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Export device antivirus health details API methods and properties

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Some information in this article relates to a prereleased product which may be substantially modified before it's commercially released. Microsoft makes no warranties, expressed or implied, with respect to the information provided here.

Export device antivirus health details API description

Retrieves a list of Microsoft Defender Antivirus device health details. This API has different API calls (methods) to get different types of data. Because the amount of data can be large, there are two ways it can be retrieved:

  • JSON response The API pulls all data in your organization as JSON responses. This method is best for small organizations with less than 100-K devices. The response is paginated, so you can use the @odata.nextLink field from the response to fetch the next results.

  • via files This API solution enables pulling larger amounts of data faster and more reliably, and is recommended for large organizations who have more than 100,000 devices. This API pulls all data in your organization as download files. The response contains URLs to download all the data from Azure Storage. This API enables you to download all your data from Azure Storage as follows:

    1. Call the API to get a list of download URLs with all your organization data.

    2. Download all the files using the download URLs and process the data as you like.

Data that is collected using either JSON response or by using files is a snapshot of the current state. This data doesn't contain historical data. To collect historical data, you must save the data in your own data storage.


For Windows Server 2012 R2 and Windows Server 2016 to appear in device health reports, these devices must be onboarded using the modern unified solution package. For more information, see New functionality in the modern unified solution for Windows Server 2012 R2 and 2016.

For information about using the Device health and antivirus compliance reporting tool in the Microsoft Defender portal, see: Device health and antivirus report in Microsoft Defender for Endpoint.

1.1 Export device antivirus health details API methods

Method Data type Description
(JSON response) Microsoft Defender Antivirus health per device collection. See: 1.2 Export device antivirus health details API properties (JSON response) Returns a table with an entry for every unique combination of DeviceId, ConfigurationId.

The API pulls all data in your organization as JSON responses. This method is best for small organizations with less than 100-K devices. The response is paginated, so you can use the @odata.nextLink field from the response to fetch the next results.
(via files) Microsoft Defender Antivirus health per device collection. See: 1.3 Export device antivirus health details API properties (via files) Returns a table with an entry for every unique combination of DeviceId, ConfigurationId.

This API solution enables pulling larger amounts of data faster and more reliably. So, it's recommended for large organizations, with more than 100-K devices. This API pulls all data in your organization as download files. The response contains URLs to download all the data from Azure Storage. This API enables you to download all your data from Azure Storage as follows:
  1. Call the API to get a list of download URLs with all your organization data.
  2. Download all the files using the download URLs and process the data as you like.

1.2 Limitations

  • Maximum page size: 200,000
  • Rate limitations for this API: 30 calls per minute and 1,000 calls per hour

1.3 Export device antivirus health details API properties (JSON response)

  • The properties defined in the following table are listed alphabetically, by property ID. When you use this API, the resulting output won't necessarily be returned in the same order listed in this table.
  • Note that rbacgroupname and Id aren't supported filter operators.
  • Some more columns might be returned in the response. These columns can be temporary and might be removed; use only the documented columns.
Property (ID) Data type Description Example of a returned value
avEngineUpdateTime DateTimeOffset Datetime when the antivirus engine was last updated on device "2022-08-04T12:44:02Z"
avEngineVersion String Antivirus engine version 1.1.19400.3
avIsEngineUpToDate String Up-to-date status of antivirus engine True, False, or Unknown
avIsPlatformUpToDate String Up-to-date status of antivirus platform True, False, or Unknown
avIsSignatureUpToDate String Up-to-date status of antivirus signature True, False, or Unknown
avMode String Antivirus mode. Each mode is a string typed integer value ranging from 0 to 5.
'' = Other
0 = Active
1 = Passive
2 = Disabled
3 = Other
4 = EDRBlocked
5 = PassiveAudit
avPlatformUpdateTime DateTimeOffset Datetime when antivirus platform was last updated on device "2022-08-04T12:44:02Z"
avPlatformVersion String Antivirus platform version 4.18.2203.5
avSignaturePublishTime DateTimeOffset Datetime when antivirus security intelligence build was released "2022-08-04T12:44:02Z"
avSignatureUpdateTime DateTimeOffset Datetime when antivirus security intelligence was last updated on device "2022-08-04T12:44:02Z"
avSignatureVersion String Antivirus security intelligence version 1.371.1323.0
computerDnsName String DNS name SampleDns
dataRefreshTimestamp DateTimeOffset Datetime when data is refreshed for this report 2022-08-04T12:44:02Z
fullScanError String Error codes from the full scan "0x80508023"
fullScanResult String Full scan result of the device Completed, Canceled, or Failed
fullScanTime DateTimeOffset Datetime when the full scan completed 2022-08-04T12:44:02Z
id String Machine GUID 30a8fa2826abf24d24379b23f8a44d471f00feab
lastSeenTime DateTimeOffset Last seen datetime of this machine 2022-08-04T12:44:02Z
machineId String Machine GUID 30a8fa2826abf24d24379b23f8a44d471f00feab
osKind String Operating system kind windows, mac, or linux
osPlatform String Operating system major version name Windows 10 or macOS
osVersion String Operating system version 10.0.18363.1440,
quickScanError String Error codes from quick scan 0x80508023
quickScanResult String Quick scan result of this device Completed, Canceled, or Failed
quickScanTime DateTimeOffset Datetime when quick scan completed 2022-08-04T12:44:02Z
rbacGroupId Long Device group ID that this machine belongs to 712
rbacGroupName String Name of device group that this machine belongs to SampleGroup

1.4 Export device antivirus health details API properties (via files)


Information in this section relates to prereleased product which can be substantially modified before it's commercially released. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, with respect to the information provided here.


  • The files are gzip-compressed and in multiline .json format.
  • The download URLs are only valid for 3 hours; otherwise you can use the parameter.
  • For maximum download speed of your data, you can make sure you're downloading from the same Azure region that your data resides.
  • Each record uses approximately 1KB of data. You should take this into account when choosing the correct pageSize parameter.
  • More columns might be returned in the response. These columns are temporary and might be removed, so use only the documented columns.
Property (ID) Data type Description Example of a returned value
Export files array[string] A list of download URLs for files holding the current snapshot of the organization. ["https://tvmexportstrstgeus.blob.core.windows.net/tvm-export...1", "https://tvmexportstrstgeus.blob.core.windows.net/tvm-export...2"]
GeneratedTime String The time that the export was generated. 2022-05-20T08:00:00Z


In each of the export files, there's a property called DeviceGatheredInfo, which contains antivirus data. Each of its attributes can provide you with information on the device's health and its status.

See also

Export device antivirus health report

Device health and compliance reporting


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