
Κοινή χρήση μέσω


Applies to: ✅ Microsoft FabricAzure Data ExplorerAzure MonitorMicrosoft Sentinel

The function series_shapes_fl() is a user-defined function (UDF) that detects positive/negative trend or jump in a series. This function takes a table containing multiple time series (dynamic numerical array), and calculates trend and jump scores for each series. The output is a dictionary (dynamic) containing the scores.


T | extend series_shapes_fl(y_series, advanced)

Learn more about syntax conventions.


Name Type Required Description
y_series dynamic ✔️ An array cell of numeric values.
advanced bool The default is false. Set to true to output additional calculated parameters.

Function definition

You can define the function by either embedding its code as a query-defined function, or creating it as a stored function in your database, as follows:

Define the function using the following let statement. No permissions are required.


A let statement can't run on its own. It must be followed by a tabular expression statement. To run a working example of series_shapes_fl(), see Example.

let series_shapes_fl=(series:dynamic, advanced:bool=false)
    let n = array_length(series);
//  calculate normal dynamic range between 10th and 90th percentiles
    let xs = array_sort_asc(series);
    let low_idx = tolong(n*0.1);
    let high_idx = tolong(n*0.9);
    let low_pct = todouble(xs[low_idx]);
    let high_pct = todouble(xs[high_idx]);
    let norm_range = high_pct-low_pct;
//  trend score
    let lf = series_fit_line_dynamic(series);
    let slope = todouble(lf.slope);
    let rsquare = todouble(lf.rsquare);
    let rel_slope = abs(n*slope/norm_range);
    let sign_slope = iff(slope >= 0.0, 1.0, -1.0);
    let norm_slope = sign_slope*rel_slope/(rel_slope+0.1);  //  map rel_slope from [-Inf, +Inf] to [-1, 1]; 0.1 is a clibration constant
    let trend_score = norm_slope*rsquare;
//  jump score
    let lf2=series_fit_2lines_dynamic(series);
    let lslope = todouble(lf2.left.slope);
    let rslope = todouble(lf2.right.slope);
    let rsquare2 = todouble(lf2.rsquare);
    let split_idx = tolong(lf2.split_idx);
    let last_left = todouble(lf2.left.interception)+lslope*split_idx;
    let first_right = todouble(lf2.right.interception)+rslope;
    let jump = first_right-last_left;
    let rel_jump = abs(jump/norm_range);
    let sign_jump = iff(first_right >= last_left, 1.0, -1.0);
    let norm_jump = sign_jump*rel_jump/(rel_jump+0.1);  //  map rel_jump from [-Inf, +Inf] to [-1, 1]; 0.1 is a clibration constant
    let jump_score1 = norm_jump*rsquare2;
//  filter for jumps that are not close to the series edges and the right slope has the same direction
    let norm_rslope = abs(rslope/norm_range);
    let jump_score = iff((sign_jump*rslope >= 0.0 or norm_rslope < 0.02) and split_idx between((0.1*n)..(0.9*n)), jump_score1, 0.0);
    let res = iff(advanced, bag_pack("n", n, "low_pct", low_pct, "high_pct", high_pct, "norm_range", norm_range, "slope", slope, "rsquare", rsquare, "rel_slope", rel_slope, "norm_slope", norm_slope,
                              "trend_score", trend_score, "split_idx", split_idx, "jump", jump, "rsquare2", rsquare2, "last_left", last_left, "first_right", first_right, "rel_jump", rel_jump,
                              "lslope", lslope, "rslope", rslope, "norm_rslope", norm_rslope, "norm_jump", norm_jump, "jump_score", jump_score)
                              , bag_pack("trend_score", trend_score, "jump_score", jump_score));
// Write your query to use the function here.


To use a query-defined function, invoke it after the embedded function definition.

let series_shapes_fl=(series:dynamic, advanced:bool=false)
    let n = array_length(series);
//  calculate normal dynamic range between 10th and 90th percentiles
    let xs = array_sort_asc(series);
    let low_idx = tolong(n*0.1);
    let high_idx = tolong(n*0.9);
    let low_pct = todouble(xs[low_idx]);
    let high_pct = todouble(xs[high_idx]);
    let norm_range = high_pct-low_pct;
//  trend score
    let lf = series_fit_line_dynamic(series);
    let slope = todouble(lf.slope);
    let rsquare = todouble(lf.rsquare);
    let rel_slope = abs(n*slope/norm_range);
    let sign_slope = iff(slope >= 0.0, 1.0, -1.0);
    let norm_slope = sign_slope*rel_slope/(rel_slope+0.1);  //  map rel_slope from [-Inf, +Inf] to [-1, 1]; 0.1 is a clibration constant
    let trend_score = norm_slope*rsquare;
//  jump score
    let lf2=series_fit_2lines_dynamic(series);
    let lslope = todouble(lf2.left.slope);
    let rslope = todouble(lf2.right.slope);
    let rsquare2 = todouble(lf2.rsquare);
    let split_idx = tolong(lf2.split_idx);
    let last_left = todouble(lf2.left.interception)+lslope*split_idx;
    let first_right = todouble(lf2.right.interception)+rslope;
    let jump = first_right-last_left;
    let rel_jump = abs(jump/norm_range);
    let sign_jump = iff(first_right >= last_left, 1.0, -1.0);
    let norm_jump = sign_jump*rel_jump/(rel_jump+0.1);  //  map rel_jump from [-Inf, +Inf] to [-1, 1]; 0.1 is a clibration constant
    let jump_score1 = norm_jump*rsquare2;
//  filter for jumps that are not close to the series edges and the right slope has the same direction
    let norm_rslope = abs(rslope/norm_range);
    let jump_score = iff((sign_jump*rslope >= 0.0 or norm_rslope < 0.02) and split_idx between((0.1*n)..(0.9*n)), jump_score1, 0.0);
    let res = iff(advanced, bag_pack("n", n, "low_pct", low_pct, "high_pct", high_pct, "norm_range", norm_range, "slope", slope, "rsquare", rsquare, "rel_slope", rel_slope, "norm_slope", norm_slope,
                              "trend_score", trend_score, "split_idx", split_idx, "jump", jump, "rsquare2", rsquare2, "last_left", last_left, "first_right", first_right, "rel_jump", rel_jump,
                              "lslope", lslope, "rslope", rslope, "norm_rslope", norm_rslope, "norm_jump", norm_jump, "jump_score", jump_score)
                              , bag_pack("trend_score", trend_score, "jump_score", jump_score));
let ts_len = 100;
let noise_pct = 2;
let noise_gain = 3;
(print tsid=1 | extend y = array_concat(repeat(20, ts_len/2), repeat(150, ts_len/2))),
(print tsid=2 | extend y = array_concat(repeat(0, ts_len*3/4), repeat(-50, ts_len/4))),
(print tsid=3 | extend y = range(40, 139, 1)),
(print tsid=4 | extend y = range(-20, -109, -1))
| extend x = range(1, array_length(y), 1)
| extend shapes = series_shapes_fl(y)
| order by tsid asc 
| fork (take 4) (project tsid, shapes)
| render timechart with(series=tsid, xcolumn=x, ycolumns=y)


Graph showing 4 time series with trends and jumps.

The respective trend and jump scores:

tsid	shapes
1	    {
          "trend_score": 0.703199714530169,
          "jump_score": 0.90909090909090906
2	    {
          "trend_score": -0.51663751343174869,
          "jump_score": -0.90909090909090906
3	    {
          "trend_score": 0.92592592592592582,
          "jump_score": 0.0
4	    {
          "trend_score": -0.92592592592592582,
          "jump_score": 0.0