
Κοινή χρήση μέσω

Application Deployment Policy

Applies to: Configuration Manager (current branch)

Policy Creation

When you deploy an application, an instance of SMS_ApplicationAssignment class is created which represents the assignment of an application to a collection. This activity can be tracked in the SMSProv.log.

SMS Provider    PutInstanceAsync SMS_ApplicationAssignment~
SMS Provider    Auditing: User CONTOSO\Admin created an instance of class SMS_ApplicationAssignment.~

In the Configuration Manager database, this information is stored in the CI_CIAssignments table where AssignmentType 2 represents an application deployment. When the assignment is created, SMS Database Monitor component detects a change in the table then notifies Object Replication Manager to process the CI Assignment (CIA) policy. Object Replication Manager component then creates the policy for the application assignment in the database, which is stored in the Policy table in the database, and the Policy ID is based on the Application Unique ID. This activity can be tracked in the objreplmgr.log by referencing the Assignment Unique ID, which can be obtained from the SQL query referenced in the Before You Begin section.

***** Processing Application Assignment {3AC57DFE-3F87-4C59-930B-B9F57CB41B91} *****

The policy for the application assignment can be seen in the database using a SQL query similar to below.

SELECT P.PolicyID, PA.PolicyAssignmentID, PA.PADBID, PA.IsTombstoned, PA.LastUpdateTime FROM Policy P
JOIN PolicyAssignment PA ON P.PolicyID = PA.PolicyID
WHERE P.PolicyID = '{3AC57DFE-3F87-4C59-930B-B9F57CB41B91}' -- Replace Assignment Unique ID

Policy Targeting

After the policy is generated, the Policy Provider component assigns this policy to the resources in the collection that's targeted by the application deployment. The policy targeting information is stored in the ResPolicyMap table in the database. You can use the PADBID returned by the above query to track this activity in policypv.log. However, the PADBID recorded in the log may not always match the PADBID returned by the above query if multiple policies are getting processed simultaneously.

~Policy or Policy Target Change Event triggered.
~Completed batch with beginning PADBID = 16778403 ending PADBID = 16778403.


ResPolicyMap table does not contain any targeting information for applications that are deployed as Available to User collections. Software Center queries a list of these applications from the Management Point, and policy targeting information for these applications is generated dynamically when a user requests an application from Software Center.

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