Publish and download Universal Packages with Azure Pipelines
Azure DevOps Services
Universal Packages lets you package and share any number of files, regardless of type, with your team or target audience. Using the Universal Package task in Azure Pipelines, you can pack, publish, and download packages as large as 4 TiB. Each package is identified by a unique name and version number. You can use Azure CLI or Azure Pipelines to publish and download packages from your Artifacts feeds.
Universal Packages are only available in Azure DevOps Services.
Product | Requirements |
Azure DevOps | - An Azure DevOps project. - Permissions: - To grant access to all pipelines in the project, you must be a member of the Project Administrators group. - To create service connections, you must have the Administrator or Creator role for service connections. |
Copy files
The Universal Packages task in Azure Pipelines uses $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)
as the default location for the files you wish to publish. To prepare your Universal Package for publishing, move the files you want to publish to this directory. You can also use the Copy Files utility task to copy the files to the publish directory.
Publish a Universal Package
Sign in to your Azure DevOps organization, and then navigate to your project.
Select Pipelines, and then select your pipeline definition.
Select Edit, and then add the following snippet to your YAML pipeline.
- task: UniversalPackages@0 displayName: Publish inputs: command: publish publishDirectory: '$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)' ## Location of the files you wish to publish vstsFeedPublish: '<PROJECT_NAME>/<FEED_NAME>' ## The project and feed name to publish to. If you're working with an organization-scoped feed, specify only the feed name vstsFeedPackagePublish: '<PACKAGE_NAME>' ## The package name. Must be lower case. Use only letters, numbers, and dashes packagePublishDescription: '<PACKAGE_DESCRIPTION>' ## Description of the package content
To publish packages to a feed from your Pipelines, make sure that both the Project Collection Build Service and your project's Build Service identities have been granted the Feed Publisher (Contributor) role in the feed settings. See Manage permissions for more details.
Package versioning
Universal Packages adhere to semantic versioning, which is based on three numeric components: Major, Minor, and Patch. The versioning format is Major.Minor.Patch
- The minor version is increased when new features are added that are backward-compatible with previous versions. In this case, the minor version is incremented, and the patch version is reset to 0 (e.g., 1.4.17 to 1.5.0).
- The major version is incremented when there are significant changes that could break compatibility with previous versions, resetting both the minor and patch versions to 0 (e.g., 2.6.5 to 3.0.0).
- The patch version is incremented when bug fixes or other small changes that do not affect compatibility are applied (e.g., 1.0.0 to 1.0.1).
When publishing a new package, the Universal Packages task will automatically select the next major, minor, or patch version for you.
To enable versioning for your package, add a versionOption
input to your UniversagePackage task. The available options for publishing a new version are: major
, minor
, patch
, or custom
Selecting custom
enables you to manually specify your package version. The other options get the latest package version from your feed and increment the selected version segment by 1. For example, if you have a package testPackage 1.0.0:
- Selecting
will update the version to testPackage 2.0.0. - Selecting
will update the version to 1.1.0. - Selecting
will update the version to 1.0.1.
If you choose the custom
option, you must also specify a versionPublish
value as follows:
- task: UniversalPackages@0
displayName: Publish
command: publish
publishDirectory: '$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)' ## Location of the files you wish to publish
vstsFeedPublish: '<PROJECT_NAME>/<FEED_NAME>' ## The project and feed name to publish to. If you're working with an organization-scoped feed, specify only the feed name
vstsFeedPackagePublish: '<PACKAGE_NAME>' ## The package name. Must be lower case. Use only letters, numbers, and dashes
versionOption: custom ## Select a versioning strategy. Options: `major`, `minor`, `patch`, `custom`
versionPublish: '<PACKAGE_VERSION>' ## The custom package version
packagePublishDescription: '<PACKAGE_DESCRIPTION>' ## Description of the package content
Download a Universal Package
Sign in to your Azure DevOps organization, and then navigate to your project.
Select Pipelines, and then select your pipeline definition.
Select Edit, and then add the following snippet to your YAML pipeline.
steps: - task: UniversalPackages@0 displayName: Download inputs: command: download vstsFeed: '<PROJECT_NAME>/<FEED_NAME>' ## The Artifacts feed hosting the package to be downloaded vstsFeedPackage: '<PACKAGE_NAME>' ## Name of the package to be downloaded vstsPackageVersion: '<PACKAGE_VERSION>' ## Version of the package to be downloaded downloadDirectory: '$(Build.SourcesDirectory)\someFolder' ## The download folder. Default value: $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory).
To download a Universal Package from an external source, you can use the following example:
- task: UniversalPackages@0
displayName: Download a Universal Package
command: download
feedsToUse: external ## Set the value to `external` when downloading from an external source
externalFeedCredentials: 'MSENG2' ## Name of the service connection to the external feed
feedDownloadExternal: 'fabrikamFeedExternal' ## Name of the external feed
packageDownloadExternal: 'fabrikam-package' ## The package name you wish to download
versionDownloadExternal: 1.0.0 ## The version of the package you wish to download
Wildcards can be used to download the latest version of a Universal Package. See Download the latest version for more details.