
Κοινή χρήση μέσω


Applies to: ✅ Microsoft FabricAzure Data ExplorerAzure MonitorMicrosoft Sentinel

Receives one or more arrays. Sorts the first array in descending order. Orders the remaining arrays to match the reordered first array.


array_sort_desc(array1[, ..., argumentN])

array_sort_desc(array1[, ..., argumentN],nulls_last)

If nulls_last isn't provided, a default value of true is used.

Learn more about syntax conventions.


Name Type Required Description
array1...arrayN dynamic ✔️ The array or list of arrays to sort.
nulls_last bool Determines whether nulls should be last.


Returns the same number of arrays as in the input, with the first array sorted in ascending order, and the remaining arrays ordered to match the reordered first array.

null is returned for every array that differs in length from the first one.

An array which contains elements of different types, is sorted in the following order:

  • Numeric, datetime, and timespan elements
  • String elements
  • Guid elements
  • All other elements


The examples in this section show how to use the syntax to help you get started.

Sort two arrays

The following example sorts the initial array, array1, in descending order. It then sorts array2 to match the new order of array1.

let array1 = dynamic([1,3,4,5,2]);
let array2 = dynamic(["a","b","c","d","e"]);
print array_sort_desc(array1,array2)


array1_sorted array2_sorted
[5,4,3,2,1] ["d","c","b","e","a"]


The output column names are generated automatically, based on the arguments to the function. To assign different names to the output columns, use the following syntax: ... | extend (out1, out2) = array_sort_desc(array1,array2).

Sort substrings

The following example sorts a list of names in descending order. It saves a list of names to a variable, Names, which is then splits into an array and sorted in descending order. The query returns the names in descending order.

let Names = "John,Paul,Jane,Kayo";
let SortedNames = strcat_array(array_sort_desc(split(Names, ",")), ",");
print result = SortedNames



Combine summarize and array_sort_desc

The following example uses the summarize operator and the array_sort_asc function to organize and sort commands by user in descending chronological order.

datatable(command:string, command_time:datetime, user_id:string)
    'chmod',   datetime(2019-07-15),   "user1",
    'ls',      datetime(2019-07-02),   "user1",
    'dir',     datetime(2019-07-22),   "user1",
    'mkdir',   datetime(2019-07-14),   "user1",
    'rm',      datetime(2019-07-27),   "user1",
    'pwd',     datetime(2019-07-25),   "user1",
    'rm',      datetime(2019-07-23),   "user2",
    'pwd',     datetime(2019-07-25),   "user2",
| summarize timestamps = make_list(command_time), commands = make_list(command) by user_id
| project user_id, commands_in_chronological_order = array_sort_desc(timestamps, commands)[1]


user_id commands_in_chronological_order
user1 [
user2 [


If your data can contain null values, use make_list_with_nulls instead of make_list.

Control location of null values

By default, null values are put last in the sorted array. However, you can control it explicitly by adding a bool value as the last argument to array_sort_asc().

The following example shows the default behavior:

print result=array_sort_desc(dynamic([null,"blue","yellow","green",null]))



The following example shows nondefault behavior using the false parameter, which specifies that nulls are placed at the beginning of the array.

print result=array_sort_desc(dynamic([null,"blue","yellow","green",null]), false)

