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Inventory Visibility public APIs


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This article describes the public APIs that are provided by Inventory Visibility.

The public REST API of the Inventory Visibility Add-in presents several specific endpoints for integration. It supports four main interaction types:

  • Posting on-hand inventory changes to the add-in from an external system
  • Setting or overriding on-hand inventory quantities in the add-in from an external system
  • Posting reservation events to the add-in from an external system
  • Querying current on-hand quantities from an external system

The following table lists the APIs that are currently available:

Path Method Description
/api/environment/{environmentId}/onhand Post Create one on-hand change event
/api/environment/{environmentId}/onhand/bulk Post Create multiple change events
/api/environment/{environmentId}/setonhand/{inventorySystem}/bulk Post Set/override on-hand quantities
/api/environment/{environmentId}/onhand/reserve Post Create one soft reservation event
/api/environment/{environmentId}/onhand/reserve/bulk Post Create multiple soft reservation events
/api/environment/{environmentId}/onhand/unreserve Post Reverse one soft reservation event
/api/environment/{environmentId}/onhand/unreserve/bulk Post Reverse multiple soft reservation events
/api/environment/{environmentId}/onhand/reserve/resyncjob Post Clean up reservation data
/api/environment/{environmentId}/getJobProgress Get Get job execution progress
/api/environment/{environmentId}/onhand/changeschedule Post Create one scheduled on-hand change
/api/environment/{environmentId}/onhand/changeschedule/bulk Post Create multiple on-hand changes with dates
/api/environment/{environmentId}/onhand/indexquery Post Query by using the post method (recommended)
/api/environment/{environmentId}/onhand Get Query by using the get method
/api/environment/{environmentId}/onhand/exactquery Post Exact query by using the post method
/api/environment/{environmentId}/allocation/allocate Post Create one allocate event
/api/environment/{environmentId}/allocation/unallocate Post Create one unallocate event
/api/environment/{environmentId}/allocation/reallocate Post Create one reallocate event
/api/environment/{environmentId}/allocation/consume Post Create one consume event
/api/environment/{environmentId}/allocation/query Post Query allocation result
/api/environment/{environmentId}/onhand/productsearch/indexquery Post Post index query with product search
/api/environment/{environmentId}/onhand/productsearch/exactquery Post Post exact query with product search
/api/environment/{environmentId}/transaction/adjustment/bulk Post Sync external inventory changes through Inventory Visibility


The {environmentId} part of the path is the environment ID of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management. This ID is the one stated for Supply Chain Management in Lifecycle Services, not the ID of the Power Platform environment that is linked to the Supply Chain Management environment.

The bulk API can return a maximum of 512 records for each request.


The platform security token is used to call the Inventory Visibility public API. Therefore, you must generate a Microsoft Entra token by using your Microsoft Entra application. You must then use the Microsoft Entra token to get the access token from the security service.

To get a security service token, follow these steps.

  1. Sign in to the Azure portal, and use it to find the clientId and clientSecret values for your Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management app.

  2. Fetch a Microsoft Entra token (aadToken) by submitting an HTTP request that has the following properties:

    • URL: https://login.microsoftonline.com/${aadTenantId}/oauth2/v2.0/token

    • Method: GET

    • Body content (form data):

      Key Value
      client_id ${aadAppId}
      client_secret ${aadAppSecret}
      grant_type client_credentials
      scope 0cdb527f-a8d1-4bf8-9436-b352c68682b2/.default

    You should receive a Microsoft Entra token (aadToken) in response. It should resemble the following example.

        "token_type": "Bearer",
        "expires_in": "3599",
        "ext_expires_in": "3599",
        "access_token": "eyJ0eX...8WQ"
  3. Formulate a JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) request that resembles the following example.

        "grant_type": "client_credentials",
        "client_assertion_type": "aad_app",
        "client_assertion": "${Your_Microsoft_EntraToken}",
        "scope": "https://inventoryservice.operations365.dynamics.com/.default",
        "context": "${fno_environment_id}",
        "context_type": "finops-env"

    Note the following points:

    • The client_assertion value must be the Microsoft Entra token (aadToken) that you received in the previous step.
    • The context value must be the Supply Chain Management environment ID where you want to deploy the add-in.
    • Set all the other values as shown in the example.
  4. Fetch an access token (access_token) by submitting an HTTP request that has the following properties:

    • URL: https://securityservice.operations365.dynamics.com/token

    • Method: POST

    • HTTP header:

      Key Value
      Api-Version 1.0
      Content-Type application/json
    • Body content: Include the JSON request that you created in the previous step.

    You should receive an access token (access_token) in response. You must use this token as a bearer token to call the Inventory Visibility API. Here's an example.

        "access_token": "${Returned_Token}",
        "token_type": "bearer",
        "expires_in": 3600


    If you receive a response with status code 307, use the value of the Location header to resend the token request to the new URL. Most HTTP libraries handle redirects automatically.

Create on-hand change events

There are two APIs for creating on-hand change events:

  • Create one record: /api/environment/{environmentId}/onhand
  • Create multiple records: /api/environment/{environmentId}/onhand/bulk

The following table summarizes the meaning of each field in the JSON body.

Field ID Description
id A unique ID for the specific change event. If a resubmission occurs due to a service failure, this ID is used to ensure the same event won't be counted twice in the system.
organizationId The identifier of the organization that's linked to the event. This value is mapped to an organization or data area ID in Supply Chain Management.
productId The identifier of the product.
quantities The quantity that the on-hand quantity must be changed by. For example, if 10 new books are added to a shelf, this value will be quantities:{ shelf:{ received: 10 }}. If three books are removed from the shelf or sold, this value will be quantities:{ shelf:{ sold: 3 }}.
dimensionDataSource The data source of the dimensions that are used in the posting change event and query. If you specify the data source, you can use the custom dimensions from the specified data source. Inventory Visibility can use the dimension configuration to map the custom dimensions to the general default dimensions. If no dimensionDataSource value is specified, you can use only the general base dimensions in your queries.
dimensions A dynamic key-value pair. The values are mapped to some of the dimensions in Supply Chain Management. However, you can also add custom dimensions (for example, Source) to indicate whether the event is coming from Supply Chain Management or an external system.


If your data partition rule is set to By product ID, siteId and locationId are optional dimensions. Otherwise, they're required dimensions. This rule also applies to the allocation, soft reserve, and change schedule APIs.

The following subsections provide examples that show how to use these APIs.

Create one on-hand change event

This API creates a single on-hand change event.

    Authorization="Bearer $access_token"
        id: string,
        organizationId: string,
        productId: string,
        dimensionDataSource: string, # Optional
        dimensions: {
            [key:string]: string,
        quantities: {
            [dataSourceName:string]: {
                [key:string]: number,

The following example shows sample body content. In this example, the company has a point-of-sale (POS) system that processes in-store transactions and therefore inventory changes. The customer has returned a red T-shirt to your store. To reflect the change, you post a single change event for the T-shirt product. This event will increase the quantity of the T-shirt product by 1.

    "id": "Test201",
    "organizationId": "usmf",
    "productId": "T-shirt",
    "dimensionDataSource": "pos",
    "dimensions": {
        "siteId": "1",
        "locationId": "11",
        "posMachineId": "0001",
        "colorId": "red"
    "quantities": {
        "pos": {
            "inbound": 1

The following example shows sample body content without dimensionDataSource. In this case, dimensions will be the base dimensions. If dimensionDataSource is set, dimensions can be either the data source dimensions or the base dimensions.

    "id": "Test202",
    "organizationId": "usmf",
    "productId": "T-shirt",
    "dimensions": {
        "siteId": "1",
        "locationId": "11",
        "colorId": "red"
    "quantities": {
        "pos": {
            "inbound": 1

Create multiple change events

This API can create change events, just as the single-event API can. The only difference is that this API can create multiple records at the same time. Therefore, the Path and Body values differ. For this API, Body provides an array of records. The maximum number of records is 512. Therefore, the on-hand change bulk API can support up to 512 change events at a time.

For example, a retail store POS machine processed the following two transactions:

  • One return order of one red T-shirt
  • One sales transaction of three black T-shirts

In this case, you can include both inventory updates in one API call.

    Authorization="Bearer $access_token"
            id: string,
            organizationId: string,
            productId: string,
            dimensionDataSource: string, # Optional
            dimensions: {
                [key:string]: string,
            quantities: {
                [dataSourceName:string]: {
                    [key:string]: number,

The following example shows sample body content.

        "id": "Test203",
        "organizationId": "usmf",
        "productId": "T-shirt",
        "dimensionDataSource": "pos",
        "dimensions": {
            "SiteId": "Site1",
            "LocationId": "11",
            "posMachineId": "0001"
            "colorId": "red"
        "quantities": {
            "pos": { "inbound": 1 }
        "id": "Test204",
        "organizationId": "usmf",
        "productId": "T-shirt",
        "dimensions": {
            "siteId": "1",
            "locationId": "11",
            "colorId": "black"
        "quantities": {
            "pos": { "outbound": 3 }

Set/override on-hand quantities

The Set on-hand API overrides the current data for the specified product. This functionality is typically used to do inventory counting updates. For example, during its daily inventory counting, a store might find that the actual on-hand inventory for a red T-shirt is 100. Therefore, the POS inbound quantity must be updated to 100, regardless of what the previous quantity was. You can use this API to override the existing value.

    Authorization="Bearer $access_token"
            id: string,
            organizationId: string,
            productId: string,
            dimensionDataSource: string, # Optional
            dimensions: {
                [key:string]: string,
            quantities: {
                [dataSourceName:string]: {
                    [key:string]: number,
            modifiedDateTimeUTC: datetime,

The following example shows sample body content. The behavior of this API differs from the behavior of the APIs that are described in the Create on-hand change events section earlier in this article. In this sample, the quantity of the T-shirt product will be set to 1.

        "id": "Test204",
        "organizationId": "usmf",
        "productId": "T-shirt",
        "dimensionDataSource": "pos",
        "dimensions": {
            "SiteId": "1",
            "LocationId": "11",
            "posMachineId": "0001"
            "colorId": "red"
        "quantities": {
            "pos": {
                "inbound": 100

Create reservation events

To use the Reserve API, you must turn on the reservation feature and complete the reservation configuration. For more information (including a dataflow and sample scenario), see Inventory Visibility reservations.

Create one reservation event

A reservation can be made against different data source settings. To configure this type of reservation, first specify the data source in the dimensionDataSource parameter. Then, in the dimensions parameter, specify dimensions according to the dimension settings in the target data source.

When you call the reservation API, you can control the reservation validation by specifying the Boolean ifCheckAvailForReserv parameter in the request body. A value of True means that the validation is required, whereas a value of False means that the validation isn't required. The default value is True.

If you want to reverse a reservation or unreserve specified inventory quantities, set the quantity to a negative value, and set the ifCheckAvailForReserv parameter to False to skip the validation. There's also a dedicated unreserve API to do the same. The difference is only in the way the two APIs are called. It's easier to reverse a specific reservation event by using reservationId with the unreserve API. Learn more in Unreserve one reservation event section.

    Authorization="Bearer $access_token"
        id: string,
        organizationId: string,
        productId: string,
        dimensionDataSource: string,
        dimensions: {
            [key:string]: string,
        quantityDataSource: string, # optional
        quantities: {
            [dataSourceName:string]: {
                [key:string]: number,
        modifier: string,
        quantity: number,
        ifCheckAvailForReserv: boolean,

The following example shows sample body content.

    "id": "reserve-0",
    "organizationId": "SCM_IV",
    "productId": "iv_contoso_product",
    "quantity": 1,
    "quantityDataSource": "iv",
    "modifier": "softReservOrdered",
    "ifCheckAvailForReserv": true,
    "dimensions": {
        "siteId": "iv_contoso_site",
        "locationId": "iv_contoso_location",
        "colorId": "red",
        "sizeId": "small"

The following example shows a successful response.

    "reservationId": "RESERVATION_ID",
    "id": "ohre~id-822-232959-524",
    "processingStatus": "success",
    "message": "",
    "statusCode": 200

Create multiple reservation events

This API is a bulk version of the single-event API.

    Authorization="Bearer $access_token"
            id: string,
            organizationId: string,
            productId: string,
            dimensionDataSource: string,
            dimensions: {
                [key:string]: string,
            quantityDataSource: string, # optional
            quantities: {
                [dataSourceName:string]: {
                    [key:string]: number,
            modifier: string,
            quantity: number,
            ifCheckAvailForReserv: boolean,

Reverse reservation events

The Unreserve API serves as the reverse operation for Reservation events. It provides a way to reverse a reservation event specified by reservationId or to decrease the reservation quantity.

Reverse one reservation event

When a reservation is created, a reservationId will be included in the response body. You must provide the same reservationId to cancel the reservation, and include the same organizationId, productId, and dimensions used for the reservation API call. Finally, specify an OffsetQty value that represents the number of items to be freed from the previous reservation. A reservation can either be fully or partially reversed depending on the specified OffsetQty. For example, if 100 units of items were reserved, you can specify OffsetQty: 10 to unreserve 10 of the initial reserved amount.

    Authorization="Bearer $access_token"
        id: string,
        organizationId: string,
        productId: string,
        reservationId: string,
        dimensions: {
            [key:string]: string,
        OffsetQty: number

The following code shows an example of body content.

    "id": "unreserve-0",
    "organizationId": "SCM_IV",
    "productId": "iv_contoso_product",
    "reservationId": "RESERVATION_ID",
    "dimensions": {
        "ColorId": "red",
        "SizeId": "small"
    "OffsetQty": 1

The following code shows an example of a successful response body.

    "reservationId": "RESERVATION_ID",
    "totalInvalidOffsetQtyByReservId": 0,
    "id": "ohoe~id-823-11744-883",
    "processingStatus": "success",
    "message": "",
    "statusCode": 200


In the response body, when OffsetQty is less than or equal to the reservation quantity, processingStatus will be "success" and totalInvalidOffsetQtyByReservId will be 0.

If OffsetQty is greater than the reserved amount, processingStatus will be "partialSuccess" and totalInvalidOffsetQtyByReservId will be the difference between OffsetQty and the reserved amount.

For example, if the reservation has a quantity of 10, and OffsetQty has a value of 12, totalInvalidOffsetQtyByReservId would be 2.

Reverse multiple reservation events

This API is a bulk version of the single-event API.

    Authorization="Bearer $access_token"
            id: string,
            organizationId: string,
            productId: string,
            reservationId: string,
            dimensions: {
                [key:string]: string,
            OffsetQty: number

Clean up reservation data

The clean up reservation data API is used to clean up historical reservation data. The body should be a list of data sources. If the list is empty, all data sources will be cleaned up.

    Authorization="Bearer $access_token"

If the cleanup job is successfully created, a job ID will be returned in the response, which can be used to get job execution progress.

Get job execution progress

Use the get job execution progress API to obtain the execution progress of a job. A job ID is required to identify the job.

    Authorization="Bearer $access_token"
Query(Url Parameters):

Here's a sample get URL.


Query on-hand

Use the Query on-hand API to fetch current on-hand inventory data for your products. You can use this API whenever you must know the stock, such as when you want to review product stock levels on your e-commerce website, or when you want to check product availability across regions or in nearby stores and warehouses. The API currently supports querying up to 5,000 individual items by productID value. Multiple siteID and locationID values can also be specified in each query. When your data partition rule is set to By location, the maximum limit is defined by the following equation:

NumOf(SiteID) × NumOf(LocationID) <= 10,000.

Query by using the post method

The query by post API is available in two versions. The following table outlines the differences.

API version 1.0 API version 2.0
Can only query one organization ID. Can query multiple organization IDs.
Can query up to 10,000 combinations of sites and warehouses. Can query more than 10,000 combinations of organization IDs, sites, and warehouses. Can return results in multiple pages.

The following subsections show how to use each API version.

Query by post API version 1.0

    Authorization="Bearer $access_token"
        dimensionDataSource: string, # Optional
        filters: {
            organizationId: string[],
            productId: string[],
            siteId: string[],
            locationId: string[],
            [dimensionKey:string]: string[],
        groupByValues: string[],
        returnNegative: boolean,

In the body part of this request, dimensionDataSource is an optional parameter. If it isn't set, filters will be treated as base dimensions.

The returnNegative parameter controls whether the results contain negative entries.

Query data stored by location

This section applies when your data partition rule is set to By location.

  • organizationId should be an array containing exactly one value.
  • productId can contain one or more values. If it's an empty array, the system will return all products for the specified sites and locations. In this case, siteId and locationId shouldn't be empty.
  • siteId and locationId are used for partitioning. You can specify more than one siteId and locationId value in a Query on-hand request. If both arrays are empty, the system will return all sites and locations for the specified products. In this case, productId shouldn't be empty.

We recommend to use the groupByValues parameter in a way that's consistent with your index configuration. Learn more in On-hand index configuration.

Query data stored by product ID

This section applies when your data partition rule is set to By product ID. In this case, two filters fields are required: organizationId, productId.

  • organizationId should be an array containing exactly one value.
  • productId should be an array with at least one value.

Unlike when storing data by location, if you don't specify values for siteId and locationId, inventory information for each product ID will be aggregated across all sites and/or locations.


If you've enabled the on-hand change schedule and available-to-promise (ATP) features, your query can also include the QueryATP Boolean parameter, which controls whether the query results include ATP information. For more information and examples, see Inventory Visibility on-hand change schedules and available to promise.

The following example shows sample body content. It shows that you can query the on-hand inventory from multiple locations (warehouses).

    "dimensionDataSource": "pos",
    "filters": {
        "organizationId": ["usmf"],
        "productId": ["T-shirt"],
        "siteId": ["1"],
        "locationId": ["11","12","13"],
        "colorId": ["red"]
    "groupByValues": ["colorId", "sizeId"],
    "returnNegative": true

The following example shows how to query all products in a specific site and location.

    "filters": {
        "organizationId": ["usmf"],
        "productId": [],
        "siteId": ["1"],
        "locationId": ["11"],
    "groupByValues": ["colorId", "sizeId"],
    "returnNegative": true

Query by post API version 2.0

    Authorization="Bearer $access_token"
    # Same as version 1.0

The request format for API version 2.0 is similar to that of version 1.0, but also supports two optional parameters: pageNumber and pageSize, which allow the system to split a single large result into several smaller documents. The results are sorted by warehouse (locationId), and the parameters are used as follows to split results into pages:

  • pageSize establishes the number of warehouses (locationId values) that are returned in each page.
  • pageNumber establishes the page number that's returned.

A request of this format returns on-hand inventory data starting from warehouse number ({pageNumber} − 1) × {pageSize} and includes data for the next {pageSize} warehouses.

API version 2.0 responds with a document that uses the following structure:

    Value: { # Response same as Api-Version=1.0 }
    nextLink: onhand/indexquery?pageNumber={pageNumber+1}&pageSize={pageSize}

When the request reaches the last warehouse (locationId), the nextLink value is an empty string.

API version 2.0 also lets you specify more than one organization ID in your request. To do so, include a comma-separated list of organization IDs in the organizationId filter of your request document. For example, "organizationId": ["org1", "org2", "org3"].

Query by using the get method

    Authorization="Bearer $access_token"
Query(Url Parameters):

Here's a sample get URL. This get request is exactly the same as the post sample that was provided earlier.


The system doesn't support querying inventory over multiple organization IDs with the GET method.

On-hand exact query

On-hand exact queries resemble regular on-hand queries, but they let you specify a mapping hierarchy between a site and a location. For example, you have the following two sites:

  • Site 1, which is mapped to location A
  • Site 2, which is mapped to location B

For a regular on-hand query, if you specify "siteId": ["1","2"] and "locationId": ["A","B"], Inventory Visibility will automatically query the result for the following sites and locations:

  • Site 1, location A
  • Site 1, location B
  • Site 2, location A
  • Site 2, location B

As you see, the regular on-hand query doesn't recognize that location A exists only in site 1, and location B exists only in site 2. Therefore, it makes redundant queries. To accommodate this hierarchical mapping, you can use an on-hand exact query and specify the location mappings in the query body. In this case, you'll query and receive results for only site 1, location A and site 2, location B.

On-hand exact query query using the post method

The on-hand exact query by post API is available in two versions. The following table outlines the differences.

API version 1.0 API version 2.0
Can only query one organization ID. Can query multiple organization IDs.

On-hand exact query by post API version 1.0

    Authorization="Bearer $access_token"
        dimensionDataSource: string, # Optional
        filters: {
            organizationId: string[],
            productId: string[],
            dimensions: string[],
            values: string[][],
        groupByValues: string[],
        returnNegative: boolean,

In the body part of this request, dimensionDataSource is an optional parameter. If it isn't set, dimensions in filters will be treated as base dimensions. There are four required fields for filters: organizationId, productId, dimensions, and values.

  • organizationId should contain only one value, but it's still an array.
  • productId could contain one or more values. If it's an empty array, all products will be returned.
  • In the dimensions array, siteId and locationId are required if and only if your data partition rule is set to By location. In this case, they could appear with other elements in any order.
  • values could contain one or more distinct tuples of values corresponding to dimensions.

dimensions in filters will be automatically added to groupByValues.

The returnNegative parameter controls whether the results contain negative entries.

The following example shows sample body content.

    "dimensionDataSource": "pos",
    "filters": {
        "organizationId": ["SCM_IV"],
        "productId": ["iv_contoso_product"],
        "dimensions": ["siteId", "locationId", "colorId"],
        "values" : [
            ["iv_contoso_site", "iv_contoso_location", "red"],
            ["iv_contoso_site", "iv_contoso_location", "blue"],
    "groupByValues": ["colorId", "sizeId"],
    "returnNegative": true

The following example shows how to query all products in multiple sites and locations.

    "filters": {
        "organizationId": ["SCM_IV"],
        "productId": [],
        "dimensions": ["siteId", "locationId"],
        "values" : [
            ["iv_contoso_site_1", "iv_contoso_location_1"],
            ["iv_contoso_site_2", "iv_contoso_location_2"],
    "groupByValues": ["colorId", "sizeId"],
    "returnNegative": true

On-hand exact query by post API version 2.0

    Authorization="Bearer $access_token"
        dimensionDataSource: string, # Optional
        filters: {
            productId: string[],
            keys: string[],
            values: string[][],
        groupByValues: string[],
        returnNegative: boolean,

API version 2.0 differs from version 1.0 in the following ways:

  • The filters section now has a keys field instead of a dimensions field. The keys field works like the dimensions field in version 1.0, but can now also include organizationId. You can specify the keys in any order.
  • The filters section no longer supports the organizationId field. Instead, you can include organizationId among the dimensions in the keys field (for example, keys: ["organizationId", "siteId", "locationId"]) and define organization ID values at the matching position in the values field (for example, values: ["SCM_IV", "iv_contoso_site_1", "iv_contoso_location_1"]).

Other fields are identical to API version 1.0.

Query with product search

The following on-hand query APIs are enhanced to support product search:


When you post an Inventory Visibility query that uses product search, use the productSearch request parameter (with a ProductAttributeQuery object inside) to find or filter by product ID. The newer APIs no longer support the older productid request parameter in the request body.


Before you can start to use the product search APIs, your system must meet the following requirements:

Product search contract

The product search contract defines the rules for communicating with the product search APIs. It provides a standardized way to describe the capabilities and behavior of the product search capabilities. Therefore, users can more easily understand, interact with, and build applications that consume the Inventory Visibility APIs.

The following example shows a sample contract.

    "productFilter": {
        "logicalOperator": "And",
        "conditions": [
                "conditionOperator": "Contains",
                "productName": [
        "subFilters": [
                "conditions": [
                        "conditionOperator": "IsExactly",
                        "productType": [
    "attributeFilter": {
        "logicalOperator": "Or",
        "conditions": [
                "attributeName": "Weight Limit",
                "attributeArea": " ProductAttribute",
                "attributeValues": [
                "conditionOperator": "GreaterEqual"
        "subFilters": [
                "conditions": [
                        "attributeName": "Weight Limit",
                        "attributeArea": " ProductAttribute",
                        "attributeValues": [
                        "conditionOperator": "LessEqual"

The following table describes the fields that are used in the contract.

Field ID Description
logicalOperator The possible values are And and Or. Use this field to connect multiple conditions or conditions and sub-filters. Note that subFilters is actually a productFilter or attributeFilter object. Therefore, you can have subFilters inside subFilters.
conditionOperator The possible values are IsExactly, IsNot, Contains, DoesNotContain, BeginsWith, IsOneOf, GreaterEqual, LessEqual, and Between.
ProductFilter Use this field to filter products by product-related information. For example, you can change productName in the contract to Company, itemNumber, productSearchName, productType, productName, productDescription, inventoryUnitSymbol, salesUnitSymbol, or purchaseUnitSymbol to fit your business needs.
AttributeFilter Use this field to filter products by attribute-related information.
attributeArea The possible values are ProductAttribute, DimensionAttribute, and BatchAttribute.
    Authorization="Bearer $access_token"
        productSearch: {ProductAttributeQuery contract object inherited from Product Search}
            dimensionDataSource: string, # Optional
            filters: {
                organizationId: string[],
                siteId: string[],
                locationId: string[],
                [dimensionKey:string]: string[],
            groupByValues: string[],
            returnNegative: boolean,

The following example shows sample body content.

    "productSearch": {
        "productFilter": {
            "conditions": [
                    "conditionOperator": "contains",
                    "productName": [
                        "speaker cable"
    "returnNegative": true, 
        "organizationId": ["usmf"], 
        "siteId": ["1"], 
        "locationId": ["13"],
    "groupByValues": ["colorid"],

The following example shows a successful response.

        "productId": "M0030",
        "dimensions": {
            "ColorId": "White",
            "siteid": "1",
            "locationid": "13"
        "quantities": {
            "fno": {
                "arrived": 0,
                "availordered": 20,
                "onorder": 5,
                "ordered": 20,
                "physicalinvent": 0,
                "reservordered": 0,
                "reservphysical": 0,
                "orderedsum": 20,
                "softreserved": 0
            "iv": {
                "ordered": 0,
                "softreserved": 0,
                "softreservphysical": 0,
                "softreservordered": 0,
                "total ordered": 20,
                "total on order": 5,
                "availabletoreserve": 20,
                "totalavailable": 20,
                "totalordered": 20,
                "totalonorder": 5
            "pos": {
                "inbound": 0,
                "outbound": 0
            "@iv": {
                "@allocated": 0
        "productId": "M0030",
        "dimensions": {
            "ColorId": "Black",
            "siteid": "1",
            "locationid": "13"
        "quantities": {
            "fno": {
                "arrived": 0,
                "availordered": 3,
                "ordered": 3,
                "physicalinvent": 0,
                "reservordered": 0,
                "reservphysical": 0,
                "orderedsum": 3,
                "softreserved": 0
            "iv": {
                "ordered": 0,
                "softreserved": 0,
                "softreservphysical": 0,
                "softreservordered": 0,
                "total ordered": 3,
                "availabletoreserve": 3,
                "totalavailable": 3,
                "totalordered": 3
            "pos": {
                "inbound": 0,
                "outbound": 0
            "@iv": {
                "@allocated": 0
    Authorization="Bearer $access_token"
        productSearch: {ProductAttributeQuery contract object inherited from Product Search}
            dimensionDataSource: string, # Optional
            filters: {
                organizationId: string[],
                dimensions: string[],
                values: string[][],
            groupByValues: string[],
            returnNegative: boolean,

The following example shows sample body content.

    "productSearch": {
        "productFilter": {
            "conditions": [
                    "conditionOperator": "contains",
                    "productName": [
                        "speaker cable"
    "filters": {
        "organizationId": ["usmf"],
        "dimensions": ["siteId", "locationId", "colorid"],
        "values" : [
            ["1", "13", "Black"],
    "groupByValues": [],
    "returnNegative": true

The following example shows a successful response.

        "productId": "M0030",
        "dimensions": {
            "ColorId": "Black",
            "siteid": "1",
            "locationid": "13"
        "quantities": {
            "fno": {
                "arrived": 0,
                "availordered": 3,
                "ordered": 3,
                "physicalinvent": 0,
                "reservordered": 0,
                "reservphysical": 0,
                "orderedsum": 3,
                "softreserved": 0
            "iv": {
                "ordered": 0,
                "softreserved": 0,
                "softreservphysical": 0,
                "softreservordered": 0,
                "total ordered": 3,
                "availabletoreserve": 3,
                "totalavailable": 3,
                "totalordered": 3
            "pos": {
                "inbound": 0,
                "outbound": 0
            "@iv": {
                "@allocated": 0

Available to promise

You can set up Inventory Visibility to let you schedule future on-hand changes and calculate ATP quantities. ATP is the quantity of an item that's available and can be promised to a customer in the next period. Use of the ATP calculation can greatly increase your order fulfillment capability. For information about how to enable this feature, and how to interact with Inventory Visibility through its API after the feature is enabled, see Inventory Visibility on-hand change schedules and available to promise.


Allocation related APIs are located in Inventory Visibility allocation.