Deploy and run MLflow models in Spark jobs
In this article, learn how to deploy and run your MLflow model in Spark jobs to perform inference over large amounts of data or as part of data wrangling jobs.
About this example
This example shows how you can deploy an MLflow model registered in Azure Machine Learning to Spark jobs running in managed Spark clusters (preview), Azure Databricks, or Azure Synapse Analytics, to perform inference over large amounts of data.
The model is based on the UCI Heart Disease Data Set. The database contains 76 attributes, but we are using a subset of 14 of them. The model tries to predict the presence of heart disease in a patient. It is integer valued from 0 (no presence) to 1 (presence). It has been trained using an XGBBoost
classifier and all the required preprocessing has been packaged as a scikit-learn
pipeline, making this model an end-to-end pipeline that goes from raw data to predictions.
The information in this article is based on code samples contained in the azureml-examples repository. To run the commands locally without having to copy/paste files, clone the repo, and then change directories to sdk/using-mlflow/deploy
git clone --depth 1
cd sdk/python/using-mlflow/deploy
Before following the steps in this article, make sure you have the following prerequisites:
- Install and configure the Azure CLI and the
extension to the Azure CLI. For more information, see Install and set up the CLI (v2).
Install the MLflow SDK
package and the Azure Machine Learningazureml-mlflow
plugin for MLflow as follows:pip install mlflow azureml-mlflow
You can use the
package, which is a lightweight MLflow package without SQL storage, server, UI, or data science dependencies. This package is recommended for users who primarily need the MLflow tracking and logging capabilities without importing the full suite of features, including deployments.Create an Azure Machine Learning workspace. To create a workspace, see Create resources you need to get started. Review the access permissions you need to perform your MLflow operations in your workspace.
To do remote tracking, or track experiments running outside Azure Machine Learning, configure MLflow to point to the tracking URI of your Azure Machine Learning workspace. For more information on how to connect MLflow to your workspace, see Configure MLflow for Azure Machine Learning.
- You must have an MLflow model registered in your workspace. Particularly, this example will register a model trained for the Diabetes dataset.
Connect to your workspace
First, let's connect to Azure Machine Learning workspace where your model is registered.
Tracking is already configured for you. Your default credentials will also be used when working with MLflow.
Registering the model
We need a model registered in the Azure Machine Learning registry to perform inference. In this case, we already have a local copy of the model in the repository, so we only need to publish the model to the registry in the workspace. You can skip this step if the model you are trying to deploy is already registered.
model_name = 'heart-classifier'
model_local_path = "model"
registered_model = mlflow_client.create_model_version(
name=model_name, source=f"file://{model_local_path}"
version = registered_model.version
Alternatively, if your model was logged inside of a run, you can register it directly.
To register the model, you'll need to know the location where the model has been stored. If you are using autolog
feature of MLflow, the path will depend on the type and framework of the model being used. We recommend to check the jobs output to identify which is the name of this folder. You can look for the folder that contains a file named MLModel
. If you are logging your models manually using log_model
, then the path is the argument you pass to such method. As an example, if you log the model using mlflow.sklearn.log_model(my_model, "classifier")
, then the path where the model is stored is classifier
model_name = 'heart-classifier'
registered_model = mlflow_client.create_model_version(
name=model_name, source=f"runs://{RUN_ID}/{MODEL_PATH}"
version = registered_model.version
is the location where the model has been stored in the run.
Get input data to score
We'll need some input data to run or jobs on. In this example, we'll download sample data from internet and place it in a shared storage used by the Spark cluster.
import urllib
urllib.request.urlretrieve("", "/tmp/data")
Move the data to a mounted storage account available to the entire cluster."file:/tmp/data", "dbfs:/")
The previous code uses dbutils
, which is a tool available in Azure Databricks cluster. Use the appropriate tool depending on the platform you are using.
The input data is then placed in the following folder:
input_data_path = "dbfs:/data"
Run the model in Spark clusters
The following section explains how to run MLflow models registered in Azure Machine Learning in Spark jobs.
Ensure the following libraries are installed in the cluster:
- mlflow<3,>=2.1 - cloudpickle==2.2.0 - scikit-learn==1.2.0 - xgboost==1.7.2
We'll use a notebook to demonstrate how to create a scoring routine with an MLflow model registered in Azure Machine Learning. Create a notebook and use PySpark as the default language.
Import the required namespaces:
import mlflow import pyspark.sql.functions as f
Configure the model URI. The following URI brings a model named
in its latest version.model_uri = "models:/heart-classifier/latest"
Load the model as an UDF function. A user-defined function (UDF) is a function defined by a user, allowing custom logic to be reused in the user environment.
predict_function = mlflow.pyfunc.spark_udf(spark, model_uri, result_type='double')
Use the argument
to control the type returned by thepredict()
function.Read the data you want to score:
df ="header", "true").option("inferSchema", "true").csv(input_data_path).drop("target")
In our case, the input data is on
format and placed in the folderdbfs:/data/
. We're also dropping the columntarget
as this dataset contains the target variable to predict. In production scenarios, your data won't have this column.Run the function
and place the predictions on a new column. In this case, we're placing the predictions in the columnpredictions
.df.withColumn("predictions", score_function(*df.columns))
receives as arguments the columns required. In our case, all the columns of the data frame are expected by the model and hencedf.columns
is used. If your model requires a subset of the columns, you can introduce them manually. If you model has a signature, types need to be compatible between inputs and expected types.You can write your predictions back to storage:
scored_data_path = "dbfs:/scored-data" scored_data.to_csv(scored_data_path)
Run the model in a standalone Spark job in Azure Machine Learning
Azure Machine Learning supports creation of a standalone Spark job, and creation of a reusable Spark component that can be used in Azure Machine Learning pipelines. In this example, we'll deploy a scoring job that runs in Azure Machine Learning standalone Spark job and runs an MLflow model to perform inference.
To learn more about Spark jobs in Azure Machine Learning, see Submit Spark jobs in Azure Machine Learning (preview).
A Spark job requires a Python script that takes arguments. Create a scoring script:
import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("--model") parser.add_argument("--input_data") parser.add_argument("--scored_data") args = parser.parse_args() print(args.model) print(args.input_data) # Load the model as an UDF function predict_function = mlflow.pyfunc.spark_udf(spark, args.model, env_manager="conda") # Read the data you want to score df ="header", "true").option("inferSchema", "true").csv(input_data).drop("target") # Run the function `predict_function` and place the predictions on a new column scored_data = df.withColumn("predictions", score_function(*df.columns)) # Save the predictions scored_data.to_csv(args.scored_data)
The above script takes three arguments
. The first two are inputs and represent the model we want to run and the input data, the last one is an output and it is the output folder where predictions will be placed.Tip
Installation of Python packages: The previous scoring script loads the MLflow model into an UDF function, but it indicates the parameter
. When this parameter is set, MLflow will restore the required packages as specified in the model definition in an isolated environment where only the UDF function runs. For more details seemlflow.pyfunc.spark_udf
documentation.Create a job definition:
$schema: http://azureml/sdk-2-0/SparkJob.json type: spark code: ./src entry: file: conf: spark.driver.cores: 1 spark.driver.memory: 2g spark.executor.cores: 2 spark.executor.memory: 2g spark.executor.instances: 2 inputs: model: type: mlflow_model path: azureml:heart-classifier@latest input_data: type: uri_file path: mode: direct outputs: scored_data: type: uri_folder args: >- --model ${{inputs.model}} --input_data ${{inputs.input_data}} --scored_data ${{outputs.scored_data}} identity: type: user_identity resources: instance_type: standard_e4s_v3 runtime_version: "3.2"
To use an attached Synapse Spark pool, define
property in the sample YAML specification file shown above instead ofresources
property.The YAML files shown above can be used in the
az ml job create
command, with the--file
parameter, to create a standalone Spark job as shown:az ml job create -f mlflow-score-spark-job.yml