
Κοινή χρήση μέσω

How to Create an Operating System Deployment Task Sequence

You create a Configuration Manager operating system deployment task sequence by creating an instance of the SMS_TaskSequence class.

A task sequence contains one or more steps that are run sequentially on the client computer. For more information, see Operating System Deployment Task Sequence Object Model.

The task sequence is then packaged in an SMS_TaskSequencePackage and advertised to the client computer.

To create a task sequence

  1. Set up a connection to the SMS Provider. For more information, see SMS Provider fundamentals.

  2. Create a task sequence SMS_TaskSequence object.

  3. Add actions and, as required, add groups to the action. For more information, see How to Add an Operating System Deployment Task Sequence Action.

  4. Associate the task sequence with a task sequence package. For more information, see How to Create an Operating System Deployment Task Sequence Package.

  5. Advertise the task sequence to the client computer. For more information, see How to Create an Advertisement.


The following example method creates a task sequence that installs a software program. The example also creates a task sequence package by calling the example that is defined in How to Create an Operating System Deployment Task Sequence Package.

For information about calling the sample code, see Calling Configuration Manager Code Snippets.

Sub CreateInstallSoftwareTaskSequence(connection,name, description, packageID, programName)  

    ' Create the task sequence.  
    set taskSequence = connection.Get("SMS_TaskSequence").SpawnInstance_  

    ' Create the action.  
    set action = connection.Get("SMS_TaskSequence_InstallSoftwareAction").SpawnInstance_  


    ' Create an array to hold the action.  
    actionSteps= array(action)  
    ' Add the array to the task sequence.  

    wscript.echo taskSequence.Steps(0).Name  
    call CreateTaskSequencePackage (connection, taskSequence)  

 End Sub  
public void CreateInstallSoftwareTaskSequence(  
    WqlConnectionManager connection,   
    string name,   
    string packageId,   
    string programName)  
        // Create the task sequence.  
        IResultObject taskSequence = connection.CreateInstance("SMS_TaskSequence");  

        IResultObject ro = connection.CreateEmbeddedObjectInstance("SMS_TaskSequence_InstallSoftwareAction");  
        ro["ProgramName"].StringValue = programName;  
        ro["packageId"].StringValue = packageId;  
        ro["Name"].StringValue = name;  
        ro["Enabled"].BooleanValue = true;  
        ro["ContinueOnError"].BooleanValue = false;  

        // Add the step to the task sequence.  
        List<IResultObject> array = taskSequence.GetArrayItems("Steps");  


        taskSequence.SetArrayItems("Steps", array);  

        // Create the task sequence package.  
        this.CreateTaskSequencePackage(connection, taskSequence);  
    catch (SmsException e)  
        Console.WriteLine("Failed to create Task Sequence: " + e.Message);  

The example method has the following parameters:

Parameter Type Description
Connection - Managed: WqlConnectionManager
- VBScript: SWbemServices
A valid connection to the SMS Provider.
name - Managed: String
- VBScript: String
The task sequence step name.
description - VBScript: String The task sequence step description.
packageID - Managed: String
- VBScript: String
The package identifier containing the software to be installed. Obtained from SMS_Package.PackageID.
programName - Managed: String
- VBScript: String
The name of the program to be installed. Obtained from SMS_Program.ProgramName.

Compiling the Code

This C# example requires:










Robust Programming

For more information about error handling, see About Configuration Manager Errors.

.NET Framework Security

For more information about securing Configuration Manager applications, see Configuration Manager role-based administration.

See Also

Objects overview How to Connect to an SMS Provider in Configuration Manager by Using Managed Code
How to Connect to an SMS Provider in Configuration Manager by Using WMI
Task sequence overview How to Create an Operating System Deployment Task Sequence Package