
Κοινή χρήση μέσω

CSliderCtrl Class

Provides the functionality of the Windows common slider control.


class CSliderCtrl : public CWnd


Public Constructors

Name Description
CSliderCtrl::CSliderCtrl Constructs a CSliderCtrl object.

Public Methods

Name Description
CSliderCtrl::ClearSel Clears the current selection in a slider control.
CSliderCtrl::ClearTics Removes the current tick marks from a slider control.
CSliderCtrl::Create Creates a slider control and attaches it to a CSliderCtrl object.
CSliderCtrl::CreateEx Creates a slider control with the specified Windows extended styles and attaches it to a CSliderCtrl object.
CSliderCtrl::GetBuddy Retrieves the handle to a slider control buddy window at a given location.
CSliderCtrl::GetChannelRect Retrieves the size of the slider control's channel.
CSliderCtrl::GetLineSize Retrieves the line size of a slider control.
CSliderCtrl::GetNumTics Retrieves the number of tick marks in a slider control.
CSliderCtrl::GetPageSize Retrieves the page size of a slider control.
CSliderCtrl::GetPos Retrieves the current position of the slider.
CSliderCtrl::GetRange Retrieves the minimum and maximum positions for a slider.
CSliderCtrl::GetRangeMax Retrieves the maximum position for a slider.
CSliderCtrl::GetRangeMin Retrieves the minimum position for a slider.
CSliderCtrl::GetSelection Retrieves the range of the current selection.
CSliderCtrl::GetThumbLength Retrieves the length of the slider in the current trackbar control.
CSliderCtrl::GetThumbRect Retrieves the size of the slider control's thumb.
CSliderCtrl::GetTic Retrieves the position of the specified tick mark.
CSliderCtrl::GetTicArray Retrieves the array of tick mark positions for a slider control.
CSliderCtrl::GetTicPos Retrieves the position of the specified tick mark, in client coordinates.
CSliderCtrl::GetToolTips Retrieves the handle to the tooltip control assigned to the slider control, if any.
CSliderCtrl::SetBuddy Assigns a window as the buddy window for a slider control.
CSliderCtrl::SetLineSize Sets the line size of a slider control.
CSliderCtrl::SetPageSize Sets the page size of a slider control.
CSliderCtrl::SetPos Sets the current position of the slider.
CSliderCtrl::SetRange Sets the minimum and maximum positions for a slider.
CSliderCtrl::SetRangeMax Sets the maximum position for a slider.
CSliderCtrl::SetRangeMin Sets the minimum position for a slider.
CSliderCtrl::SetSelection Sets the range of the current selection.
CSliderCtrl::SetThumbLength Sets the length of the slider in the current trackbar control.
CSliderCtrl::SetTic Sets the position of the specified tick mark.
CSliderCtrl::SetTicFreq Sets the frequency of tick marks per slider control increment.
CSliderCtrl::SetTipSide Positions a tooltip control used by a trackbar control.
CSliderCtrl::SetToolTips Assigns a tooltip control to a slider control.


A "slider control" (also known as a trackbar) is a window containing a slider and optional tick marks. When the user moves the slider, using either the mouse or the direction keys, the control sends notification messages to indicate the change.

Slider controls are useful when you want the user to select a discrete value or a set of consecutive values in a range. For example, you might use a slider control to allow the user to set the repeat rate of the keyboard by moving the slider to a given tick mark.

This control (and therefore the CSliderCtrl class) is available only to programs running under Windows 95/98 and Windows NT version 3.51 and later.

The slider moves in increments that you specify when you create it. For example, if you specify that the slider should have a range of five, the slider can only occupy six positions: a position at the left side of the slider control and one position for each increment in the range. Typically, each of these positions is identified by a tick mark.

You create a slider by using the constructor and the Create member function of CSliderCtrl. Once you've created a slider control, you can use member functions in CSliderCtrl to change many of its properties. Changes that you can make include setting the minimum and maximum positions for the slider, drawing tick marks, setting a selection range, and repositioning the slider.

For more information on using CSliderCtrl, see Controls and Using CSliderCtrl.

Inheritance Hierarchy






Header: afxcmn.h


Clears the current selection in a slider control.

void ClearSel(BOOL bRedraw = FALSE);


Redraw flag. If this parameter is TRUE, the slider is redrawn after the selection is cleared; otherwise the slider isn't redrawn.


Removes the current tick marks from a slider control.

void ClearTics(BOOL bRedraw = FALSE);


Redraw flag. If this parameter is TRUE, the slider is redrawn after the tick marks are cleared; otherwise the slider isn't redrawn.


Creates a slider control and attaches it to a CSliderCtrl object.

virtual BOOL Create(
    DWORD dwStyle,
    const RECT& rect,
    CWnd* pParentWnd,
    UINT nID);


Specifies the slider control's style. Apply any combination of slider control styles, described in the Windows SDK, to the control.

Specifies the slider control's size and position. It can be either a CRect object or a RECT structure.

Specifies the slider control's parent window, usually a CDialog. It must not be NULL.

Specifies the slider control's ID.

Return Value

Nonzero if initialization was successful; otherwise 0.


You construct a CSliderCtrl in two steps. First, call the constructor, and then call Create, which creates the slider control and attaches it to the CSliderCtrl object.

Depending on the values set for dwStyle, the slider control can have either a vertical or horizontal orientation. It can have tick marks on either side, both sides, or neither. It can also be used to specify a range of consecutive values.

To apply extended window styles to the slider control, call CreateEx instead of Create.


Creates a control (a child window) and associates it with the CSliderCtrl object.

virtual BOOL CreateEx(
    DWORD dwExStyle,
    DWORD dwStyle,
    const RECT& rect,
    CWnd* pParentWnd,
    UINT nID);


Specifies the extended style of the control being created. For a list of extended Windows styles, see the dwExStyle parameter for CreateWindowEx in the Windows SDK.

Specifies the slider control's style. Apply any combination of slider control styles, described in the Windows SDK, to the control.

A reference to a RECT structure describing the size and position of the window to be created, in client coordinates of pParentWnd.

A pointer to the window that is the control's parent.

The control's child-window ID.

Return Value

Nonzero if successful; otherwise 0.


Use CreateEx instead of Create to apply extended Windows styles, specified by the Windows extended style preface WS_EX_.


Constructs a CSliderCtrl object.



Retrieves the handle to a slider control buddy window at a given location.

CWnd* GetBuddy(BOOL fLocation = TRUE) const;


A Boolean value that indicates which of two buddy window handles to retrieve. Can be one of the following values:

  • TRUE Retrieves the handle to the buddy to the left of the slider. If the slider control uses the TBS_VERT style, the message will retrieve the buddy above the slider.

  • FALSE Retrieves the handle to the buddy to the right of the slider. If the slider control uses the TBS_VERT style, the message will retrieve the buddy below the slider.

Return Value

A pointer to a CWnd object that is the buddy window at the location specified by fLocation, or NULL if no buddy window exists at that location.


This member function implements the behavior of the Win32 message TBM_GETBUDDY, as described in the Windows SDK. For a description of the slider control styles, see Trackbar Control Styles in the Windows SDK.


Retrieves the size and position of the bounding rectangle for a slider control's channel.

void GetChannelRect(LPRECT lprc) const;


A pointer to a CRect object that contains the size and position of the channel's bounding rectangle when the function returns.


The channel is the area over which the slider moves and which contains the highlight when a range is selected.


Retrieves the size of the line for a slider control.

int GetLineSize() const;

Return Value

The size of a line for the slider control.


The line size affects how much the slider moves for the TB_LINEUP and TB_LINEDOWN notifications. The default setting for the line size is 1.


Retrieves the number of tick marks in a slider control.

UINT GetNumTics() const;

Return Value

The number of tick marks in the slider control.


Retrieves the size of the page for a slider control.

int GetPageSize() const;

Return Value

The size of a page for the slider control.


The page size affects how much the slider moves for the TB_PAGEUP and TB_PAGEDOWN notifications.


Retrieves the current position of the slider in a slider control.

int GetPos() const;

Return Value

The current position.


Retrieves the maximum and minimum positions for the slider in a slider control.

void GetRange(
    int& nMin,
    int& nMax) const;


Reference to an integer that receives the minimum position.

Reference to an integer that receives the maximum position.


This function copies the values into the integers referenced by nMin and nMax.


Retrieves the maximum position for the slider in a slider control.

int GetRangeMax() const;

Return Value

The control's maximum position.


Retrieves the minimum position for the slider in a slider control.

int GetRangeMin() const;

Return Value

The control's minimum position.


Retrieves the starting and ending positions of the current selection in a slider control.

void GetSelection(
    int& nMin,
    int& nMax) const;


Reference to an integer that receives the starting position of the current selection.

Reference to an integer that receives the ending position of the current selection.


Retrieves the length of the slider in the current trackbar control.

int GetThumbLength() const;

Return Value

The length of the slider, in pixels.


This method sends the TBM_GETTHUMBLENGTH message, which is described in the Windows SDK.


Retrieves the size and position of the bounding rectangle for the slider (thumb) in a slider control.

void GetThumbRect(LPRECT lprc) const;


A pointer to a CRect object that contains the bounding rectangle for the slider when the function returns.


Retrieves the position of a tick mark in a slider control.

int GetTic(int nTic) const;


Zero-based index identifying a tick mark.

Return Value

The position of the specified tick mark or - 1 if nTic doesn't specify a valid index.


Retrieves the address of the array containing the positions of tick marks for a slider control.

DWORD* GetTicArray() const;

Return Value

The address of the array containing tick mark positions for the slider control.


Retrieves the current physical position of a tick mark in a slider control.

int GetTicPos(int nTic) const;


Zero-based index identifying a tick mark.

Return Value

The physical position, in client coordinates, of the specified tick mark or - 1 if nTic doesn't specify a valid index.


Retrieves the handle to the tooltip control assigned to the slider control, if any.

CToolTipCtrl* GetToolTips() const;

Return Value

A pointer to a CToolTipCtrl object, or NULL if tooltips aren't in use. If the slider control doesn't use the TBS_TOOLTIPS style, the return value is NULL.


This member function implements the behavior of the Win32 message TBM_GETTOOLTIPS, as described in the Windows SDK. Note that this member function returns a CToolTipCtrl object instead of a handle to a control.

For a description of the slider control styles, see Trackbar Control Styles in the Windows SDK.


Assigns a window as the buddy window for a slider control.

CWnd* SetBuddy(
    CWnd* pWndBuddy,
    BOOL fLocation = TRUE);


A pointer to a CWnd object that will be set as the slider control's buddy.

Value specifying the location at which to display the buddy window. This value can be one of the following:

  • TRUE The buddy will appear to the left of the trackbar if the trackbar control uses the TBS_HORZ style. If the trackbar uses the TBS_VERT style, the buddy appears above the trackbar control.

  • FALSE The buddy will appear to the right of the trackbar if the trackbar control uses the TBS_HORZ style. If the trackbar uses the TBS_VERT style, the buddy appears below the trackbar control.

Return Value

A pointer to a CWnd object that was previously assigned to the slider control at that location.


This member function implements the behavior of the Win32 message TBM_SETBUDDY, as described in the Windows SDK. Note that this member function uses pointers to CWnd objects, rather than window handles for both its return value and parameter.

For a description of the slider control styles, see Trackbar Control Styles in the Windows SDK.


Sets the size of the line for a slider control.

int SetLineSize(int nSize);


The new line size of the slider control.

Return Value

The previous line size.


The line size affects how much the slider moves for the TB_LINEUP and TB_LINEDOWN notifications.


Sets the size of the page for a slider control.

int SetPageSize(int nSize);


The new page size of the slider control.

Return Value

The previous page size.


The page size affects how much the slider moves for the TB_PAGEUP and TB_PAGEDOWN notifications.


Sets the current position of the slider in a slider control.

void SetPos(int nPos);


Specifies the new slider position.


Sets the range (minimum and maximum positions) for the slider in a slider control.

void SetRange(
    int nMin,
    int nMax,
    BOOL bRedraw = FALSE);


Minimum position for the slider.

Maximum position for the slider.

The redraw flag. If this parameter is TRUE, the slider is redrawn after the range is set; otherwise the slider isn't redrawn.


Sets the maximum range for the slider in a slider control.

void SetRangeMax(
    int nMax,
    BOOL bRedraw = FALSE);


Maximum position for the slider.

The redraw flag. If this parameter is TRUE, the slider is redrawn after the range is set; otherwise the slider isn't redrawn.


Sets the minimum range for the slider in a slider control.

void SetRangeMin(
    int nMin,
    BOOL bRedraw = FALSE);


Minimum position for the slider.

The redraw flag. If this parameter is TRUE, the slider is redrawn after the range is set; otherwise the slider isn't redrawn.


Sets the starting and ending positions for the current selection in a slider control.

void SetSelection(
    int nMin,
    int nMax);


Starting position for the slider.

Ending position for the slider.


Sets the length of the slider in the current trackbar control.

void SetThumbLength(int nLength);


[in] Length of the slider, in pixels.


This method requires that the trackbar control be set to TBS_FIXEDLENGTH style.

This method sends the TBM_SETTHUMBLENGTH message, which is described in the Windows SDK.


The first code example defines the variable, m_sliderCtrl, that is used to access the current trackbar control. The example also defines a variable, thumbLength, that is used to store the default length of the trackbar control's thumb component. These variables are used in the next example.

// Variable to access the slider control.
CSliderCtrl m_sliderCtrl;
// Length of the slider control's thumb.
int thumbLength;

The next code example sets the trackbar control's thumb component to twice its default length.

// Add extra initialization.

// Modify the size of the slider control's thumb.
// First, set the TBS_FIXEDLENGTH style.
m_sliderCtrl.ModifyStyle(0, TBS_FIXEDLENGTH);
thumbLength = m_sliderCtrl.GetThumbLength();
m_sliderCtrl.SetThumbLength(thumbLength * 2);

// End extra initialization.


Sets the position of a tick mark in a slider control.

BOOL SetTic(int nTic);


Position of the tick mark. This parameter must specify a positive value.

Return Value

Nonzero if the tick mark is set; otherwise 0.


Sets the frequency with which tick marks are displayed in a slider.

void SetTicFreq(int nFreq);


Frequency of the tick marks.


For example, if the frequency is set to 2, a tick mark is displayed for every other increment in the slider's range. The default setting for the frequency is 1 (that is, every increment in the range is associated with a tick mark).

You must create the control with the TBS_AUTOTICKS style to use this function. For more information, see CSliderCtrl::Create.


Positions a tooltip control used by a trackbar control.

int SetTipSide(int nLocation);


Value representing the location at which to display the tooltip control. For a list of possible values, see the Win32 message TBM_SETTIPSIDE, as described in the Windows SDK.

Return Value

A value that represents the tooltip control's previous location. The return value equals one of the possible values for nLocation.


This member function implements the behavior of the Win32 message TBM_SETTIPSIDE, as described in the Windows SDK. Slider controls that use the TBS_TOOLTIPS style display tooltips. For a description of the slider control styles, see Trackbar Control Styles in the Windows SDK.


Assigns a tooltip control to a slider control.

void SetToolTips(CToolTipCtrl* pWndTip);


A pointer to a CToolTipCtrl object containing the tooltips to use with the slider control.


This member function implements the behavior of the Win32 message TBM_SETTOOLTIPS, as described in the Windows SDK. When a slider control is created with the TBS_TOOLTIPS style, it creates a default tooltip control that appears next to the slider, displaying the slider's current position. For a description of the slider control styles, see Trackbar Control Styles in the Windows SDK.

See also

CWnd Class
Hierarchy Chart
CProgressCtrl Class