteTabRecoveryData Deletes tab recovery data.
DualEngineDoOnBeforeUnloadAndStop Stops any navigations that are in progress and runs the onBeforeUnload handlers.
DualEngineDPIChanged Notifies that DPI has changed and page layout should be recalculated.
DualEngineEnableCaretMode Enables or disables Caret Browsing mode.
DualEngineExecNavigationCommand Executes a navigation command.
DualEngineFindOnPage Finds an instance of text on the page.
DualEngineForceClose Force-closes the browser instance.
DualEngineGeolocationPermissionResponse Provides a response to a geolocation permission request.
DualEngineGoToEntry Navigates to a specific travel log entry.
DualEngineInitialize Initializes the browser object with an URL.
DualEngineInitialize2 Initializes the browser object with an URL; this version allows for additional information about the initial navigation to be passed in.
DualEngineInitializeWithRecoveryData Initializes the browser object using tab recovery data.
DualEngineLostFocus Notifies the browser that it has lost focus.
DualEngineNavigate Navigates to a URL.
DualEngineNavigate2 Navigates to a URL, with additional information about the navigation.
DualEngineNotifyNavigationEntriesDeleted Notifies that navigation entries have been deleted.
DualEnginePrepareToExitRegion Notifies the browser that a navigation is occurring to a page that will be handled by the host.
DualEnginePrint Invokes the Print dialog for the current page.
DualEngineProtectFocus Controls whether the browser tries to change focus to itself.
DualEngineSavePageAs Invokes the Save Webpage dialog for the current page.
DualEngineSetEngineSwitchingPolicyFlags Sets flags that determine how the browser handles engine switching.
DualEngineSetFocus Sets focus inside the hosted browser.
DualEngineSetMediaFullscreen Changes the full-screen state of the media playing in the browser.
DualEngineSetPosition Sets the size and position of the browser window.
DualEngineSetTheaterFullscreen Changes the Theater mode state of the browser.
DualEngineSetTheaterMargins Adjusts the top margin of the browser window when it is being displayed in theater mode.
DualEngineSetVisible Notifies the browser of a visibility change.
DualEngineSetWindowStyle Changes the style of the browser window.
DualEngineSetZoom Changes the zoom value of the browser.
DualEngineSimulateKeyInput Sends a simulated key input.
DualEngineSimulateMouseInput Sends a simulated mouse input.
DualEngineStopFindOnPage Stops the find operation.
DualEngineTranslateAccelerator Processes an accelerator message.

Applies to

Product Introduced
Windows 10, Version 20H1 KB5032278
Windows 11, Version 22H2 KB5032288



Notifies the browser that it has been committed and is no longer speculative.

public HRESULT DualEngineBrowserCommitted()


Closes the browser instance.

public HRESULT DualEngineClose()


Deletes tab recovery data.

public HRESULT DualEngineDeleteTabRecoveryData(REFGUID guidTabId)

  • guidTabId The GUID for the source recovery data file to delete.


Stops any navigations that are in progress and runs the onBeforeUnload handlers.

public HRESULT DualEngineDoOnBeforeUnloadAndStop()


Notifies that DPI has changed and page layout should be recalculated.

public HRESULT DualEngineDPIChanged()


Enables or disables Caret Browsing mode.

public HRESULT DualEngineEnableCaretMode(BOOL fEnable)

  • fEnable Specifies whether caret browsing should be enabled.


Executes a navigation command.

public HRESULT DualEngineExecNavigationCommand(NAVIGATION_COMMAND command)

  • command The navigation command to execute.


Finds an instance of text on the page.

public HRESULT DualEngineFindOnPage(int iRequestID, LPCWSTR pszFindText, BOOL fFindNext, BOOL fForward)

  • iRequestID An ID to use correlate find on page requests and events.

  • pszFindText The text to find on the page.

  • fFindNext Indicates whether the selection should move to the next instance the find text, true advances the selection and false does not.

  • fForward Indicates the direction the selection should me, true moves forward and false moves backwards.


Force-closes the browser instance.

public HRESULT DualEngineForceClose()


Provides a response to a geolocation permission request.

public HRESULT DualEngineGeolocationPermissionResponse(LPCWSTR pszUri, SITE_PERMISSION_RESPONSE response)

  • pszUri The URI the geolocation request was from.

  • response The response to the request.


Navigates to a specific travel log entry.

public HRESULT DualEngineGoToEntry(ULONG ulEntryId)

  • ulEntryId The travel log entry ID to navigate to.


Initializes the browser object with an URL.

public HRESULT DualEngineInitialize(IDualEngine20BrowserObserver * pDualEngineObserver, DUALENGINECONFIGURATION config, EngineSwitchingPolicyFlags engineSwitchingPolicyFlags, SentinelEntryInfo sentinelEntryInfo, LPCWSTR pszUrl, HWND hwndHost, HWND * phwnd)

  • pDualEngineObserver A pointer to the observer for this browser.

  • config Configuration flags for the desired browser behavior.

  • engineSwitchingPolicyFlags Flags that determine how engine switching is handled.

  • sentinelEntryInfo The number of history items before and after the initial navigation for this instance.

  • pszUrl The inital URL to navigate to.

  • hwndHost The HWND of the host window that the browser window will be parented to.

  • phwnd The HWND of the browser window.


Initializes the browser object with an URL; this version allows for additional information about the initial navigation to be passed in.

public HRESULT DualEngineInitialize2(IDualEngine20BrowserObserver * pDualEngineObserver, DUALENGINECONFIGURATION config, EngineSwitchingPolicyFlags engineSwitchingPolicyFlags, SentinelEntryInfo sentinelEntryInfo, LPCWSTR pszUrl, HWND hwndHost, HWND * phwnd, LPCWSTR pszReferrer, LPCWSTR pszHeaders, VARIANT * postData)

  • pDualEngineObserver A pointer to the observer for this browser.

  • config Configuration flags for the desired browser behavior.

  • engineSwitchingPolicyFlags Flags that determine how engine switching is handled.

  • sentinelEntryInfo The number of history items before and after the initial navigation for this instance.

  • pszUrl The inital URL to navigate to.

  • hwndHost The HWND of the host window that the browser window will be parented to.

  • phwnd The HWND of the browser window.

  • pszReferrer The HTTP Referer request header for the initial navigation.

  • pszHeaders Additional headers to send to the server for the initial navigation.

  • postData Data to be sent to the server as part of a HTTP POST transaction for the initial navigation.


Initializes the browser object using tab recovery data.

public HRESULT DualEngineInitializeWithRecoveryData(REFGUID guidTabId, ULONG ulEntryId, IDualEngine20BrowserObserver * pDualEngineObserver, DUALENGINECONFIGURATION config, EngineSwitchingPolicyFlags engineSwitchingPolicyFlags, SentinelEntryInfo sentinelEntryInfo, LPCWSTR pszUrl, HWND hwndHost, HWND * phwnd)

  • guidTabId The GUID for the source recovery data file to initialize this instance with.

  • ulEntryId The ID of the entry in the travel log to navigate to after recovery.

  • pDualEngineObserver A pointer to the observer for this browser.

  • config Configuration flags for the desired browser behavior.

  • engineSwitchingPolicyFlags Flags that determine how engine switching is handled.

  • sentinelEntryInfo The number of history items before and after the initial navigation for this instance.

  • pszUrl The inital URL to navigate to.

  • hwndHost The HWND of the host window that the browser window will be parented to.

  • phwnd The HWND of the browser window.


Notifies the browser that it has lost focus.

public HRESULT DualEngineLostFocus(HWND hwndLostFocus)

  • hwndLostFocus The window that focus is moving to.


Navigates to a URL.

public HRESULT DualEngineNavigate(LPCWSTR pszUrl, BOOL fSkipOnBeforeUnload)

  • pszUrl The URL to navigate to.

  • fSkipOnBeforeUnload Whether to skip the onBeforeUnload handling.


Navigates to a URL, with additional information about the navigation.

public HRESULT DualEngineNavigate2(LPCWSTR pszUrl, BOOL fSkipOnBeforeUnload, LPCWSTR pszReferrer, LPCWSTR pszHeaders, VARIANT * postData)

  • pszUrl The URL to navigate to.

  • fSkipOnBeforeUnload Whether to skip the onBeforeUnload handling.

  • pszReferrer The HTTP Referer request header for this navigation.

  • pszHeaders Additional headers to send to the server for this navigation.

  • postData Data to be sent to the server as part of a HTTP POST transaction for this navigation.


Notifies that navigation entries have been deleted.

public HRESULT DualEngineNotifyNavigationEntriesDeleted(BOOL fShouldDeleteEntries, SentinelEntryInfo sentinelEntryInfo)

  • fShouldDeleteEntries Indicates whether the browser should delete all the entries in it's list.

  • sentinelEntryInfo The number of history items before and after the initial navigation for this instance.


Notifies the browser that a navigation is occurring to a page that will be handled by the host.

public HRESULT DualEnginePrepareToExitRegion(EXIT_REGION_TYPE type)

  • type The type of navigation that is causing this exit.


Invokes the Print dialog for the current page.

public HRESULT DualEnginePrint()


Controls whether the browser tries to change focus to itself.

public HRESULT DualEngineProtectFocus(BOOL fProtectFocus)

  • fProtectFocus If true, the browser will not try to steal focus; if false, stealing focus is allowed.


Invokes the Save Webpage dialog for the current page.

public HRESULT DualEngineSavePageAs()


Sets flags that determine how the browser handles engine switching.

public HRESULT DualEngineSetEngineSwitchingPolicyFlags(EngineSwitchingPolicyFlags engineSwitchingPolicyFlags)

  • engineSwitchingPolicyFlags Flags representing the desired engine switching behavior.


Sets focus inside the hosted browser.

public HRESULT DualEngineSetFocus(DUALENGINE_FOCUSDIRECTION focusDirection)

  • focusDirection The direction that focus is moving within the browser.


Changes the full-screen state of the media playing in the browser.

public HRESULT DualEngineSetMediaFullscreen(BOOL fFullscreen)


Despite its name, this function only exits fullscreen and will do nothing if no media is fullscreen. Passing true into the function is always a no-op.

  • fFullscreen If false, fullscreen will be exited if media is fullscreen; if true, nothing happens.


Sets the size and position of the browser window.

public HRESULT DualEngineSetPosition(int x, int y, int iWidth, int iHeight)

  • x The new position of the left side of the window, in client coordinates.

  • y The new position of the top of the window, in client coordinates.

  • iWidth The new width of the window, in pixels.

  • iHeight The new height of the window, in pixels.


Changes the Theater mode state of the browser.

public HRESULT DualEngineSetTheaterFullscreen(BOOL fFullscreen)

In theater mode, the browsers window fills the entire screen and displays a toolbar that has a minimal set of navigation buttons. A status bar is also provided in the upper-right corner of the screen. Explorer bars, such as History and Favorites, are displayed as an autohide pane on the left edge of the screen in theater mode.

  • fFullscreen If true and not currently in theater mode, the browser will enter theater mode; if false and currently in theater mode, the browser will exit theater mode.


Adjusts the top margin of the browser window when it is being displayed in theater mode.

public HRESULT DualEngineSetTheaterMargins(BOOL fTheaterShowing, int yTheaterThreshold)

  • fTheaterShowing Indicates whether the host is currently in theater mode.

  • yTheaterThreshold The size in pixels of the margin between the top of the screen and the fullscreen browser window.


Notifies the browser of a visibility change.

public HRESULT DualEngineSetVisible(BROWSERVISIBILITY visibility)

  • visibility The visibility state we are entering.


Changes the style of the browser window.

public HRESULT DualEngineSetWindowStyle(int wlStyle, int wlExStyle)

  • wlStyle The Window Style value to set.

  • wlExStyle The Extended Windows Style value to set.


Changes the zoom value of the browser.

public HRESULT DualEngineSetZoom(int iZoomPercent)

  • iZoomPercent The zoom percentage to set the browser to.


Sends a simulated key input.

public HRESULT DualEngineSimulateKeyInput(DWORD vKey, KEYACTION keyAction)

  • vKey The virtual keycode to simulate.

  • keyAction The key action to simulate.


Sends a simulated mouse input.

public HRESULT DualEngineSimulateMouseInput(DWORD x, DWORD y, MOUSEACTION mouseAction)

  • x The x coordinate.

  • y The y coordinate.

  • mouseAction The mouse action to simulate.


Stops the find operation.

public HRESULT DualEngineStopFindOnPage(BOOL fClean)

  • fClean If true, the highlighted results and current selected result will be cleared; if false, the current selected result will remain selected.


Processes an accelerator message.

public HRESULT DualEngineTranslateAccelerator(LPMSG lpMsg)

  • lpMsg A pointer to a MSG structure that specifies the message to be translated.