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Checkout module error reference codes

This article describes the checkout module error codes that are shown in user-facing error messages in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Commerce.

Dynamics 365 Commerce has introduced standardized error references that can be included in online channel checkout errors that are presented to online customers. In Commerce version 10.0.31 and later, error messages in the checkout module include error codes and don't show unnecessary information to the online customer. The error codes refer to errors that are detailed in this article.

Depending on the error that is encountered, the table in this article includes the following details:

  • A description of the condition that caused the error, or additional details
  • Information for consideration in the environment or payment connector configurations
  • Information that can be referenced in a support case, if additional assistance is required


To enable the checkout module error reference codes listed below, in site builder for your site, go to Site settings > Extensions, and in the Cart and checkout section, select Enable Enhanced Online Channel Error Display Messaging.

Checkout module error reference codes

Use the following table to get more details about error code references that are provided by customers or experienced in the online store. Scroll to the right to view the Error Description column.

Error code Dynamics-correlated error code Error description
CCR001 Microsoft_Dynamics_Commerce_Runtime_UnableToAuthorizePaymentCardTypeMissingOrNotSupported The payment couldn't be authorized. Card Type ID in TokenizedPaymentCard is missing, or Card Type ID provided isn't supported.
CCR002 Microsoft_Dynamics_Commerce_Runtime_UnableToAuthorizePayment Declined. The payment couldn't be authorized.
CCR003 Microsoft_Dynamics_Commerce_Runtime_UnableToAuthorizePaymentCardAdditionalContextRequired The payment couldn't be authorized. Additional information required from the customer.
CCR004 Microsoft_Dynamics_Commerce_Runtime_UnableToRetrieveCardPaymentAcceptResult Sorry, something went wrong. We were unable to obtain the card payment accept result. Try again or contact your system administrator.
CCR005 Microsoft_Dynamics_Commerce_Runtime_PaymentRequiresMerchantProperties Unable to make payment because of missing merchant payment properties. Contact your system administrator.
CCR006 Microsoft_Dynamics_Commerce_Runtime_InvalidPaymentRequest Unable to retrieve tender service for the operation. Check your payment method setup for the tender type selected.
CCR007 Microsoft_Dynamics_Commerce_Runtime_MultipleCustomerAccountPaymentsNotAllowed A customer account payment has already been applied and only one payment is allowed per transaction.
CCR008 Microsoft_Dynamics_Commerce_Runtime_CustomerAccountLimitSignDifferentFromAmountDue The customer account limit differs from the amount due. Try a different payment method or contact customer support for assistance.
CCR009 Microsoft_Dynamics_Commerce_Runtime_CustomerAccountPaymentExceedsTotalAmountForCarryOutAndReturnItems The customer account payment exceeds the total due for the listed items. Try again later or contact customer support for assistance.
CCR010 Microsoft_Dynamics_Commerce_Runtime_PaymentUsingUnauthorizedAccount The customer account payment requires its own account or matching invoice account on a tender line.
CCR011 Microsoft_Dynamics_Commerce_Runtime_CustomerAccountPaymentExceedsCustomerAccountFloorLimit Unable to process a customer account payment at this time – floor limit value exceeded.
CCR012 Microsoft_Dynamics_Commerce_Runtime_CustomerAccountPaymentForCustomerWithoutAllowOnAccount This customer isn't allowed to pay on account.
CCR013 Microsoft_Dynamics_Commerce_Runtime_UnableToCancelPayment Sorry, something went wrong. The payment couldn't be canceled. Try again.
CCR014 Microsoft_Dynamics_Commerce_Runtime_UnableToReadCardTokenInfo An error occurred when processing the payment. Try again later.
CCR015 Microsoft_Dynamics_Commerce_Runtime_NotEnoughRewardPoints The loyalty payment amount exceeds what is allowed for the loyalty card used in this transaction.
CCR016 Microsoft_Dynamics_Commerce_Runtime_RefundAmountMoreThanAllowed The loyalty refund amount exceeds what is allowed for the loyalty card used in this transaction.
CCR017 Microsoft_Dynamics_Commerce_Runtime_InvalidLoyaltyCardNumber The loyalty card number wasn't found. Either activate the loyalty card number or enter a different card number, and then try again.
CCR018 Microsoft_Dynamics_Commerce_Runtime_BlockedLoyaltyCard The loyalty card number isn't available. Enter a different card number, and then try again.
CCR019 Microsoft_Dynamics_Commerce_Runtime_NoTenderLoyaltyCard This loyalty card isn't eligible to redeem loyalty points for this transaction.
CCR020 Microsoft_Dynamics_Commerce_Runtime_GiftCardCurrencyMismatch The gift card number encountered an error. Try a different gift card or contact customer support for assistance.
CCR021 Microsoft_Dynamics_Commerce_Runtime_PaymentAmountExceedsGiftBalance The amount exceeds the balance on the gift card. Enter a different amount and then try again.
CCR022 Microsoft_Dynamics_Commerce_Runtime_NoMoreThanOneLoyaltyTender The transaction can't contain more than one loyalty payment line.
CCR023 Microsoft_Dynamics_Commerce_Runtime_PaymentAlreadyVoided The payment information is either missing information or incorrect. Verify the payment information and then try again.
CCR024 Microsoft_Dynamics_Commerce_Runtime_FraudRisk The order can't be processed at this time. Try again later.
CCR025 Front End Timeout for Checkout API The front end operation has timed out. Confirm if the order has been processed in Dynamics 365 Commerce headquarters.
CCR026 Original Authorized Amount Changed The order amount has changed from the original authorization amount processed with the payment gateway. This may be due to a timed expiration of a coupon, promotion, or sale.
CCR027 Microsoft_Dynamics_Commerce_Runtime_InvalidCartVersion An error occurred when processing a payment. The reference provided to the Cart API has a different reference than expected (noting potential inconsistency during the checkout process).
CCR028 Microsoft_Dynamics_Commerce_Runtime_MissingRequiredCartTenderLines The payment method attempted has encountered an error. Contact support to review your account settings or try again with a different payment method.

Additional resources

Payments FAQ

Checkout module

Payment module