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Fix issues found by the readiness assessment tool

For each check, the tool will report one of four possible results:

Result Meaning
Ready No action is required before completing enrollment.
Advisory Follow the steps in the tool or this article for the best experience with enrollment and for users.

You can complete enrollment, but you must fix these issues before you deploy your first device.
Not ready Enrollment will fail if you don't fix these issues.

Follow the steps in the tool or this article to resolve them.
Error The Microsoft Entra role you're using doesn't have sufficient permission to run this check or your tenant isn't properly licensed for Microsoft Intune.


The results reported by this tool reflect the status of your settings only at the time that you ran it. If you make changes later to policies in Microsoft Intune, Microsoft Entra ID, or Microsoft 365, items that were "Ready" can become "Not ready." To avoid problems with Microsoft Managed Desktop operations, check the specific settings described in this article before you add or change any policies.

Microsoft Intune settings

Access the Intune settings in the Microsoft Intune admin center.

Autopilot deployment profile

You shouldn't have any existing Autopilot profiles that include or target-assigned or dynamic groups with Microsoft Managed Desktop devices. Microsoft Managed Desktop uses Autopilot to configure new devices. If you have an existing Autopilot deployment profile, the Convert all targeted devices to Autopilot setting must be set to No for the Microsoft Managed Desktop Autopilot readiness test to succeed.

Result Meaning
Not ready You have an Autopilot profile that is assigned to all devices.

For more information, see Enroll Windows devices in Intune by using Windows Autopilot. After Microsoft Managed Desktop enrollment, set your Autopilot policy to exclude the Modern Workplace Devices - All Microsoft Entra group.
Advisory Make sure that your Autopilot profiles target an assigned or dynamic Microsoft Entra group that doesn't include Microsoft Managed Desktop devices.

For more information, see Enroll Windows devices in Intune by using Windows Autopilot. After Microsoft Managed Desktop enrollment, set your Autopilot profiles to exclude the Modern Workplace Devices - All Microsoft Entra group.

Certificate connectors

If you have any certificate connectors that will be used by the devices you want to enroll in Microsoft Managed Desktop, the connectors shouldn't have any errors. Only one of the following advisories will apply to your situation. Check the advisories carefully.

Result Meaning
Advisory No certificate connectors are present. It's possible you don't need any connectors, but you should evaluate whether you might need some for network connectivity on your Microsoft Managed Desktop devices.

For more information, see Prepare certificates and network profiles for Microsoft Managed Desktop.
Advisory At least one certificate connector has an error. If you need this connector for providing certificates to Microsoft Managed Desktop devices, you must resolve the error.

For more information, see Prepare certificates and network profiles for Microsoft Managed Desktop.
Advisory You have at least one certificate connector, and no errors are reported. However, in preparation for deployment, you might need to create a profile to reuse the connector for Microsoft Managed Desktop devices.

For more information, see Prepare certificates and network profiles for Microsoft Managed Desktop.

Company Portal

Microsoft Managed Desktop requires that IT administrators install Intune Company Portal for their users with Microsoft Managed Desktop devices.

Result Meaning
Advisory You don’t have the Company Portal application available in your tenant. Microsoft Managed Desktop will add it to your tenant when enrolling into the service, or you can get the Company Portal from Intune using Microsoft Store Integration.

Conditional Access policies

Conditional Access policies can't prevent Microsoft Managed Desktop from managing your Microsoft Entra organization (tenant) in Intune and Microsoft Entra ID.

Result Meaning
Not ready You have at least one Conditional Access policy that targets all users.

During enrollment, we'll attempt to exclude Microsoft Managed Desktop service accounts from relevant Conditional Access policies and apply new Conditional Access policies to restrict access to these accounts. However, if we're unsuccessful, this can cause errors during your enrollment experience. For best practice, create an assignment that targets a specific Microsoft Entra group that doesn't include Microsoft Managed Desktop service accounts.

After enrollment, you can review the Microsoft Managed Desktop Conditional Access policy in the Microsoft Intune admin center. For more about these service accounts, see Standard operating procedures.
Advisory You have Conditional Access policies that could prevent Microsoft Managed Desktop from managing the Microsoft Managed Desktop service.

During enrollment, we'll exclude Microsoft Managed Desktop service accounts from relevant Conditional Access policies and apply new Conditional Access policies to restrict access to these accounts.

For more information about these service accounts, see Standard operating procedures.
Error The Intune Administrator role doesn't have sufficient permissions for this check. You'll also need to have these Microsoft Entra roles assigned to run this check:
  • Security Reader
  • Security Administrator
  • Conditional Access Administrator
  • Global Reader
  • Devices Administrator

Device Compliance policies

Intune Device Compliance policies in your Microsoft Entra organization might affect Microsoft Managed Desktop devices.

Result Meaning
Advisory You have at least one compliance policy that applies to all users. Microsoft Managed Desktop also includes compliance policies that will apply to your Microsoft Managed Desktop devices. Review all of the compliance policies created by your organization that apply to Microsoft Managed Desktop devices to ensure there are no conflicts.

For more information, see Create a compliance policy in Microsoft Intune.

Device Configuration profiles

Intune Device Configuration profiles in your Microsoft Entra organization can't target any Microsoft Manage Desktop devices or users.

Result Meaning
Not ready You have at least one configuration profile that applies to all users, all devices, or both. Reset the profile to apply to a specific Microsoft Entra group that doesn't include any Microsoft Managed Desktop devices.

For more information, see Create a profile with custom settings in Microsoft Intune.
Advisory Make sure that any configuration policies you have don't include any Microsoft Managed Desktop devices or users.

For more information, see Create a profile with custom settings in Microsoft Intune.

Device type restrictions

Microsoft Managed Desktop devices must be allowed to enroll in Intune.

Result Meaning
Not ready You currently have at least one enrollment restriction policy configured to prevent Windows devices from enrollment in Intune.

Follow the steps in Set enrollment restrictions for each enrollment restriction policy that targets Microsoft Managed Desktop users and change the Windows (MDM) setting to Allow. You can, however, set any personally owned Windows (MDM) devices to Block.

Enrollment Status Page

You currently have the Enrollment Status Page (ESP) enabled. If you intend to participate in the Microsoft Managed Desktop public preview of this feature, you can ignore this item. For more information, see First-run experience with Autopilot and the Enrollment Status Page.

Result Meaning
Not ready You have the ESP default profile set to Show app and profile configuration progress.

Disable this setting or ensure that assignments to any Microsoft Entra group don't include Microsoft Managed Desktop devices by following the steps in Set up the Enrollment Status Page.
Advisory Make sure that any profiles that has the Show app and profile configuration progress setting aren't assigned to any Microsoft Entra group that includes Microsoft Managed Desktop devices.

For more information, see Set up the Enrollment Status Page.

Multi-factor authentication

Multi-factor authentication shouldn't prevent Microsoft Managed Desktop from managing your Microsoft Entra organization (tenant) in Intune and Microsoft Entra ID.

Result Meaning
Not ready You have some multi-factor authentication policies set as required for Conditional Access policies that are assigned to all users.

During enrollment, we'll exclude Microsoft Managed Desktop service accounts from relevant Conditional Access policies and apply new Conditional Access policies to restrict access to these accounts.

For more information about these service accounts, see Standard operating procedures.
Advisory You have multi-factor authentication required on Conditional Access policies that could prevent Microsoft Managed Desktop from managing the Microsoft Managed Desktop service.

During enrollment, we'll exclude Microsoft Managed Desktop service accounts from relevant Conditional Access policies and apply new Conditional Access policies to restrict access to these accounts. For more information about these service accounts, see Standard operating procedures.
Error The user running the readiness assessment doesn't have sufficient permissions for this check. You must have the following Microsoft Entra roles assigned to run this check:
  • Security Reader
  • Security Administrator
  • Conditional Access Administrator
  • Global Reader
  • Devices Administrator

PowerShell scripts

Windows PowerShell scripts can't be assigned in a way that would target Microsoft Managed Desktop devices.

Result Meaning
Advisory Make sure that Windows PowerShell scripts in your Microsoft Entra organization don't target any Microsoft Manage Desktop devices or users. Don't assign a PowerShell script to target all users, all devices, or both. Change the policy to use an Assignment that targets a specific Microsoft Entra group that doesn't include any Microsoft Managed Desktop devices or users.

For more information, see Use PowerShell scripts on Windows 10 devices in Intune.


Your region must be supported by Microsoft Managed Desktop.

Result Meaning
Not ready Your Microsoft Entra organization region isn't currently supported by Microsoft Managed Desktop.

For more information, see Microsoft Managed Desktop supported regions and languages.
Advisory One or more of the countries where your Microsoft Entra organization is located isn't supported by Microsoft Managed Desktop.

For more information, see Microsoft Managed Desktop supported regions and languages.

Security baselines

Security baseline policies shouldn't target any Microsoft Managed Desktop devices.

Result Meaning
Not ready You have a security baseline profile that targets all users, all devices, or both. Change the policy to use an assignment that targets a specific Microsoft Entra group that doesn't include any Microsoft Managed Desktop devices.

For more information, see Use security baselines to configure Windows 10 devices in Intune. During enrollment, we apply a new security baseline to all Microsoft Managed Desktop devices. After enrollment, you can review the Microsoft Managed Desktop security baseline policy in the Configuration policy area of the Microsoft Intune admin center.
Advisory Make sure that any security baseline policies you have exclude Microsoft Managed Desktop devices. For more information, see Use security baselines to configure Windows 10 devices in Intune.

During enrollment, we apply a new security baseline to all Microsoft Managed Desktop devices. The Modern Workplace Devices - All Microsoft Entra group is a dynamic group that we create when you enroll in Microsoft Managed Desktop. You'll have to come back to exclude this group after enrollment.

Unlicensed admins

This setting must be enabled to avoid a "lack of permissions" error when we interact with your Microsoft Entra organization.

Result Meaning
Not ready Allow access to unlicensed admins should be enabled. For more information, see Prerequisites for guest accounts.

Windows apps

Review apps you want your Microsoft Managed Desktop users to have.

Result Meaning
Advisory You should prepare an inventory of the apps that you want your Microsoft Managed Desktop users to have. Since these apps must be deployed by Intune, evaluate reusing existing Intune apps. Consider using Company Portal (see Install the Intune Company Portal on devices and Enrollment Status Page (ESP) to distribute apps to your users.

For more information, see Apps in Microsoft Managed Desktop and First-run experience with Autopilot and the Enrollment Status Page.

You can ask your Microsoft account representative for a query in Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager to identify those apps that are ready to migrate to Intune or need adjustment.

Windows Hello for Business

Microsoft Managed Desktop requires Windows Hello for Business to be enabled.

Result Meaning
Advisory Windows Hello for Business is either disabled or not set up. Enable it by following the steps in Create a Windows Hello for Business policy.

Update rings for Windows 10 or later

Your "Update rings for Windows 10 or later" policy in Intune must not target any Microsoft Managed Desktop devices.

Result Meaning
Not ready You have an "update ring" policy that targets all devices, all users, or both. Change the policy to use an Assignment that targets a specific Microsoft Entra group that doesn't include any Microsoft Managed Desktop devices.

For more information, see Manage Windows 10 software updates in Intune.
Advisory Make sure that any update ring policies you have exclude the Modern Workplace Devices - All Microsoft Entra group. If you have assigned Microsoft Entra user groups to these policies, make sure that any update ring policies you have also excluded the Modern Workplace - All Microsoft Entra group that you add your Microsoft Managed Desktop users to (or an equivalent group).

For more information, see Manage Windows 10 and 11 software updates in Intune. Both the Modern Workplace Devices - All and Modern Workplace - All Microsoft Entra groups are groups that we create when you enroll in Microsoft Managed Desktop. You'll have to come back to exclude this group after enrollment.

Microsoft Entra settings

You can access Microsoft Entra settings in the Azure portal.

Intune enrollment

Windows 10 and later devices in your Microsoft Entra organization must be able to automatically enroll in Intune.

Result Meaning
Advisory Make sure the MDM User scope is set to Some or All, not None.

If you choose Some, come back after enrollment and select the Modern Workplace - All Microsoft Entra group for Groups or an equivalent group targeting all of your Microsoft Managed Desktop users.

For more information, see Set up enrollment for Windows devices using Microsoft Intune.

Ad-hoc subscriptions

Advises how to check a setting that, if set to "false", might prevent Enterprise State Roaming from working correctly.

Result Meaning
Advisory Ensure that AllowAdHocSubscriptions is set to True. Otherwise, Enterprise State Roaming might not work.

For more information, see Set-MsolCompanySettings.

Enterprise State Roaming

Enterprise State Roaming should be enabled.

Result Meaning
Advisory Make sure that Enterprise State Roaming is enabled for All or for Selected groups.

For more information, see Enable Enterprise State Roaming in Microsoft Entra ID.

Guest Invitation settings

Microsoft Managed Desktop recommends adjusting Guest Invitation settings, since the default setting allows all users and guests in your directory to invite guests.

Result Meaning
Advisory Member users and users assigned to specific admin roles can invite guest including guests with member permissions should be enabled.

For more information, see Prerequisites for guest accounts.

Guest User access

Microsoft Managed Desktop recommends adjusting guest access, since the default setting allows all guest in your directory to have the same access as members.

Result Meaning
Advisory Guest Users have limited access to properties and memberships of directory objects should be enabled.

For more information, see Prerequisites for guest accounts.


Many licenses are required to use Microsoft Managed Desktop.

Result Meaning
Not Ready Valid and sufficent licenses are required to operate, configure and consume Microsoft Managed Desktop services.

For more information, see Microsoft Managed Desktop technologies and More about licenses.

Microsoft Managed Desktop service accounts

Existing account names could conflict with account names created by Microsoft Managed Desktop to manage the Microsoft Managed Desktop service.

Result Meaning
Not ready You have at least one account name that will conflict with account names created by Microsoft Managed Desktop. Work with your Microsoft account representative to exclude these account names. We don't list the account names publicly to minimize security risk.

Security administrator roles

Users with certain security roles must have those roles assigned in Microsoft Defender for Endpoint.

Result Meaning
Advisory If you have users assigned to any of these roles in your Microsoft Entra organization, make sure they also have these roles assigned in Microsoft Defender for Endpoint. Otherwise, administrators with these roles won't be able to access the admin center.
  • Security Operator
  • Global Reader

For more information, see Create and manage roles for role-based access control.

Security default

Security defaults in Microsoft Entra ID will prevent Microsoft Managed Desktop from managing your devices.

Result Meaning
Not ready You have Security defaults turned on. Turn off Security defaults and set up Conditional Access policies.

For more information, see Common Conditional Access policies.

Self-service Password Reset

Self-service Password Reset (SSPR) can be enabled for all Microsoft Managed Desktop users excluding Microsoft Managed Desktop service accounts.

For more information, see Tutorial: Enable users to unlock their account or reset passwords using Microsoft Entra self-service password reset.

Result Meaning
Advisory Make sure that the SSPR Selected setting includes Microsoft Managed Desktop users, but excludes Microsoft Managed Desktop service accounts. Microsoft Managed Desktop service accounts can't work as expected when SSPR is enabled.

Standard user role

By default, Microsoft Managed Desktop users will be "standard users" without local administrator privileges. Users will be effectively assigned a standard user role via the Microsoft Managed Desktop Standard User Device Profile upon successful enrollment.

Result Meaning
Advisory Microsoft Managed Desktop users won't have local administrator privileges on their Microsoft Managed Desktop devices after enrolling.

Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise


The Allow syncing only on PCs joined to specific domains setting will conflict with Microsoft Managed Desktop. You can access OneDrive settings at the OneDrive admin center.

Result Meaning
Advisory You're using the Allow syncing only on PCs joined to specific domains setting. This setting won't work with Microsoft Managed Desktop. Disable this setting. Instead, set up OneDrive to use a Conditional Access policy.

For more information, see Plan a Conditional Access deployment for help.