
Κοινή χρήση μέσω

IContainer Interface


Provides functionality for containers. Containers are objects that logically contain zero or more components.

public interface class IContainer : IDisposable
public interface IContainer : IDisposable
public interface IContainer : IDisposable
type IContainer = interface
    interface IDisposable
type IContainer = interface
    interface IDisposable
Public Interface IContainer
Implements IDisposable


The following code example demonstrates how to implement the IContainer interface.

//This code segment implements the IContainer interface.  The code segment 
//containing the implementation of ISite and IComponent can be found in the documentation
//for those interfaces.

//Implement the LibraryContainer using the IContainer interface.

class LibraryContainer : IContainer
    private ArrayList m_bookList;

    public LibraryContainer()
        m_bookList = new ArrayList();

    public virtual void Add(IComponent book)
        //The book will be added without creation of the ISite object.

    public virtual void Add(IComponent book, string ISNDNNum)
        for(int i =0; i < m_bookList.Count; ++i)
            IComponent curObj = (IComponent)m_bookList[i];
            if(curObj.Site != null)
                    throw new ArgumentException("The ISBN number already exists in the container"); 

        ISBNSite data = new ISBNSite(this, book);
        data.Name = ISNDNNum;
        book.Site = data;

    public virtual void Remove(IComponent book)
        for(int i =0; i < m_bookList.Count; ++i)

    public ComponentCollection Components
            IComponent[] datalist = new BookComponent[m_bookList.Count];
            return new ComponentCollection(datalist);

    public virtual void Dispose()
        for(int i =0; i < m_bookList.Count; ++i)
            IComponent curObj = (IComponent)m_bookList[i];

    static void Main(string[] args)
        LibraryContainer cntrExmpl = new LibraryContainer();

            BookComponent book1 = new BookComponent("Wizard's First Rule", "Terry Gooodkind");
            cntrExmpl.Add(book1, "0812548051");
            BookComponent book2 = new BookComponent("Stone of Tears", "Terry Gooodkind");
            cntrExmpl.Add(book2, "0812548094");
            BookComponent book3 = new BookComponent("Blood of the Fold", "Terry Gooodkind");
            cntrExmpl.Add(book3, "0812551478");
            BookComponent book4 = new BookComponent("The Soul of the Fire", "Terry Gooodkind");
            //This will generate exception because the ISBN already exists in the container.
            cntrExmpl.Add(book4, "0812551478");
        catch (ArgumentException e)
            Console.WriteLine("Unable to add books: " + e.Message);

        ComponentCollection datalist =cntrExmpl.Components;
        IEnumerator denum = datalist.GetEnumerator();

            BookComponent cmp = (BookComponent)denum.Current;
            Console.WriteLine("Book Title: " + cmp.Title);
            Console.WriteLine("Book Author: " + cmp.Author);
            Console.WriteLine("Book ISBN: " + cmp.Site.Name);
    'This code segment implements the IContainer interface.  The code segment 
    'containing the implementation of ISite and IComponent can be found in the documentation
    'for those interfaces.
    'Implement the LibraryContainer using the IContainer interface.

Class LibraryContainer
    Implements IContainer
    Private m_bookList As ArrayList

    Public Sub New()
        m_bookList = New ArrayList()
    End Sub

    Public Sub Add(ByVal book As IComponent) Implements IContainer.Add
        'The book will be added without creation of the ISite object.
    End Sub

    Public Sub Add(ByVal book As IComponent, ByVal ISNDNNum As String) Implements IContainer.Add

        Dim i As Integer
        Dim curObj As IComponent

        For i = 0 To m_bookList.Count - 1
            curObj = CType(m_bookList(i), IComponent)
            If curObj.Site IsNot Nothing Then
                If (curObj.Site.Name.Equals(ISNDNNum)) Then
                    Throw New ArgumentException("The ISBN number already exists in the container")
                End If
            End If
        Next i

        Dim data As ISBNSite = New ISBNSite(Me, book)
        data.Name = ISNDNNum
        book.Site = data

    End Sub

    Public Sub Remove(ByVal book As IComponent) Implements IContainer.Remove
        Dim i As Integer
        Dim curComp As BookComponent = CType(book, BookComponent)

        For i = 0 To m_bookList.Count - 1
            If (curComp.Equals(m_bookList(i)) = True) Then
                Exit For
            End If
        Next i
    End Sub

    Public ReadOnly Property Components() As ComponentCollection Implements IContainer.Components
            Dim datalist(m_bookList.Count - 1) As IComponent
            Return New ComponentCollection(datalist)
        End Get
    End Property

    Public Overridable Sub Dispose() Implements IDisposable.Dispose
        Dim i As Integer
        For i = 0 To m_bookList.Count - 1
            Dim curObj As IComponent = CType(m_bookList(i), IComponent)
        Next i

    End Sub

    Public Shared Sub Main()
        Dim cntrExmpl As LibraryContainer = New LibraryContainer()

            Dim book1 As BookComponent = New BookComponent("Wizard's First Rule", "Terry Gooodkind")
            cntrExmpl.Add(book1, "0812548051")
            Dim book2 As BookComponent = New BookComponent("Stone of Tears", "Terry Gooodkind")
            cntrExmpl.Add(book2, "0812548094")
            Dim book3 As BookComponent = New BookComponent("Blood of the Fold", "Terry Gooodkind")
            cntrExmpl.Add(book3, "0812551478")
            Dim book4 As BookComponent = New BookComponent("The Soul of the Fire", "Terry Gooodkind")
            'This will generate an exception, because the ISBN already exists in the container.
            cntrExmpl.Add(book4, "0812551478")
        Catch e As ArgumentException
            Console.WriteLine("Unable to add books: " + e.Message)
        End Try

        Dim datalist As ComponentCollection = cntrExmpl.Components
        Dim denum As IEnumerator = datalist.GetEnumerator()

        While (denum.MoveNext())
            Dim cmp As BookComponent = CType(denum.Current, BookComponent)
            Console.WriteLine("Book Title: " + cmp.Title)
            Console.WriteLine("Book Author: " + cmp.Author)
            Console.WriteLine("Book ISBN: " + cmp.Site.Name)
        End While
    End Sub
End Class


Containers are objects that encapsulate and track zero or more components. In this context, containment refers to logical containment, not visual containment. You can use components and containers in a variety of scenarios, including scenarios that are both visual and not visual.

Notes to Implementers

To be a container, the class must implement the IContainer interface, which supports methods for adding, removing, and retrieving components.



Gets all the components in the IContainer.


Add(IComponent, String)

Adds the specified IComponent to the IContainer at the end of the list, and assigns a name to the component.


Adds the specified IComponent to the IContainer at the end of the list.


Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.

(Inherited from IDisposable)

Removes a component from the IContainer.

Applies to

See also