
Κοινή χρήση μέσω


The SPLITLISTBYLIMIT function splits the specified list into a new list of sublists (batches). The number of records in each batch is dynamically calculated. The function then returns the result as a new Record list value that consists of the batches.


SPLITLISTBYLIMIT (list, limit value, limit source)


list: Record list

The valid path of a data source of the Record list data type.

limit value: Integer or Real

The maximum value of the limit that is used to split the original list into batches.

limit source: Field

The valid path of a field of the Integer or Real type in the specified list. The value of this field defines the step that the total sum is increased on.

Return values

Record list

The resulting list of records.

Usage notes

The list of batches that is returned contains the following elements:

  • Value: List

    The list of records that belong to the current batch.

  • BatchNumber: Integer

    The number of the current batch in the returned list.

The limit isn't applied to a single item of the original list if the limit source exceeds the defined limit.


The following illustration shows an Electronic reporting (ER) format.


The following illustration shows the data sources that are used for the format.

Data sources

The following illustration shows the result when the format is run. In this case, the output is a flat list of commodity items.


In the following illustrations, the same format has been adjusted so that it presents the list of commodity items in batches if a single batch must include commodities and the total weight should not exceed a limit of 9.

Adjusted format

Data sources for the adjusted format

The following illustration shows the result when the adjusted format is run.

Output of the adjusted format


The limit isn't applied to the last item of the original list, because the value (11) of the limit source (weight) exceeds the defined limit (9). To ignore sublists during report generation, use either the WHERE function or the Enabled expression of the corresponding format element, as you require.

Additional resources

List functions