
Κοινή χρήση μέσω


The LISTDISTINCT function calculates the specified expression as a selector for every record of the specified list. It returns a new Record list value that contains a single record for each unique selector value.


LISTDISTINCT (list, selector)


list: Record list

The valid path of a data source of the Record list data type.

selector: Primitive data type

A valid expression that is used to calculate a selector value for every record in the specified list.

The following data types are supported for this parameter:

  • Boolean
  • Date
  • DateTime
  • GUID
  • Integer
  • Int64
  • Real
  • String

Return values

Record list

The resulting list of records.

Usage notes

The structure of the list that is created matches the structure of the specified list.

The same selector value might be calculated for multiple records in the specified list. In this case, field values of the corresponding record in the created list equal the values of the first record from the specified list that the selector value is calculated for.

The execution of this function is done on any Electronic reporting (ER) data source of the Record list type that is present in memory.

The GROUPBY data source can also be used to generate the list of records that the selector that has distinct values is calculated for. However, from a performance and memory consumption perspective, it's better to use the LISTDISTINCT function than the GROUPBY data source, because the execution of the function is done in memory.


The following example shows how you can get the list of unique customer account numbers that at least one sales invoice or project invoice has been issued to during a specific period.

  1. Enter the SalesInvoice data source of the Record list type that refers to the CustInvoiceJour application table and filters sales invoices for specific periods.

    The InvoiceAccount field of this data source returns the account number of an invoiced customer.

  2. Enter the ProjectInvoice data source of the Record list type that refers to the ProjInvoiceJour application table and filters project invoices for specific periods.

    The InvoiceAccount field of this data source returns the account number of an invoiced customer.

  3. Configure the AllInvoices data source of the Calculated field type that contains the expression LISTJOIN(SalesInvoice, ProjectInvoice).

    This data source returns the joined list of sales invoices and project invoices.

  4. Configure the InvoicedCustomer data source of the Record list type that contains the expression LISTDISTINCT(AllInvoices, AllInvoices.InvoiceAccount).

    This data source returns a new list that contains a single record for every unique customer that has been invoiced during the defined period. The InvoiceAccount field of this list contains a customer account number.

Additional resources

List functions