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Deploy-FinOpsHub command

The Deploy-FinOpsHub command either creates a new or updates an existing FinOps hub instance by deploying an Azure Resource Manager deployment template. The FinOps hub template is downloaded from GitHub. To learn more about the template, see the FinOps hub template.

Deploy-FinOpsHub calls Initialize-FinOpsHubDeployment before deploying the template.


Deploy-FinOpsHub `
    -Name <string> `
    -ResourceGroup <string> `
    -Location <string> `
    [-Version <string>] `
    [-Preview] `
    [-StorageSku <string>] `
    [-Tags <object>] `


Name Description
‑Name Required. Name of the FinOps hub instance.
‑ResourceGroup Required. Name of the resource group to deploy to. It gets created if it doesn't exist.
‑Location Required. Azure location to execute the deployment from.
‑Version Optional. Version of the FinOps hub template to use. Default = "latest".
‑Preview Optional. Indicates that preview releases should also be included. Default = false.
‑StorageSku Optional. Storage account SKU. Premium_LRS = Lowest cost, Premium_ZRS = High availability. Note Standard SKUs aren't available for Data Lake gen2 storage. Default = "Premium_LRS".
‑Tags Optional. Tags for all resources.


The following examples demonstrate how to use the Deploy-FinOpsHub command to deploy or update a FinOps hub instance.

Deploy latest version

Deploy-FinOpsHub `
    -Name MyHub `
    -ResourceGroup MyNewResourceGroup `
    -Location westus

Deploys a FinOps hub instance named MyHub to the MyNewResourceGroup resource group. If the resource group doesn't exist, it gets created. If the hub already exists, it gets updated to the latest version.

Deploy specific version

Deploy-FinOpsHub `
    -Name MyHub `
    -ResourceGroup MyExistingResourceGroup `
    -Location westus `
    -Version 0.1.1

Deploys a FinOps hub instance named MyHub to the MyExistingResourceGroup resource group using version 0.1.1 of the template. This version is required in order to deploy to Azure Gov or Azure China as of February 2024 since FOCUS exports aren't available from Cost Management in those environments. If the resource group doesn't exist, it gets created. If the hub already exists, it gets updated to version 0.1.1.

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