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CommvaultSecurityIQ (using Azure Functions) connector for Microsoft Sentinel

This Azure Function enables Commvault users to ingest alerts/events into their Microsoft Sentinel instance. With Analytic Rules,Microsoft Sentinel can automatically create Microsoft Sentinel incidents from incoming events and logs.

This is autogenerated content. For changes, contact the solution provider.

Connector attributes

Connector attribute Description
Application settings apiUsername
logAnalyticsUri (optional)(add any other settings required by the Function App)Set the uri value to: <add uri value>
Azure function app code Add%20GitHub%20link%20to%20Function%20App%20code
Log Analytics table(s) CommvaultSecurityIQ_CL
Data collection rules support Not currently supported
Supported by Commvault

Query samples

**Last 10 events/alerts **


| where TimeGenerated > ago(24h) 

| limit 10


To integrate with CommvaultSecurityIQ (using Azure Functions) make sure you have:

  • Microsoft.Web/sites permissions: Read and write permissions to Azure Functions to create a Function App is required. See the documentation to learn more about Azure Functions.
  • Commvault Environment Endpoint URL: Make sure to follow the documentation and set the secret value in KeyVault
  • Commvault QSDK Token: Make sure to follow the documentation and set the secret value in KeyVault

Vendor installation instructions


This connector uses Azure Functions to connect to a Commvault Instance to pull its logs into Microsoft Sentinel. This might result in additional data ingestion costs. Check the Azure Functions pricing page for details.

(Optional Step) Securely store workspace and API authorization key(s) or token(s) in Azure Key Vault. Azure Key Vault provides a secure mechanism to store and retrieve key values. Follow these instructions to use Azure Key Vault with an Azure Function App.

STEP 1 - Configuration steps for the Commvalut QSDK Token

Follow these instructions to create an API Token.

STEP 2 - Choose ONE from the following two deployment options to deploy the connector and the associated Azure Function

IMPORTANT: Before deploying the CommvaultSecurityIQ data connector, have the Workspace ID and Workspace Primary Key (can be copied from the following), as well as the Commvault Endpoint URL and QSDK Token, readily available.

Option 1 - Azure Resource Manager (ARM) Template

Use this method for automated deployment of the Commvault Security IQ data connector.

  1. Click the Deploy to Azure button below.

    Deploy To Azure

  2. Select the preferred Subscription, Resource Group and Location.

  3. Enter the Workspace ID, Workspace Key, API Username, API Password, 'and/or Other required fields'.

Note: If using Azure Key Vault secrets for any of the values above, use the@Microsoft.KeyVault(SecretUri={Security Identifier})schema in place of the string values. Refer to Key Vault references documentation for further details. 4. Mark the checkbox labeled I agree to the terms and conditions stated above. 5. Click Purchase to deploy.

Option 2 - Manual Deployment of Azure Functions

Use the following step-by-step instructions to deploy the CommvaultSecurityIQ data connector manually with Azure Functions.

  1. Create a Function App

  2. From the Azure Portal, navigate to Function App.

  3. Click + Add at the top.

  4. In the Basics tab, ensure Runtime stack is set to 'Add Required Language'.

  5. In the Hosting tab, ensure Plan type is set to 'Add Plan Type'.

  6. 'Add other required configurations'.

  7. 'Make other preferable configuration changes', if needed, then click Create.

  8. Import Function App Code

  9. In the newly created Function App, select Functions from the navigation menu and click + Add.

  10. Select Timer Trigger.

  11. Enter a unique Function Name in the New Function field and leave the default cron schedule of every 5 minutes, then click Create Function.

  12. Click on the function name and click Code + Test from the left pane.

  13. Copy the Function App Code and paste into the Function App run.ps1 editor.

  14. Click Save.

  15. Configure the Function App

  16. In the Function App screen, click the Function App name and select Configuration.

  17. In the Application settings tab, select + New application setting.

  18. Add each of the following 'x (number of)' application settings individually, under Name, with their respective string values (case-sensitive) under Value: apiUsername apipassword apiToken workspaceID workspaceKey uri logAnalyticsUri (optional) (add any other settings required by the Function App) Set the uri value to: <add uri value>

Note: If using Azure Key Vault secrets for any of the values above, use the@Microsoft.KeyVault(SecretUri={Security Identifier})schema in place of the string values. Refer to Azure Key Vault references documentation for further details.

  • Use logAnalyticsUri to override the log analytics API endpoint for dedicated cloud. For example, for public cloud, leave the value empty; for Azure GovUS cloud environment, specify the value in the following format: https://<CustomerId>.ods.opinsights.azure.us.
  1. Once all application settings have been entered, click Save.

Next steps

For more information, go to the related solution in the Azure Marketplace.