
Κοινή χρήση μέσω


Applies to: ✅ Microsoft FabricAzure Data ExplorerAzure MonitorMicrosoft Sentinel

The function time_weighted_avg2_fl() is a user-defined function (UDF) that calculates the time weighted average of a metric in a given time window, over input time bins. This function is similar to summarize operator. The function aggregates the metric by time bins, but instead of calculating simple avg() of the metric value in each bin, it weights each value by its duration. The duration is defined from the timestamp of the current value to the timestamp of the next value.

There are two options to calculate time weighted average. This function linearly interpolates the metric value between consecutive samples. Alternatively time_weighted_avg_fl() fills forward the value from the current sample until the next one.


T | invoke time_weighted_avg2_fl(t_col, y_col, key_col, stime, etime, dt)

Learn more about syntax conventions.


Name Type Required Description
t_col string ✔️ The name of the column containing the time stamp of the records.
y_col string ✔️ The name of the column containing the metric value of the records.
key_col string ✔️ The name of the column containing the partition key of the records.
stime datetime ✔️ The start time of the aggregation window.
etime datetime ✔️ The end time of the aggregation window.
dt timespan ✔️ The aggregation time bin.

Function definition

You can define the function by either embedding its code as a query-defined function, or creating it as a stored function in your database, as follows:

Define the function using the following let statement. No permissions are required.


A let statement can't run on its own. It must be followed by a tabular expression statement. To run a working example of time_weighted_avg_fl(), see Example.

let time_weighted_avg2_fl=(tbl:(*), t_col:string, y_col:string, key_col:string, stime:datetime, etime:datetime, dt:timespan)
    let tbl_ex = tbl | extend _ts = column_ifexists(t_col, datetime(null)), _val = column_ifexists(y_col, 0.0), _key = column_ifexists(key_col, '');
    let _etime = etime + dt;
    let gridTimes = range _ts from stime to _etime step dt | extend _val=real(null), dummy=1;
    let keys = materialize(tbl_ex | summarize by _key | extend dummy=1);
    | join kind=fullouter keys on dummy
    | project-away dummy, dummy1
    | union tbl_ex
    | where _ts between (stime.._etime)
    | partition hint.strategy=native by _key (
      order by _ts desc, _val nulls last
    | scan declare(val1:real=0.0, t1:datetime) with (                // fill backward null values
        step s: true => val1=iff(isnull(_val), s.val1, _val), t1=iff(isnull(_val), s.t1, _ts);)
    | extend dt1=(t1-_ts)/1m
    | order by _ts asc, _val nulls last
    | scan declare(val0:real=0.0, t0:datetime) with (                // fill forward null values
        step s: true => val0=iff(isnull(_val), s.val0, _val), t0=iff(isnull(_val), s.t0, _ts);)
    | extend dt0=(_ts-t0)/1m
    | extend _twa_val=iff(dt0+dt1 == 0, _val, ((val0*dt1)+(val1*dt0))/(dt0+dt1))
    | scan with (                                                    // fill forward null twa values
        step s: true => _twa_val=iff(isnull(_twa_val), s._twa_val, _twa_val);)
    | extend diff_t=(next(_ts)-_ts)/1m
    | where isnotnull(diff_t)
    | order by _key asc, _ts asc
    | extend next_twa_val=iff(_key == next(_key), next(_twa_val), _twa_val)
    | summarize tw_sum=sum((_twa_val+next_twa_val)*diff_t/2.0), t_sum =sum(diff_t) by bin_at(_ts, dt, stime), _key
    | where t_sum > 0 and _ts <= etime
    | extend tw_avg = tw_sum/t_sum
    | project-away tw_sum, t_sum
    | order by _key asc, _ts asc 
// Write your query to use the function here.


The following example uses the invoke operator to run the function.

To use a query-defined function, invoke it after the embedded function definition.

let time_weighted_avg2_fl=(tbl:(*), t_col:string, y_col:string, key_col:string, stime:datetime, etime:datetime, dt:timespan)
    let tbl_ex = tbl | extend _ts = column_ifexists(t_col, datetime(null)), _val = column_ifexists(y_col, 0.0), _key = column_ifexists(key_col, '');
    let _etime = etime + dt;
    let gridTimes = range _ts from stime to _etime step dt | extend _val=real(null), dummy=1;
    let keys = materialize(tbl_ex | summarize by _key | extend dummy=1);
    | join kind=fullouter keys on dummy
    | project-away dummy, dummy1
    | union tbl_ex
    | where _ts between (stime.._etime)
    | partition hint.strategy=native by _key (
      order by _ts desc, _val nulls last
    | scan declare(val1:real=0.0, t1:datetime) with (                // fill backward null values
        step s: true => val1=iff(isnull(_val), s.val1, _val), t1=iff(isnull(_val), s.t1, _ts);)
    | extend dt1=(t1-_ts)/1m
    | order by _ts asc, _val nulls last
    | scan declare(val0:real=0.0, t0:datetime) with (                // fill forward null values
        step s: true => val0=iff(isnull(_val), s.val0, _val), t0=iff(isnull(_val), s.t0, _ts);)
    | extend dt0=(_ts-t0)/1m
    | extend _twa_val=iff(dt0+dt1 == 0, _val, ((val0*dt1)+(val1*dt0))/(dt0+dt1))
    | scan with (                                                    // fill forward null twa values
        step s: true => _twa_val=iff(isnull(_twa_val), s._twa_val, _twa_val);)
    | extend diff_t=(next(_ts)-_ts)/1m
    | where isnotnull(diff_t)
    | order by _key asc, _ts asc
    | extend next_twa_val=iff(_key == next(_key), next(_twa_val), _twa_val)
    | summarize tw_sum=sum((_twa_val+next_twa_val)*diff_t/2.0), t_sum =sum(diff_t) by bin_at(_ts, dt, stime), _key
    | where t_sum > 0 and _ts <= etime
    | extend tw_avg = tw_sum/t_sum
    | project-away tw_sum, t_sum
    | order by _key asc, _ts asc 
let tbl = datatable(ts:datetime,  val:real, key:string) [
    datetime(2021-04-26 00:00), 100, 'Device1',
    datetime(2021-04-26 00:45), 300, 'Device1',
    datetime(2021-04-26 01:15), 200, 'Device1',
    datetime(2021-04-26 00:00), 600, 'Device2',
    datetime(2021-04-26 00:30), 400, 'Device2',
    datetime(2021-04-26 01:30), 500, 'Device2',
    datetime(2021-04-26 01:45), 300, 'Device2'
let minmax=materialize(tbl | summarize mint=min(ts), maxt=max(ts));
let stime=toscalar(minmax | project mint);
let etime=toscalar(minmax | project maxt);
let dt = 1h;
| invoke time_weighted_avg2_fl('ts', 'val', 'key', stime, etime, dt)
| project-rename val = tw_avg
| order by _key asc, _ts asc


_ts _key val
2021-04-26 00:00:00.0000000 Device1 218.75
2021-04-26 01:00:00.0000000 Device1 206.25
2021-04-26 00:00:00.0000000 Device2 462.5
2021-04-26 01:00:00.0000000 Device2 412.5

The first value of Device1 is (45m*(100+300)/2 + 15m*(300+250)/2)/60m = 218.75, the second value is (15m*(250+200)/2 + 45m*200)/60m = 206.25.
The first value of Device2 is (30m*(600+400)/2 + 30m*(400+450)/2)/60m = 462.5, the second value is (30m*(450+500)/2 + 15m*(500+300)/2 + 15m*300)/60m = 412.5.