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Video Search APIs v7 response objects

For a list of possible objects, see In this article in the right pane.

The top-level object in the response depends on the endpoint you call. If you call /videos/search, the top-level object in the response is the VideosAnswer object; for /videos/details, it's VideoDetails; and for /videos/trending, it's TrendingVideos. If the request fails, the top-level object is the ErrorResponse object.


Because URL formats and parameters are subject to change without notice, use all URLs as-is. You should not take dependencies on the URL format or parameters except where noted.


Defines the category of trending videos.

Name Value Type
subcategories A list of subcategories. For example, Top Music Videos. Subcategory[]
title The name of the video category. For example, Music Videos. String


Defines the error that occurred.

Name Value Type
code The error code that identifies the category of error. For a list of possible codes, see Error codes. String
message A description of the error. String
moreDetails A description that provides additional information about the error. String
parameter The query parameter in the request that caused the error. String
subCode The error code that identifies the error. For example, if code is InvalidRequest, subCode may be ParameterInvalid or ParameterInvalidValue. String
value The query parameter's value that was not valid. String


The top-level object that the response includes when the request fails.

Name Value Type
_type Type hint, which is set to ErrorResponse. String
errors A list of errors that describe the reasons why the request failed. Error[]


Defines a thumbnail image.


Because URL formats and parameters are subject to change without notice, all image URLs should be used as-is; you should not take dependencies on the URL format or parameters. The exception is those parameters and values discussed by Resize and crop thumbnail images.

Name Value Type
contentUrl The URL to the image on the source website. String
description An attribution. String
headline A description of the video. String
thumbnailUrl The URL to a thumbnail of the image. For information about resizing the image, see Resize and crop thumbnail images. String


Defines the size of the media content.

Name Value Type
height The height of the media content in pixels. Integer
width The width of the media content in pixels. Integer


Defines the pivot segment.

Name Value Type
pivot The segment from the original query to pivot on. String
suggestions A list of suggested query strings for the pivot. Query


Defines a publisher or creator.

Name Value Type
name The name of the publisher or creator. String


Defines a search query.

Name Value Type
displayText The display version of the query term. This version of the query term may contain special characters that highlight the search term found in the query string. The string contains the highlighting characters only if the query enabled hit highlighting (see the textDecorations query parameter). For details about hit highlighting, see Hit highlighting. String
searchLink The Video Search API URL that you use to get video search results. The URL includes the q query parameter that's set the search string in text. Before using the URL, append other query parameters as appropriate.

Use this URL if you're displaying the results in your own user interface. Otherwise, use the URL in webSearchUrl.
text The query string. Use this string as the query term in a new search request. String
thumbnail A URL to a thumbnail image that represents the search string. Thumbnail
webSearchUrl The URL that takes the user to the Bing search results page for the query. String


Defines the query string that Bing used for the request.

Name Value Type
adultIntent A Boolean value that indicates whether the specified query has adult intent. The value is true if the query has adult intent.

If true, and the request's safeSearch query parameter is set to Strict, the response contains only news results, if applicable.
alterationOverrideQuery The query string to use to force Bing to use the original string. For example, if the query string is saling downwind, the override query string is +saling downwind. Remember to encode the query string, which results in %2Bsaling+downwind.

The object includes this field only if the original query string contains a spelling mistake.
alteredQuery The query string that Bing used to perform the query. Bing uses the altered query string if the original query string contained spelling mistakes. For example, if the query string is saling downwind, the altered query string is sailing downwind.

The object includes this field only if the original query string contains a spelling mistake.
askUserForLocation A Boolean value that indicates whether Bing requires the user's location to provide accurate results. If you specified the user's location by using the X-MSEdge-ClientIP and X-Search-Location headers, you can ignore this field.

For location aware queries, such as "today's weather" or "restaurants near me" that need the user's location to provide accurate results, this field is set to true.

For location aware queries that include the location (for example, "Seattle weather"), this field is set to false. This field is also set to false for queries that are not location aware, such as "best sellers."
originalQuery The query string as specified in the request. String


Defines a subcategory of videos.

Name Value Type
tiles A list of videos that are trending in the subcategory. Each tile contains a thumbnail image of the video and a Bing query that returns the video and other related videos. Tile[]
title The name of the subcategory. For example, This Week's Viral Videos. String


Defines the main entity shown in the video.

Name Value Type
name The name of the main entity shown in the video. String


Defines the URL to a thumbnail of an image.

Name Value Type
url The URL to a thumbnail of an image. String


Defines a video tile.

Name Value Type
image The URL to a thumbnail image of the video. Image
query A query that returns a Bing search results page with videos of the subject. For example, if the category is Top Music Videos, the query returns top music videos. Query


The top-level object that the response includes when a Trending Videos API request succeeds.

Name Value Type
_type Type hint, which is set to TrendingVideos. String
bannerTiles A list of the most popular trending videos. Tile[]
categories A list of categorized videos. For example, music videos and viral videos. Category[]


Defines a video that is relevant to the query.


Because the URL format and parameters are subject to change without notice, use all URLs as-is. You should not take dependencies on the URL format or parameters.

Name Value Type
allowHttpsEmbed A Boolean value that determines whether you may embed the video in the embedHtml field on pages that use the HTTPS protocol. Boolean
allowMobileEmbed A Boolean value that determines whether you may embed the video in the embedHtml field on a mobile device. If true, you may use the HTML on a mobile device. Boolean
creator The name of the video's creator.

Only Video Search API responses include this field.
contentUrl The URL to the video on the host website. String
datePublished The date and time that Bing discovered the video. The date is in the format, YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS. String
description A short description of the video. String
duration The video's duration or length. For example, PT2M50S. For information about the format, see ISO 8601 Durations on Wikipedia. String
embedHtml An iFrame that lets you embed and run the video on your webpage. String
encodingFormat The video's mime type (for example, mp4). String
height The height of the video, in pixels. Integer
hostPageDisplayUrl The display URL of the webpage that hosts the video.

Use this URL in your user interface to identify the host webpage that contains the video. The URL is not well-formed and should not be used to access the host webpage. To access the host webpage, use the URL in hostPageUrl.
hostPageUrl The URL to the webpage that hosts the video.

This URL and contentUrl URL may be the same URL.
id An ID that uniquely identifies this video in the list of videos.

Only Web Search API responses include this field. For information about how to use this field, see Ranking results in the Web Search API guide.
isAccessibleForFree A Boolean value that indicates whether the video requires payment or a paid subscription to view. If true, the video is free to watch. Otherwise, if false, a payment or subscription is required.

NOTE: If Bing is unable to determine whether payment is required, the object may not include this field.

To ensure that Bing returns only free videos, set the pricing query parameter to Free.
isSuperfresh A Boolean value that indicates whether the video was recently discovered by Bing. If true, the video was recently discovered.

To get videos discovered within the last 24 hours or the last week, use the freshness query parameter.
mainEntity The name of the main entity shown in the video.

The object includes this field only when the scenario field in the VideosAnswer object is set to SingleDominantVideo.
motionThumbnailUrl The URL to an animated thumbnail that shows a preview of the video. Typically, you use this URL to play a preview of the video when the user mouses over the thumbnail image of the video on your results page. String
name The name of the video. String
publisher A list of the publishers that published the video. Publisher
thumbnail The width and height of the thumbnail image (see thumbnailUrl). MediaSize
thumbnailUrl The URL to a thumbnail image of the video. For information about resizing the image, see Resize and crop thumbnail images. String
videoId An ID that uniquely identifies this video in the list of videos. You can use the ID in a subsequent request to ensure that this video is the first video returned in the list of videos. To ensure the video is the first video in the list, set the request's id query parameter to this ID. String
viewCount The number of times that the video has been watched at the source site. Integer
webSearchUrl The URL that takes the user to the Bing video search results and plays the video. String
width The width of the video in pixels. Integer


The top-level object that the response includes when a Video Details API request succeeds.

The modules query parameter affects the fields that Bing includes in the response. If you set modules to RelatedVideos, then this object includes only the relatedVideos field.

Name Value Type
_type Type hint, which is set to Api.VideoDetails.VideoDetails. String
relatedVideos A list of videos that are similar to the specified video.VideosModule
videoResult The original video that you requested insights of (this is the video that you set the id query parameter to in your insights request). Video


The top-level object that the response includes when the Video Search API request succeeds.

If the service suspects a denial of service attack, the request succeeds (HTTP status code is 200 OK), but the body of the response is empty.

Name Value Type
_type Type hint, which is set to Videos. String
currentOffset The offset that represents where the first video in value is relative to all videos that Bing might return for this query. Also see nextOffset.
id An ID that uniquely identifies the video answer. Only Web Search API responses include this field. For information about how to use this field, see Ranking results in the Web Search API guide. String
isFamilyFriendly A Boolean value that determines whether one or more of the videos contain adult content. If none of the videos contain adult content, isFamilyFriendly is set to true. Otherwise, if one or more of the videos contain adult content, isFamilyFriendly is set to false.

If false, the thumbnail images of the videos are pixelated (fuzzy).

NOTE: Only Web Search API responses include this field (Video Search API responses do not include this field).
nextOffset The offset value that you set the offset query parameter to.

If you set offset to 0 and count to 30 on your first request, and then set offset to 30 on your second request, some of the results in the second response may be duplicates of the first response. To prevent duplicates, set offset to the value of nextOffset.

Only Video Search API responses include this field.
pivotSuggestions A list of pivots that segment the original query. For example, if the query was Cleaning Gutters, Bing might segment the query into Cleaning and Gutters.

The Cleaning pivot may contain query suggestions such as Gutter Installation and Gutter Repair, and the Gutters pivot may contain query suggestions such as Roof Cleaning and Window Cleaning.

Only Video Search API responses include this field.
queryContext The query string that Bing used for the request. QueryContext
readLink A URL that you'd use to request videos from Video Search API using the search query string used for this response. String
relatedSearches A list of related search queries made by others. Query[]
scenario The scenario that reflects the query's intent. The following are the possible values:
  • List — For scenarios where there's more than one video that matches the user's intent.

  • SingleDominantVideo — For scenarios where there's a single music video that matches the user's request. This scenario is set only for music videos.
Only Web Search API responses include this field
totalEstimatedMatches The estimated number of videos that match the query. Use this number along with the count and offset query parameters to page the results.

Only Video Search API responses include this field.
value The list of videos that are relevant to the user's query. Video[]
webSearchUrl The URL to the Bing search results for the requested videos. String


Defines a list of videos.

Name Value Type
value A list of videos. Video[]