Κοινή χρήση μέσω

Azure Cosmos DB

Azure Cosmos DB is a globally distributed multi-model database service designed to enable you to elastically and independently scale throughput and storage across any number of geographical regions with a comprehensive SLA.

This connector is available in the following products and regions:

Service Class Regions
Logic Apps Standard All Logic Apps regions and Integration Service Environments (ISEs)
Power Automate Premium All Power Automate regions
Power Apps - Not available
Connector Metadata
Publisher Microsoft

To use this integration, you will need a Cosmos DB SQL API account configured in the Azure Portal. Note that Mongo DB API accounts are not currently supported.

Once the SQL API account is created, provide the account ID (without 'documents.azure.com') when creating a connection with the Azure Cosmos DB connector if creating a connection of Access Key type. This account ID is also required for newer operation versions that support Microsoft Entra ID authentication.

Microsoft Entra ID authentication and Cosmos DB connector

In order to use Microsoft Entra ID authentication, the account that is being used needs to be assigned an specific role assignment, for more information, visit Configure role-based access control with Microsoft Entra ID for your Azure Cosmos DB account.


Only roles explicitly defined for data access permit a security principal to access Cosmos DB data. Built-in roles such as Owner, or Contributor do not provide access to the Cosmos DB data within that account via Microsoft Entra ID. There are 2 built-in roles exposed by Azure Cosmos DB:

  1. Cosmos DB Built-in Data Reader (role definition ID 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001)
  2. Cosmos DB Built-in Data Contributor (role definition ID 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002)

Roles can be assigned numerous ways and custom roles can be created for more granular access.

Here is an example on who to assign Cosmos DB Built-in Data Reader via PowerShell (more information on this command New-AzCosmosDBSqlRoleAssignment):

$resourceGroupName = "<myResourceGroup>"
$accountName = "<myCosmosAccount>"
$principalId = "<myPrincipalId>"
$roleDefinitionId = "/subscriptions/<<mySubscription>>/resourceGroups/<<myResourceGroup>>/providers/Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts/<<myCosmosAccount>>/sqlRoleDefinitions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001"
New-AzCosmosDBSqlRoleAssignment -AccountName $accountName `
    -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName `
    -RoleDefinitionId $roleDefinitionId `
    -PrincipalId $principalId `
    -AssignableScope "/"

Failure to add these role assignments, will end up with unauthorized requests like this one: Request is blocked because principal [<<principal-id>>] does not have the required RBAC permissions to perform action <unauthorized actions>.


Azure Cosmos DB doesn't support any kind of management operations with Microsoft Entra ID authentication (documented here). The following operations will only work with Access Key connections:

  1. Create stored procedure (V1 and V2 versions)
  2. Delete stored procedure (V1 and V2 versions)
  3. Update stored procedure (V1 and V2 versions)

Operations not supported with Microsoft Entra ID authentication

When using Microsoft Entra ID authentication only actions with the Cosmos DB account name as parameter are supported. Deprecated actions will continue to work with Access Key authentication, but will fail if used with an Microsoft Entra ID connection.

Known Issues and Limitations

  • The maximum size of a document that is supported by the DocumentDB (Azure Cosmos DB) connector is 2 MB.

  • The Azure Cosmos DB limitations are documented here.

  • Choosing a write region and multi-write regions is not supported by the connector.

  • The "Partition key value" must be provided according to its type. For example, a string value should be enclosed in quotes, a number should be provided as is. For example: "string value", 123, 0.5.

  • The "Partition key value" is required for queries with ORDER BY, DISTINCT, etc, that run on partitioned collections.

  • Query documents V2 [DEPRECATED], Query documents V3, Get all documents V2 (Preview) actions uses Azure Cosmos DB .NET SDK for SQL API (version 2.13.1).

  • Query documents V4 (Preview) action uses Azure Cosmos DB .NET SDK for SQL API (version 3.15.0).

  • Query documents (V5) (Preview) action uses Azure Cosmos DB .NET SDK for SQL API (version 3.20.0).

  • "Max Item Count" parameter value could be any number from 1 to 1000. Any number outside of this range will be implicitly converted to "-1", which tells Cosmos DB service to determine the optimal item count.

  • If left empty, following operations will work only with documents that do not have a partition key value. Items with a partition key value will be excluded from this actions.

    1. Get a document
    2. Get a document (V2)
    3. Replace a document
    4. Replace a document (V2)
    5. Delete a document
    6. Delete a document (V2)
    7. Execute stored procedure
    8. Execute stored procedure (v2)
  • Due to Azure Cosmos DB not supporting any kind of management operations with Microsoft Entra ID authentication (documented here), operation Execute stored procedure (V2) (Preview) will only display the available stored procedures (for the SprocId parameter) when using an Access Key based connection. Token based authentications (Microsoft Entra ID authentications) will show an empty list and the sprocId should be entered manually as a custom value.

Creating a connection

The connector supports the following authentication types:

Access Key Provide Account Name and Access Key to access your Cosmos DB account. All regions except Azure Government and Department of Defense (DoD) in Azure Government and US Government (GCC) and US Government (GCC-High) Shareable
Access Key (Azure Government) Provide Account Name and Access Key to access your Cosmos DB account. Azure Government and Department of Defense (DoD) in Azure Government and US Government (GCC) and US Government (GCC-High) only Shareable
Azure AD Integrated Use Azure Active Directory to access your Azure Blob storage. MOONCAKE only Not shareable
Azure AD Integrated (Azure Government) Use Azure Active Directory to access your Azure Blob storage. Azure Government and Department of Defense (DoD) in Azure Government and US Government (GCC) and US Government (GCC-High) only Not shareable
Logic Apps Managed Identity Create a connection using a LogicApps Managed Identity LOGICAPPS only Shareable
Microsoft Entra ID Integrated Use Microsoft Entra ID to access your Azure Blob storage. All regions except Azure Government and Department of Defense (DoD) in Azure Government and MOONCAKE and US Government (GCC) and US Government (GCC-High) Not shareable
Default [DEPRECATED] This option is only for older connections without an explicit authentication type, and is only provided for backward compatibility. All regions Not shareable

Access Key

Auth ID: keyBasedAuth

Applicable: All regions except Azure Government and Department of Defense (DoD) in Azure Government and US Government (GCC) and US Government (GCC-High)

Provide Account Name and Access Key to access your Cosmos DB account.

This is shareable connection. If the power app is shared with another user, connection is shared as well. For more information, please see the Connectors overview for canvas apps - Power Apps | Microsoft Docs

Name Type Description Required
Account ID string Name of the account without 'documents.azure.com' part True
Access Key to your Azure Cosmos DB account securestring Primary or Secondary Key True

Access Key (Azure Government)

Auth ID: keyBasedAuth

Applicable: Azure Government and Department of Defense (DoD) in Azure Government and US Government (GCC) and US Government (GCC-High) only

Provide Account Name and Access Key to access your Cosmos DB account.

This is shareable connection. If the power app is shared with another user, connection is shared as well. For more information, please see the Connectors overview for canvas apps - Power Apps | Microsoft Docs

Name Type Description Required
Account ID string Name of the account without 'documents.azure.com' part True
Access Key to your Azure Cosmos DB account securestring Primary or Secondary Key True

Azure AD Integrated

Auth ID: tokenBasedAuth

Applicable: MOONCAKE only

Use Azure Active Directory to access your Azure Blob storage.

This is not shareable connection. If the power app is shared with another user, another user will be prompted to create new connection explicitly.

Azure AD Integrated (Azure Government)

Auth ID: tokenBasedAuth

Applicable: Azure Government and Department of Defense (DoD) in Azure Government and US Government (GCC) and US Government (GCC-High) only

Use Azure Active Directory to access your Azure Blob storage.

This is not shareable connection. If the power app is shared with another user, another user will be prompted to create new connection explicitly.

Logic Apps Managed Identity

Auth ID: managedIdentityAuth

Applicable: LOGICAPPS only

Create a connection using a LogicApps Managed Identity

This is shareable connection. If the power app is shared with another user, connection is shared as well. For more information, please see the Connectors overview for canvas apps - Power Apps | Microsoft Docs

Name Type Description Required
LogicApps Managed Identity managedIdentity Sign in with a Logic Apps Managed Identity True

Microsoft Entra ID Integrated

Auth ID: tokenBasedAuth

Applicable: All regions except Azure Government and Department of Defense (DoD) in Azure Government and MOONCAKE and US Government (GCC) and US Government (GCC-High)

Use Microsoft Entra ID to access your Azure Blob storage.

This is not shareable connection. If the power app is shared with another user, another user will be prompted to create new connection explicitly.


Applicable: All regions

This option is only for older connections without an explicit authentication type, and is only provided for backward compatibility.

This is not shareable connection. If the power app is shared with another user, another user will be prompted to create new connection explicitly.

Name Type Description Required
Account ID string Name of the account without 'documents.azure.com' part True
Access Key to your Azure Cosmos DB account securestring Primary or Secondary Key True

Throttling Limits

Name Calls Renewal Period
API calls per connection 1500 60 seconds


Create or update document (V2) [DEPRECATED]

This action has been deprecated. Please use Create or update document (V3) instead.

Create or update document. When creating a document in DocumentDB, the body must include an id property.

Create or update document (V3)

Create or update document. When creating a document in DocumentDB, the body must include an id property.

Create or update document [DEPRECATED]

This action has been deprecated. Please use Create or update document (V3) instead.

Create or update document. When creating a document in DocumentDB, the body must include an id property.

Create stored procedure (V2)

Create stored procedure (V2).

Create stored procedure [DEPRECATED]

This action has been deprecated. Please use Create stored procedure (V2) instead.

Create stored procedure.

Delete a document (V2)

Delete a document (V2).

Delete a document [DEPRECATED]

This action has been deprecated. Please use Delete a document (V2) instead.

Delete a document.

Delete stored procedure (V2)

Delete stored procedure (V2).

Delete stored procedure [DEPRECATED]

This action has been deprecated. Please use Delete stored procedure (V2) instead.

Delete stored procedure.

Execute stored procedure (V2)

Execute stored procedure in specified collection (V2).

Execute stored procedure [DEPRECATED]

This action has been deprecated. Please use Execute stored procedure (V2) instead.

Execute stored procedure in specified collection.

Get a document (V2)

Get a document (V2).

Get a document [DEPRECATED]

This action has been deprecated. Please use Get a document (V2) instead.

Get a document.

Get all documents (V3)

Get all documents (V3).

Get all documents [DEPRECATED]

This action has been deprecated. Please use Get all documents (V3) instead.

Get all documents.

Get all documents V2 [DEPRECATED]

This action has been deprecated. Please use Get all documents (V3) instead.

Get all documents V2.

Get stored procedures (V2)

Get stored procedures in the specified collection (V2).

Get stored procedures [DEPRECATED]

This action has been deprecated. Please use Get stored procedures (V2) instead.

Get stored procedures in the specified collection.

Query documents [DEPRECATED]

This action has been deprecated. Please use Query documents V5 instead.

Query documents.

Query documents V2 [DEPRECATED]

This action has been deprecated. Please use Query documents V5 instead.

Query documents V2.

Query documents V3 [DEPRECATED]

This action has been deprecated. Please use Query documents V5 instead.

Query documents V3.

Query documents V4 [DEPRECATED]

This action has been deprecated. Please use Query documents V5 instead.

Query documents V4.

Query documents V5

Query documents (V5).

Replace a document (V2)

Replace a document (V2).

Replace a document [DEPRECATED]

This action has been deprecated. Please use Replace a document (V2) instead.

Replace a document.

Replace stored procedure (V2)

Replace stored procedure (V2).

Replace stored procedure [DEPRECATED]

This action has been deprecated. Please use Replace stored procedure (V2) instead.

Replace stored procedure.

Create or update document (V2) [DEPRECATED]

This action has been deprecated. Please use Create or update document (V3) instead.

Create or update document. When creating a document in DocumentDB, the body must include an id property.


Name Key Required Type Description
Max Item Count
x-ms-max-item-count number

An integer indicating the maximum number of items to be returned per page.

Continuation Token
x-ms-continuation string

A string token returned for queries and read-feed operations if there are more results to be read.

Consistency Level
x-ms-consistency-level string

This is the consistency level override. The valid values are: Strong, Bounded, Session, or Eventual (in order of strongest to weakest).

Session Token
x-ms-session-token string

A string token used with session level consistency.

Activity id
x-ms-activity-id string

A client supplied identifier for the operation, which will be echoed in the server response.

x-ms-documentdb-is-upsert boolean

If set to true, the document will be replaced if it exists else created.

x-ms-documentdb-pre-trigger-include string

Comma-separated list of trigger names to run before the document operation is executed.

x-ms-documentdb-post-trigger-include string

Comma-separated list of trigger names to run after the document operation is executed.

Database ID
databaseId True string

The name of the database.

Collection ID
collectionId True string

The name of the collection.

API version
x-ms-version string

API version.


Create or update document (V3)

Create or update document. When creating a document in DocumentDB, the body must include an id property.


Name Key Required Type Description
Max Item Count
x-ms-max-item-count number

An integer indicating the maximum number of items to be returned per page.

Continuation Token
x-ms-continuation string

A string token returned for queries and read-feed operations if there are more results to be read.

Consistency Level
x-ms-consistency-level string

This is the consistency level override. The valid values are: Strong, Bounded, Session, or Eventual (in order of strongest to weakest).

Session Token
x-ms-session-token string

A string token used with session level consistency.

Activity id
x-ms-activity-id string

A client supplied identifier for the operation, which will be echoed in the server response.

x-ms-documentdb-is-upsert boolean

If set to true, the document will be replaced if it exists else created.

x-ms-documentdb-pre-trigger-include string

Comma-separated list of trigger names to run before the document operation is executed.

x-ms-documentdb-post-trigger-include string

Comma-separated list of trigger names to run after the document operation is executed.

Azure Cosmos DB account name
cosmosDbAccountName True string

The Azure Cosmos DB account name (without documents.azure.com).

Database ID
databaseId True string

The name of the database.

Collection ID
collectionId True string

The name of the collection.

API version
x-ms-version string

API version.


Create or update document [DEPRECATED]

This action has been deprecated. Please use Create or update document (V3) instead.

Create or update document. When creating a document in DocumentDB, the body must include an id property.


Name Key Required Type Description
Partition key value
x-ms-documentdb-raw-partitionkey string

The partition key value for the requested document or attachment operation.

Max Item Count
x-ms-max-item-count number

An integer indicating the maximum number of items to be returned per page.

Continuation Token
x-ms-continuation string

A string token returned for queries and read-feed operations if there are more results to be read.

Consistency Level
x-ms-consistency-level string

This is the consistency level override. The valid values are: Strong, Bounded, Session, or Eventual (in order of strongest to weakest).

Session Token
x-ms-session-token string

A string token used with session level consistency.

Activity id
x-ms-activity-id string

A client supplied identifier for the operation, which will be echoed in the server response.

x-ms-documentdb-is-upsert boolean

If set to true, the document will be replaced if it exists else created.

x-ms-documentdb-pre-trigger-include string

Comma-separated list of trigger names to run before the document operation is executed.

x-ms-documentdb-post-trigger-include string

Comma-separated list of trigger names to run after the document operation is executed.

Database ID
databaseId True string

The name of the database.

Collection ID
collectionId True string

The name of the collection.

API version
x-ms-version string

API version.


Create stored procedure (V2)

Create stored procedure (V2).


Name Key Required Type Description
Azure Cosmos DB account name
cosmosDbAccountName True string

The Azure Cosmos DB account name (without documents.azure.com).

Database ID
databaseId True string

The name of the database.

Collection ID
collectionId True string

The name of the collection.

Function definition
body string

Function that defines the stored procedure, e.g. 'function(params){ ... }'

id string

New id of the stored procedure.

API version
x-ms-version string

API version.


Create stored procedure [DEPRECATED]

This action has been deprecated. Please use Create stored procedure (V2) instead.

Create stored procedure.


Name Key Required Type Description
Database ID
databaseId True string

The name of the database.

Collection ID
collectionId True string

The name of the collection.

Function definition
body string

Function that defines the stored procedure, e.g. 'function(params){ ... }'

id string

New id of the stored procedure.

API version
x-ms-version string

API version.


Delete a document (V2)

Delete a document (V2).


Name Key Required Type Description
Partition key value
x-ms-documentdb-raw-partitionkey string

The partition key value for the requested document or attachment operation.

Max Item Count
x-ms-max-item-count number

An integer indicating the maximum number of items to be returned per page.

Continuation Token
x-ms-continuation string

A string token returned for queries and read-feed operations if there are more results to be read.

Consistency Level
x-ms-consistency-level string

This is the consistency level override. The valid values are: Strong, Bounded, Session, or Eventual (in order of strongest to weakest).

Session Token
x-ms-session-token string

A string token used with session level consistency.

Activity id
x-ms-activity-id string

A client supplied identifier for the operation, which will be echoed in the server response.

x-ms-documentdb-pre-trigger-include string

Comma-separated list of trigger names to run before the document operation is executed.

x-ms-documentdb-post-trigger-include string

Comma-separated list of trigger names to run after the document operation is executed.

Azure Cosmos DB account name
cosmosDbAccountName True string

The Azure Cosmos DB account name (without documents.azure.com).

Database ID
databaseId True string

The name of the database.

Collection ID
collectionId True string

The name of the collection.

Document ID
documentId True string

The identifier of the document.

API version
x-ms-version string

API version.

Delete a document [DEPRECATED]

This action has been deprecated. Please use Delete a document (V2) instead.

Delete a document.


Name Key Required Type Description
Partition key value
x-ms-documentdb-raw-partitionkey string

The partition key value for the requested document or attachment operation.

Max Item Count
x-ms-max-item-count number

An integer indicating the maximum number of items to be returned per page.

Continuation Token
x-ms-continuation string

A string token returned for queries and read-feed operations if there are more results to be read.

Consistency Level
x-ms-consistency-level string

This is the consistency level override. The valid values are: Strong, Bounded, Session, or Eventual (in order of strongest to weakest).

Session Token
x-ms-session-token string

A string token used with session level consistency.

Activity id
x-ms-activity-id string

A client supplied identifier for the operation, which will be echoed in the server response.

x-ms-documentdb-pre-trigger-include string

Comma-separated list of trigger names to run before the document operation is executed.

x-ms-documentdb-post-trigger-include string

Comma-separated list of trigger names to run after the document operation is executed.

Database ID
databaseId True string

The name of the database.

Collection ID
collectionId True string

The name of the collection.

Document ID
documentId True string

The identifier of the document.

API version
x-ms-version string

API version.

Delete stored procedure (V2)

Delete stored procedure (V2).


Name Key Required Type Description
Azure Cosmos DB account name
cosmosDbAccountName True string

The Azure Cosmos DB account name (without documents.azure.com).

Database ID
databaseId True string

The name of the database.

Collection ID
collectionId True string

The name of the collection.

Sproc ID
sprocId True string

The name of the stored procedure.

API version
x-ms-version string

API version.



Delete stored procedure [DEPRECATED]

This action has been deprecated. Please use Delete stored procedure (V2) instead.

Delete stored procedure.


Name Key Required Type Description
Database ID
databaseId True string

The name of the database.

Collection ID
collectionId True string

The name of the collection.

Sproc ID
sprocId True string

The name of the stored procedure.

API version
x-ms-version string

API version.



Execute stored procedure (V2)

Execute stored procedure in specified collection (V2).


Name Key Required Type Description
Azure Cosmos DB account name
cosmosDbAccountName True string

The Azure Cosmos DB account name (without documents.azure.com).

Database ID
databaseId True string

The name of the database.

Collection ID
collectionId True string

The name of the collection.

Partition key value
x-ms-documentdb-raw-partitionkey string

The partition key value for the requested document or attachment operation.

Sproc ID
sprocId True string

The name of the stored procedure.

Parameters for the stored procedure
parameters string

Specify valid JSON for the parameters of the stored procedure, e.g. ["param1", "param2"].

API version
x-ms-version string

API version.


Execute stored procedure [DEPRECATED]

This action has been deprecated. Please use Execute stored procedure (V2) instead.

Execute stored procedure in specified collection.


Name Key Required Type Description
Database ID
databaseId True string

The name of the database.

Collection ID
collectionId True string

The name of the collection.

Partition key value
x-ms-documentdb-raw-partitionkey string

The partition key value for the requested document or attachment operation.

Sproc ID
sprocId True string

The name of the stored procedure.

Parameters for the stored procedure
parameters string

Specify valid JSON for the parameters of the stored procedure, e.g. ["param1", "param2"].

API version
x-ms-version string

API version.


Get a document (V2)

Get a document (V2).


Name Key Required Type Description
Partition key value
x-ms-documentdb-raw-partitionkey string

The partition key value for the requested document or attachment operation.

Max Item Count
x-ms-max-item-count number

An integer indicating the maximum number of items to be returned per page.

Continuation Token
x-ms-continuation string

A string token returned for queries and read-feed operations if there are more results to be read.

Consistency Level
x-ms-consistency-level string

This is the consistency level override. The valid values are: Strong, Bounded, Session, or Eventual (in order of strongest to weakest).

Session Token
x-ms-session-token string

A string token used with session level consistency.

Activity id
x-ms-activity-id string

A client supplied identifier for the operation, which will be echoed in the server response.

Azure Cosmos DB account name
cosmosDbAccountName True string

The Azure Cosmos DB account name (without documents.azure.com).

Database ID
databaseId True string

The name of the database.

Collection ID
collectionId True string

The name of the collection.

Document ID
documentId True string

The identifier for the document.

API version
x-ms-version string

API version.



Get a document [DEPRECATED]

This action has been deprecated. Please use Get a document (V2) instead.

Get a document.


Name Key Required Type Description
Partition key value
x-ms-documentdb-raw-partitionkey string

The partition key value for the requested document or attachment operation.

Max Item Count
x-ms-max-item-count number

An integer indicating the maximum number of items to be returned per page.

Continuation Token
x-ms-continuation string

A string token returned for queries and read-feed operations if there are more results to be read.

Consistency Level
x-ms-consistency-level string

This is the consistency level override. The valid values are: Strong, Bounded, Session, or Eventual (in order of strongest to weakest).

Session Token
x-ms-session-token string

A string token used with session level consistency.

Activity id
x-ms-activity-id string

A client supplied identifier for the operation, which will be echoed in the server response.

Database ID
databaseId True string

The name of the database.

Collection ID
collectionId True string

The name of the collection.

Document ID
documentId True string

The identifier for the document.

API version
x-ms-version string

API version.



Get all documents (V3)

Get all documents (V3).


Name Key Required Type Description
Partition key value
x-ms-documentdb-raw-partitionkey string

The partition key value for the requested document or attachment operation.

Max Item Count
x-ms-max-item-count number

An integer indicating the maximum number of items to be returned per page.

Continuation Token
x-ms-continuation string

A string token returned for queries and read-feed operations if there are more results to be read.

Consistency Level
x-ms-consistency-level string

This is the consistency level override. The valid values are: Strong, Bounded, Session, or Eventual (in order of strongest to weakest).

Session Token
x-ms-session-token string

A string token used with session level consistency.

Activity id
x-ms-activity-id string

A client supplied identifier for the operation, which will be echoed in the server response.

Azure Cosmos DB account name
cosmosDbAccountName True string

The Azure Cosmos DB account name (without documents.azure.com).

Database ID
databaseId True string

The name of the database.

Collection ID
collectionId True string

The name of the collection.

API version
x-ms-version string

API version.


Get all documents [DEPRECATED]

This action has been deprecated. Please use Get all documents (V3) instead.

Get all documents.


Name Key Required Type Description
Partition key value
x-ms-documentdb-raw-partitionkey string

The partition key value for the requested document or attachment operation.

Max Item Count
x-ms-max-item-count number

An integer indicating the maximum number of items to be returned per page.

Continuation Token
x-ms-continuation string

A string token returned for queries and read-feed operations if there are more results to be read.

Consistency Level
x-ms-consistency-level string

This is the consistency level override. The valid values are: Strong, Bounded, Session, or Eventual (in order of strongest to weakest).

Session Token
x-ms-session-token string

A string token used with session level consistency.

Activity id
x-ms-activity-id string

A client supplied identifier for the operation, which will be echoed in the server response.

Database ID
databaseId True string

The name of the database.

Collection ID
collectionId True string

The name of the collection.

API version
x-ms-version string

API version.


Get all documents V2 [DEPRECATED]

This action has been deprecated. Please use Get all documents (V3) instead.

Get all documents V2.


Name Key Required Type Description
Database ID
databaseId True string

The name of the database.

Collection ID
collectionId True string

The name of the collection.

Partition key value
partitionKey string

If empty, all partitions will be used to search for documents.

Max Item Count
maxItemCount integer

An integer indicating the maximum number of items to be returned per page.

Continuation Token
continuationToken string

A token to fetch additional results.

Consistency Level
consistencyLevel string

Consistency level required for the feed (query/read feed) operation.

Session Token
sessionToken string

The session token for use with session consistency.


Array of documents that match the requested query and the related metadata.

Get stored procedures (V2)

Get stored procedures in the specified collection (V2).


Name Key Required Type Description
Azure Cosmos DB account name
cosmosDbAccountName True string

The Azure Cosmos DB account name (without documents.azure.com).

Database ID
databaseId True string

The name of the database.

Collection ID
collectionId True string

The name of the collection.

API version
x-ms-version string

API version.


Get stored procedures [DEPRECATED]

This action has been deprecated. Please use Get stored procedures (V2) instead.

Get stored procedures in the specified collection.


Name Key Required Type Description
Database ID
databaseId True string

The name of the database.

Collection ID
collectionId True string

The name of the collection.

API version
x-ms-version string

API version.


Query documents [DEPRECATED]

This action has been deprecated. Please use Query documents V5 instead.

Query documents.


Name Key Required Type Description
Partition key value
x-ms-documentdb-raw-partitionkey string

The partition key value for the requested document or attachment operation.

Max Item Count
x-ms-max-item-count number

An integer indicating the maximum number of items to be returned per page.

Continuation Token
x-ms-continuation string

A string token returned for queries and read-feed operations if there are more results to be read.

Enable Cross Partition
x-ms-documentdb-query-enablecrosspartition boolean

If the collection is partitioned, this must be set to True to allow execution across multiple partitions.

Consistency Level
x-ms-consistency-level string

This is the consistency level override. The valid values are: Strong, Bounded, Session, or Eventual (in order of strongest to weakest).

Session Token
x-ms-session-token string

A string token used with session level consistency.

Activity id
x-ms-activity-id string

A client supplied identifier for the operation, which will be echoed in the server response.

Database ID
databaseId True string

The name of the database.

Collection ID
collectionId True string

The name of the collection.

query string


Query documents V2 [DEPRECATED]

This action has been deprecated. Please use Query documents V5 instead.

Query documents V2.


Name Key Required Type Description
Database ID
databaseId True string

The name of the database.

Collection ID
collectionId True string

The name of the collection.

QueryText string

SQL Syntax Query over documents

Partition key value
partitionKey string

Partition key value.

Continuation Token
continuationToken string

A token to fetch additional results from the operation.


Array of documents that match the requested query and the related metadata.

Query documents V3 [DEPRECATED]

This action has been deprecated. Please use Query documents V5 instead.

Query documents V3.


Name Key Required Type Description
Database ID
databaseId True string

The name of the database.

Collection ID
collectionId True string

The name of the collection.

SQL Syntax Query
queryText True string

SQL query.

Partition key value
partitionKey string

If empty, all partitions will be used to search for documents.

Max Item Count
maxItemCount integer

An integer indicating the maximum number of items to be returned per page.

Continuation Token
continuationToken string

A token to fetch additional results.

Enable Cross Partition
enableCrossPartition boolean

Indicates whether user are enabled to send more than one request to execute the query.

Consistency Level
consistencyLevel string

Consistency level required for the feed (query/read feed) operation.

Session Token
sessionToken string

The session token for use with session consistency.


Array of documents that match the requested query and the related metadata.

Query documents V4 [DEPRECATED]

This action has been deprecated. Please use Query documents V5 instead.

Query documents V4.


Name Key Required Type Description
Database ID
databaseId True string

The name of the database.

Container ID
containerId True string

The name of the container.

SQL Syntax Query
queryText string

SQL query. If empty, will return all documents.

Partition key value
partitionKey string

If empty, all partitions will be used to search for documents.

Max Item Count
maxItemCount integer

An integer indicating the maximum number of items to be returned per page.

Continuation Token
continuationToken string

A token to fetch additional results.

Consistency Level
consistencyLevel string

Consistency level required for the feed (query/read feed) operation.

Session Token
sessionToken string

The session token for use with session consistency.


Array of documents that match the requested query and the related metadata.

Query documents V5

Query documents (V5).


Name Key Required Type Description
Azure Cosmos DB account name
cosmosDbAccountName True string

The Azure Cosmos DB account name (without documents.azure.com).

Database ID
databaseId True string

The name of the database.

Container ID
containerId True string

The name of the container.

SQL Syntax Query
queryText string

SQL query. If empty, will return all documents.

Partition key value
partitionKey string

Value must be provided according to its type ("string", 42, 0.5). If empty, all partitions will be used to search for documents.

Max Item Count
maxItemCount integer

An integer indicating the maximum number of items to be returned per page.

Continuation Token
continuationToken string

A token to fetch additional results.

Consistency Level
consistencyLevel string

Consistency level required for the feed (query/read feed) operation.

Session Token
sessionToken string

The session token for use with session consistency.


Array of documents that match the requested query and the related metadata.

Replace a document (V2)

Replace a document (V2).


Name Key Required Type Description
Partition key value
x-ms-documentdb-raw-partitionkey string

The partition key value for the requested document or attachment operation.

Max Item Count
x-ms-max-item-count number

An integer indicating the maximum number of items to be returned per page.

Continuation Token
x-ms-continuation string

A string token returned for queries and read-feed operations if there are more results to be read.

Consistency Level
x-ms-consistency-level string

This is the consistency level override. The valid values are: Strong, Bounded, Session, or Eventual (in order of strongest to weakest).

Session Token
x-ms-session-token string

A string token used with session level consistency.

Activity id
x-ms-activity-id string

A client supplied identifier for the operation, which will be echoed in the server response.

x-ms-documentdb-pre-trigger-include string

Comma-separated list of trigger names to run before the document operation is executed.

x-ms-documentdb-post-trigger-include string

Comma-separated list of trigger names to run after the document operation is executed.

Azure Cosmos DB account name
cosmosDbAccountName True string

The Azure Cosmos DB account name (without documents.azure.com).

Database ID
databaseId True string

The name of the database.

Collection ID
collectionId True string

The name of the collection.

Document ID
documentId True string

The identifier of the document.

API version
x-ms-version string

API version.


Replace a document [DEPRECATED]

This action has been deprecated. Please use Replace a document (V2) instead.

Replace a document.


Name Key Required Type Description
Partition key value
x-ms-documentdb-raw-partitionkey string

The partition key value for the requested document or attachment operation.

Max Item Count
x-ms-max-item-count number

An integer indicating the maximum number of items to be returned per page.

Continuation Token
x-ms-continuation string

A string token returned for queries and read-feed operations if there are more results to be read.

Consistency Level
x-ms-consistency-level string

This is the consistency level override. The valid values are: Strong, Bounded, Session, or Eventual (in order of strongest to weakest).

Session Token
x-ms-session-token string

A string token used with session level consistency.

Activity id
x-ms-activity-id string

A client supplied identifier for the operation, which will be echoed in the server response.

x-ms-documentdb-pre-trigger-include string

Comma-separated list of trigger names to run before the document operation is executed.

x-ms-documentdb-post-trigger-include string

Comma-separated list of trigger names to run after the document operation is executed.

Database ID
databaseId True string

The name of the database.

Collection ID
collectionId True string

The name of the collection.

Document ID
documentId True string

The identifier of the document.

API version
x-ms-version string

API version.


Replace stored procedure (V2)

Replace stored procedure (V2).


Name Key Required Type Description
Azure Cosmos DB account name
cosmosDbAccountName True string

The Azure Cosmos DB account name (without documents.azure.com).

Database ID
databaseId True string

The name of the database.

Collection ID
collectionId True string

The name of the collection.

Sproc ID
sprocId True string

The name of the stored procedure.

Function definition
body string

Function that defines the stored procedure, e.g. 'function(params){ ... }'

id string

Id of the existing stored procedure.

API version
x-ms-version string

API version.


Replace stored procedure [DEPRECATED]

This action has been deprecated. Please use Replace stored procedure (V2) instead.

Replace stored procedure.


Name Key Required Type Description
Database ID
databaseId True string

The name of the database.

Collection ID
collectionId True string

The name of the collection.

Sproc ID
sprocId True string

The name of the stored procedure.

Function definition
body string

Function that defines the stored procedure, e.g. 'function(params){ ... }'

id string

Id of the existing stored procedure.

API version
x-ms-version string

API version.




Array of documents that match the requested query and the related metadata.

Name Path Type Description
Documents array of ObjectWithoutType

Array of documents that match the request.

Number of Documents
_count integer

Number of documents.

Activity ID
ActivityId string

Azure Cosmos DB service activity ID.


Array of documents that match the requested query and the related metadata.

Name Path Type Description
value array of ObjectWithoutType
Continuation Token
ContinuationToken string
Number of Documents
Count integer
Request Charge
RequestCharge double
Session Token
SessionToken string
Activity Id
ActivityId string


Name Path Type Description
_rid string
_ts integer
_self string
_etag string
_attachments string
id string


Name Path Type Description
_rid string
id string


Name Path Type Description
_rid string
Documents array of object


Name Path Type Description
_rid string
_count number
Documents array of


Name Path Type Description
_count integer


_rid string


StoredProcedures array of object


StoredProcedures._etag string


StoredProcedures._rid string


StoredProcedures._self string


StoredProcedures._ts integer


StoredProcedures.body string


StoredProcedures.id string



Name Path Type Description
_etag string


_rid string


_self string


_ts integer


body string


id string




This is the basic data type 'string'.


This is the type 'object'.