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Quickstart: Deploy a private mobile network and site - Azure PowerShell

Azure Private 5G Core is an Azure cloud service for deploying and managing 5G core network functions on an Azure Stack Edge device, as part of an on-premises private mobile network for enterprises. This quickstart describes how to use an Azure PowerShell to deploy the following resources in the East US Azure region. See Products available by region for the Azure regions where Azure Private 5G Core is available.

Prerequisite: Install the Azure PowerShell module

To perform the steps in this article, you need to install and configure the Azure PowerShell module. Be sure to complete all of the instructions. After the installation is finished, sign in to Azure and select your subscription.


You need an Azure account to complete these steps. If you don't have an Azure account, you can sign up for a free trial.

Prerequisite: Prepare to deploy a private mobile network and site

Azure PowerShell commands used in this article

Sign in to Azure

This sample requires Azure PowerShell. Run Get-Module -ListAvailable Az to find the version. If you need to install or upgrade, see Install Azure PowerShell module.

Run the Connect-AzAccount cmdlet to connect to Azure.

Deploy a private mobile network, site and SIM

You must complete the following steps in order to successfully deploy a private mobile network, site and SIM. Each step must be fully complete before proceeding to the next.

Several commands will require the ID of the Azure subscription in which the Azure resources are to be deployed. This appears as <SUB_ID> in the commands below. Obtain that value before you proceed.

Create a Mobile Network resource

Use New-AzMobileNetwork to create a new Mobile Network resource. The example command uses the following placeholder values, replace them with the information gathered in Prerequisite: Prepare to deploy a private mobile network and site.

Placeholder Value
<MOBILENETWORK> Enter a name for the private mobile network.
<RESOURCEGROUP> Enter the name of the resource group.
New-AzMobileNetwork -Name <MOBILENETWORK> -ResourceGroupName <RESOURCEGROUP> -Location eastus -PublicLandMobileNetworkIdentifierMcc 001 -PublicLandMobileNetworkIdentifierMnc 01

Create a SIM Group

Use New-AzMobileNetworkSimGroup to create a new SIM Group. The example command uses the following placeholder values, replace them with the information gathered in Prerequisite: Prepare to deploy a private mobile network and site.

Variable Placeholder Value
<SIMGROUP> Enter the name for the sim group.
<RESOURCEGROUP> Enter the name of the resource group.
<SUB_ID> The ID of the Azure subscription in which the Azure resources are to be deployed.
New-AzMobileNetworkSimGroup -Name <SIMGROUP> -ResourceGroupName <RESOURCEGROUP> -Location eastus -MobileNetworkId "/subscriptions/<SUB_ID>/resourceGroups/<RESOURCEGROUP>/providers/Microsoft.MobileNetwork/mobileNetworks/<MOBILENETWORK>"

Confirm that you want to perform the action by typing Y.

Create a Slice

Use New-AzMobileNetworkSlice to create a new Slice. The example command uses the following placeholder values, replace them with the information gathered in Prerequisite: Prepare to deploy a private mobile network and site.

Placeholder Value
<MOBILENETWORK> Enter the name for the private mobile network.
<RESOURCEGROUP> Enter the name of the resource group.
<SLICE> Enter the name of the slice.
<SUB_ID> The ID of the Azure subscription in which the Azure resources are to be deployed.
New-AzMobileNetworkSlice -MobileNetworkName <MOBILENETWORK> -ResourceGroupName <RESOURCEGROUP> -SliceName <SLICE> -Location eastus -SnssaiSst 1

Create a variable for the Slice resource's configuration.

$sliceConfiguration = New-AzMobileNetworkSliceConfigurationObject -DataNetworkConfiguration $dataNetworkConfiguration -DefaultDataNetworkId "/subscriptions/<SUB_ID>/resourceGroups/<RESOURCEGROUP>/providers/Microsoft.MobileNetwork/mobileNetworks/<MOBILENETWORK>/dataNetworks/<DATANETWORK>" -SliceId "/subscriptions/<SUB_ID>/resourceGroups/<RESOURCEGROUP>/providers/Microsoft.MobileNetwork/mobileNetworks/<MOBILENETWORK>/slices/<SLICE>"

Create a Service

Use New-AzMobileNetworkService to create a new Service. The example command uses the following placeholder values, replace them with the information gathered in Prerequisite: Prepare to deploy a private mobile network and site.

Placeholder Value
<MOBILENETWORK> Enter the name for the private mobile network.
<RESOURCEGROUP> Enter the name of the resource group.
<SERVICE> Enter the name of the service.
<SUB_ID> The ID of the Azure subscription in which the Azure resources are to be deployed.
$dataFlowTemplates = New-AzMobileNetworkServiceDataFlowTemplateObject -Direction Bidirectional -Protocol ip -RemoteIPList any -TemplateName any

$pccRule = New-AzMobileNetworkPccRuleConfigurationObject -RuleName rule_any -RulePrecedence 199 -ServiceDataFlowTemplate $dataFlowTemplates

New-AzMobileNetworkService -MobileNetworkName <MOBILENETWORK> -Name <SERVICE> -ResourceGroupName <RESOURCEGROUP> -Location eastus -PccRule $pccRule -ServicePrecedence 255

Create a variable for the Service resource's ID.

$serviceResourceId = New-AzMobileNetworkServiceResourceIdObject -Id "/subscriptions/<SUB_ID>/resourceGroups/<RESOURCEGROUP>/providers/Microsoft.MobileNetwork/mobileNetworks/<MOBILENETWORK>/services/<SERVICE>"

Create a SIM Policy

Use New-AzMobileNetworkSimPolicy to create a new SIM Policy. The example command uses the following placeholder values, replace them with the information gathered in Prerequisite: Prepare to deploy a private mobile network and site.

Placeholder Value
<RESOURCEGROUP> Enter the name of the resource group.
<MOBILENETWORK> Enter the name for the private mobile network.
<SERVICE> Enter the name of the service.
<DATANETWORK> Enter the name for the data network.
<SLICE> Enter the name of the slice.
<SIMPOLICY> Enter the name for the SIM policy.
<SUB_ID> The ID of the Azure subscription in which the Azure resources are to be deployed.
New-AzMobileNetworkSimPolicy -MobileNetworkName <MOBILENETWORK> -Name <SIMPOLICY> -ResourceGroupName <RESOURCEGROUP> -DefaultSliceId "/subscriptions/<SUB_ID>/resourceGroups/<RESOURCEGROUP>/providers/Microsoft.MobileNetwork/mobileNetworks/<MOBILENETWORK>/slices/<SLICE>" -Location eastus -SliceConfiguration $sliceConfiguration -UeAmbrDownlink "2 Gbps" -UeAmbrUplink "2 Gbps"

Create a SIM

Use New-AzMobileNetworkSim to create a new SIM. The example command uses the following placeholder values, replace them with the information gathered in Prerequisite: Prepare to deploy a private mobile network and site.

Placeholder Value
<SIMGROUP> Enter the name of the SIM group.
<SIM> Enter the name for the SIM.
<RESOURCEGROUP> Enter the name of the resource group.
<MOBILENETWORK> Enter the name for the private mobile network.
<SERVICE> Enter the name of the service.
<DATANETWORK> Enter the name for the data network.
<SLICE> Enter the name of the slice.
<SIMPOLICY> Enter the name of the SIM policy.
<SUB_ID> The ID of the Azure subscription in which the Azure resources are to be deployed.
$staticIp = New-AzMobileNetworkSimStaticIPPropertiesObject -StaticIPIpv4Address

New-AzMobileNetworkSim -GroupName <SIMGROUP> -Name <SIM> -ResourceGroupName <RESOURCEGROUP>  -InternationalMobileSubscriberIdentity 000000000000001 -AuthenticationKey 00112233445566778899AABBCCDDEEFF -DeviceType Mobile -IntegratedCircuitCardIdentifier 8900000000000000001 -OperatorKeyCode 00000000000000000000000000000001 -SimPolicyId "/subscriptions/<SUB_ID>/resourceGroups/<RESOURCEGROUP>/providers/Microsoft.MobileNetwork/mobileNetworks/<MOBILENETWORK>/simPolicies/<SIMPOLICY>" -StaticIPConfiguration $staticIp

Create a Site and dependant resources

Use New-AzMobileNetworkSite to create the new Site resource and all remaining required resources (PCCP, PCDP, and ADN). Once complete the application will be fully deployed. The example command uses the following placeholder values, replace them with the information gathered in Prerequisite: Prepare to deploy a private mobile network and site.

Placeholder Value
<RESOURCEGROUP> Enter the name of the resource group.
<SUB_ID> The ID of the Azure subscription in which the Azure resources are to be deployed.
<ASE> Enter the name for the ASE device.
<MOBILENETWORK> Enter the name of the private mobile network you created.
<SITE> Enter the name for the site.
<CUSTOMLOCATION> Enter the name for the custom location.
<DATANETWORK> Enter the name for the data network.
$aseId = "/subscriptions/<SUB_ID>/resourceGroups/<RESOURCEGROUP>/providers/Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/DataBoxEdgeDevices/<ASE>"

$customLocationId = "/subscriptions/<SUB_ID>/resourceGroups/<RESOURCEGROUP>/providers/Microsoft.ExtendedLocation/customLocations/<CUSTOMLOCATION>"

New-AzMobileNetworkSite -Name <SITE> -ResourceGroup <RESOURCEGROUP> -Location eastus -PlatformType AKS-HCI -Sku G0 -MobileNetwork <MOBILENETWORK> -ControlPlaneAccessInterfaceIpv4Address -ControlPlaneAccessInterfaceIpv4Subnet -ControlPlaneAccessInterfaceIpv4Gateway -ControlPlaneAccessInterfaceName N2 -UserPlaneAccessInterfaceName N3 -UserPlaneAccessInterfaceIpv4Address -UserPlaneAccessInterfaceIpv4Gateway -UserPlaneAccessInterfaceIpv4Subnet -UserPlaneDataInterfaceIpv4Address -UserPlaneDataInterfaceIpv4Subnet -UserPlaneDataInterfaceIpv4Gateway -DataNetworkName <DATANETWORK> -LocalDiagnosticAccessAuthenticationType Password -UserEquipmentAddressPoolPrefix -CoreNetworkTechnology 5GC -AzureStackEdgeDeviceId $aseId -UserPlaneDataInterfaceName N6 -DnsAddress -CustomLocation $customLocationId

Clean up resources

If you do not want to keep your deployment, delete the resource group.

Next steps

If you have kept your deployment, you can either begin designing policy control to determine how your private mobile network handles traffic, or you can add more sites to your private mobile network.