
Κοινή χρήση μέσω

List of ER functions of the text category

Electronic reporting (ER) text functions can be used to perform operations on data sources of the String data type. This article provides a summary of these functions.

List of supported functions

Function Description
Char This function returns a String value that presents a single character that is referenced by the specified Unicode number.
Concatenate This function returns all the specified text strings as a String value after they have been joined into one string.
Format This function returns the specified string a String value after it has been formatted by substituting any occurrences of %N with the Nth argument.
GetEnumValueByName This function searches for a specific Enum value in the specified enumeration data source by using the enumeration name that is specified as a String value. If the Enum value is found, the function returns it.
GetLabelText This function searches for a specific label to return a String value that represents the translation of the specified label in the specified language.
GuidValue This function converts the specified input of the String type to a data item of the GUID type.
JsonValue This function parses data in JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) format that is accessed at the specified path, and it extracts a scalar value that is based on the specified ID. It then returns the extracted scalar value as a String value.
Left This function returns a String value that presents the specified number of characters from the start of the specified string.
Len This function returns an Integer value that presents the number of characters in the specified string.
Lower This function returns the specified text string as a String value after it has been converted to lowercase letters.
Mid This function returns a String value that presents the specified number of characters from the specified string, starting at the specified position.
NewGUID This function returns a newly generated GUID value.
NumberFormat This function returns a String value that presents the specified number in the specified format and in an optionally specified culture.
NumeralsToText This function returns the specified number as a String value after it has been spelled out (that is, converted to text strings) in the specified language.
PadLeft This function returns a String value of the specified length, where the start of the specified string is padded with one or more instances of the specified characters.
QrCode This function returns a Container value that presents the Quick Response code (QR code) image for the specified string in binary format.
Replace This function returns the specified text string as a String value after all or part of it has been replaced with another string.
Right This function returns a String value that presents the specified number of characters from the end of the specified string.
Text This function returns the specified number as a String value after it has been converted to a text string that is formatted according to the server locale settings of the current application instance.
Translate This function returns a String value that contains the result of the replacement the specified text in characters for another provided set of characters.
Trim This function returns the specified text string as a String value after tab, carriage return, line feed, and form feed characters have been replaced by a single space character, after leading and trailing spaces have been truncated, and after multiple spaces between words have been removed.
Upper This function returns the specified text string as a String value after it has been converted to uppercase letters.

Additional resources

Electronic Reporting overview

Formula designer in Electronic reporting

Electronic reporting formula language