
Κοινή χρήση μέσω

Cloud-hosted environments can't use business events or virtual entities and receive a 400 error

When you set up business events or virtual entities in a cloud-hosted environment, you might receive the following error message:

Response Status code does not indicate success : 400 ({"error":"invalid_client","error_description";"Expected aud https://securityservice.operations365.dynamics.com but found."})

The error occurs because cloud-hosted environments and on-premises environments (also known as local business data [LBD] environments) don't use Security Service. Follow these steps to manually complete the setup.

  1. Create a new app registration in Microsoft Entra ID. Save the Application client ID value.

  2. In the new app registration, create a new secret. Save the Secret value.

  3. In Power Platform admin center, go to Environments > Settings > Users + Permissions > Application users > New App User, create an app user for the application client ID that you saved in step 1, and assign the appropriate role.

  4. Go to Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations System Administration > Microsoft Entra Application, and add the application client ID that you saved in step 1.

  5. In the Admin PowerShell console, run the following PowerShell script to refresh the integration of Dataverse via PowerShell in remote desktop in the cloud-hosted or LBD environment.

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    $isRelaunched = $false
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Relaunched"))
        $isRelaunched = $Relaunched.IsPresent
    if (-not ([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal] [Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole]::Administrator))
        # Relaunch as an elevated process:
        Start-Process powershell.exe "-File", ('"{0}"' -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path), "-Relaunched" -Verb RunAs
    $aosWebsiteName = "AOSService"
    function Get-AosWebSitePhysicalPath()
        if (Get-Service W3SVC | Where-Object status -ne 'Running')
            #IIS service is not running, starting IIS Service.
            Start-Service W3SVC
        $webSitePhysicalPath = (Get-Website | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $aosWebsiteName }).PhysicalPath
        return $webSitePhysicalPath
    function Get-WebConfigValue($Key)
        $webroot = Get-AosWebSitePhysicalPath
        $webConfigPath = Join-Path $webroot "web.config"
        if (-not (Test-Path $webConfigPath))
            Throw "Unable to find web.config file at '$($webConfigPath)'..."
        [xml]$webConfigDocument = Get-Content $webConfigPath -ErrorAction stop
        $appSettingNode = $webConfigDocument.SelectSingleNode("/configuration/appSettings/add[@key='$($Key)']")
        if ($appSettingNode)
            return $appSettingNode.Value
        return $null
    function Set-WebConfigValue($Key, [string]$Value)
        $webroot = Get-AosWebSitePhysicalPath
        $webConfigPath = Join-Path $webroot "web.config"
        if (-not (Test-Path $webConfigPath))
            Throw "Unable to find web.config file at '$($webConfigPath)'..."
        [xml]$webConfigDocument = Get-Content $webConfigPath -ErrorAction stop
        $appSettingNode = $webConfigDocument.SelectSingleNode("/configuration/appSettings/add[@key='$($Key)']")
        if ($null -ne $appSettingNode)
            Write-Host "Updating key '$($Key)' to value '$($Value)'..."
            $appSettingNode.Value = [string]$Value
            Write-Host "Inserting new key '$($Key)' with value '$($Value)'..."
            $ns = New-Object System.Xml.XmlNamespaceManager($webConfigDocument.NameTable)
            $ns.AddNamespace("ns", $webConfigDocument.DocumentElement.NamespaceURI)
            $addElement = $webConfigDocument.CreateElement("add")
            $addElement.SetAttribute("key", $Key)
            $addElement.SetAttribute("value", $Value)
            $appSettings = $webConfigDocument.SelectSingleNode("//ns:appSettings", $ns)
            $appSettings.AppendChild($addElement) | Out-Null
    function Confirm-ValueOfType($Value, $Type)
        if ($Type -eq "Uri")
                New-Object System.Uri $Value | Out-Null
                Throw "Cannot parse '$($Value)' as a URL: $($_)"
        elseif ($Type -eq "Guid")
                [Guid]::Parse($Value) | Out-Null
                Throw "Cannot parse '$($Value)' as a guid: $($_)"
        elseif ($Type -eq "String")
            if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Value))
                Throw "String value cannot be empty."
    function Update-WebConfigValueFromHost($Key, $Prompt, $Type)
        $shouldUpdate = $true
        $currentValue = Get-WebConfigValue -Key $Key
        if ($currentValue)
            if ($Type -eq "Secret")
                $currentValue = "<redacted>"
            while ($true)
                $yesNoResponse = Read-Host -Prompt "Value for '$($Prompt)' is already set to '$($currentValue)'. Do you want to overwrite it? (y/n)"
                if ($yesNoResponse -eq "y" -or $yesNoResponse -eq "yes")
                    $shouldUpdate = $true
                elseif ($yesNoResponse -eq "n" -or $yesNoResponse -eq "no")
                    $shouldUpdate = $false
                    Write-Host "Did not recognize input value '$($yesNoResponse)' - please try again."
        if ($shouldUpdate)
            $value = Read-Host -Prompt "Enter $($Prompt)"
            Confirm-ValueOfType -Value $value -Type $Type
            if ($Type -eq "Secret")
                # If value is blank, assume we are trying to clear it
                $secretValue = ""
                if (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($value))
                    $webroot = Get-AosWebSitePhysicalPath -ErrorAction stop
                    $webrootBinPath = Join-Path $webroot "bin"
                    $b2bInvitationHelperDllPath = Join-Path $webrootBinPath "Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Security.B2BInvitationHelper.dll"
                    Add-Type -Path $b2bInvitationHelperDllPath
                    $encryptionEngine = [Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Security.B2BInvitationHelper.Cryptor]::GetEncryptionEngine()
                    $secretValue = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($encryptionEngine.Encrypt($value))
                $value = $secretValue
            Set-WebConfigValue -Key $Key -Value $value
    function Enable-Flight($FlightName)
        Write-Verbose "Enabling flight '$($FlightName)'..."
        $webroot = Get-AosWebSitePhysicalPath -ErrorAction stop
        $webrootBinPath = Join-Path $webroot "bin"
        $environmentDllPath = Join-Path $webrootBinPath 'Microsoft.Dynamics.ApplicationPlatform.Environment.dll'
        Add-Type -Path $environmentDllPath
        $config = [Microsoft.Dynamics.ApplicationPlatform.Environment.EnvironmentFactory]::GetApplicationEnvironment()
        $ServerName = $config.DataAccess.DbServer
        $DatabaseName = $config.DataAccess.Database
        $UserId = $config.DataAccess.SqlUser
        $Password = $config.DataAccess.SqlPwd
        $EnableFlightQuery = "DECLARE @flightName NVARCHAR(100) = '$($FlightName)';
        IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT TOP 1 1 FROM SysFlighting WHERE flightName = @flightName)
            SELECT @flightName, 1, 12719367, RECID FROM DBO.[PARTITIONS];
            UPDATE SysFlighting SET enabled = 1, flightServiceId = 12719367 WHERE flightName = @flightName;"
        Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $ServerName -Database $DatabaseName -Username $UserId -Password $Password -Query $EnableFlightQuery
        Write-Verbose "Flight '$($FlightName)' has been enabled."
    function Test-Settings()
        $cdsApiPath = "sdkmessages";
        Write-Host "Testing setup by calling API '$($cdsApiPath)'..."
        $webroot = Get-AosWebSitePhysicalPath -ErrorAction stop
        $webrootBinPath = Join-Path $webroot "bin"
        $httpCommunicationDllPath = Join-Path $webrootBinPath "Microsoft.Dynamics.HttpCommunication.dll"
        Add-Type -Path $httpCommunicationDllPath
            $assembly = [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFile($httpCommunicationDllPath)
            $loggerType = $assembly.GetType("Microsoft.Dynamics.HttpCommunication.Logging.InMemoryLogger")
            $bindingFlags = [System.Reflection.BindingFlags]::Instance -bor [System.Reflection.BindingFlags]::Public
            $loggerConstructor = $loggerType.GetConstructor($bindingFlags, $null, [System.Type]::EmptyTypes, $null)
            $logger = $loggerConstructor.Invoke($null)
            $cdsWebApiClient = New-Object Microsoft.Dynamics.HttpCommunication.Cds.CdsWebApiClient $logger;
            $bindingFlags = [System.Reflection.BindingFlags]::Instance -bor [System.Reflection.BindingFlags]::NonPublic
            $method = [Microsoft.Dynamics.HttpCommunication.Cds.CdsWebApiClient].GetMethod("GetWithStringResponse", $bindingFlags, $null, @([string]), $null)
            $task = $method.Invoke($cdsWebApiClient, @($cdsApiPath))
            $response = $task.GetAwaiter().GetResult() 
            Write-Host $logger.LogContent.ToString()
            Write-Host "Received response with length: $($response.Length)" 
            Write-Host "Test complete."
            Write-Verbose $logger.LogContent.ToString()
            Throw "Failed while testing the new settings: $($_)"
        Update-WebConfigValueFromHost -Key "Infrastructure.CdsOrganizationUrl" -Prompt "Dataverse Organization URL" -Type "Uri"
        Update-WebConfigValueFromHost -Key "Infrastructure.CdsOrganizationId" -Prompt "Dataverse Organization id" -Type "Guid"
        Update-WebConfigValueFromHost -Key "Infrastructure.DataverseCommunicationAadTenantId" -Prompt "Dataverse Microsoft Entra Tenant domain (e.g. Contoso.OnMicrosoft.com)" -Type "String"
        Update-WebConfigValueFromHost -Key "Infrastructure.DataverseCommunicationAppId" -Prompt "Dataverse Microsoft Entra App id" -Type "Guid"
        Update-WebConfigValueFromHost -Key "Infrastructure.DataverseCommunicationAppSecretEncrypted" -Prompt "Dataverse Microsoft Entra App secret" -Type "Secret"
        Enable-Flight -FlightName "BusinessEventsCDSIntegration"
        Write-Host "Restarting AOS..."
        Stop-Website -Name $aosWebSiteName
        Start-Website -Name $aosWebSiteName
        Write-Host "AOS has been restarted."
        Write-Error $_
    if ($isRelaunched)
        Write-Host "Press any key to continue..."
        [System.Console]::ReadKey() | Out-Null