Κοινή χρήση μέσω

frx command-line utility

frx is a command-line utility which provides management and configuration of an FSLogix configuration. The utility manages rules, profiles and containers, search, credential manager, and other miscellaneous functions.


Command Description
help, ? Display this help message
version Display the versions of the loaded components


Command Description
add-redirect Add a new folder redirection
add-rule Add the specified rule
create-ruleset Creates a Rule Set
del-redirect Delete an active folder redirection
del-rule Delete the specified rule
list-redirects List currently active folder redirections
list-rules List currently loaded rules
reload-rules Reload rules from cache

Profiles and virtual containers

Command Description
copy-profile Copy a user's profile into a VHD or VHDX
copyto-vhd Copy a folder and its contents to a VHD or VHDX
create-vhd Create and format a VHD or VHDX
edit-profile Edit profile contents contained in a VHD or VHDX
begin-edit-profile Attaches the specified VHD or VHDX and the registry hive
end-edit-profile Detaches the specified VHD or VHDX and the registry hive
export-profilecfg Export profile configuration settings to file
import-profilecfg Import profile configuration settings from file
migrate-vhd Migrates the contents of an existing VHD to a new one
moveto-vhd Move a folder and its contents to a VHD or VHDX
set-profile-redir Sets the profile's folder redirections configuration

Search component

Command Description
reset-user-search-db Reindex a user's search index database.

Credential Manager key management

Command Description
add-secure-key Add a secure key to Credential Manager
del-secure-key Delete a secure key from Credential Manager
list-secure-key list the keys that are contained in Credential Manager


Command Description
create-junction Creates a junction point to a target volume or folder
enable-shnot Enables shell refresh notification
regfont Registers a font in the system font table
report-assignment Rule Set applicability reporting
show-junction-info Shows information about a junction point
unregfont Removes a font from the system font table
start-agent Starts all drivers and services comprising the agent
stop-agent Stops all drivers and services comprising the agent

frx version

Displays the versions of the loaded components


    frx version


frx add-redirect

Add a new path redirection for the virtualization driver

    frx add-redirect -src <path>
                     -dest <path>

Required Parameters

-source or -src

Specifies the source path to redirect.

-destination or -dest

Specifies the path to act as redirection target.


    frx add-redirect -src C:\mysource -dest d:\mytest
    frx add-redirect -src C:\mysource -dest \\?\VolumeXXXXX\Test

frx add-rule

Add a specific rule.

    frx add-rule -hide <params>
                 -printer <params>
                 -redirect <params>
                 -specific-data <params>
                 -vhd-attach <params>


    frx add-rule -hide -src-parent C:\Windows
    frx add-rule -hide -src-parent \Registry\User\*\Software -src MySoftware  
    frx add-rule -redirect -src-parent C:\Windows -src=test.ini -dest-parent __USER_PROFILE_PATH__ -dest test.ini
    frx add-rule -specific-data -src-parent \Registry\Machine\Software -src Value -datatype DWORD -data 42000000
    frx add-rule -vhd-attach -src-parent C:\MyVolFolder -dest C:\VHDs\mydisk.vhd

Required Parameters


Parent directory/key or printer to which the rule applies.

Optional Parameters


File or value name


Destination directory or key (redirection rules only).


Destination file or value (redirection rules only).


Creates a blank copy of the item upon redirection if it does not exist (default is to copy the source item).


Volatile rule that will not persist across a machine reboot.


Type of specific data to return (SZ, DWORD).


Hexadecimal representation of data to return.

Special Variables

Usable in -dest-parent or -dest parameters.

Variable Description
__USER_SID__ User's SID
__USER_NAME__ User's username
__USER_PROFILE_PATH__ Path to users profile

frx create-ruleset

Creates a Rule Set by scanning the specified install directory.

    frx create-ruleset -filename <path>
                       -install-dir <path>
                       -ARP-keyname <path>


    frx create-ruleset-name Chrome -install-dir "C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application" -ARP-keyname "HKLM\Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Google Chrome"



Specifies the name of the file to be created.


Specifies the installation path of the application to be scanned.


Specifies the Add/Remove program registry location.

frx del-redirect

Deletes an active redirect.

    frx del-redirect -source <path>


    frx del-redirect -source C:\MyData\Docs



Specifies the source folder to remove redirection from.

frx del-rule

Delete the specified rule.

    frx del-rule -src-parent <path>
                 -src <path>


    frx del-rule -src-parent C:\Windows -src test.ini
    frx del-rule -hide -src-parent \Registry\User\*\Software -src MySoftware

Required Parameters


Parent directory or key to which to rule applies.

Optional Parameters


File or value name.

frx list-redirects

Lists the current active folder redirections.

    frx list-redirects

frx list-rules

Lists all rules loaded in the system.

    frx list-rules -verbose

Optional Parameters


Displays additional information about the rule.

frx reload-rules

Reloads the rules. Can be specific to one file of rules, or apply to all rules.


Reloading rules has no affect on volatile rules.

    frx reload-rules -filename <path>


    frx reload-rules -filename Rules.fxr

Optional Parameters


Specifies the rules file to be reloaded.

Profiles and Virtual Containers

frx copy-profile


If the local profile size exceeds 5 GB, you must specify the -size-mbs parameter with a size greater than 5000.

Copy a user's profile into a VHD or VHDX. If the VHD or VHDX file does not exist, it will be created.

    frx copy-profile -filename <path>
                     -username <username or domain\username>
                     -sid <sid>
                     -size-mbs <int>
                     -vhdx-sector-size <int>
                     -dynamic <1 or 0>
                     -src-parent <path>
                     -verbose <switch>
                     -profile-path <path>
                     -label <string>
                     -redirections <path>


Local profile less than 5 GB

    frx copy-profile -filename C:\Profile.vhd -username CONTOSO\msmith

Local profile greater than 5 GB

    frx copy-profile -filename C:\Profile.vhd -username CONTOSO\msmith -size-mbs 30000

Required Parameters


Specifies the path to the VHD(x) file.


Specified as Username or DOMAIN\Username


Used in place of -username to identify the profile.

Optional Parameters


Size in number of MBs for new VHD/VHDX


VHDX sector size


Set to 1 for dynamic, 0 for fixed disk


Path the the parent VHDX file for differencing disks


Enables verbose output


Specify the profile path


Disk volume label (default is Profile)


Specify the redirections file to copy to the profile

frx copyto-vhd

Copy a folder and its contents to a VHD or VHDX

    frx copyto-vhd -filename <path>
                   -src <path>
                   -dest <path>
                   -size-mbs <int>
                   -vhdx-sector-size <int>
                   -dynamic <1 or 0>
                   -verbose <switch>
                   -src-parent <path>
                   -label <string>


    frx copyto-vhd -filename C:\mydisk.vhd -src C:\data

Required Parameters


Specifies the path to the VHDX file


Specifies the source folder to copy

Optional Parameters


Specifies the target folder in the VHDX file. Default destination is the VHDX root folder.


Size in number of MBs for new VHD/VHDX


VHDX sector size


Set to 1 for dynamic, 0 for fixed disk


Enables verbose output


Disk volume label (default is Profile)

frx create-vhd

Create and format a VHD or VHDX. By default the VHD or VHDX will be 30 GBs and sized dynamically.

    frx create-vhd -filename <path>
                   -size-mbs <int>
                   -vhdx-sector-size <int>
                   -dynamic <1 or 0>
                   -src-parent <path>
                   -label <string>


    frx create-vhd -filename C:\Profile.vhd

Required Parameters


Specifies the path to the VHDX file

Optional Parameters


Size in number of MBs for new VHD/VHDX


VHDX sector size


Set to 1 for dynamic, 0 for fixed disk


Path the the parent VHDX file for differencing disks


Disk volume label (default is Profile)

frx edit-profile

Attaches the specified VHD or VHDX and opens an Explorer Window and Registry editor so the contents of the profile can be viewed and edited.

    frx edit-profile -filename <path>


    frx edit-profile -filename C:\Profile.vhd



Specifies the path to the VHDX file

frx begin-edit-profile

Attaches the specified VHD or VHDX and attaches the registry hive so the contents of the profile can be viewed and edited.

    frx begin-edit-profile -filename <path>


    frx begin-edit-profile -filename C:\Profile.vhd



Specifies the path to the VHDX file

frx end-edit-profile

Detaches the specified VHD or VHDX and the registry hive

    frx end-edit-profile -cookie <string>
                         -filename <path>


    frx end-edit-profile -cookie 4876 -filename C:\Profile.vhd



Specifies the cookie printed out from the begin-edit-profile call.


Specifies the path to the VHDX file

frx export-profilecfg

Exports profile configuration settings and inclusion/exclusion group membership to a file. The settings can be imported later with the import-profilecfg command.

    frx export-profilecfg -filename <path>


    frx export-profilecfg -filename my_configuration.frxconfig



Specifies the file for the configuration data to be stored.

frx import-profilecfg

Imports profile configuration settings and inclusion/exclusion group membership from file. This file can be generated with the export-profilecfg command.

    frx import-profilecfg -filename <path>


    frx import-profilecfg -filename my_configuration.frxconfig



Specifies the file for the configuration data to be stored.

frx migrate-vhd

Creates, formats a VHD or VHDX, and mirrors the contents of the source VHD. By default the VHD or VHDX will be 30 GBs and sized dynamically.

    frx migrate-vhd -src <path>
                    -dest <path>
                    -size-mbs <int>
                    -vhdx-sector-size <int>
                    -dynamic <0 or 1>


    frx migrate-vhd -src C:\old\Profile.vhd -dest C:\new\Profile.vhd

Required Parameters


Specifies the path to the source VHDX file


Specifies the new VHDX filename.

Optional Parameters


Size in number of MBs for new VHD/VHDX


VHDX sector size


Set to 1 for dynamic, 0 for fixed disk

frx moveto-vhd

Moves a folder along with all its sub-folders and files to a VHD(X) disk.

    frx moveto-vhd -filename <path>
                   -src <path>
                   -dest <path>
                   -size-mbs <int>
                   -vhdx-sector-size <int>
                   -dynamic <1 or 0>
                   -verbose <switch>
                   -src-parent <path>
                   -label <string>


    frx moveto-vhd -filename C:\mydisk.vhd -src C:\data

Required Parameters


Specifies the path to the VHDX file


Specifies the source folder to move

Optional Parameters


Specifies the target folder in the VHDX file. Default destination is the VHDX root folder.


Size in number of MBs for new VHD/VHDX


VHDX sector size


Set to 1 for dynamic, 0 for fixed disk


Enables verbose output


Disk volume label (default is Profile)

frx set-profile-redir

Sets the profile's folder redirections configuration

    frx set-profile-redir -filename <path>
                          -redirections <path>
                          -no-redirections <switch>


    frx set-profile-redir -filename C:\Profile.vhd -redirections C:\redir.xml

Required Parameters


Specifies the path to the VHDX file

Optional Parameters


Specify the redirections file to copy to the profile.


Remove any exiting redirections from the profile.

Search Component

frx reset-user-search-db

Re-index a user's search index database.

    frx reset-user-search-db -username <username or domain\username>
                             -sid <sid>


    frx reset-user-search-db -username DOMAIN\USERNAME



Specify username or DOMAIN\username.


Specify the users SID instead of using -username

Credential Manager Key Management

frx add-secure-key

Add a secure key to Credential Manager.

    frx add-secure-key -key <string>
                       -value <string>


    frx add-secure-key -key fslogix -value secretStringABC123



Specifies the key name for the credential.


Specifies the value for the desired key.

frx del-secure-key

Delete a secure key from Credential Manager

    frx del-secure-key -key <string>


    frx del-secure-key -key fslogix



Specifies the key name for the credential.

frx list-secure-key

List the keys that are contained in Credential Manager

    frx list-secure-key 


frx create-junction

Creates a junction point to a target volume or folder

    frx create-junction -src <path>
                        -dest <path>
                        -name <string>


    frx create-junction -src E:\ -dest \\Volume{2dd97d8a-3bab-11e1-b9ff-080027e238aa}

Required Parameters


Specifies the drive or folder where the junction point will be added.


Specifies the target folder or volume.

Optional Parameters


Optional display name.

frx enable-shnot

Enables shell refresh notification

    frx enable-shnot -true <switch>
                     -false <switch>
                     -force <switch>


    frx enable-shnot -force

Optional Parameters


Enables notifications


Disables notifications


Forces immediate notification if enabled.

frx regfont

Registers a font in the system font table

    frx regfont -filename <path>


    frx regfont -filename C:\myfont.ttf



Specifies the path to the font file.

frx report-assignment

Reports on the applicability and non-applicability of a Rule Set by analyzing the assignment file and Active Directory.

    frx report-assignment -filename <path>
                          -username <LDAP>
                          -verbose <switch>
                          -csv <switch>


    frx report-assignment -filename C:\test.fxa -username "CN=User,DC=domain"

Required Parameters


Specifies the path to the assignment file.

Optional Parameters


Reports the applicability of the assignment file for the user specified (distinguished name).


Enables verbose output.


Enables output in comma separated value (CSV) format.

frx show-junction-info

Shows junction point information on the specified folder.

    frx show-junction-info -src <path>


    frx show-junction-info -src E:\



Specifies from which drive or folder the information is gathered from.

frx unregfont

Removes a font from the system font table

    frx unregfont -filename <path>


    frx unregfont -filename C:\myfont.ttf



Specifies the path to the font file.

frx start-agent

Starts all drivers and services comprising the agent

    frx start-agent

frx stop-agent

Stops all drivers and services comprising the agent

    frx stop-agent