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MSH Field Overrides

Every HL7 message has a message header. Using BizTalk Accelerator for HL7, you can override any message header value based on your business need. You use the BTAHL7 Configuration Explorer MSH Map tab to manually over ride message header values without using any mapping or orchestration.

Configuring MSH Field Overrides

You use the MSH Map tab in BTAHL7 Configuration Explorer (under the high-level Parties tab) to configure MSH field overrides. When you enter a value for an MSH field using this tab, that value overrides the existing MSH value in an outbound HL7 message that BTAHL7 sends to the selected party. You can type new values for many MSH fields, or select values from a drop-down list for the MSH15 and MSH16 fields.

The following figure shows the BTAHL7 Configuration Explorer MSH Map tab.

Image that shows the MSH Map tab.

Use the following procedures to open BTAHL7 Configuration Explorer and configure MSH field overrides.

To open BTAHL7 Configuration Explorer

  • Click Start, click Programs, click Microsoft BizTalk <version> Accelerator for HL7, and then click BTAHL7 Configuration Explorer.

To configure MSH field overrides

  1. In BTAHL7 Configuration Explorer, on the MSH Map tab, do the following:


    To override the existing value to null, type \.

    Use this To do this
    MSH.3 Type message field overrides for this message header.
    MSH.4 Type message field overrides for this message header.
    MSH.5 Type message field overrides for this message header.
    MSH.6 Type message field overrides for this message header.
    MSH.8 Type message field overrides for this message header.
    MSH.9 Type message field overrides for this message header
    MSH.12 Type message field overrides for this message header.
    MSH.15 Select from the following options for an acknowledgment override for the accept acknowledgment type:

    - AL. Select this option if you always want to send accept acknowledgments.
    - NE. Select this option if you never want to send accept acknowledgments.
    - SU. Select this option if you want to send accept acknowledgments after successful transmission of a message.
    - ER. Select this option if you want to send accept acknowledgments only in the event of an error.
    MSH.16 Select from the following options for an acknowledgment override for the application acknowledgment type:

    - AL. Select this option if you always want to send application acknowledgments.
    - NE. Select this option if you never want to send application acknowledgments.
    - SU. Select this option if you want to send application acknowledgments after successful transmission of a message.
    - ER. Select this option if you want to send application acknowledgments only in the event of an error.
  2. Click Save.

See Also

Logging Configuration
Message Batching
Operational logging, message batching, validation and asknowledgment settings