
Κοινή χρήση μέσω


The DATEFORMAT function returns a String value that presents a given date value as text in the specified format and in an optionally specified culture. For information about the supported formats, see standard and custom.

Syntax 1

DATEFORMAT (date, format)

Syntax 2

DATEFORMAT (date, format, culture)


date: Date

A date value that represents the date to format.

format: String

The format of the output string. For information about the supported formats, see standard and custom.


The format string is case-sensitive when you use either a standard format or a custom format. For example, the standard "d" format specifier returns the date by using the short date pattern, whereas the standard "D" format specifier returns the date by using the long date pattern. Additionally, the custom "M" format specifier returns the month from 1 through 12, whereas the custom "m" format specifier returns the minute from 0 through 59.

culture: String

The culture to use for formatting. For information about the supported cultures, see culture.

Return values


The resulting string value.

Usage notes

If the culture isn't defined as an argument of the called function, the value of culture is defined by the calling context. For example, if the DATEFORMAT function is called by using syntax 1 in an Electronic reporting (ER) format for a FILE element that is configured to use the German culture, the conversion will be done by using the German culture. The default culture value is EN-US.

Example 1

DATEFORMAT (TODAY (), "dd-MM-yyyy") returns the current application server date, December 24, 2015, as the string "24-12-2015", based on the specified custom format.

Example 2

DATEFORMAT (SESSIONTODAY (), "d", "DE") returns the current application session date, December 24, 2015, as the string "24-12-2015", based on the selected German culture and the specified format.

Additional resources

Date and time functions