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Auditing events list

Azure DevOps Services


Auditing is still in public preview.

The following tables describe the type of events (or actions) that are available for auditing through the Azure DevOps Auditing feature.


Auditing is only available for organizations backed by Microsoft Entra ID. For more information, see Connect your organization to Microsoft Entra ID.

  • Identify the Product Area for any given event. Refer to the full list in the Area table.
  • Determine the Category field of an event to understand the type of action performed. See the list of possible action types in the Categories table.
  • Find the list of all possible actions grouped by Product Area in the Actions section.


We try our best to keep adding new actions regularly. If you'd like to see an event that isn't currently in the following tables, consider sharing that with us in the Developer Community.


Area Description
Artifacts events Create, modify permissions, and delete feed views and both organization-scoped and project-scoped feeds.
AuditLog events View and download audit logs. Access, create, modify, enable, disable, and delete audit streams.
Billing events Add, change, or remove Azure Subscriptions. Modify billing quantities for Pipelines, Artifacts, and Cloud Load Test usage.
Extension events Install, modify, enable, disable, and uninstall extensions for Extensions Marketplace.
Git licensing events Create, modify, enable, disable, fork, delete, and undelete Git repositories in Azure Repos. Bypass PR policies. Change branch policies.
Group events Create groups and modify group memberships.
Library events Create, modify, delete, and track usage of service connections, variable groups, secure files, and agent pools in Azure Pipelines.
Licensing events Assign, modify, and remove licensing. Create, modify, and delete group licensing rules.
Organization events Create and modify Azure DevOps organization. Link and unlink to Microsoft Entra organizations.
OrganizationPolicy events Add, modify, or remove organization policies.
Pipelines events Create, modify, delete, and track usage of checks including approvals on protected resources in Azure Pipelines (YAML only).
Policy events Create, modify, and delete policies for a Git repository in Azure Repos.
Process events Create, modify, and delete attributes for processes (portfolio backlogs, controls, fields, groups, lists, pages, processes, rules, states, control settings, work items, etc.) in Azure Boards.
Project events Create, modify, change visibility of, delete, and restore projects in Azure Boards. Create, modify, and delete Area paths.
Release events Create, modify, and delete releases and release pipelines in Azure Pipelines. Track deployments and deployment approvals.
Security events Create, modify, and delete Pipelines in Azure Pipelines. Authorize and unauthorize resource for projects and pipelines. Modify pipeline retention settings. Retain and unretain pipeline runs.
Token events Create, modify, revoke, and delete Personal Access Tokens (PATs) or SSH Keys. Track public repository discovery and system revocations of PATs. Token access events aren't currently logged.


Category Description
Access Viewed or opened artifacts in an organization.
Create Newly created artifacts in an organization.
Delete Deleted or removed artifacts from an organization.
Execute Completed processes done within an organization.
Modify Changed artifacts, such as a state or property change, made in an organization.
Rename Name changes done on artifacts in an organization.



Want to find out what actions your organization logs? Be sure to check out the Audit Log Query API: https://auditservice.dev.azure.com/{YOUR_ORGANIZATION}/_apis/audit/actions, replacing {YOUR_ORGANIZATION} with the name of your organization. This API returns a list of all audit events your organization could emit.

Artifacts events

Action Description
Artifacts.Feed.Project.Create Created feed {FeedName} in project {ProjectId}.
Artifacts.Feed.Org.Create Created organization feed {FeedName}.
Artifacts.Feed.Project.Modify Modified feed {FeedName} in project {ProjectId}- {FeedChanges}.
Artifacts.Feed.Org.Modify Modified organization feed {FeedName}- {FeedChanges}.
Artifacts.Feed.Project.SoftDelete Moved feed {FeedName} to the Feed Recycle Bin in project {ProjectId}.
Artifacts.Feed.Org.SoftDelete Moved organization feed {FeedName} to the Feed Recycle Bin.
Artifacts.Feed.Project.HardDelete Permanently deleted feed {FeedName} in project {ProjectId}.
Artifacts.Feed.Org.HardDelete Permanently deleted organization feed {FeedName}.
Artifacts.Feed.Project.Modify.Permissions Permissions for {DisplayName} were set to {Role} for feed {FeedName} in project {ProjectId}.
Artifacts.Feed.Org.Modify.Permissions Permissions for {DisplayName} were set to {Role} for organization feed {FeedName}.
Artifacts.Feed.Project.Modify.Permissions.Deletion Permissions for feed {FeedName} in project {ProjectId} were removed for {DisplayName}.
Artifacts.Feed.Org.Modify.Permissions.Deletion Permissions for organization feed {FeedName} were removed for {DisplayName}.
Artifacts.Feed.Project.FeedView.Create Created feed view {FeedViewName} in feed {FeedName} in project {ProjectId}.
Artifacts.Feed.Org.FeedView.Create Created feed view {FeedViewName} in organization feed {FeedName}.
Artifacts.Feed.Project.FeedView.Modify Modified feed view {FeedViewName} in feed {FeedName} in project {ProjectId}- {FeedViewChanges}.
Artifacts.Feed.Org.FeedView.Modify Modified feed view {FeedViewName} in organization feed {FeedName}- {FeedViewChanges}.
Artifacts.Feed.Project.FeedView.HardDelete Permanently deleted feed view {FeedViewName} in feed {FeedName} in project {ProjectId}.
Artifacts.Feed.Org.FeedView.HardDelete Permanently deleted feed view {FeedViewName} in organization feed {FeedName}.

AuditLog events

Action Description
AuditLog.AccessLog Accessed the audit log.
AuditLog.DownloadLog Downloaded a {Format} copy of the audit log.
AuditLog.StreamCreated Stream for {ConsumerType:consumerType} was set up to send auditing events to {displayName}.
AuditLog.StreamDeleted Stream for {ConsumerType:consumerType} to send auditing data to {displayName} was deleted.
AuditLog.StreamDisabledBySystem Stream for {ConsumerType:consumerType} to send auditing data to {displayName} was disabled by the system.
AuditLog.StreamDisabledByUser Stream for {ConsumerType:consumerType} to send auditing data to {displayName} was disabled.
AuditLog.StreamEnabled Stream for {ConsumerType:consumerType} to send auditing data to {displayName} was enabled.
AuditLog.StreamModified Stream for {ConsumerType:consumerType} to send auditing data to {displayName} was modified.
AuditLog.StreamRead Accessed auditing streams.
AuditLog.TestStream {ResolveIdentity:ActorId} initiated a {StreamConsumerType} stream connection test from {OrganizationName} in Azure DevOps.

Billing events

Action Description
Billing.BillingModeUpdate User billing configuration changed to '{BillingMode}' for subscription {SubscriptionGuid}.
Billing.LimitUpdate {MeterName} usage limit changed from {PreviousLimitNumber} to {LimitNumber}.
Billing.PurchaseUpdate {MeterName} quantity changed from {PreviousPurchaseNumber} to {PurchaseNumber}.
Billing.SubscriptionLink Billing relationship set up to {NewSubscriptionGuid}.
Billing.SubscriptionUnlink Billing relationship removed from {PreviousSubscriptionGuid}.
Billing.SubscriptionUpdate Billing relationship changed from {PreviousSubscriptionGuid} to {NewSubscriptionGuid}.

Extension events

Action Description
Extension.Disabled Extension "{ExtensionName}" from publisher "{PublisherName}" was disabled.
Extension.Enabled Extension "{ExtensionName}" from publisher "{PublisherName}" was enabled.
Extension.Installed Extension "{ExtensionName}" from publisher "{PublisherName}" was installed - Version "{Version}".
Extension.Uninstalled Extension "{ExtensionName}" from publisher "{PublisherName}" was uninstalled.
Extension.VersionUpdated Extension "{ExtensionName}" from publisher "{PublisherName}" was updated from version "{FromVersion}" to version "{Version}".

Git licensing events

Action Description
Git.RefUpdatePoliciesBypassed Policies on "{FriendlyName}" were bypassed in Git repository "{RepoName}" in project {ResolveProjectId:ProjectId}.
Git.RepositoryCreated Created Git repository "{RepoName}" in project {ResolveProjectId:ProjectId}.
Git.RepositoryDefaultBranchChanged Default branch of Git repository "{RepoName}" was changed to "{DefaultBranch}" in project {ResolveProjectId:ProjectId}.
Git.RepositoryDeleted Git repository "{RepoName}" was deleted from project {ResolveProjectId:ProjectId}.
Git.RepositoryDestroyed Git repository "{RepoName}" was destroyed in project {ResolveProjectId:ProjectId}.
Git.RepositoryDisabled Git repository "{RepoName}" was disabled in project {ResolveProjectId:ProjectId}.
Git.RepositoryEnabled Git repository "{RepoName}" was enabled in project {ResolveProjectId:ProjectId}.
Git.RepositoryForked Git repository "{RepoName}" in project {ResolveProjectId:ProjectId} was forked from "{ParentRepoName}" in project "{ParentProjectName}".
Git.RepositoryRenamed Git repository "{PreviousRepoName}" was renamed to "{RepoName}" in project {ResolveProjectId:ProjectId}.
Git.RepositoryUndeleted Git repository "{RepoName}" was undeleted in project {ResolveProjectId:ProjectId}.

Group events

Action Description
Group.CreateGroups {GroupName} group was created.
Group.UpdateGroupMembership.Add {ResolveIdentity:MemberId} was added as a member of group {ResolveIdentity:GroupId}.
Group.UpdateGroupMembership.Remove {ResolveIdentity:MemberId} was removed as a member of group {ResolveIdentity:GroupId}.
Group.UpdateGroups.Delete {ResolveIdentity:GroupId} group was deleted.
Group.UpdateGroups.Modify {ResolveIdentity:GroupId} group information was updated.

Library events

Action Description
Library.AgentAdded Added agent {AgentName} to pool {AgentPoolName}.
Library.AgentDeleted Removed agent {AgentName} from pool {AgentPoolName}.
Library.AgentPoolCreated Created agent pool {AgentPoolName}.
Library.AgentPoolDeleted Deleted agent pool {AgentPoolName}.
Library.AgentsDeleted Removed multiple agents from pool {AgentPoolName}.
Library.ServiceConnectionCreated Created Service Connection "{ConnectionName}" of type {ConnectionType}.
Library.ServiceConnectionCreatedForMultipleProjects Created Service Connection "{ConnectionName}" of type {ConnectionType} for multiple projects.
Library.ServiceConnectionDeleted Deleted Service Connection "{ConnectionName}" of type {ConnectionType} from project {ResolveProjectId:ProjectId}.
Library.ServiceConnectionDeletedFromMultipleProjects Deleted Service Connection "{ConnectionName}" of type {ConnectionType} from multiple projects.
Library.ServiceConnectionForProjectModified Modified Service Connection "{ConnectionName}" in project {ResolveProjectId:ProjectId}.
Library.ServiceConnectionModified Modified Service Connection "{ConnectionName}" of type {ConnectionType}.
Library.ServiceConnectionPropertyChanged One or more properties of Service Connection "{ConnectionName}" of type {ConnectionType} were changed: IsDisabled = {IsDisabled}.
Library.ServiceConnectionShared Shared Service Connection "{ConnectionName}" of type {ConnectionType} with project {ResolveProjectId:ProjectId}.
Library.ServiceConnectionSharedWithMultipleProjects Shared Service Connection "{ConnectionName}" of type {ConnectionType} with multiple projects.
Library.VariableGroupCreated Created Variable Group "{VariableGroupName}" in project {ResolveProjectId:ProjectId}.
Library.VariableGroupCreatedForProjects Created Variable Group "{VariableGroupName}" for multiple projects.
Library.VariableGroupDeleted Deleted Variable Group "{VariableGroupName}" in project {ResolveProjectId:ProjectId}.
Library.VariableGroupDeletedFromProjects Deleted Variable Group "{VariableGroupName}" from multiple projects.
Library.VariableGroupModified Modified Variable Group "{VariableGroupName}" in project {ResolveProjectId:ProjectId}.
Library.VariableGroupModifiedForProjects Modified Variable Group "{VariableGroupName}" for multiple projects.

Licensing events

Action Description
Licensing.Assigned {AccessLevel} access level assigned to "{ResolveIdentity:UserIdentifier}" {Optional:Reason}.
Licensing.GroupRuleCreated New group rule for the "{ResolveIdentity:GroupIdentifier}" group assigning the {AccessLevel} access level was added to the organization.
Licensing.GroupRuleDeleted Group rule for the "{ResolveIdentity:GroupIdentifier}" group assigning the {AccessLevel} access level was removed.
Licensing.GroupRuleModified Group rule access level modified from {PreviousAccessLevel} to {AccessLevel} for "{ResolveIdentity:GroupIdentifier}" group.
Licensing.Modified Access level modified from {PreviousAccessLevel} to {AccessLevel} for "{ResolveIdentity:UserIdentifier}" {Optional:Reason}.
Licensing.Removed {AccessLevel} access level removed from "{ResolveIdentity:UserIdentifier}".

Organization events

Action Description
Organization.Create Organization {OrganizationName} was created in {PreferredRegion} region.
Organization.LinkToAAD Organization {OrganizationName} was linked to Microsoft Entra tenant {AADTenant}.
Organization.UnlinkFromAAD Organization {OrganizationName} was unlinked from Microsoft Entra tenant.
Organization.Update.Delete Organization {OrganizationName} was deleted.
Organization.Update.ForceUpdateOwner Organization owner was changed from {OldOwnerName} to {NewOwnerName}. Reason specified by actor "{ForceUpdateReason}".
Organization.Update.Owner Organization owner was changed from {OldOwnerName} to {NewOwnerName}.
Organization.Update.Rename Organization {OldOrganizationName} was renamed to {NewOrganizationName}.
Organization.Update.Restore Organization {OrganizationName} was restored successfully.

OrganizationPolicy events

Action Description
OrganizationPolicy.EnforcePolicyAdded Enforced policy {EnforcePolicyName} was added.
OrganizationPolicy.EnforcePolicyRemoved Enforced policy {EnforcePolicyName} was removed.
OrganizationPolicy.PolicyValueUpdated Policy {PolicyName} was changed to {PolicyValue}.

Pipelines events

Action Description
Pipelines.DeploymentJobCompleted Deployment for run "{RunName}" on pipeline "{PipelineName}" to environment "{EnvironmentName}" {DeploymentResult}.
Pipelines.PipelineCreated Created pipeline "{PipelineName}" in project {ResolveProjectId:ProjectId}.
Pipelines.PipelineDeleted Deleted pipeline "{PipelineName}" in project {ResolveProjectId:ProjectId}.
Pipelines.PipelineModified Modified pipeline "{PipelineName}" in project {ResolveProjectId:ProjectId}.
Pipelines.PipelineRetentionSettingChanged Pipelines retention "{SettingName}" changed from {OldValue} to {NewValue} in {ProjectName} project.
Pipelines.ResourceAuthorizedForPipeline Successfully authorized {ResourceType} resource {ResourceId} for pipeline ID {PipelineId}.
Pipelines.ResourceAuthorizedForProject Successfully authorized {ResourceType} resource {ResourceId} for the project.
Pipelines.ResourceNotAuthorizedForPipeline Didn't authorize {ResourceType} resource {ResourceId} for pipeline ID {PipelineId}. The resource doesn't exist or the user doesn't have permission.
Pipelines.ResourceNotAuthorizedForProject Didn't authorize {ResourceType} resource {ResourceId} for the project. The resource doesn't exist or the user doesn't have permission.
Pipelines.ResourceUnauthorizedForPipeline Successfully unauthorized {ResourceType} resource {ResourceId} for pipeline ID {PipelineId}.
Pipelines.ResourceUnauthorizedForProject Successfully unauthorized {ResourceType} resource {ResourceId} for the project.
Pipelines.RunRetained Pipeline run "{RunName}" in project {ResolveProjectId:ProjectId} granted lease ID {RetentionLeaseId} to {RetentionOwnerId}.
Pipelines.RunUnretained Pipeline run "{RunName}" in project {ResolveProjectId:ProjectId} no longer retained.
Pipelines.ProjectSettings Pipelines setting "{SettingName}" changed from "{OldValue}" to "{NewValue}" in "{ProjectName}" project.
Pipelines.OAuthConfigurationCreated Created OAuth configuration '{ConfigName}' for '{SourceType}'.
Pipelines.OAuthConfigurationDeleted Updated OAuth configuration '{ConfigName}' for '{SourceType}'.
Pipelines.OAuthConfigurationUpdated Deleted OAuth configuration '{ConfigName}' for '{SourceType}'.
Pipelines.OrganizationSettings Pipelines setting "{SettingName}" changed from "{OldValue}" to "{NewValue}" at organization level.

Policy events

Action Description
Policy.PolicyConfigCreated Created {PolicyTypeDisplayName} policy in project {ResolveProjectId:ProjectId}.
Policy.PolicyConfigModified Modified {PolicyTypeDisplayName} policy in project {ResolveProjectId:ProjectId}.
Policy.PolicyConfigRemoved Removed {PolicyTypeDisplayName} policy in project {ResolveProjectId:ProjectId}.

Process events

Action Description
Process.Behavior.Add Work item type "{WorkItemTypeReferenceName}" created and portfolio backlog "{BehaviorName}" created.
Process.Behavior.Create Portfolio backlog "{BehaviorName}" created for process "{ProcessName}".
Process.Behavior.Delete Portfolio backlog "{BehaviorName}" deleted for process "{ProcessName}".
Process.Behavior.Edit Portfolio backlog "{BehaviorName}" edited for process "{ProcessName}".
Process.Behavior.Remove Portfolio backlog "{BehaviorReferenceName}" removed from work item type.
Process.Behavior.Update Portfolio backlog "{BehaviorName}" changed for {WorkItemTypeReferenceName}.
Process.Control.Create Control "{ControlLabel}" created for work item type "{WorkItemTypeReferenceName}" in process "{ProcessName}".
Process.Control.CreateWithoutLabel Control created for work item type "{WorkItemTypeReferenceName}" in process "{ProcessName}".
Process.Control.Delete A control was deleted for work item type "{WorkItemTypeReferenceName}" in process "{ProcessName}".
Process.Control.Update Control "{ControlLabel}" updated for work item type "{WorkItemTypeReferenceName}" in process "{ProcessName}".
Process.Field.Add Field "{FieldReferenceName}" created on work item type "{WorkItemTypeReferenceName}" in process "{ProcessName}".
Process.Field.Create Field "{FieldName}" created for process "{ProcessName}".
Process.Field.Delete Field "{FieldReferenceName}" deleted.
Process.Field.Edit Field "{FieldName}" edited for process "{ProcessName}".
Process.Field.Remove Field "{FieldReferenceName}" removed from work item type "{WorkItemTypeReferenceName}" in process "{ProcessName}".
Process.Field.Update Field "{FieldReferenceName}" updated in work item type "{WorkItemTypeReferenceName}" in process "{ProcessName}".
Process.Group.Add New group "{GroupLabel}" added to {WorkItemTypeReferenceName} in process "{ProcessName}".
Process.Group.Update Group "{GroupLabel}" updated for work item type "{WorkItemTypeReferenceName}" in process "{ProcessName}".
Process.List.Create The picklist "{PicklistName}" was created.
Process.List.Delete The picklist "{PicklistName}" was deleted.
Process.List.ListAddValue Picklist value {PicklistValue} was added.
Process.List.ListRemoveValue Picklist value {PicklistValue} was removed.
Process.List.Update The picklist "{PicklistName}" was updated.
Process.Page.Add Page "{PageName}" added to work item type "{WorkItemTypeReferenceName}".
Process.Page.Delete Page "{PageName}" deleted from work item type "{WorkItemTypeReferenceName}".
Process.Page.Update Page "{PageName}" updated for work item type "{WorkItemTypeReferenceName}".
Process.Process.CloneXmlToInherited The process "{ParentProcessName}" was cloned to an inherited process called "{TargetProcessName}".
Process.Process.Delete Process "{ProcessName}" was set as deleted.
Process.Process.Edit Process with the name "{OldProcessName}" was modified, and has the following name {NewProcessInformation}.
Process.Process.EditWithoutNewInformation Process with the name "{OldProcessName}" was modified.
Process.Process.Import New process "{ProcessName}" was imported.
Process.Process.MigrateXmlToInherited Process for project "{ProjectName}" was changed from "{OldProcess}" to "{NewProcess}".
Process.Rule.Add Rule "{RuleName}" added to "{WorkItemReferenceName}" for process "{ProcessName}".
Process.Rule.Delete Rule "{RuleName}" deleted from "{WorkItemTypeReferenceName}" for process "{ProcessName}".
Process.Rule.Update Rule "{RuleName}" updated in "{WorkItemTypeReferenceName}" for process "{ProcessName}".
Process.State.Create State "{StateName}" added to "{WorkItemTypeReferenceName}" in process "{ProcessName}".
Process.State.Delete State "{StateName}" deleted from "{WorkItemTypeReferenceName}" in process "{ProcessName}".
Process.State.Update State "{StateName}" updated in "{WorkItemTypeReferenceName}" in process "{ProcessName}".
Process.SystemControl.Update SystemControl "{ControlId}" updated in "{WorkItemTypeReferenceName}" for process "{ProcessName}".
Process.WorkItemType.Create New work item type "{WorkItemTypeName}" created for process "{ProcessName}".
Process.WorkItemType.Delete Work item type "{WorkItemTypeReferenceName}" deleted from process "{ProcessName}".
Process.WorkItemType.Update Work item type "{WorkItemTypeReferenceName}" updated for process "{ProcessName}".

Project events

Action Description
Project.AreaPath.Create Area path "{Path}" was created.
Project.AreaPath.Delete Area path "{Path}" was deleted.
Project.AreaPath.Update Area path "{Path}" was updated.
Project.CreateCompleted Project {ProjectName} was created successfully.
Project.CreateFailed Project {ProjectName} failed to be created.
Project.CreateQueued Project {ProjectName} creation was started.
Project.DeleteCompleted Project {ProjectName} was {ProjectDeleteType} deleted successfully.
Project.DeleteFailed Project {ProjectName} failed to be deleted.
Project.DeleteQueued Project {ProjectName} deletion was started.
Project.HardDeleteCompleted {PreviousProjectName} project was hard deleted successfully.
Project.HardDeleteFailed {PreviousProjectName} project failed to be deleted.
Project.HardDeleteQueued {PreviousProjectName} project deletion was started.
Project.RestoreCompleted Project {ResolveProjectId:ProjectId} was restored successfully.
Project.RestoreQueued Project {ResolveProjectId:ProjectId} restore was started.
Project.SoftDeleteCompleted {PreviousProjectName} project was soft deleted successfully.
Project.SoftDeleteFailed {PreviousProjectName} project failed to be deleted.
Project.SoftDeleteQueued {PreviousProjectName} project deletion was started.
Project.UpdateRenameCompleted Rename for project {PreviousProjectName} to {ProjectName} was successful.
Project.UpdateRenameQueued Rename for project {PreviousProjectName} to {ProjectName} was started.
Project.UpdateVisibilityCompleted Project {ResolveProjectId:ProjectId} visibility change from {PreviousProjectVisibility} to {ProjectVisibility} was successful.
Project.UpdateVisibilityQueued Project {ResolveProjectId:ProjectId} visibility change from {PreviousProjectVisibility} to {ProjectVisibility} was started.
Project.IterationPath.Create IterationPath {Path} has been created.
Project.IterationPath.Update IterationPath {Path} has been updated.
Project.IterationPath.Delete IterationPath {Path} has been deleted.
Project.Process.Modify Process for project {ResolveProjectId:ProjectId} was changed from {OldProcessName} to {ProcessName}.
Project.Process.ModifyWithoutOldProcess Process for project {ResolveProjectId:ProjectId} was changed to {ProcessName}.

Release events

Action Description
Release.ApprovalCompleted {ApprovalType} approval for deployment of release "{ReleaseName}" to stage "{StageName}" was {ApprovalResult} in Project {ResolveProjectId:ProjectId}.
Release.ApprovalsCompleted Multiple {ApprovalType} approvals for deployment of release "{ReleaseName}" have been {ApprovalResult} in Project {ResolveProjectId:ProjectId}.
Release.DeploymentCompleted Deployment of release "{ReleaseName}" on pipeline "{PipelineName}" to "{StageName}" in Project {ResolveProjectId:ProjectId} was {DeploymentResult}.
Release.DeploymentsCompleted Deployments of multiple stages of release "{ReleaseName}" on pipeline "{PipelineName}" were {DeploymentResult} in Project {ResolveProjectId:ProjectId}.
Release.ReleaseCreated Created release "{ReleaseName}" of Release Pipeline "{PipelineName}" in Project {ResolveProjectId:ProjectId}.
Release.ReleaseDeleted Deleted release "{ReleaseName}" of Release Pipeline "{PipelineName}" in Project {ResolveProjectId:ProjectId}.
Release.ReleasePipelineCreated Release Pipeline "{PipelineName}" created in Project {ResolveProjectId:ProjectId}.
Release.ReleasePipelineDeleted Release Pipeline "{PipelineName}" deleted in Project {ResolveProjectId:ProjectId}.
Release.ReleasePipelineModified Release Pipeline "{PipelineName}" modified in Project {ResolveProjectId:ProjectId}.

Security events

Action Description
Security.ModifyAccessControlLists Permission "{NamespaceName}{ChangedPermission}" was set to {PermissionModifiedTo} for {ResolveIdentity:SubjectDescriptor}.
Security.ModifyPermission Permission "{NamespaceName}{ChangedPermission}" was set to {PermissionModifiedTo} for {ResolveIdentity:SubjectDescriptor}.
Security.RemoveAccessControlLists All access control lists were removed on namespace {NamespaceName} on tokens {Tokens}.
Security.RemoveAllAccessControlLists {ResolveIdentity:ActorId} removed all Access Control Lists.
Security.RemoveIdentityACEs {ResolveIdentity:ActorId} removed an identity ACE.
Security.RemovePermission All permissions were removed for {ResolveIdentity:Identities} on namespace {NamespaceName} and token {Token}.
Security.ResetAccessControlLists {ResolveIdentity:ActorId} reset an access control list.
Security.ResetPermission All permissions for the namespace {NamespaceName} on {ResolveIdentity:SubjectDescriptor} were reset back to default.

Token events

Action Description
Token.PatCreateEvent Personal Access Token "{DisplayName}" was created.
Token.PatExpiredEvent Personal Access Token "{DisplayName}" expired.
Token.PatPublicDiscoveryEvent Personal Access Token "{DisplayName}" associated with user "{OwnerName}" was discovered in a public repository.
Token.PatRevokeEvent Personal Access Token "{DisplayName}" was revoked.
Token.PatSystemRevokeEvent Personal Access Token "{DisplayName}" associated with user "{OwnerName}" was revoked by the system.
Token.PatUpdateEvent Personal Access Token "{DisplayName}" was updated.
Token.SshCreateEvent SSH Key "{DisplayName}" was created.
Token.SshRevokeEvent SSH Key "{DisplayName}" was revoked.
Token.SshUpdateEvent SSH Key "{DisplayName}" was updated.