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Tutorial: Use a canary deployment strategy for Kubernetes

Azure DevOps Services | Azure DevOps Server 2022

This step-by-step guide covers how to use the Kubernetes manifest task with the canary strategy. A canary deployment strategy deploys new versions of an application next to stable, production versions.

You use the associated workflow to deploy the code and compare the baseline and canary app deployments. Based on the evaluation, you decide whether to promote or reject the canary deployment.

This tutorial uses Docker Registry and Azure Resource Manager service connections to connect to Azure resources. For an Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) private cluster or a cluster that has local accounts disabled, an Azure Resource Manager service connections is a better way to connect.


GitHub repository files

The GitHub repository contains the following files:

File Description
./app/app.py A simple, Flask-based web server . The file sets up a custom counter for the number of good and bad responses, based on the value of the success_rate variable.
./app/Dockerfile Used for building the image with each change to app.py. Each change triggers the build pipeline to build the image and push it to the container registry.
./manifests/deployment.yml Contains the specification of the sampleapp deployment workload corresponding to the published image. You use this manifest file for the stable version of the deployment object and for deriving the baseline and canary variants of the workloads.
./manifests/service.yml Creates the sampleapp service. This service routes requests to the pods spun up by the stable, baseline, and canary deployments.
./misc/fortio.yml Sets up a fortio deployment. This deployment is a load-testing tool that sends a stream of requests to the deployed sampleapp service. The request stream routes to pods under the three deployments: stable, baseline, and canary.

Create service connections

  1. In your Azure DevOps project, go to Project settings > Pipelines > Service connections.
  2. Create a Docker Registry service connection named azure-pipelines-canary-acr that's associated with your Azure Container Registry instance.
  3. Create a Azure Resource Manager service connection with workload identity named azure-pipelines-canary-k8s for your resource group.

Add the build stage

  1. In your Azure DevOps project, go to Pipelines > Create Pipeline or New pipeline.

  2. Select GitHub for your code location, and select your forked azure-pipelines-canary-k8s repository.

  3. On the Configure tab, choose Starter pipeline.

  4. On the Review tab, replace the pipeline YAML with the following code.

    - main
      vmImage: ubuntu-latest
      imageName: azure-pipelines-canary-k8s # name of ACR image
      dockerRegistryServiceConnection: azure-pipelines-canary-acr # name of ACR service connection
      imageRepository: 'azure-pipelines-canary-k8s' # name of image repository
      containerRegistry: example.azurecr.io # name of Azure container registry
      tag: '$(Build.BuildId)'
    - stage: Build
      displayName: Build stage
      - job: Build
        displayName: Build
          vmImage: ubuntu-latest
        - task: Docker@2
          displayName: Build and push image
            containerRegistry: $(dockerRegistryServiceConnection)
            repository: $(imageName)
            command: buildAndPush
            Dockerfile: app/Dockerfile
            tags: |

    If the Docker registry service connection that you created is associated with a container registry named example.azurecr.io, then the image is set to example.azurecr.io/azure-pipelines-canary-k8s:$(Build.BuildId).

  5. Select Save and run and ensure the job runs successfully.

Edit the manifest file

In your repository fork, edit manifests/deployment.yml to replace <foobar> with your container registry's URL, for example example.azurecr.io/azure-pipelines-canary-k8s.

Set up continuous deployment

Now, set up continuous deployment, deploy the canary stage, and promote or reject the canary through manual approval.

Create an environment

You can deploy with YAML or Classic.

  1. In your Azure DevOps project, go to Pipelines > Environments and then select Create environment or New environment.
  2. On the first New environment screen, enter akscanary under Name, select Kubernetes under Resource, and select Next.
  3. Fill out the Kubernetes resource screen as follows:
    • Provider: Select Azure Kubernetes Service.
    • Azure subscription: Select your Azure subscription.
    • Cluster: Select your AKS cluster.
    • Namespace: Select New and enter canarydemo.
  4. Select Validate and create.

Add the canary stage

  1. Go to Pipelines, select the pipeline you created, and select Edit.

  2. Replace the entire pipeline YAML with the following code.

    This code changes the Docker@2 step you ran previously to use a stage, and adds two more steps to copy the manifests and misc directories as artifacts for consecutive stages to use.

    The code also moves some values to variables for easier usage later in the pipeline. In the containerRegistry variable, replace <example> with the name of your container registry.

    - main
      vmImage: ubuntu-latest
      imageName: azure-pipelines-canary-k8s
      dockerRegistryServiceConnection: azure-pipelines-canary-acr
      imageRepository: 'azure-pipelines-canary-k8s'
      containerRegistry: <example>.azurecr.io
      tag: '$(Build.BuildId)'
    - stage: Build
      displayName: Build stage
      - job: Build
        displayName: Build
          vmImage: ubuntu-latest
        - task: Docker@2
          displayName: Build and push image
            containerRegistry: $(dockerRegistryServiceConnection)
            repository: $(imageName)
            command: buildAndPush
            Dockerfile: app/Dockerfile
            tags: |
        - publish: manifests
          artifact: manifests
        - publish: misc
          artifact: misc
  3. Add another stage at the end of the YAML file to deploy the canary version. Replace the values my-resource-group and my-aks-cluster with your resource group and Azure Kubernetes Service cluster name.

    - main
      vmImage: ubuntu-latest
      imageName: azure-pipelines-canary-k8s
      dockerRegistryServiceConnection: azure-pipelines-canary-acr
      imageRepository: 'azure-pipelines-canary-k8s'
      containerRegistry: yourcontainerregistry.azurecr.io #update with container registry
      tag: '$(Build.BuildId)'
    - stage: Build
      displayName: Build stage
      - job: Build
        displayName: Build
          vmImage: ubuntu-latest
        - task: Docker@2
          displayName: Build and push image
            containerRegistry: $(dockerRegistryServiceConnection)
            repository: $(imageName)
            command: buildAndPush
            Dockerfile: app/Dockerfile
            tags: |
        - publish: manifests
          artifact: manifests
        - publish: misc
          artifact: misc
    - stage: DeployCanary
      displayName: Deploy canary
      dependsOn: Build
      condition: succeeded()
      - deployment: Deploycanary
        displayName: Deploy canary
          vmImage: ubuntu-latest
        environment: 'akscanary'
              - task: KubernetesManifest@1
                displayName: Create Docker Registry Secret
                  action: 'createSecret'
                  connectionType: 'azureResourceManager'
                  azureSubscriptionConnection: 'azure-pipelines-canary-sc'
                  azureResourceGroup: 'my-resource-group'
                  kubernetesCluster: 'my-aks-cluster'
                  secretType: 'dockerRegistry'
                  secretName: 'my-acr-secret'
                  dockerRegistryEndpoint: 'azure-pipelines-canary-acr'
              - task: KubernetesManifest@1
                displayName: Deploy to Kubernetes cluster
                  action: 'deploy'
                  connectionType: 'azureResourceManager'
                  azureSubscriptionConnection: 'azure-pipelines-canary-sc'
                  azureResourceGroup: 'my-resource-group'
                  kubernetesCluster: 'my-aks-cluster'
                  strategy: 'canary'
                  percentage: '25'
                  manifests: |
                  containers: '$(containerRegistry)/$(imageRepository):$(tag)'
                  imagePullSecrets: 'my-acr-secret'
              - task: KubernetesManifest@1
                displayName: Deploy Forbio to Kubernetes cluster
                  action: 'deploy'
                  connectionType: 'azureResourceManager'
                  azureSubscriptionConnection: 'azure-pipelines-canary-sc'
                  azureResourceGroup: 'my-resource-group'
                  kubernetesCluster: 'my-aks-cluster'
                  manifests: '$(Pipeline.Workspace)/misc/*'
  4. Select Validate and save, and save the pipeline directly to the main branch.

Add manual approval for promoting or rejecting canary deployment

You can intervene manually with YAML or Classic.

  1. Create a new Kubernetes environment called akspromote.
  2. Open the new akspromote environment from the list of environments, and select Approvals on the Approvals and checks tab.
  3. On the Approvals screen, add your own user account under Approvers.
  4. Expand Advanced, and make sure Allow approvers to approve their own runs is selected.
  5. Select Create.

Add promote and reject stages to the pipeline

  1. Go to Pipelines, select the pipeline you created, and select Edit.

  2. Add the following PromoteRejectCanary stage at the end of your YAML file that promotes the changes.

    - stage: PromoteRejectCanary
      displayName: Promote or Reject canary
      dependsOn: DeployCanary
      condition: succeeded()
      - deployment: PromoteCanary
        displayName: Promote Canary
          vmImage: ubuntu-latest
        environment: 'akspromote'
              - task: KubernetesManifest@1
                displayName: Create Docker Registry Secret for akspromote
                  action: 'createSecret'
                  connectionType: 'azureResourceManager'
                  azureSubscriptionConnection: 'azure-pipelines-canary-sc'
                  azureResourceGroup: 'my-resource-group'
                  kubernetesCluster: 'my-aks-cluster'
                  secretType: 'dockerRegistry'
                  secretName: 'my-acr-secret'
                  dockerRegistryEndpoint: 'azure-pipelines-canary-acr'
              - task: KubernetesManifest@1
                displayName: promote canary
                  action: 'promote'
                  connectionType: 'azureResourceManager'
                  azureSubscriptionConnection: 'azure-pipelines-canary-sc'
                  azureResourceGroup: 'my-resource-group'
                  kubernetesCluster: 'my-aks-cluster'
                  strategy: 'canary'
                  manifests: '$(Pipeline.Workspace)/manifests/*'
                  containers: '$(containerRegistry)/$(imageRepository):$(tag)'
                  imagePullSecrets: 'my-acr-secret'
  3. Add the following RejectCanarystage at the end of the file that rolls back the changes.

    - stage: RejectCanary
      displayName: Reject canary
      dependsOn: PromoteRejectCanary
      condition: failed()
      - deployment: RejectCanary
        displayName: Reject Canary
          vmImage: ubuntu-latest
        environment: 'akscanary'
              - task: KubernetesManifest@1
                displayName: Create Docker Registry Secret for reject canary
                  action: 'createSecret'
                  connectionType: 'azureResourceManager'
                  azureSubscriptionConnection: 'azure-pipelines-canary-sc'
                  azureResourceGroup: 'kubernetes-testing'
                  kubernetesCluster: 'my-aks-cluster'
                  secretType: 'dockerRegistry'
                  secretName: 'my-acr-secret'
                  dockerRegistryEndpoint: 'azure-pipelines-canary-acr'    
              - task: KubernetesManifest@1
                displayName: Reject canary deployment
                  action: 'reject'
                  connectionType: 'azureResourceManager'
                  azureSubscriptionConnection: 'azure-pipelines-canary-sc'
                  azureResourceGroup: 'my-resource-group'
                  kubernetesCluster: 'my-aks-cluster'
                  namespace: 'default'
                  strategy: 'canary'
                  manifests: '$(Pipeline.Workspace)/manifests/*'
  4. Select Validate and save, and save the pipeline directly to the main branch.

Deploy a stable version

For the first run of the pipeline, the stable version of the workloads, and their baseline or canary versions, don't exist in the cluster. Deploy a stable version of the sampleapp workload as follows.

You can deploy a stable version with YAML or Classic.

  1. In app/app.py, change success_rate = 50 to success_rate = 100. This change triggers the pipeline, building and pushing the image to the container registry, and also triggers the DeployCanary stage.
  2. Because you configured an approval on the akspromote environment, the release waits before running that stage. On the build run summary page, select Review and then select Approve.

Once approved, the pipeline deploys the stable version of the sampleapp workload in manifests/deployment.yml to the namespace.

Initiate the canary workflow and reject the approval

The stable version of the sampleapp workload now exists in the cluster. Next, make the following change to the simulation application.

  1. In app/app.py, change success_rate = 50 to success_rate = 100. This change triggers the pipeline, building and pushing the image to the container registry, and also triggers the DeployCanary stage.
  2. Because you configured an approval on the akspromote environment, the release waits before running that stage.
  3. On the build run summary page, select Review and then select Reject in the subsequent dialog box. This rejects deployment.

Once rejected, the pipeline prevents the code deployment.

Clean up

If you're not going to continue to use this application, delete the resource group in Azure portal and the project in Azure DevOps.