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Gain insights about fundraising performance


Fundraising and Engagement is being retired. Support for Fundraising and Engagement will end at 11:59 PM Pacific Time on December 31, 2026. For more information, go to What’s new in Fundraising and Engagement.

Gain insights about your fundraising programs with the Fundraising performance dashboard in Microsoft Cloud for Nonprofit. The Fundraising performance dashboard lets you explore snapshots of your programs, program revenue and budgets, donations aligned to programs, and other information about your programs. The dashboards are built on the Nonprofit Common Data Model. They're interactive so you can drill down to see key information.

The Fundraising performance dashboard provides you with three views:

This article explains the data behind these pages. For best results, be sure that you've set up campaign goals in Fundraising and Engagement. Without campaign goals, some tiles on the dashboards don't display correctly. The key campaign fields are:

  • Estimated revenue
  • Total cost of campaign
  • Total revenue


Fundraising performance dashboard uses the fiscal year you set up in Fundraising and Engagement. If you haven't configured a fiscal year, the dashboard uses the default fiscal year, January through December.

Each table clearly indicates whether it covers just the fiscal year or includes other years.

The interactivity markers indicate that the tile will filter other visualizations. Not all interactive tiles filter all the visuals on the rest of the page. Select the tile a second time to view all records after filtering.


Learn more about your supporters on the Donors page with metrics such as retention and giving level. The Donors page also provides key performance indicator (KPI) card that provides insights about your fundraising performance.

A screenshot displaying five cards, three stacked column charts, and two donut charts to display key information about donors and the amount they have donated.

Tile Type Purpose Table Interactive Time period
Funds raised Card Total funds raised from all fundraising activities msnfp_transaction No Fiscal year only
Progress to yearly target Card Percentage progress towards the yearly fundraising target goal No Fiscal year only
Goal Overlay on card Fundraising goal for the nonprofit organization goal No Fiscal year only
Donors Card Total number of donors who donated this fiscal year msnfp_transaction No Fiscal year only
Gifts Card Total number of gifts made msnfp_transaction No Fiscal year only
Donor retention rate Card Compares previous active donors to active donors in this fiscal year donors No Current and previous fiscal years
Funds raised by donor type Stacked column chart Total value of donations split between new and repeat donors msnfp_transaction Yes Fiscal year only
Distribution of donor type Stacked column chart Total number of donations split between new and repeat donors msnfp_transaction Yes Fiscal year only
Donors by giving level donut chart Donor type based on giving level msnfp_transaction Yes Fiscal year only
One-off vs recurring gifts by month Stacked column chart Monthly distribution of donations split between single and recurring gifts msnfp_transaction Yes Fiscal year only
Donors by year of lapsed giving Donut chart Total number of unique donors showing the year of last donation msnfp_transaction No All years
Donors by giving level Overlay on donut chart Unique donors who have ever given funds msnfp_transaction No All years


View key gifts and revenue metrics on the Revenue page, including return on investment (ROI) and channel breakdowns. The Revenue page also contains a table of individual donations, which you can filter with controls in the header row.

A screenshot displaying line charts, column charts, bar charts, and a donor list.

Tile Type Purpose Table Interactive Time period
Revenue by month Line chart Total monthly revenue for each month of the current fiscal year msnfp_transaction Yes Fiscal year only
ROI of campaign Line chart Monthly return on investment msnfp_transaction, campaign Yes Fiscal year only
Revenue by giving channel Bar chart Total revenue received by each giving channel msnfp_transaction Yes Fiscal year only
Online vs offline giving Stacked column chart Monthly display of the total revenue split by offline or online donations msnfp_transaction Yes Fiscal year only
Average gift size Column chart Monthly display of the average gift size msnfp_transaction Yes Fiscal year only
Designations Bar chart Total revenue split between the different designations msnfp_transaction Yes Fiscal year only
Donor list Table A list of donors showing details of their donation. This table is a scroll through list that can't be filtered. msnfp_transaction, contact No Fiscal year only


The Campaigns page helps you examine and compare the progress of individual fundraising campaigns against each other and against their individual revenue goals. This area captures any campaigns that have been active in your current fiscal year and provides metrics on them. A dropdown in the lower half of the page allows you to select individual campaigns, which then focus the bottom three visualizations to the scope of that campaign.

A screenshot displaying a list of donors, one line chart, two gauge charts, and one column, all displaying information about campaign performance.

Tile Type Purpose Table Interactive Time period
List of campaigns Table Interactive list of all campaigns in the current fiscal year that filter only the adjacent line chart campaign Yes Fiscal year only
ROI of campaigns Line chart Estimated yearly revenue that can filter the first table campaign, msnfp_transaction Yes Fiscal year only
Individual campaign selector List Campaigns to feed the other charts campaign, msnfp_transaction Yes Fiscal year only
Campaign fundraising Gauge chart Fundraising target and funds raised to date for the selected campaign campaign, msnfp_transaction, list No Fiscal year only
Donor conversion Gauge chart Opportunities that have converted to donors compared to the conversion target msnfp_transaction, list No Fiscal year only
Performance to date Column chart Monthly income for the selected campaign msnfp_transaction Y Fiscal year only

For more information about the Nonprofit Common Data Model, go to Nonprofit Common Data Model.

For more information about Power BI, go to Power BI documentation.

See also

Get started with Microsoft Cloud for Nonprofit