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FindWindow search path tag in Unified Service Desk

<FindWindow> tag contains a list of matching elements that are executed in the order of their listing within the tag. This topic describes the <FindWindow> elements with example code.

<FindWindow> elements

The following code snippet shows the elements in a <FindWindow> tag

# RELAX NG XML grammar for FindWindow   
# https://relaxng.org/compact-tutorial-20030326.html   
start = FindWindow FindWindow = element   
  element ControlId { attribute match { xsd:integer }?, text }*  
& element Caption { attribute match { xsd:integer }?, text }*  
& element CaptionStartsWith { same as Caption }*  
& element CaptionEndsWith { same as Caption }*  
& element CaptionContains { same as Caption }*  
& element Class { attribute match { xsd:integer }?, text }*  
& element ClassStartsWith { same as Class }*  
& element ClassEndsWith { same as Class }*  
& element ClassContains { same as Class }*  
& element Position { xsd:integer, xsd:integer } *  
& element Find { Caption & Class }*  
& element Desktop { empty }*  
& element Application { empty }*  
& element Owner { empty }*  
& element RelaxProcessIdRestriction { empty }*  
& element RelaxThreadIdRestriction { empty }*  

The following table describes the <FindWinow> elements.

Element Description
ControlId Window with ID
Caption Window caption text.
CaptionStartsWith Caption starts with text
CaptionEndsWith Caption ends with text.
CaptionContains Caption contains text.
Class Window with class name
ClassStartsWith Class name starts with text.
ClassEndsWith Class name ends with text.
ClassContains Class contains text.
Position Search for a window at a specified position. The position is defined as the upper-left corner of the window as (x,y) coordinates. The position is calculated either from the <Application/> (default) or from the <Desktop/>. If <Desktop/> is used, it must be specified before the <Position> element.
Find Search for a window as specified via the Class or Caption element. The same elements as for FindWindow can be used here (Caption, CaptionStartsWith, CaptionEndsWith, CaptionContains, Class, ClassStartsWith, ClassEndsWith, or ClassContains).
Desktop Sets the search point to the desktop
Application Sets the search point to the application's top-level window.
Owner Window with a specified owner.
RelaxProcessIdRestriction Includes windows with different process IDs in the search. By default, all windows belong to the same process ID.
RelaxThreadIdRestriction Includes windows with different thread IDs in the search process. By default, all windows belong to the same thread ID.

Sample code

The following set of samples show the how the various attributes are used.

The following sample searches for a window with the control ID 1003.  
The following sample searches for a window with the class name SunAWTFrame.  
The following sample searches for a window at desktop position x200 y400.   
The following sample searches for the second application with the caption CurrencyConv that is not within the same process as the DDA loaded application.   
<Caption match="2">CurrencyConv</Caption>  

See also

Use Data Driven Adapters (DDAs)