
Κοινή χρήση μέσω

Diabetes dataset

The Diabetes dataset has 442 samples with 10 features, making it ideal for getting started with machine learning algorithms. It's one of the most popular Scikit Learn Toy Datasets.

Original dataset description | Original data file


Microsoft provides Azure Open Datasets on an “as is” basis. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, guarantees or conditions with respect to your use of the datasets. To the extent permitted under your local law, Microsoft disclaims all liability for any damages or losses, including direct, consequential, special, indirect, incidental or punitive, resulting from your use of the datasets.

This dataset is provided under the original terms that Microsoft received source data. The dataset may include data sourced from Microsoft.


Name Data type Unique Values (sample)
AGE bigint 58 53 60
BMI double 163 24.1 23.5
BP double 100 93.0 83.0
S1 bigint 141 162 184
S2 double 302 125.8 114.8
S3 double 63 46.0 38.0
S4 double 66 3.0 4.0
S5 double 184 4.4427 4.3041
S6 bigint 56 92 96
SEX bigint 2 1 2
Y bigint 214 72 200


59 2 32.1 101 157 93.2 38 4 4.8598 87 151
48 1 21.6 87 183 103.2 70 3 3.8918 69 75
72 2 30.5 93 156 93.6 41 4 4.6728 85 141
24 1 25.3 84 198 131.4 40 5 4.8903 89 206
50 1 23 101 192 125.4 52 4 4.2905 80 135
23 1 22.6 89 139 64.8 61 2 4.1897 68 97
36 2 22 90 160 99.6 50 3 3.9512 82 138
66 2 26.2 114 255 185 56 4.55 4.2485 92 63
60 2 32.1 83 179 119.4 42 4 4.4773 94 110
29 1 30 85 180 93.4 43 4 5.3845 88 310

Data access

Use the following code samples to access this dataset in Azure Notebooks, Azure Databricks, or Azure Synapse.

Azure Notebooks

# This is a package in preview.
from azureml.opendatasets import Diabetes

diabetes = Diabetes.get_tabular_dataset()
diabetes_df = diabetes.to_pandas_dataframe()


Azure Databricks

# This is a package in preview.
from azureml.opendatasets import Diabetes

diabetes = Diabetes.get_tabular_dataset()
diabetes_df = diabetes.to_spark_dataframe()


Azure Synapse

Sample not available for this platform/package combination.

Next steps

View the rest of the datasets in the Open Datasets catalog.