
Κοινή χρήση μέσω

ExecQueryWmi function

Executes a query to retrieve objects.


This API is for internal use only. It's not intended for use from developer code.


HRESULT ExecQueryWmi (
   [in] BSTR                    strQueryLanguage,
   [in] BSTR                    strQuery,
   [in] long                    lFlags,
   [in] IWbemContext*           pCtx,
   [out] IEnumWbemClassObject** ppEnum,
   [in] DWORD                   authLevel,
   [in] DWORD                   impLevel,
   [in] IWbemServices*          pCurrentNamespace,
   [in] BSTR                    strUser,
   [in] BSTR                    strPassword,
   [in] BSTR                    strAuthority


[in] A string with the valid query language supported by Windows Management. It must be "WQL", the acronym for WMI Query Language.

[in] The text of the query. This parameter cannot be null.

[in] A combination of flags that affect the behavior of this function. The following values are defined in the WbemCli.h header file, or you can define them as constants in your code:

Constant Value Description
WBEM_FLAG_USE_AMENDED_QUALIFIERS 0x20000 If set, the function retrieves the amended qualifiers stored in the localized namespace of the current connection's locale.
If not set, the function retrieves only the qualifiers stored in the immediate namespace.
WBEM_FLAG_RETURN_IMMEDIATELY 0x10 The flag causes a semisynchronous call.
WBEM_FLAG_FORWARD_ONLY 0x20 The function returns a forward-only enumerator. Typically, forward-only enumerators are faster and use less memory than conventional enumerators, but they do not allow calls to Clone.
WBEM_FLAG_BIDIRECTIONAL 0 WMI retains pointers to objects in the enumeration until they are released.
WBEM_FLAG_ENSURE_LOCATABLE 0x100 Ensures that any returned objects have enough information in them so that system properties, such as __PATH, __RELPATH, and __SERVER, are not null.
WBEM_FLAG_PROTOTYPE 2 This flag is used for prototyping. It does not execute the query and instead returns an object that looks like a typical result object.
WBEM_FLAG_DIRECT_READ 0x200 Causes direct access to the provider for the class specified without regard to its parent class or any subclasses.

The recommended flags are WBEM_FLAG_RETURN_IMMEDIATELY and WBEM_FLAG_FORWARD_ONLY for best performance.

[in] Typically, this value is null. Otherwise, it is a pointer to an IWbemContext instance that can be used by the provider that is providing the requested classes.

[out] If no error occurs, receives the pointer to the enumerator that allows the caller to retrieve the instances in the query's result set. The query can have a result set with zero instances. See the Remarks section for more information.

[in] The authorization level.

[in] The impersonation level.

[in] A pointer to an IWbemServices object that represents the current namespace.

[in] The user name. See the ConnectServerWmi function for more information.

[in] The password. See the ConnectServerWmi function for more information.

[in] The domain name of the user. See the ConnectServerWmi function for more information.

Return value

The following values returned by this function are defined in the WbemCli.h header file, or you can define them as constants in your code:

Constant Value Description
WBEM_E_ACCESS_DENIED 0x80041003 The user does not have permission to view one or more of the classes that the function can return.
WBEM_E_FAILED 0x80041001 An unspecified error has occurred.
WBEM_E_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x80041008 A parameter is not valid.
WBEM_E_INVALID_QUERY 0x80041017 The query had a syntax error.
WBEM_E_INVALID_QUERY_TYPE 0x80041018 The requested query language is not supported.
WBEM_E_QUOTA_VIOLATION 0x8004106c The query is too complex.
WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY 0x80041006 Not enough memory is available to complete the operation.
WBEM_E_SHUTTING_DOWN 0x80041033 WMI was probably stopped and restarting. Call ConnectServerWmi again.
WBEM_E_TRANSPORT_FAILURE 0x80041015 The remote procedure call (RPC) link between the current process and WMI has failed.
WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND 0x80041002 The query specifies a class that does not exist.
WBEM_S_NO_ERROR 0 The function call was successful.


This function wraps a call to the IWbemServices::ExecQuery method.

This function processes the query specified in the strQuery parameter and creates an enumerator through which the caller can access the query results. The enumerator is a pointer to an IEnumWbemClassObject interface; the query results are instances of class objects made available through the IWbemClassObject interface.

There are limits to the number of AND and OR keywords that can be used in WQL queries. Large numbers of WQL keywords used in a complex query can cause WMI to return the WBEM_E_QUOTA_VIOLATION (or 0x8004106c) error code as an HRESULT value. The limit of WQL keywords depends on how complex the query is.

If the function call fails, you can obtain additional error information by calling the GetErrorInfo function.


Platforms: See System Requirements.

Header: WMINet_Utils.idl

.NET Framework Versions: Available since 4.7.2

See also