
Κοινή χρήση μέσω

raw_storage_iterator Class

An adaptor class that is provided to enable algorithms to store their results into uninitialized memory.


template <class OutputIterator, class Type>
    class raw_storage_iterator


Specifies the output iterator for the object being stored.

The type of object for which storage is being allocated.


The class describes an output iterator that constructs objects of type Type in the sequence it generates. An object of class raw_storage_iterator< ForwardIterator, Type> accesses storage through a forward iterator object, of class ForwardIterator, that you specify when you construct the object. For an object first of class ForwardIterator, the expression &*first must designate unconstructed storage for the next object (of type Type) in the generated sequence.

This adaptor class is used when it's necessary to separate memory allocation and object construction. The raw_storage_iterator can be used to copy objects into uninitialized storage, such as memory allocated using the malloc function.



Name Description
raw_storage_iterator Constructs a raw storage iterator with a specified underlying output iterator.


Name Description
element_type Provides a type that describes an element to be stored a raw storage iterator.
iter_type Provides a type that describes an iterator that underlies a raw storage iterator.


Name Description
operator* A dereferencing operator used to implement the output iterator expression * ii = x.
operator= An assignment operator used to implement the raw storage iterator expression * i = x for storing in memory.
operator++ Preincrement and postincrement operators for raw storage iterators.


Provides a type that describes an element to be stored a raw storage iterator.

typedef Type element_type;


The type is a synonym for the raw_storage_iterator class template parameter Type.


Provides a type that describes an iterator that underlies a raw storage iterator.

typedef ForwardIterator iter_type;


The type is a synonym for the template parameter ForwardIterator.


A dereferencing operator used to implement the raw storage iterator expression * ii = x.

raw_storage_iterator<ForwardIterator, Type>& operator*();

Return Value

A reference to the raw storage iterator


The requirements for a ForwardIterator are that the raw storage iterator must satisfy, require only the expression * ii = t be valid and that it says nothing about the operator or the operator= on their own. The member operators in this implementation, returns *this, so that operator=(constType&) can perform the actual store in an expression, such as * ptr = val.


// raw_storage_iterator_op_deref.cpp
// compile with: /EHsc
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <memory>
#include <list>
using namespace std;

class Int
   Int(int i)
      cout << "Constructing " << i << endl;
      x = i;
      bIsConstructed = true;

   Int &operator=(int i)
      if (!bIsConstructed)
         cout << "Not constructed.\n";
      cout << "Copying " << i << endl;
      x = i;
      return *this;

   int x;

   bool bIsConstructed;

int main( void)
   Int *pInt = ( Int* ) malloc( sizeof( Int ) );
   memset( pInt, 0, sizeof( Int ) ); // Set bIsConstructed to false;
*pInt = 5;
   raw_storage_iterator< Int*, Int > it( pInt );
*it = 5;
Not constructed.
Copying 5
Constructing 5


Assignment operator used to implement the raw storage iterator expression * i = x for storing in memory.

raw_storage_iterator<ForwardIterator, Type>& operator=(
    const Type& val);


The value of the object of type Type to be inserted into memory.

Return Value

The operator inserts val into memory, and then returns a reference to the raw storage iterator.


The requirements for a ForwardIterator state that the raw storage iterator must satisfy, require only the expression * ii = t be valid, and that it says nothing about the operator or the operator= on their own. These member operators return *this.

The assignment operator constructs the next object in the output sequence using the stored iterator value first, by evaluating the placement new expression new ( (void*) & *first ) Type( val ).


// raw_storage_iterator_op_assign.cpp
// compile with: /EHsc
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <memory>
#include <list>
using namespace std;

class Int
   Int( int i )
      cout << "Constructing " << i << endl;
      x = i;
      bIsConstructed = true;
   Int &operator=( int i )
      if ( !bIsConstructed )
         cout << "Not constructed.\n";
      cout << "Copying " << i << endl; x = i;
      return *this;
   int x;
   bool bIsConstructed;

int main( void )
   Int *pInt = ( Int* )malloc( sizeof( Int ) );
   memset( pInt, 0, sizeof( Int ) ); // Set bIsConstructed to false;

*pInt = 5;

   raw_storage_iterator<Int*, Int> it( pInt );
*it = 5;
Not constructed.
Copying 5
Constructing 5


Preincrement and postincrement operators for raw storage iterators.

raw_storage_iterator<ForwardIterator, Type>& operator++();

raw_storage_iterator<ForwardIterator, Type> operator++(int);

Return Value

A raw storage iterator or a reference to a raw storage iterator.


The first operator eventually attempts to extract and store an object of type CharType from the associated input stream. The second operator makes a copy of the object, increments the object, and then returns the copy.

The first preincrement operator increments the stored output iterator object, and then returns *this.

The second postincrement operator makes a copy of *this, increments the stored output iterator object, and then returns the copy.

The constructor stores first as the output iterator object.


// raw_storage_iterator_op_incr.cpp
// compile with: /EHsc
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <memory>
#include <list>
using namespace std;

int main( void )
   int *pInt = new int[5];
   std::raw_storage_iterator<int*,int> it( pInt );
   for ( int i = 0; i < 5; i++, it++ ) {
      *it = 2 * i;

   for ( int i = 0; i < 5; i++ ) cout << "array " << i << " = " << pInt[i] << endl;

   delete[] pInt;
array 0 = 0
array 1 = 2
array 2 = 4
array 3 = 6
array 4 = 8


Constructs a raw storage iterator with a specified underlying output iterator.

explicit raw_storage_iterator(ForwardIterator first);


The forward iterator that is to underlie the raw_storage_iterator object being constructed.


// raw_storage_iterator_ctor.cpp
// compile with: /EHsc /W3
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <memory>
#include <list>
using namespace std;

class Int
   Int(int i)
      cout << "Constructing " << i << endl;
      x = i;
      bIsConstructed = true;
   Int &operator=( int i )
      if (!bIsConstructed)
         cout << "Error! I'm not constructed!\n";
      cout << "Copying " << i << endl;  x = i; return *this;
   int x;
   bool bIsConstructed;

int main( void )
   std::list<int> l;
   l.push_back( 1 );
   l.push_back( 2 );
   l.push_back( 3 );
   l.push_back( 4 );

   Int *pInt = (Int*)malloc(sizeof(Int)*l.size( ));
   memset (pInt, 0, sizeof(Int)*l.size( ));
   // Hack: make sure bIsConstructed is false

   std::copy( l.begin( ), l.end( ), pInt );  // C4996
   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < l.size( ); i++)
      cout << "array " << i << " = " << pInt[i].x << endl;

   memset (pInt, 0, sizeof(Int)*l.size( ));
   // hack: make sure bIsConstructed is false

   std::copy( l.begin( ), l.end( ),
      std::raw_storage_iterator<Int*,Int>(pInt));  // C4996
   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < l.size( ); i++ )
      cout << "array " << i << " = " << pInt[i].x << endl;

Error! I'm not constructed!
Copying 1
Error! I'm not constructed!
Copying 2
Error! I'm not constructed!
Copying 3
Error! I'm not constructed!
Copying 4
array 0 = 1
array 1 = 2
array 2 = 3
array 3 = 4
Constructing 1
Constructing 2
Constructing 3
Constructing 4
array 0 = 1
array 1 = 2
array 2 = 3
array 3 = 4