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Managing the UE-V 2.1 SP1 agent and packages with Windows PowerShell and WMI

You can use Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) and Windows PowerShell to manage Microsoft User Experience Virtualization (UE-V) 2.1 SP1 Agent configuration and synchronization behavior. For a complete list of UE-V PowerShell cmdlets, see MDOP cmdlet reference.

To deploy the UE-V Agent by using Windows PowerShell

  1. Stage the UE-V installer file in an accessible network share.


    Use AgentSetup.exe to deploy both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of the UE-V Agent. Windows Installer packages, AgentSetupx86.msi and AgentSetupx64.msi, are available for each architecture. To uninstall the UE-V Agent at a later time by using the installation file, you must use the same file type.

  2. To install the UE-V Agent, use one of the following Windows PowerShell commands:

& AgentSetup.exe /quiet /norestart /log "%temp%\UE-VAgentInstaller.log" SettingsStoragePath=\\server\settingsshare\%username%
& msiexec.exe /i "<path to msi file>" /quiet /norestart /l*v "%temp%\UE-VAgentInstaller.log" SettingsStoragePath=\\server\settingsshare\%username%

To configure the UE-V Agent by using Windows PowerShell

  1. Open a Windows PowerShell window. To manage computer settings that affect all users of the computer by using the Computer parameter, open the window with an account that has administrator rights.

  2. Use the following Windows PowerShell commands to configure the agent.

Windows PowerShell command Description
Get-UevConfiguration Gets the effective UE-V Agent settings. User-specific settings have precedence over the computer settings.
Get-UevConfiguration -CurrentComputerUser Gets the UE-V Agent settings values for the current user only.
Get-UevConfiguration -Computer Gets the UE-V Agent configuration settings values for all users on the computer.
Get-UevConfiguration -Details Gets the details for each configuration setting. Displays where the setting is configured or if it uses the default value. Is displayed if the current setting is valid.
Set-UevConfiguration -Computer -ContactITDescription <IT description> Sets the text that is displayed in the Company Settings Center for the help link.
Set-UevConfiguration -Computer -ContactITUrl <string> Sets the URL of the link in the Company Settings Center for the help link. Any URL protocol can be used.
Set-UevConfiguration -Computer -EnableDontSyncWindows8AppSettings Configures the UE-V Agent to not synchronize any Windows apps for all users on the computer.
Set-UevConfiguration -CurrentComputerUser -EnableDontSyncWindows8AppSettings Configures the UE-V Agent to not synchronize any Windows apps for the current computer user.
Set-UevConfiguration -Computer -EnableFirstUseNotification Configures the UE-V Agent to display notification the first time the agent runs for all users on the computer.
Set-UevConfiguration -Computer -DisableFirstUseNotification Configures the UE-V Agent to not display notification the first time that the agent runs for all users on the computer.
Set-UevConfiguration -Computer -EnableSettingsImportNotify Configures the UE-V Agent to notify all users on the computer when settings synchronization is delayed. Use the DisableSettingsImportNotify parameter to disable notification.
Set-UevConfiguration -CurrentComputerUser -EnableSettingsImportNotify Configures the UE-V Agent to notify the current user when settings synchronization is delayed. Use the DisableSettingsImportNotify parameter to disable notification.
Set-UevConfiguration -Computer -EnableSyncUnlistedWindows8Apps Configures the UE-V Agent to synchronize all Windows apps that aren't explicitly disabled by the Windows app list for all users of the computer. Use the DisableSyncUnlistedWindows8Apps parameter to configure the UE-V Agent to synchronize only Windows apps that are explicitly enabled by the Windows App List.
Set-UevConfiguration -CurrentComputerUser -EnableSyncUnlistedWindows8Apps Configures the UE-V Agent to synchronize all Windows apps that aren't explicitly disabled by the Windows app list for the current user on the computer. Use the DisableSyncUnlistedWindows8Apps parameter to configure the UE-V Agent to synchronize only Windows apps that are explicitly enabled by the Windows App List.
Set-UevConfiguration -Computer -DisableSync Disables UE-V for all the users on the computer. Use the EnableSync parameter to enable or re-enable.
Set-UevConfiguration -CurrentComputerUser -DisableSync Disables UE-V for the current user on the computer. Use the EnableSync parameter to enable or re-enable.
Set-UevConfiguration -Computer -EnableTrayIcon Enables the UE-V icon in the notification area for all users of the computer. Use the DisableTrayIcon parameter to disable the icon.
Set-UevConfiguration -Computer -MaxPackageSizeInBytes <size in bytes> Configures the UE-V agent to report when a settings package file size reaches the defined threshold for all users on the computer. Sets the threshold package size in bytes.
Set-UevConfiguration -CurrentComputerUser -MaxPackageSizeInBytes <size in bytes> Configures the UE-V agent to report when a settings package file size reaches the defined threshold. Sets the package size warning threshold for the current user.
Set-UevConfiguration -Computer -SettingsImportNotifyDelayInSeconds Specifies the time in seconds before the user is notified for all users of the computer.
Set-UevConfiguration -CurrentComputerUser -SettingsImportNotifyDelayInSeconds Specifies the time in seconds before notification for the current user is sent.
Set-UevConfiguration -Computer -SettingsStoragePath <path to settings storage location> Defines a per-computer settings storage location for all users of the computer.
Set-UevConfiguration -CurrentComputerUser -SettingsStoragePath <path to settings storage location> Defines a per-user settings storage location.
Set-UevConfiguration -Computer -SettingsTemplateCatalogPath <path to catalog> Sets the settings template catalog path for all users of the computer.
Set-UevConfiguration -Computer -SyncMethod <sync method> Sets the synchronization method for all users of the computer: SyncProvider or None.
Set-UevConfiguration -CurrentComputerUser -SyncMethod <sync method> Sets the synchronization method for the current user: SyncProvider or None.
Set-UevConfiguration -Computer -SyncTimeoutInMilliseconds <timeout in milliseconds> Sets the synchronization time-out in milliseconds for all users of the computer.
Set-UevConfiguration -CurrentComputerUser -SyncTimeoutInMilliseconds <timeout in milliseconds> Sets the synchronization time-out for the current user.
Clear-UevConfiguration -Computer -<setting name> Clears the specified setting for all users on the computer.
Clear-UevConfiguration -CurrentComputerUser -<setting name> Clears the specified setting for the current user only.
Export-UevConfiguration <settings migration file> Exports the UE-V computer configuration to a settings migration file. The file name extension must be .uev. The Export cmdlet exports all UE-V Agent settings that are configurable with the Computer parameter.
Import-UevConfiguration <settings migration file> Imports the UE-V computer configuration from a settings migration file. The file name extension must be .uev.

To export UE-V package settings and repair UE-V templates by using Windows PowerShell

  1. Open a Windows PowerShell window as an administrator.

  2. Use the following Windows PowerShell commands to configure the agent.

    Windows PowerShell command Description
    Export-UevPackage MicrosoftCalculator6.pkgx Extracts the settings from a Microsoft Calculator package file and converts them into a human-readable format in XML.
    Repair-UevTemplateIndex Repairs the index of the UE-V settings location templates.

To configure the UE-V Agent by using WMI

  1. User Experience Virtualization provides the following set of WMI commands. Administrators can use this interface to configure the UE-V agent at the command line and automate typical configuration tasks.

    Use an account with administrator rights to open a Windows PowerShell window.

  2. Use the following WMI commands to configure the agent.

    Windows PowerShell command Description
    Get-WmiObject -Namespace root\Microsoft\UEV Configuration Displays the active UE-V Agent settings. User-specific settings have precedence over the computer settings.
    Get-WmiObject -Namespace root\Microsoft\UEV UserConfiguration Displays the UE-V Agent configuration that is defined for a user.
    Get-WmiObject -Namespace root\Microsoft\UEV ComputerConfiguration Displays the UE-V Agent configuration that is defined for a computer.
    Get-WmiObject -Namespace root\Microsoft\Uev ConfigurationItem Displays the details for each configuration item.
    $config = Get-WmiObject -Namespace root\Microsoft\UEV ComputerConfiguration
    $config.SettingsStoragePath = <path_to_settings_storage_location>
    Defines a per-computer settings storage location.
    $config = Get-WmiObject -Namespace root\Microsoft\UEV UserConfiguration
    $config.SettingsStoragePath = <path_to_settings_storage_location>
    Defines a per-user settings storage location.
    $config = Get-WmiObject -Namespace root\Microsoft\UEV ComputerConfiguration
    $config.SyncTimeoutInMilliseconds = <timeout_in_milliseconds>
    Sets the synchronization time-out in milliseconds for all users of the computer.
    $config = Get-WmiObject -Namespace root\Microsoft\UEV ComputerConfiguration
    $config.MaxPackageSizeInBytes = <size_in_bytes>
    Configures the UE-V Agent to report when a settings package file size reaches a defined threshold. Set the threshold package file size in bytes for all users of the computer.
    $config = Get-WmiObject -Namespace root\Microsoft\UEV ComputerConfiguration
    $config.SyncMethod = <sync_method>
    Sets the synchronization method for all users of the computer: SyncProvider or None.
    $config = Get-WmiObject -Namespace root\Microsoft\UEV ComputerConfiguration
    $config.<setting name> = $true
    To enable a specific per-computer setting, clear the setting, and use $null as the setting value. Use UserConfiguration for per-user settings.
    $config = Get-WmiObject -Namespace root\Microsoft\UEV ComputerConfiguration
    $config.<setting name> = $false
    To disable a specific per-computer setting, clear the setting, and use $null as the setting value. Use User Configuration for per-user settings.
    $config = Get-WmiObject -Namespace root\Microsoft\UEV ComputerConfiguration
    $config.<setting name> = <setting value>
    Updates a specific per-computer setting. To clear the setting, use $null as the setting value.
    $config = Get-WmiObject -Namespace root\Microsoft\UEV ComputerConfiguration
    $config.<setting name> = <setting value>
    Updates a specific per-user setting for all users of the computer. To clear the setting, use $null as the setting value.

Upon configuration of the UE-V Agent with WMI and Windows PowerShell, the defined configuration is stored in the registry in the following locations.



To export UE-V package settings and repair UE-V templates by using WMI

  1. UE-V provides the following set of WMI commands. Administrators can use this interface to export a package or repair UE-V templates.

  2. Use the following WMI commands.

    WMI command Description
    Invoke-WmiMethod -Namespace root\Microsoft\UEV -Class UserSettings -Name ExportPackage -ArgumentList <package name> Extracts the settings from a package file and converts them into a human-readable format in XML.
    Invoke-WmiMethod -Namespace root\Microsoft\UEV -Class SettingsLocationTemplate -Name RebuildIndex Repairs the index of the UE-V settings location templates. Must be run as administrator.

Administering UE-V 2.1 SP1 with Windows PowerShell and WMI

Administering UE-V 2.1 SP1