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Check the availability of stock

This procedure shows you how to check on-hand and physical on-hand inventory for a specific item number. It also shows you how to get supply information related to an item. Physical on-hand inventory is the on-hand inventory that's available (purchased, received, and registered). On-hand inventory includes the available on-hand inventory, but also the inventory that's been ordered and is expected, but not yet received or registered.

If you're using USMF demo data you can use the example values that are shown in this article.

Check on-hand inventory for an item

  1. Go to Inventory management > Inquiries and reports > On-hand list.
  2. On the Filters pane, enter search criteria to find the products and/or locations that you want to look up. For example, if you're using the USMF demo data company, you could set Item number to M9201.
  3. On the Filters pane, select Apply.
  4. On-hand inventory is displayed for your selected criteria.
    • If you'd like to change the set of columns shown in the list, select Dimensions on the Action Pane.
    • To see more information about a listed item, select the item and then choose the type of information you're looking for on the Action Pane.

Check physical on-hand inventory

  1. Go to Warehouse management > Inquiries and reports > Physical on-hand inventory.
  2. In the Item number field, specify the item you're looking for. You can also use the Site and Warehouse fields to filter the list of items.
  3. Select the Refresh button at the right side of the Action Pane.
  4. Physical on-hand inventory is displayed. If you'd like to change the set of columns shown in the list, select Display Dimensions on the Action Pane.

Check on-hand inventory by location

  1. Go to Warehouse management > Inquiries and reports > On-hand by location.
  2. Use the fields at the top of the page to define the site, warehouse, and/or location you want to look up. For example, if you're using the USMF demo data company, you could set Warehouse to 51.
  3. Select the Refresh button at the right side of the Action Pane.
  4. Select a row in the Locations section to see the on-hand inventory for that location in the On hand section. To learn more about an item listed in the On hand section, select the item and then choose the type of information you're looking for from the On hand section toolbar.