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Commerce pricing APIs

This article describes various pricing APIs that are provided by the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Commerce pricing engine.

The Dynamics 365 Commerce pricing engine provides the following Retail Server APIs that external applications can consume to support various pricing scenarios:

  • GetActivePrices – This API gets a product's calculated price, including simple discounts.
  • CalculateSalesDocument – This API calculates prices and discounts for products at given quantities if they're bought together.
  • GetAvailablePromotions – This API gets applicable discounts for products in the cart.
  • AddCoupons – This API adds coupons to a cart.
  • RemoveCoupons – This API removes coupons from a cart.

For more information about how to consume Retail Server APIs in external applications, see Consume Retail Server APIs in external applications.


The GetActivePrices API was introduced in the Commerce version 10.0.4 release. This API gets a product's calculated price, including simple discounts. It doesn't calculate multiline discounts, and it assumes that each product in an API request has a quantity of 1. This API can also take a list of products as input and query the price of individual products in bulk.

The GetActivePrices API supports the Employee, Customer, Anonymous, and Application Commerce roles.

The main use case for the GetActivePrices API is the product details page (PDP), where retailers show the best price for a product, including any effective discounts.


If you see fewer products returned for a GetActivePrices call, you can follow Channel merchandising configuration validator to validate your merchandising configurations.

The following table shows the input parameters for the GetActivePrices API.

Name Subname Type Required/Optional Description
projectDomain ProjectionDomain Required
ChannelId long Required
CatalogId long Required
productIds IEnumerable<long> Required The list of products to calculate prices for.
activeDate DateTimeOffset Required The date when prices are calculated.
customerId string Optional The customer account number.
affiliationLoyaltyTiers IEnumerable<AffiliationLoyaltyTier> Optional The affiliation and loyalty tiers.
AffiliationId long Required The affiliation ID.
LoyaltyTierId long Optional The loyalty tier ID.
includeSimpleDiscountsInContextualPrice bool Optional Set this parameter to true to include simple discounts in the pricing calculation. The default value is false.
includeVariantPriceRange bool Optional Set this parameter to true to get the minimum and maximum prices among all variants for a master product. The default value is false.
includeAttainablePricesAndDiscounts bool Optional Set this parameter to true to get attainable prices and discounts. The default value is false.
Sample request body
        "ChannelId": 5637144592,
        "CatalogId": 0
    "activeDate": "2022-06-20T14:40:05.873+08:00",
    "includeSimpleDiscountsInContextualPrice": true,
    "includeVariantPriceRange": false
Sample response body
            "ProductId": 68719489871,
            "ListingId": 68719489871,
            "BasePrice": 0,
            "TradeAgreementPrice": 0,
            "AdjustedPrice": 0,
            "MaxVariantPrice": 0,
            "MinVariantPrice": 0,
            "CustomerContextualPrice": 0,
            "DiscountAmount": 0,
            "CurrencyCode": "USD",
            "ItemId": "82000",
            "InventoryDimensionId": null,
            "UnitOfMeasure": "ea",
            "ValidFrom": "2022-06-20T01:40:05.873-05:00",
            "ProductLookupId": 0,
            "ChannelId": 5637144592,
            "CatalogId": 0,
            "SalesAgreementPrice": 0,
            "PriceSourceTypeValue": 1,
            "DiscountLines": [],
            "AttainablePriceLines": [],

Use PriceLookupContext

The PriceLookupContext class was introduced in the Commerce version 10.0.37 release. The class contains all the lookup criteria for the GetActivePrices API, and replaces the previous parameters of productIds, activeDate, customerId, and affiliationLoyaltyTiers. The class also has additional properties that developers can use to filter discounts during discount lookup.

According to your organization's needs, the GetActivePrices API can either accept the previous parameters or new parameters associated with the PriceLookupContext class.

Input parameters

Name Subname Type Required/Optional Description
projectDomain ProjectionDomain Required
ChannelId long Required
CatalogId long Required
priceLookupContext PriceLookupContext Required
HeaderContext PriceLookupHeaderContext Required Contains CustomerAccountNumber, AffiliationLoyaltyTierLines and SalesOrderProperties
LineContexts IEnumerable<PriceLookupLineContext> Required Contains ProductRecordId, UnitOfMeasureSymbol, InventorySiteId, InventoryLocationId, DeliveryMode, CatalogId and SalesLineProperties.
includeSimpleDiscountsInContextualPrice bool Optional Set this parameter to true to include simple discounts in the pricing calculation. The default value is false.
includeVariantPriceRange bool Optional Set this parameter to true to get the minimum and maximum prices among all variants for a master product. The default value is false.
includeAttainablePricesAndDiscounts bool Optional Set this parameter to true to get attainable prices and discounts. The default value is false.

For more information, see PriceLookupContext.


The CalculateSalesDocument API was introduced in the Commerce version 10.0.25 release. This API calculates prices and discounts for products at given quantities if they're bought together in an order. The pricing calculation behind the CalculateSalesDocument API considers both single-line discounts and multi-lines discounts.

The main use case for the CalculateSalesDocument API is the pricing calculation in scenarios where full cart context doesn't persist (such as sales quotations). Scenarios in point of sale (POS) and Commerce e-commerce can also benefit from this use case. A lower total price when cart items are calculated as a set (for example, for discrete bundles, linked or recommended products, or products that have already been added to the cart) might persuade customers to add products to the cart.

The data model for both the request and the response of the CalculateSalesDocument API is Cart. However, in the context of this API, the data model is named SalesDocument. Because most of the properties are optional, and only a few of them affect the pricing calculation, only pricing-related fields are shown in the following table. We don't recommend that any other fields be involved in the API request.

The scope of the CalculateSalesDocument API is just the calculation of prices and discounts. Taxes and charges aren't involved.

The following table shows the input parameters inside the object that is named salesDocument.

Name Subname Type Required/Optional Description
Id string Required The identifier of the sales document.
CartLines IList<CartLine> Optional The list of lines to calculate prices and discounts for.
ProductId long Required in the scope of CartLine The product record ID.
ItemId string Optional The item identifier. If a value is provided, it must match the value of the ProductId parameter.
InventoryDimensionId string Optional The inventory dimension identifier. If a value is provided, the combination of ItemId and InventoryDimensionId values must match the value of the ProductId parameter.
Quantity decimal Required in the scope of CartLine The quantity of the product.
UnitOfMeasureSymbol string Optional The unit of the product. By default, if a value isn't provided, the API uses the sale unit of the product.
CustomerId string Optional The customer account number.
LoyaltyCardId string Optional The loyalty card identifier. Any customer account that is associated with the loyalty card must match the value of the CustomerId parameter (if provided). The loyalty card isn't considered if it isn't found or its status is Blocked.
AffiliationLines IList<AffiliationLoyaltyTier> Optional Affiliation loyalty tier lines. If CustomerId and/or LoyaltyCardId values are provided, the corresponding affiliation loyalty tier lines are merged with lines that are provided in the AffiliationLines value.
AffiliationId long Required in the scope of AffiliationLoyaltyTier The affiliation record ID.
LoyaltyTierId long Required in the scope of AffiliationLoyaltyTier The loyalty tier record ID.
AffiliationTypeValue int Required in the scope of AffiliationLoyaltyTier A value that indicates whether the affiliation line is of the General type (0) or the Loyalty type (1). If the parameter is set to 0, the API takes the AffiliationId value as the identifier and ignores the LoyaltyTierId value. If the parameter is set to 1, the API takes the LoyaltyTierId value as the identifier and ignores the AffiliationId value.
ReasonCodeLines Collection<ReasonCodeLine> Required in the scope of AffiliationLoyaltyTier Reason code lines. This parameter has no effect on the pricing calculation but is required as part of the AffiliationLoyaltyTier object.
CustomerId string Required in the scope of AffiliationLoyaltyTier The customer account number.
Coupons IList<Coupon> Optional Coupons that aren't applicable (inactive, expired, or not found) aren't considered in the pricing calculation.
Code string Required in the scope of Coupon The coupon code.
CodeId string Optional The coupon code identifier. If a value is provided, it must match the value of the Code parameter.
DiscountOfferId string Optional The discount identifier. If a value is provided, it must match the value of the Code parameter.
Sample request body
        "Id": "CalculateSalesDocument",
                "ProductId": 68719491408,
                "ItemId": "91003",
                "InventoryDimensionId": "",
                "Quantity": 1,
                "UnitOfMeasureSymbol": "ea"
                "ProductId": 68719493014,
                "Quantity": 2,
                "UnitOfMeasureSymbol": "ea"
        "CustomerId": "3003",
                "AffiliationId": 68719476742,
                "LoyaltyTierId": 0,
                "AffiliationTypeValue": 0,
                "ReasonCodeLines": [],
                "CustomerId": null
        "LoyaltyCardId": "55103",
                "CodeId": "CODE-0005",
                "Code": "CPN0004",
                "DiscountOfferId": "ST100077"

The whole cart object is returned as the response body. To check prices and discounts, you should focus on the fields in the following table.

Name Subname Type Description
NetPrice decimal The net price of the whole sales document before any discounts are applied.
DiscountAmount decimal The total discount amount of the whole sales document.
TotalAmount decimal The total amount of the whole sales document.
CartLines IList<CartLine> Calculated lines that include price and discount details.
Price decimal The unit price of the product.
NetPrice decimal The net price of the line before any discounts are applied (= Price × Quantity).
DiscountAmount decimal The discount amount.
TotalAmount decimal The final total pricing result of the line.
PriceLines IList<PriceLine> Price details, including the source of the price (base price, price adjustment, or trade agreement) and the amount.
DiscountLines IList<DiscountLine> Discount details.


There are two similar GetAvailablePromotions APIs:

  • Carts/GetAvailablePromotions accepts a list of cart line identifiers as parameter.
  • GetAvailablePromotions accepts a DiscountsSearchCriteria object as parameter.


Given a cart that has several cart lines, the Carts/GetAvailablePromotions API returns all applicable discounts for the cart lines.

The main use case for the Carts/GetAvailablePromotions API is the cart page, where retailers show applied discounts or available coupons for the current cart.

The following table lists the input parameters for the Carts/GetAvailablePromotions API.

Name Type Required/Optional Description
key string Required The cart ID.
cartLineIds IEnumerable<string> Optional Set this parameter to return discounts for selected cart lines only.
Sample response body
            "LineId": "f495ffa507bc4f63a47a409cd8713dd7",
            "Promotion": {
                "OfferId": "ST100012",
                "OfferName": "Loyalty 5% off over $100",
                "PeriodicDiscountTypeValue": 4,
                "IsDiscountCodeRequired": false,
                "ValidationPeriodId": null,
                "AdditionalRestrictions": null,
                "Description": "All loyalty members get 5% with transaction total above $10 unless some exclusive or best price discounts are already applied on the transaction",
                "ValidFromDate": "2022-06-20T06:52:56.2460219Z",
                "ValidToDate": "2022-06-20T06:52:56.2460224Z",
                "CouponCodes": [],
                "ValidationPeriod": null


The GetAvailablePromotions API returns all applicable discounts for the given channel.

The main use case for the GetAvailablePromotions API is the "All discounts" page, where retailers show all discounts for the current channel.

The following table lists the input parameters for the GetAvailablePromotions API.

Name Subname Type Required/Optional Description
searchCriteria DiscountsSearchCriteria Required
ChannelId long Required
Keyword string Optional
IsDiscountCodeRequired bool Optional Indicates whether the coupon code is required or not. If null is passed, all discounts are retrieved, regardless of coupon code requirements.
StartDate DateTimeOffset Required The starting date (inclusive).
EndDate DateTimeOffset Required The ending date (inclusive).
Sample request body
    "searchCriteria": {
        "ChannelId": 5637144592,
        "StartDate": "1900-01-01T00:00:00Z",
        "EndDate": "2154-12-31T00:00:00Z"
Sample response body
    "@odata.context": "https://usnconeboxax1ret.cloud.onebox.dynamics.com/Commerce/$metadata#Collection(Microsoft.Dynamics.Commerce.Runtime.DataModel.Promotion)",
    "value": [
            "OfferId": "ST100024",
            "OfferName": "Weekly ad",
            "PeriodicDiscountTypeValue": 2,
            "IsDiscountCodeRequired": true,
            "ValidationPeriodId": "",
            "AdditionalRestrictions": "",
            "Description": "",
            "ValidFromDate": "1900-01-01T00:00:00Z",
            "ValidToDate": "2154-12-31T00:00:00Z",
            "CouponCodes": [],
            "ExtensionProperties": [
                    "Key": "DATAAREAID",
                    "Value": {
                        "StringValue": "usrt"
                    "Key": "DATEVALIDATIONTYPE",
                    "Value": {
                        "IntegerValue": 1
            "OfferId": "ST100019",
            "OfferName": "Take 20 off anything",
            "PeriodicDiscountTypeValue": 2,
            "IsDiscountCodeRequired": true,
            "ValidationPeriodId": "",
            "AdditionalRestrictions": "",
            "Description": "",
            "ValidFromDate": "1900-01-01T00:00:00Z",
            "ValidToDate": "2154-12-31T00:00:00Z",
            "CouponCodes": [],
            "ExtensionProperties": [
                    "Key": "DATAAREAID",
                    "Value": {
                        "StringValue": "usrt"
                    "Key": "DATEVALIDATIONTYPE",
                    "Value": {
                        "IntegerValue": 1
            "OfferId": "ST100015",
            "OfferName": "Watches",
            "PeriodicDiscountTypeValue": 2,
            "IsDiscountCodeRequired": false,
            "ValidationPeriodId": "",
            "AdditionalRestrictions": "",
            "Description": "",
            "ValidFromDate": "1900-01-01T00:00:00Z",
            "ValidToDate": "2154-12-31T00:00:00Z",
            "CouponCodes": [],
            "ExtensionProperties": [
                    "Key": "DATAAREAID",
                    "Value": {
                        "StringValue": "usrt"
                    "Key": "DATEVALIDATIONTYPE",
                    "Value": {
                        "IntegerValue": 1
            "OfferId": "ST100012",
            "OfferName": "Loyalty 5% off over $100",
            "PeriodicDiscountTypeValue": 4,
            "IsDiscountCodeRequired": false,
            "ValidationPeriodId": "",
            "AdditionalRestrictions": "",
            "Description": "All loyalty members get 5% with transaction total above $10 unless some exclusive or best price discounts are already applied on the transaction",
            "ValidFromDate": "1900-01-01T00:00:00Z",
            "ValidToDate": "2154-12-31T00:00:00Z",
            "CouponCodes": [],
            "ExtensionProperties": [
                    "Key": "DATAAREAID",
                    "Value": {
                        "StringValue": "usrt"
                    "Key": "DATEVALIDATIONTYPE",
                    "Value": {
                        "IntegerValue": 1
            "OfferId": "ST100011",
            "OfferName": "Loyalty 50% off sunglasses",
            "PeriodicDiscountTypeValue": 1,
            "IsDiscountCodeRequired": false,
            "ValidationPeriodId": "",
            "AdditionalRestrictions": "",
            "Description": "Gold tier Loyalty customers get 50% on Sunglasses when purchased with a Top, Scarf or Men's Casual shirts",
            "ValidFromDate": "1900-01-01T00:00:00Z",
            "ValidToDate": "2154-12-31T00:00:00Z",
            "CouponCodes": [],
            "ExtensionProperties": [
                    "Key": "DATAAREAID",
                    "Value": {
                        "StringValue": "usrt"
                    "Key": "DATEVALIDATIONTYPE",
                    "Value": {
                        "IntegerValue": 1
            "OfferId": "ST100009",
            "OfferName": "Student discount",
            "PeriodicDiscountTypeValue": 2,
            "IsDiscountCodeRequired": false,
            "ValidationPeriodId": "",
            "AdditionalRestrictions": "",
            "Description": "Students get 10% off for on Jeans and Backpacks",
            "ValidFromDate": "1900-01-01T00:00:00Z",
            "ValidToDate": "2154-12-31T00:00:00Z",
            "CouponCodes": [],
            "ExtensionProperties": [
                    "Key": "DATAAREAID",
                    "Value": {
                        "StringValue": "usrt"
                    "Key": "DATEVALIDATIONTYPE",
                    "Value": {
                        "IntegerValue": 1
            "OfferId": "ST100004",
            "OfferName": "Soccer sale",
            "PeriodicDiscountTypeValue": 3,
            "IsDiscountCodeRequired": false,
            "ValidationPeriodId": "",
            "AdditionalRestrictions": "",
            "Description": "Providing you great discounts ranging from 10% to 20% on all branded Soccer balls.  We carry a full line of soccer balls.  Buy one for yourself or gift it to someone.  We promise you that you won't be disappointed.  If you don't see something that you are looking for please call us.  This offer is only valid at our Retail Malls.",
            "ValidFromDate": "1900-01-01T00:00:00Z",
            "ValidToDate": "2154-12-31T00:00:00Z",
            "CouponCodes": [],
            "ExtensionProperties": [
                    "Key": "DATAAREAID",
                    "Value": {
                        "StringValue": "usrt"
                    "Key": "DATEVALIDATIONTYPE",
                    "Value": {
                        "IntegerValue": 1
            "OfferId": "ST100003",
            "OfferName": "BMX helmet sale",
            "PeriodicDiscountTypeValue": 0,
            "IsDiscountCodeRequired": false,
            "ValidationPeriodId": "",
            "AdditionalRestrictions": "",
            "Description": "Get 20% off on all branded youth BMX helmets when you buy two or more.  Choose from our great selection of BMX bike helmets from top brands, including ProTec, Giro, Bell and SixSixOne BMX helmets.  This offer is only available at our Retail Mall stores",
            "ValidFromDate": "1900-01-01T00:00:00Z",
            "ValidToDate": "2154-12-31T00:00:00Z",
            "CouponCodes": [],
            "ExtensionProperties": [
                    "Key": "DATAAREAID",
                    "Value": {
                        "StringValue": "usrt"
                    "Key": "DATEVALIDATIONTYPE",
                    "Value": {
                        "IntegerValue": 1


The AddCoupons API supports adding a list of coupons to a cart. It returns the cart object after the coupons are added.

The following table shows the input parameters for the AddCoupons API.

Name Type Required/Optional Description
key string Required The cart ID.
couponCodes IEnumerable<string> Required The coupon codes to add to the cart.
isLegacyDiscountCode bool Optional Set this parameter to true to indicate that the coupon is a legacy discount code. The default value is false.


The RemoveCoupons API supports removing a list of coupons from a cart. It returns the cart object after coupons are removed.

The following table shows the input parameters for the RemoveCoupons API.

Name Type Required/Optional Description
key string Required The cart ID.
couponCodes IEnumerable<string> Required The coupon codes to remove from the cart.


The GetProductPromotions API was introduced in the Commerce version 10.0.38 release. This API gets a list of promotional products with given product discounts, and can also take a list of product discount IDs and pricing context as input and query the associated promotional products. The main use case for the GetProductPromotions API is on product listing pages, where retailers showcase products with discounts. This API supports both the property-base pricing model and the legacy pricing model.

The following table shows the input parameters for the GetProductPromotions API.

Name Subname Type Required/Optional Description
productDiscountIds IEnumerable<string> Required The list of product discount ids to look for promotional products.
priceLookupContext PriceLookupContext Required The context for pricing.
activeDate DateTimeOffset Optional The date when promotion is considered.

Restrictions and limitations:

  • Can only take a maximum of five product discount IDs as input.
  • Only simple discounts are supported.
Sample request body
                    "AffiliationId": 5637144577,
                    "LoyaltyTierId": 0, 
                    "AffiliationTypeValue": 0,
                    "ReasonCodeLines": [],
                    "CustomerId": "2001"
        "LineContexts": []
    "activeDate": "2023-08-20T14:40:05.873+08:00",
Sample response body
            "ProductId": 68719489871,
                    "OfferId": "ST100009",
                    "OfferName": "Student discount",
                    "PeriodicDiscountTypeValue": 2,
                    "IsDiscountCodeRequired": false,
                    "ValidationPeriodId": null,
                    "AdditionalRestrictions": null,
                    "Description": "Students get 10% off on Jeans and Backpacks",
                    "ValidFromDate": "1900-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z",
                    "ValidToDate": "2154-12-31T00:00:00.0000000Z",
                    "CouponCodes": [],
                    "DateValidationTypeValue": 1
                    "OfferId": "ST100024",
                    "OfferName": "Weekly ad",
                    "PeriodicDiscountTypeValue": 2,
                    "IsDiscountCodeRequired": false,
                    "ValidationPeriodId": null,
                    "AdditionalRestrictions": null,
                    "Description": "",
                    "ValidFromDate": "1900-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z",
                    "ValidToDate": "2154-12-31T00:00:00.0000000Z",
                    "CouponCodes": [],
                    "DateValidationTypeValue": 1
            "ProductId": 68719489872,
                    "OfferId": "ST100009",
                    "OfferName": "Student discount",
                    "PeriodicDiscountTypeValue": 2,
                    "IsDiscountCodeRequired": false,
                    "ValidationPeriodId": null,
                    "AdditionalRestrictions": null,
                    "Description": "Students get 10% off on Jeans and Backpacks",
                    "ValidFromDate": "1900-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z",
                    "ValidToDate": "2154-12-31T00:00:00.0000000Z",
                    "CouponCodes": [],
                    "DateValidationTypeValue": 1

For more information, see PriceLookupContext.


The PriceLookupContext class is used for the property-base pricing model in the GetProductPromotions and GetActivePrices APIs.

The structure of the PriceLookupContext class is shown in the following example.

    HeaderContext: PriceLookupHeaderContext
        CustomerAccountNumber: string
        AffiliationLoyaltyTierLines: IEnumerable<AffiliationLoyaltyTier>
        ChannelId: long?
        SalesOrderProperties: IEnumerable<AttributeValueBase>
    LineContexts: IEnumerable<PriceLookupLineContext>
            ProductRecordId: string
            UnitOfMeasureSymbol: string
            InventorySiteId: string
            InventoryLocationId: string
            DeliveryMode: string
            CatalogId: string
            SalesLineProperties: IEnumerable<AttributeValueBase>
Sample request body
        "CustomerAccount": 2001,
                "AffiliationId": 5637144577,
                "LoyaltyTierId": 0, 
                "AffiliationTypeValue": 0,
                "ReasonCodeLines": [],
                "CustomerId": "2001"
                "@odata.type": "#Microsoft.Dynamics.Commerce.Runtime.DataModel.AttributeTextValue",
                "Name": "CalcDate",
                "TextValue": "2022-10-10"
    "LineContexts": []


  • There isn't a customer group specified in the PriceLookupHeaderContext paramter becuase it had be inferred by the customer account number.
  • The ChannelId can be specified in the PriceLookupHeaderContext parameter. If it isn't specified, the ChannelId from the request context (the current channel when using Store Commerce) is used.