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BAM API from an Orchestration Expression (BizTalk Server Sample)

This sample demonstrates how to:

  • Use the BAM API from a BizTalk Server orchestration expression.

  • Track repeating items inside a message as separate activity instances.

  • Create a relationship between BAM data that is tracked by using a tracking profile, and BAM data tracked by using the BAM API.

Where to Find This Sample

You can find this sample at <Samples Path>\BAM\BamFromExpression.

The following table lists the files in this sample and describes their purpose.

File Description
BamDefinition.xls BAM definition stylesheet.
BamDefinition.xml BAM definition.
BamFromExpression.btproj Visual Studio tracking file project.
BamFromExpression.sln Visual Studio solution.
Cleanup.bat Batch file to undeploy the sample.
InputMessage.xml Input message.
Orchestration1.odx Orchestration.
PoSchema.xsd Purchase order schema.
PropertySchema.xsd Property schema.
Setup.bat Batch file to compile and deploy the sample.
QueryBam.sql SQL script.

Create the tracking profile

  1. Open a command prompt as Administrator, and run <Samples Path>\BAM\BAMFromExpression\Setup.bat. Setup.bat initializes the BAM infrastructure for this sample, and deploys the BAM activity.

  2. From your Programs > Microsoft BizTalk Server, right-click Tracking Profile Editor, and Run as administrator.

  3. In the left pane of the Tracking Profile Editor window, click Click here to import a BAM Activity Definition.

  4. In the BAM Activity Definition Name section of the Import BAM Activity Definition dialog box, select FromExpressionPo, and then click OK.

  5. In the right pane of the Tracking Profile Editor window, click Click here to select an event source.

  6. In the Assembly Name section of the Select Event Source Parent Assembly dialog box, select Microsoft.Samples.BizTalk.BamFromExpression, and then click Next.

  7. In the Orchestration Name section of the Select Orchestration dialog box, select BamFromExpression.Orchestration1, and then click OK.

  8. Right-click the Receive_1 shape, and then click Message Payload Schema.

  9. Expand <Schema>, expand PurchaseOrder, expand From, and then drag PoID in the right pane to ActivityID in the left pane.

  10. Drag the following elements from the right pane, and drop them onto the named nodes in the left pane:

    From To
    Name From
    State State
    City City
    Phone Phone
    Total PoTotal
  11. Click the folder icon with the arrow (button with folder and up-arrow) to display the orchestration.

  12. Drag the Receive_1 shape in the right pane to Received in the left pane.

  13. Drag the Send_1 shape in the right pane to Send in the left pane.

  14. Save the tracking profile to <Samples Path>\BAM\BamFromExpression\ BamFromExpression.btt.

  15. On the Tools menu, click Apply Tracking Profile.

Build and initialize this sample

Deploy the BamFromExpression.btt tracking profile. See How to Deploy Tracking Profiles with the Tracking Profiles Management Utility.

Run this sample

Copy the file <Samples Path>\BamFromExpression\InputMessage.xml to <Samples Path>\BamFromExpression\Input.

In about 10 seconds the output message will appear in <Samples Path>\BamFromExpression\Output.

View the BAM data

  1. Open SQL Server Management Studio.

  2. In SQL Server Management Studio, expand the server, expand Databases, expand BAMPrimaryImport, and then expand Tables.

  3. Right-click dbo.bam_FromExpressionPo_Completed, and then click Open Table. If you are using SQL Server, click Select top 1000 rows.

    The contents of the bam_FromExpressionPo_Completed table are displayed in the right pane. The one row, which has an activity ID of 123, represents the purchase order for $345 that was contained in the input message.

  4. Right-click dbo.bam_FromExpressionPoItem_Completed, and then click Open Table. If you are using SQL Server, click Select top 1000 rows.

    The contents of the bam_FromExpressionPoItem_Completed table are displayed in the right pane. The two rows, which have activity IDs 123_0 and 123_1, represent the items in the purchase order: Flash MC and Infrared Decoder.

  5. Right-click dbo.bam_FromExpressionPoItem_CompletedRelationships, and then click Open Table. If you are using SQL Server, click Select top 1000 rows.

    The contents of the bam_FromExpressionPoItem_CompletedRelationships table are displayed in the right pane. Each row in the table represents a relationship between a FromExpressionPoItem activity and a FromExpressionPo activity. The value in the ActivityID column refers to the activity ID of the FromExpressionPoItem activity. The value in the ReferenceData column refers to the activity ID of the FromExpressionPo activity. In this case, the two records indicate that the Flash MC and Infrared Decoder items are associated with the purchase order for $345.

Re-run the sample

  1. Open a command prompt as Administrator, and run <Samples Path>\BAM\BamFromExpression\Cleanup.bat to remove the tracking profile and other BAM infrastructure.

  2. Run <Samples Path>\BAM\BamFromExpression\Setup.bat to compile the sample and deploy it.

See Also

Business Activity Monitoring (BizTalk Server Samples Folder)
Activity Relationships